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A Twist of Fate

Page 9

by Donna Raider

  “Looks like we have three weeks of hard practice ahead of us,” Mika noted.

  “I don’t know what I hate the most,” Leah nibbled at her wife’s neck, “you being away at night to practice or the thought of those women rubbing all over you at the concert. They throw their underwear at you,” she added disgustedly. “Harlots.”

  Mika laughed. “If it makes you feel any better, school is out for Christmas so we can practice during the day.”

  “Much better,” Leah kissed her.

  CHAPTER 5 - Elvis Has Left the Building

  They checked the boys and everyone else from their town into the Park Central Hotel. Leah and Mika stayed in their penthouse for privacy. Emily had insisted on a private room next to Richie and Isaac. Amber and Ruth were in the room on the other side of the two boys. Leah felt safe with so many people keeping an eye on her son.

  They had arrived four days early to give everyone a chance to explore New York. Mrs. Worth had arranged a private ferry to take the tourists to the Statue of Liberty. Mika and Leah enjoyed Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty since they missed it on their first trip. Mrs. Worth had arranged dinner for everyone at Ellen’s Stardust Diner located on Times Square. Ruth was especially interested in the singing waiters, waitresses, and the 1950’s nostalgia décor. It gave her some ideas for Naomi’s Diner.

  On their second night there, Mrs. Worth had arranged a private showing of Lion King, which the town folks loved. Mika and Leah enjoyed the musical and sharing the festivities with their son and Amber, who were squealing like kids over the production.

  Mrs. Worth organized buses to take everyone to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls for the day. Of course, Leah had to make certain everyone had passports. The teenagers loved the carnival atmosphere and all the sideshows and fun houses that lined the streets surrounding the falls. The older travelers were enthralled with the falls. Everyone was in awe of the Maid of the Mist ride under the falls. Mika and Leah skipped the trip to the falls, choosing instead to have a nice quiet, enjoyable day together. It wasn’t exactly quiet but it was enjoyable.

  The band had rehearsed every morning since their arrival, but Friday was the real buckle down and workday. Their lead singer showed up, and they did a complete dress rehearsal with Leah’s guards providing security. The guards were certainly needed. Word had gotten out that the singer would be on premise Friday and throngs had descended on the Music Hall seeking a peek. Of course, no one got past the queen’s guards.

  As the performance time drew near, the crowd outside the Music Hall grew larger. Every seat in the house was filled, and people were still trying to get in. A New York Police Crowd Control Unit showed up and began setting up crowd control barriers. Metal stanchions were used to push the crowd back from the theater.

  A police captain stormed into the Music Hall demanding to see the person in charge of security for the concert. Leah immediately introduced herself. Smiling her most dazzling smile, she assured the captain they had security and were just waiting to be told to deploy it.

  “Now is the time, Madam Mayor,” the captain smiled warmly at the petite woman who spoke so demurely.

  “Once my men deploy, Captain,” no one will be able to get into the Hall. Is that okay?” She asked.

  “Absolutely,” the captain replied. “As soon as your men are in place, I will need to withdraw my unit. There is a riot in the financial district. Those damn, uh sorry Mayor, those darn “occupy” people are raising a ruckus. Wanting free beer or something equally as ridiculous.”

  “I believe my men are in place now,” Leah smiled. She followed the captain outside and rather enjoyed the look on his face as he surveyed the wall of warriors. They were impressive. All of them were over six feet tall and dressed in protective, garb from head to toe. Their large shields bore the white crest of the House of Anthal. The shields touched perfectly creating an impenetrable wall. Their dress and helmets were extremely intimidating “Does this meet with your approval, Captain?”

  The man nodded silently; the woman certainly had a theatrical flair. She waved her hand, and one guard stepped aside to allow the captain to leave the area they were protecting. The captain wondered what security agency the mayor had used.

  Leah took her seat, front row center between Ruth and Amber. Emily was backstage so she could lead the band to safety as soon as the curtains closed.

