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A Twist of Fate

Page 28

by Donna Raider

  Mika began to descend to earth, landing gently on the forward deck of their boat. She dropped to her hands and knees so Leah could dismount. She then stood her wings disappearing into her back.

  “Now I have another exciting vision of you on your knees before me,” Leah teased, tiptoeing to kiss Mika’s lips.

  “Tell me, Your Majesty, do you have a preference?” Mika smiled smugly.

  “As a matter of fact, I do, slave,” she caught Mika’s hand and led her below deck. “Come, I’ll show you.”


  When Leah awoke, Mika was still sleeping soundly. She slid slowly from their bed and walked to the refrigerator for a bottle of water. She was parched. She took Mika a bottle of water. Reluctant to wake her, Leah settled in the chair by their bed and watched Mika sleep, one of her favorite pastimes.

  Even in her sleep, she sensed Leah was not in her arms. As Mika’s hand searched Leah’s side of the bed and found it empty, her eyes opened, looking for her. When she met brown eyes, she smiled. Mika sat up leaning back on the headboard. “Why are you over there?”

  “I brought you some water, but decided to let you sleep,” Leah held out the bottle.

  Mika drained the bottle then leaned back, staring at her. Leah wore a swimsuit with a T-shirt pulled over it. “Want to go swimming?” Mika asked.

  “I thought we might,” Leah grinned. “Just in case, someone asked us what we did on our vacation.”

  Mika pulled on a swimsuit and followed her into the galley. She caught Leah’s hand. “You do know this is our last day alone, don’t you?” She kissed her softly.

  “I’m trying not to think about that,” Leah frowned, slipping from her arms.

  “I thought we might spend the day—”

  Leah interrupted her. “Slaves aren’t allowed to think,” she laughed as she ran up top.

  “I’ll show you what slaves are allowed to do,” Mika yelled running after her. When she reached the deck, Leah was nowhere in sight. She quickly scanned the water to make certain she hadn’t jumped overboard.

  “Leah, honey, where are you?” concern edged Mika’s voice. “Honey, this isn’t funny. Where are you?”

  Mika quickly scanned the ship for her thoughts and found she was hiding behind the wheelhouse. Before Mika could react, Leah sprang at her, the force of her leap carrying them both overboard.

  As they sank deep into the ocean, Leah thought. If I had been the Vile One, you would be in trouble .

  Taking the offensive, brilliant lady, Mika responded grabbing her ankles and pulling her deeper into the ocean.

  Leah found herself in total darkness. Her sense of feel took over warning her of something circling her, coming closer and closer with each circle. Her initial reaction was to attack, but fearing it was her wife; she simply transported herself to the deck of their boat.

  Over an hour later Mika surfaced to find her on deck, sipping a Piña Colada. “I fixed you a drink, but you took so long I drank it too,” Leah giggled as Mika climbed onto the boat. “Fortunately, I have a whole carafe.” She poured the sweet mixture over ice and handed it to her wife, grinning provocatively at the trick she had played on her.

  “I was searching for you,” Mika laughed.

  “How did you find me?”

  “Telepathy,” she smiled. “You were thinking how funny you were that you had tricked me.”

  “Yes! Why didn’t you try telepathy, immediately?” Leah tilted her head to the side as if trying to fathom Mika’s slowness in finding her.

  “I should have,” Mika grinned. “And thus, the student becomes the teacher.”

  Leah suddenly became very somber. “Mika, we have to be forever vigilant with our children, don’t we?”

  Mika nodded; a touch of sadness spread across her face. “Let’s head home, now,” she smiled. “I miss them terribly.”

  They called Richie to let him know they would be home the next day.

  Leah steered as Mika handled the sails, getting the most speed from the ship. They wanted to get as close to home as possible before sundown. They dropped anchor around nine that night, just four hours from home.

  Leah showered while Mika fixed dinner. Mika showered as Leah cleaned up the galley then settled on the bed to wait for her.


  “Um, you smell good,” Mika whispered into Leah’s ear, her warm lips trailed kisses down her neck.

  “This has been the best two weeks,” Leah slowly moved her petite feet up and down Mika’s legs. “You have taught me so much.”

  “You taught me a thing or two, my love,” Mika murmured against her soft lips.

  Leah pressed herself closer against Mika. “Why don’t you show me what you’ve learned, Priest?” She smiled as she slowly slid her hands down Mika’s body.

  CHAPTER 15 - Sweat and Elbow Grease

  “I will be glad to see our children,” Leah leaned back against Mika as she steered the ship into the harbor. “I have missed them.”

