Book Read Free

A Twist of Fate

Page 13

by Donna Raider

  “As I recall,” the mayor raked her white teeth across her full bottom lip, “I was the aggressor last night.”

  “But I should have…”

  “Denied me,” Leah leaned toward her wife. “I don’t think so.”

  “Thank heaven tonight is the last night of the budget week,” Mika grimaced. “You can sleep all weekend. Richie and I will do all the cooking and cleaning.”

  “You definitely know the way to a woman’s heart,” Leah laughed. “What do you have planned for this afternoon?”

  “As you know, I’m on your agenda tonight about the women’s shelter,” the priest reminded her. “I think I’m the last item on the agenda, so I have no idea what time to be there.”

  “We are starting at three today,” Leah frowned. “The last night is always the longest night. We will take a quick dinner break around seven, then work until we finish. Maybe you could have dinner with me and then sit in on the rest of the meeting.”

  “That will work out perfectly,” Mika smiled. “I have a meeting with Gloria at four. Then I can meet you for dinner.”


  Mika was sitting in the diner when the council members began straggling in. Legion arrived before anyone else and spied the priest sitting alone. He swaggered to Mika’s booth and sat down. As he had done every time, he had encountered the priest, he sniffed, but could find no evidence of magic. The witch was indeed growing more powerful on her own.

  “Mr. Legion, to what do I owe this honor?” Mika scowled.

  “I just wanted to say that I am so sorry you and your wife are unable to have children,” the imp simpered.

  “Those things happen,” Mika shrugged. “It really isn’t any of your business. Honestly, I can’t imagine being any happier. Leah and Richie are the only family I need.”

  “Oh, every woman wants her own children. You know the fruit of one’s loins and all that. I could help,” the slimy man leaned toward Mika. “I have my ways.”

  “Magic, you mean?” the priest shook her head no. “I believe you are the one that always says magic comes with a price. I shudder to think what the price would be for a child.”

  “Well, not always,” Legion’s words slithered from his lips.

  “I am a woman of God,” Mika smiled humbly. “I don’t engage in magic.”

  “And yet you are married to the most powerful witch in the entire universe,” Legion declared mockingly.

  “Yes, well, she has her ways, and I have mine,” the priest nodded. “I feel confident she can do anything you can do.”

  The doorbell announced the entrance of the council members. Darkness covered Leah’s face as she saw Legion sitting with her wife.

  “Legion, I believe you are sitting in my place,” she growled at the man. “Why are you talking to my wife?”

  “My, my, lovey, aren’t we touchy tonight,” Legion smirked. “I was just telling Priest Mika how lucky she is to be married to the most powerful witch in the universe.”

  “My wife is none of your concern,” Leah bent to eye level with the imp, “Don’t ever approach my wife again. Do you understand me? Now move.”

  When Legion gave no indication of moving from their booth, Leah waved her hand, and he suddenly found himself transported to a chair outside on the cold patio. No one should be able to do that to me , he thought. Enforcing his contract with her might be more difficult than he’d thought.

  “What did he want?” Leah demanded as she slid into the booth.

  “To help us have a baby.”

  Leah glared at her wife. “What did you say?”

  “I told him I was sure you could do anything he could do,” Mika almost cringed at the look of despair in Leah’s eyes. “I know that is entirely your call, and I am okay with that. Here isn’t the place for this discussion anyway.”

  “There is nothing to discuss,” Leah snapped.

  “I ordered the chicken stew for us,” Mika changed the subject. “It smells great.”

  “I…” Leah hesitated. “Nothing in this world would make me happier than to have our baby. I just can’t.”

  “Hey,” Mika caught Leah’s shaking hands in hers, “It’s okay. I’ve told you before. It’s not a deal breaker,” she smiled her sincerest smile. “You and Richie are enough for me.”

  “Hot stew is coming up,” Ruth served them while Naomi took care of the rest of the council. “Where did Legion go?”

  The couple shrugged and picked up their spoons.

  “The last week of next month is the bowling tournament,” Mika grinned at her wife, as Leah tormented her with spoon antics. “Everyone is going to be trying to take the trophy away from us.”