  The theater lights dimmed, then went to total darkness. The band began playing Don’t Be Cruel as the curtain slowly began to slide open. A spotlight highlighted a man in tight leather pants and a leather jacket. He began to shake his leg and move to the music. The crowd went wild. His wonderful baritone voice began rocking the Elvis hit, Don’t Be Cruel.

  As the second song Treat Me Nice began, he gyrated his way to the front of the stage and knelt to sing to his wife. The roar of the crowd was deafening as he stood up to move around the stage and sing to all sides of the audience.

  Leah was dying. Even as a man Mika was electrifying. Mika’s rugged sexuality ignited every cell in her body, and she felt her desire mounting quickly. The pure animal magnetism of Mika was overwhelming.

  “No offense, Leah” Ruth screamed in her ear, “but I would give anything to hit that.”

  The mayor glared at her friend, then realized her wife—who looked like Elvis—had the same effect on every woman in the theater.

  “None, taken,” Ruth, she screamed back, “I can’t wait to hit that.”

  Ruth’s eyes went wide in surprise; then she laughed at the mayor’s use of a phrase she often criticized her for using.

  Like every other woman in the Music Hall, Leah screamed and clapped, jumping to her feet when Mika rocked her body. During the two-hour performance, Ruth wolf whistled and howled. They were like a pair of horny groupies at a rock concert.

  Mika was undulating her way toward the front of the stage when a purple-laced bra hit her and landed on her arm. Raising her eyebrows and smiling devilishly, she slipped the bra into her pocket. The crowd screamed even louder.

  “Oh, my God,” Ruth squealed at Leah. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  Mika wrapped up the performance with the Elvis hit Any Way You Want Me . As she finished the song, she parted the guards, walked into the audience, and took her wife’s hand. She pulled Leah onto the stage and sang the last stanza to her:

  “Ladies and gentlemen, my beautiful wife,” Mika smiled at her as if she were the only person in the theater. She slipped Leah’s bra inside her jacket. “Don’t even bother putting it back on,” she grinned suggestively. They both bowed several times as they backed away from the front of the stage. Mika swept her hand toward the band, and the boys stood and bowed.

  As the curtain closed, Leah dragged Mika into the wings and kissed her with everything she had. Mika was certain she had never been kissed like that before. She wanted more.

  The crowd was becoming restless, screaming “Encore,” and stomping their feet.

  “Come on, you two,” Ruth yelled. “You can make out in the bus. We’ve got to get the kids out of here.”

  As they ran out the back door and climbed into the bus, the announcer’s voice boomed across the hall. “Ladies and gentlemen the Choir Boys have left the building.” As they turned onto a side street, Leah could see her army still protecting the building. She waved her hand, and her knights disappeared.

  “You are so hot,” Mika breathed into her ear, wanting to lay her down right there on the bus.

  “Me?” she whispered, “I still haven’t caught my breath from that performance.”

  “Are you guys celebrating with us tonight,” Ruth grinned wolfishly, “or are you going to dump us again?’

  Richie gave them a pleading look from the front of the bus, and his mother moaned into the priest’s shoulder.

  “We can’t go to the hotel yet,” Amber pointed out. “I’m sure there will be a crowd waiting there for the boys.”

  “I have to get out of these leather pants,” Mika cr
ied. “I’m dying.”

  “I’ll be happy to take them off you, darling,” Leah offered. The bus occupants started laughing. “I… I mean, oh, what the heck.” She waved her hand, and Mika’s attire became a pair of light-colored jeans and a light blue hoodie.

  “Oh,” thank you. That feels so much better.” Mika exhaled deeply.

  Leah bit her lip. She ran her hands through Mika’s hair. Her black hair became the blonde Leah loved, and the sideburns disappeared. “It’s good to have my beautiful wife back,” she sighed.

  “Can we go back to Ellen’s Diner?” The boys cried in unison. “We can sing along.”

  “Great idea,” Emily chimed in. She had hit it off with one of the waitresses and wanted to catch up with her again.

  “We can walk to our penthouse from there,” Mika breathed softly into Leah’s ear.

  “Is now too soon,” Mika grinned as the bus pulled up to the curb.

  “Get us a table,” Amber said, “I’ll park this in the hotel and catch a cab back.