  “As have I,” Mika kissed the back of her neck, “but not as much as I’ve enjoyed ravishing their mother.”

  “And people say I’m evil,” Leah laughed, pushing back against her.

  They docked a little before noon. Richie met them. “I didn’t let anyone know you were getting back early,” the boy explained as he helped his mother into his truck. “I thought you might like some quiet time with the family.”

  “You thought right, son,” Mika hugged her son’s shoulders, which were almost the same height as her own.

  “Things have been relatively quiet,” Richie continued filling his parents in on the town happenings while they were gone.


  Mika finished bathing Adam and handed him to Richie, who dried him and put on his diaper and pajamas, as the baby cooed and caught Richie’s fingers in each of his fists. “Look, he is trying to pull up on my fingers,” Richie laughed. “That’s bubba’s little wingman.”

  Leah was letting Sara nurse while Richie readied her youngest son for bed. Richie placed Adam into his mother’s arms and carried Sara to Mika.

  “Is this bubba’s baby girl,” he talked baby talk to his sister as he carried her to Mika. Sara cooed and gurgled at her older brother. “Yes, it is,” he kissed her on the nose before handing her to Mika.

  “They poured the foundation for the women’s shelter,” Richie continued talking to his parents. “Gloria sent out a call for all volunteers who are helping frame to show up at eight Saturday morning, that includes you and me, Mika.”

  “Has the lumber been delivered?” Mika asked.

  “Yesterday,” Richie nodded. “I think you are the only one who knows how to operate the forklifts. We rented two, so if you teach me, I am pretty sure I can help with that.”

  Leah placed Adam in his crib and took Sara from Richie. She placed a soft kiss on the cheek of her eldest son and smiled when he hugged her and Sara.

  “Oh, Sara,” Leah held her baby to her face, kissing her cherub cheeks. She smiled as she placed her nipple into the tiny mouth searching for dinner.

  “Let’s have breakfast at the diner at six in the morning,” Mika spoke to her son. “That way I can teach you before the other workers arrive. It will be safer and not as stressful for you.”

  “Great idea,” Richie laughed. “I’d rather everyone not see how much I don’t know.”

  Leah sat quietly, feeling very left out of all the bonding going on. She thought about going into her office but didn’t want to spend a Saturday there.

  “Honey, do you mind getting up that early,” Mika kissed her wife’s lips briefly. “I would feel safer if you were there. Forklifts can be very dangerous.”

  “I would love to,” she smiled appreciatively at her wonderful wife. “I can make coffee runs,” she said lamely.”

  “I thought more like watch us closely and freeze everything if a dangerous situation develops.” Mika said seriously. “Until we both get the feel of the equipment, eyes on the ground are a must for safety.”

/>   Leah had forgotten that not even Richie knew who Mika was and what she could do. Of course, she would want her close by in case of emergency. Mika could never let anyone else know who she was.

  Sara nursed contentedly as her family discussed their plans. Soon the small mouth went slack, and Leah knew her tummy was full. She lifted the baby to Richie, who placed her in her crib, bending over to kiss her gently.

  Nana peeked around the door and flashed a big smile at the family. They all quietly left the nursery and went to the family room.

  “We need to leave the house early in the morning, Nana,” Leah explained. “I’ll feed Sara and Adam before we leave.”

  Nana nodded in agreement. “They have missed you,” she told Leah. “They are such good babies, but they were always cranky at feeding time. They wanted their mother.”

  Leah’s smile was brilliant. Nana’s words pleased her.


  Breakfast turned into a welcome home event, as early rising townspeople expressed their joy at seeing the mayor and the priest.

  “What are you doing up so early,” Ruth sat down their coffee and Richie’s chocolate.

  “We’re helping with the framing of the Women’s Shelter,” Richie exclaimed.

  When did his voice get so deep? Leah thought as she watched her son laugh with Ruth. Is he shaving?

  Grace, Isaac and Mary, entered the diner. “Richie, join us,” Isaac yelled.

  “I need to finish breakfast,” Richie walked toward the group. “My family is helping with the Women’s Shelter today.”

  “We’re helping, too,” Grace smiled sweetly. “We’re not supposed to be there until nine.”

  “We want to get an early start.” Richie returned her smile. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Is he shaving?” Leah whispered to her wife.

  The priest nodded her head. Leah groaned softly.