  “Just let them try,” Leah grinned, thankful that Mika always seemed to understand her, even if she didn’t know what was going on.


  The final segment of the council meeting went quickly. Legion didn’t show up for the final items. Mika presented her request that the council consider establishing a women’s shelter. She noted that the church would provide half the cost of the construction if the city could pay the other half.

  “We’re housing two battered women at the church, and I know Mother Superior is housing five, with children, at the convent. Neither of us has the facilities to adequately care for women and children,” the priest pointed out.

  “I’m sure the town folks will help us with the actual construction,” she added.

  “Amen, to that sister,” Levi commented. “I move we accept Mika’s proposal and approve the funds to build the shelter.”

  “I second,” Mother Superior added.

  The item passed five to one, with Delilah still whining that a bird sanctuary was needed more than a women’s shelter.


  True to her word, Mika had insisted that her wife simply lay in her arms and go to sleep. “There’s something else I’d rather do,” Leah whispered as she snuggled into the warmth of her.

  “Just be still,” Mika chuckled. She gently stroked Leah’s back and soon heard the sounds of soft slumber as she relaxed.


  Mika awoke first the next morning and slid silently from their bed. She knew Leah would chastise her for leaving her alone in their bed, but she wanted to put on some coffee and cook breakfast for her.

  Mika was pouring a cup of coffee when Richie joined her. “I have hot cocoa, too,” Mika grinned at her son.

  “You are the best,” Richie laughed as Mika added whipped cream to Richie’s favorite drink. “Where’s Mom?”

  “Sleeping,” the priest answered. “Budget week always takes a lot out of her. She’s exhausted. How was band practice last night?”

  “We broke up early,” Richie shrugged. “You know Isaac’s dad remarried about two years ago. The lady that owned the dry cleaner. You officiated their wedding.”

  “I remember,” Mika nodded. “Nice folks. I liked her from the second day I arrived here. She dry-cleaned my clergy outfits in one day.”

  “They had their baby last night,” the boy said in awe. “Mika, he is tiny. Isaac and Mary are excited. We stopped band rehearsal when she went to the hospital. Isaac’s dad was so out of it. We all went with him just to make sure he lived through the delivery. I was hoping we could visit them in the hospital today.”

  “Of course,” the priest smiled. “I need to bless him.”

  The boy tentatively eyed Mika. “Are you and Mom planning on having any children?” he asked shyly.

  “Would you be okay with that?” the priest asked her son, sincerely concerned with how the boy would feel about a sibling.

  “Oh, Mika,” Richie’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, “I would so love to be a big brother. I could take him everywhere with me if I had a car. I could teach him the things you have taught me, and…”

  “Whoa,” Mika laughed. “What if it is a girl?”

  Richie’s feature’s softened, and his smile spread wider. “That would be even better. She would be a little princess. You know, Mom is
a queen. I would never let my sister touch the ground,” the boy laughed delightedly.

  “I don’t know,” the priest said thoughtfully. “Your mom and I have never discussed having children.”

  “You shouldn’t have to discuss it,” Richie frowned. “It should just happen. I can’t believe it hasn’t happened already, the way you two…” the boy’s words trailed off as he realized he was getting way to personal.

  “I just hope it happens before I have to go away to college,” Richie looked down at the floor. “I just want my baby brother or baby sister to know me.”

  Richie sipped his cocoa. “I didn’t mean to be personal or disrespectful,” he said softly. “But can you even begin to imagine how your children would look. Mom is gorgeous and you are very beautiful. They will look like miniature gods.”

  Mika nodded her head but said nothing. She didn’t want to tell the boy that she would love to have a baby girl that looked like her wife.

  “Um Richie, you do know that your mom and I are both women?” Mika pointed out.

  “Yeah, I know,” Richie grinned. “But with Mom being a witch and you having a direct line with God, surely you can think of something.”

  Leah stood outside the entry to the kitchen, pondering the conversation between her wife and son. Having a baby terrified her for many reasons.