  “No,” Leah said, recalling their encounter with the men during their previous trip. “Mika and I will take it back. It is too dangerous for a beautiful woman alone at night.”

  Amber smiled at her, “Thank you, for the concern and the compliment.”

  Mika slid into the driver’s seat and her wife climbed thru the bus to sit beside her. “I’m so going to make this a night you will never forget,” Leah promised.

  “Believe me, honey, I remember every detail of every night I’ve ever spent with you,” Mika murmured.

  Leah slowly raked her perfectly manicured nails from Mika’s knee, up her thigh, to the button on her jeans. As Mika pulled away from the curb, Leah slid down her zipper. It was all Mika could do to keep the bus moving. “Honey,” she begged, “please, I’m about to go blind. Just let me get this bus into the parking garage.” She finally parked the bus without wrecking it.

  Mika loudly groaned as she slid under Leah in the passenger seat. Mika knew the others were waiting for them but didn’t care. Leah was all that mattered.

  “Do you know what you do to me when you grind your way across that stage?” Leah softly moaned as she slid her skirt up to her waist and settled herself onto Mika’s lap. She gasped as Mika pulled her down against her, “Oh, God, Mika, yes! Please.”

  Leah devoured her lips, demanding entrance Mika freely granted. “I’ve got to have this,” she cried as Mika held her tightly. Their breaths came in ragged gasps as they moved together to please each other. Leah’s screams echoed throughout the parking garage, and Mika chanted her name.

  Leah slumped against Mika’s chest, spent for the time being. They both knew this was only the beginning. A quick fix for the desire raging within them.

  “Now, I think I can dine with our son and friends without embarrassing anyone.” Leah smiled as she kissed Mika slowly. “You have no idea how arousing your performances are.”

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” Mika whispered against her swollen lips. “I can’t…I just can’t … get enough of you.” She kissed her way down Leah’s neck to the top button on her blouse. Mika’s hand unbuttoned Leah’s blouse to expose more of her beautiful body. Leah inhaled sharply when Mika’s lips encircled her nipple and she gently caressed it with her tongue. Mika’s other hand was on her back, holding Leah firmly, allowing no escape from Mika’s demanding mouth and body.

  “Mika” Leah gasped her name sending a new fire through her. “Baby, I can’t. Oh, ah, Please, Mika. Please don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  She cried out Mika’s name repeatedly as if the very sound of it would bring her release and it did.

  Leah lay her head on Mika’s breast, and Mika kissed her hair. “I couldn’t believe you threw your bra on the stage,” she chuckled. “You’re just a wanton woman.”

  “I am, it’s true,” Leah whispered still trying to make her vocal cords work. “I just got caught up in the thrill of it all. You’re lucky I didn’t run up on stage and do to you what I was thinking.”

  “I assume that is what we are doing now,” Mika grinned, “and I love it.”

  Mika glanced at the clock on the dash. “We’ve been gone an hour. Can you make us look presentable and transport us to the diner?”


  Everyone was halfway through their meal when Mika and Leah arrived. “I ordered for you,” Richie smiled, “so you could eat with us.”

  Mika silently thanked their son for being so intuitive.

  Ruth’s eyes narrowed as the couple entered Ellen’s Diner. “You’re so bad,” she whispered in Leah’s ear. “So, so, bad.”

  “I was just getting my bra back,” the mayor said softly, grinning mischievously.

  “Oh, yeah, she’s got that loved on look,” Emily growled to Amber.

  Richie hoped the other boys wouldn’t notice how radiant his mother was. He knew that look. He had to admit he had never seen it on anyone else. Hopefully, it was just a look magic queens got when they were happy.

  As they talked and laughed, the waitresses realized who the boys were. “Where is your lead singer,” one of them asked.

  “He was pretty tired,” Richie laughed. “He’s an old guy. Has trouble keeping up with us.” Everyone at the table joined into Richie’s laughter.

  Much to the other diners’ delight some of the singing servers talked the boys into singing with them. After about an hour of entertaining Ellen’s patrons, Leah suggested they call it a night. “The boys have another performance tomorrow night,” she reminded the adults.