  “Good morning,” Leah brightly smiled as she swept into the kitchen. “Were you going to let me sleep all day?” She kissed the top of her son’s head and placed a lingering kiss on her wife’s lips. She had showered and dressed in a pair of tight black jeans and a white silk blouse. The two top buttons were unbuttoned. Her hair and makeup were perfect. Mika wondered if Leah knew how truly beautiful she was.

  “I was just about to start breakfast,” Mika grinned. She slid a cup of hot coffee toward Leah and motioned for her to sit down at the counter. “You enjoy your first cup of coffee while Chef Mika cooks you the best breakfast you ever ate.”

  Richie took the dishes and silverware to the dining room table. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and nodded toward his parents if they wanted some. They opted for coffee.

  “Mom,” Richie couldn’t keep the excitement out of his voice, “Isaac has a new baby brother. Mika said we could see him at the hospital today.”

  “That is nice, dear,” Leah said nonchalantly, holding out her cup so her wife could refill it. “What time will you be going?”

  “I thought we would all go after breakfast,” Mika answered.

  “Yes,” Richie fisted the air. “I can’t wait to see him. Do you think they will let me hold him? I wonder what they named him.”

  Mika laughed out loud at her son’s enthusiasm and his machine-gunned questions. “We’ll see.” She grinned. “Don’t forget we need to bowl a couple of games sometime today. Next month is our big tournament, so we need to bowl two or three times a week until then.”

  After breakfast, Richie shooed his parents from the kitchen insisting that he would clean up since Mika had cooked.

  “I am going to take a quick shower,” Mika said as she headed toward the stairs. She turned to make certain Leah was following her.

  “I will be up soon, darling,” Leah smiled. “I want to visit with our son for a few minutes. It seems like forever since we’ve talked.”

  Richie regaled her with the story of how scared and befuddled Isaac’s Dad had been at the hospital. “The doctor was more concerned with him than his wife.”

  “Dr. Strand said they had never lost a father during delivery, but Isaac’s dad might be the first.” The boy laughed as he described the wide-eyed expression on the man’s face when Dr. Strand placed his newborn son in his arms.

  The two talked and laughed as they waited for Mika.


  “Ready to go,” Mika leaned down and kissed her wife softly. “Did you two solve all the problems of our town while I was gone?” Her eyes twinkled as she looked at her family.

  “You two go ahead,” Leah frowned. “I’m still recovering from budget week.”

  “Mom, you have to go. Richie pleaded. “You’re the mayor. They will be so honored to have you visit them. You know how people fawn over you,” the boy rolled his eyes, pretending he couldn’t understand the town folks’ infatuation with his gorgeous Mother. Then he grinned, “Besides, it’s Isaac and Mary’s new baby brother. It will mean a lot to them.”

  “Okay,” Leah nodded, worrying her lower lip with her teeth.

  “Grab our bowling bags and we can go to the alley after we leave the hospital,” Mika instructed her son.

  When Richie disappeared from the room, the priest gently embraced her wife. “So unbelievably gorgeous,” she whispered as she leaned down to kiss Leah’s soft, full lips.

  “Ew! Is that all you guys do?” Richie teased, knowing the answer was, yes .


  When they entered the hospital, there seemed to be an emergency in progress. “Take her into ICU, now,” Dr. Strand screamed to his nurses.

  Leah caught a nurse who seemed to be gawking helplessly. “What’s going on?” she demanded.

  “Mary,” the nurse cried. “It looks like he may have killed her this time. Apparently, he hit her in the chest with his fist and her heart just stopped.”

  “What?” Leah turned to her wife. “Isn’t she the young woman that has been taking refuge at the convent?”

  Mika nodded and followed the gurney carrying the woman’s lifeless form into the ICU unit. She watched as Strand and three nurses examined the woman.

  “Get the defibrillator,” Strand moved faster than Mika had ever seen the doctor move.

  The priest grabbed her wife’s hand. “Stay close to me,” she whispered.

  Strand charged the paddles and yelled, “Clear.” The shock jolted the young woman’s body but didn’t start her heart. The distraught doctor tried twice more, then closed his eyes and bowed his head. Leah had never realized how much Strand cared about his patients until she saw the look of defeat on the man’s face.