  Emily put her arm around Richie’s shoulders. “Richie and I are going to check out Time Square,” she declared, “then we’ll be back at the hotel.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Leah smiled impatiently. “He needs to get some rest.”

  “Come on, Madam Mayor,” Emily whined, “do you always have to be a wet blanket?”

  “Why don’t we all go,” Mika suggested.

  “You know,” Emily snapped. “I know my way around New York, and I want some alone time with my son. We don’t want your company.”

  “It’s okay, Mom,” Richie took Leah’s hand. He could see the anger building in her deep brown eyes. “I’ll just go with her for a few minutes then get back to the hotel. We’ll be okay.”

  Amber and Ruth took the other boys back to the hotel. Mika and Leah returned to their penthouse.

  For Leah, watching Mika perform was like an aphrodisiac.

  For Mika, performing was an incredible adrenaline high, from which only her wife could bring her down.

  They always seemed to make the nighttime their time. The time when they shared actions and whispered words only lovers share. Mika satiated her desire for her, and Leah drained the adrenaline from Mika’s system until they lay gasping for air, trying to calm the heart beating in their chest.

  They fell asleep as the cloudy day welcomed the city with the beginning of a light snow.

  A phone call from Marcus roused them a little before noon. Leah answered, turning on the speakerphone. “Don’t forget dress rehearsal at one today,” he said cheerily. “Also, after the show tonight, we have a VIP reception upstairs. It would be a tremendous favor to me if all of you could be there, especially your lead singer. Some very supportive patrons want to meet all of you.”

  “Yes, we can do that,” Leah agreed. “We will need to post our security wherever the band goes.

  “No problem. I have arranged for a private dressing room for your star and one for the boys, so they can change clothes before appearing at the reception. I’m sure that leather gets hot after a couple of hours on stage.” Marcus added. “I don’t suppose you would consider a Sunday matinee performance. I could sell it out tonight.”

  “No,” Leah laughed. “We want to get back home.” She thanked him for arranging for the dressing rooms and then hung up the phone.

  Mika raised an eyebrow, surprised that Leah had agreed to the reception. “After tonight we will be through with
all this,” Leah smiled. “It’s the least we can do considering we almost ruined the man’s career. If you hadn’t helped him, I think he would be a suicide by now.”

  “Umm,” Mika teased as she kissed her, “and everyone told me you were evil.”

  “Not evil,” Leah grinned salaciously, “just very, very bad, but only for you.”


  At two minutes of one, Leah transported them behind the backstage curtain of the Music Hall. They both wore jeans and stylish jackets. “Wow, you always make me look good,” Mika laughed, checking out her jacket and shirt.

  Mika watched her walk away. “Oh, but you look gorgeous.” She caught Leah before she stepped from behind the curtain and pulled her back against her breasts. “What you do to a pair of jeans is almost criminal,” Mika whispered into her ear, inhaling the scent of Leah that always made her heart stutter. Leah turned in Mika’s arms, changed her hair, added the sideburns and dressed her in leather. “I forgot it is a dress rehearsal. I’m going to sit out front,” she kissed Mika quickly and walked away.

  Leah took the seat she always occupied during Mika’s performances, front row, center. A Music Hall employee quickly approached her and informed her she wasn’t allowed to watch the rehearsal. Without a word, her glare sent the employee scurrying off into the dark recesses of the theater. You simply don’t confront some women , he thought.

  After rehearsal, Leah joined her wife and son backstage. “I thought we might all go to a late lunch together,” she smiled at Richie.

  “I would love to do that, Mom,” the boy grinned as he hugged her and quickly kissed her on the cheek. He is getting tall , Leah thought.

  “Give me just a minute,” Mika begged. “I’ve got to get out of these pants. Whose idea was the leather anyway?”

  “I’ll give you a hand, dear,” Leah smiled as she slipped her arm through Mika’s.

  “Ten minutes, Mom. No more,” Richie raised his eyebrows.

  They slipped into the dressing room. “This is nice and clean,” Leah surveyed the room that had been provided for her wife.


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