  Mika pulled her wife to the woman’s bedside. She dropped to her knees and began to pray. “You can help her,” she looked up at her wife.

  Leah placed her hands on the young woman and called upon all the strength she had to start the woman’s heart beating. The girl gasped, and her eyes fluttered open. “Time for your magic, Dr. Strand,” the mayor grimaced, moving out of the way so the medical team could finish their job.

  Richie had watched in awe as his parents brought Mary back to life. Mother Superior was gripping the boy’s hand as she witnessed the town’s power couple gave a completely new meaning to the word power.

  “What happened to her?” the priest approached Mother Superior.

  “Max, he just stormed the convent like a mad man,” Mother Superior frowned. “Before we could stop him, he dragged her out onto the lawn and commenced to beat her with his fist. By the time the sheriff arrived, he was on his knees rocking Mary in his arms, begging for her forgiveness. I thought she was dead. Samson handcuffed Max to a tree and the sheriff brought Mary here.”

  “Thank God, everyone’s quick action saved her life,” the priest crossed herself.

  “I believe Leah saved her,” Mother Superior bowed her head to the former queen. “I didn’t realize that raising the dead was within your power.”

  “She wasn’t dead,” Leah smiled at her son and nodded to Mother Superior. “Let’s see that new baby,”

  Isaac and Mary were thrilled to have the mayor and priest visit their family. Mika held the baby and asked if Richie could hold him. Richie looked as if someone had placed the most wonderful thing in the world in his arms. He shook his head in wonder.

  Richie held the tiny baby out to his mother. Leah shook her head, no and walked from the room.


  The Cross family decided to eat at the diner before going bowling. When they entered the establishment, loud applause welcomed their arrival.

  “So now you are raising the dead, my dear?” L
egion raised a quizzical eyebrow at Leah as the family walked past his table.

  “Hardly,” the mayor said wearily. “The girl had a faint pulse. We simply prayed for her.”

  “I am sure the town folks feel so safe with you and the priest being so vigilant,” a smarmy smile crossed the pawnbroker’s face as the couple walked past him.

  “May I play in the game arcade until our order is ready?” Richie asked as his parents slid into their booth.

  Of course, sweetheart,” his mother smiled.

  “I am so glad the council voted to fund the women’s shelter.” The mayor laid her hand on top of her wife’s hand.

  “It’s long overdue,” Mika nodded. “We’ve been helping Mary for almost six months.”

  Leah tilted her head in that way that made Mika’s stomach lurch. “I didn’t realize that. Can you give me the background on her?” The queen was afraid that she had made a mistake in matching Mary and Max when they appeared in New Judah. She knew Mary had been a shepherdess and Max had been a soldier. They owned the local pet shop and seemed to be crazy about one another.

  The priest seemed to be weighing the information her wife had requested. She couldn’t share anything that she had heard in confession but finally decided that, between the hospital’s and sheriff’s records, everything was public record.

  “Do you remember the night I was called to the hospital and couldn’t attend the city council meeting?” Mika reminisced.

  “Yes, I missed you terribly.”

  “Emily had taken the call and found Mary bleeding and unconscious in her home. Max had run off. Emily rushed her to the hospital, and Dr. Strand took care of her. After she was released, Mother Superior took her to the convent where she stayed for about a week.” Mika looked down at her hands. “Max turned himself into the sheriff the next day. He was crying and extremely distraught that he had hurt his wife. Mary refused to press charges against him, so Emily had no recourse but to release him.”

  “But he continued his violent behavior,” Leah said intuitively.

  “About three months later there was a repeat of the incident.” The priest avoided her wife’s gaze. “Mary has been at the convent ever since. Dr. David has been counseling Max individually and both as a couple, but Mary is still afraid to go home with Max. Apparently, this has been going on for over thirty years. Max is insanely jealous. Mary has never given him any reason to be. When a customer comes into the shop and talks to Mary about a pet, Max immediately thinks they are making a pass at her. Once they get home, he accuses her of all kinds of irrational things. Their arguments usually end with him…” The priest seemed to have trouble continuing her story.


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