  Richie returned to his seat in their booth as Ruth placed their orders on the table. “I’ll be over at lunch,” she informed them. “Naomi is serving lunch to all the volunteers. I’m going to take their orders so we can have their meals on the table when they get here.”

  “That is so nice,” the mayor tilted her head and smiled one of her sweetest smiles at the tall brunette.

  Grace hesitantly approached their table, eyeing Leah cautiously. “Please, Grace, join us,” the mayor invited the teenager.

  Grace slid into the seat next to Richie. “We’re all going to the new movie tonight. Isaac thought you might want to go,” Grace said softly, placing her hand on Richie’s thigh.

  Although the placement of Grace’s hand did not seem to bother Richie, it sent his mother through the ceiling. “Young lady,” Leah said in her sternest voice, the small vein popping out on her forehead, “What do you think—?”

  Mika squeezed her wife’s hand that was resting on her thigh and cut off the tirade she knew was coming.

  “What do you think…plan on doing at the shelter?” Mika finished her wife’s sentence. “The mayor could use some help watching for potential accidents.”

  “Oh, yes!” Grace exclaimed excitedly. “I would love to be of service to the queen. I…I…uh mean…”

  Leah bowed her head. “Just find me when you get to the building site, please.” So I can have you fitted with a chastity belt.

  Really, Your Majesty? Mika replied to her thoughts, grinning from ear to ear.

  Grace scampered away leaving a fuming Leah glowering at her wife.

  “I’ll run over to the church and get the keys to the forklifts,” Richie volunteered. “Meet you at the site in ten minutes.”

  “We will be there, son,” Mika said.

  As soon as Richie left the diner, the priest burst into laughter. “You’re funny,” she hugged her wife.

  “Did you see where she put her hand?” Leah fumed. “I am well aware of what she was doing.”

  “Said the Queen of Tease,” Mika grinned. “Did you see that it had no affect at all on him? We don’t turn on for just anyone, you know. Only the one we love.”

  “He is shaving! Mika, when did he start shaving?” Leah almost sobbed. “And his voice! When did his voice become so. . .so manly?”

  Mika could see her wife was working herself into a fit. She placed a calming hand over Leah’s. “Let’s discuss this tonight when we’re alone.” She directed Leah’s attention to the many diners who were very interested in their conversation.


  Mika and Richie stood in the shade of a tree where they had left their tool belts. They had run the forklifts non-stop all morning and had placed all the lumber where it needed to be. They were ready to start framing. The midday sun beat down mercilessly on them. Most of the workers had already shed their shirts. They were making jokes about doing the same. Leah had left over an hour ago to feed the babies.

  They smiled as they saw the mayor walking toward them with two glasses and a pitcher of something cold over ice.

  “I thought you might like some lemonade,” Leah smiled, tiptoeing to kiss her wife.

  “You are the best, Mom,” Richie chug-a-lugged the first glass.

  “This is delicious,” Mika held out her glass for a refill. “Do you grow your lemons, My Queen?” Her eyes gleefully danced as she bantered with her wife. What I truly want is to drag you behind those bushes and…

  The snap of Leah’s head, as she locked her gaze with Mika’s, told the priest her thoughts had been received.

  “Uh, we’d better get back to work, son,” Mika mumbled.

  I would be okay with that, Priest . Behind the bushes, I mean , Leah’s thoughts drove her crazy. Mika held her breath as she sashayed away from them.

  “Mika,” Richie waved his hand in front of the priest’s face trying to get her attention. “Earth to Mika,” he laughed.

  “Oh, I am sorry, son. I was just…”

  “I know.” Richie laughed. “Watching my mom.”

  “I…what were you saying before you became such a smarty?” Mika grinned.

  “I was asking you if it would be okay if I took off my shirt. All the other guys have taken off theirs. Mine is soaking wet from perspiration. I’ll smell better without it. I’ll hang it from the tree limb. Maybe it will be dry when we go in for lunch.”

  “Sure,” Mika nodded running her hand down the front of her soaked t-shirt aware of how it clung to her body revealing every curve.

  Richie removed his shirt hanging it on the tree. Both buckled on their tool belts as they headed for their section of the framework.

  Leah suppressed a moan, as she watched her wife walk across the grass. It was as if she were in slow motion. The sun seemed to reflect off her blonde hair, and a light sheen of perspiration glistened on her arms and face. Mika’s back muscles rippled, as she slowly fastened on her tool belt. Leah gasped for air as Mika flexed her shoulders, working out the kinks in her neck.

  “My God, how do you keep your hands off her?” Ruth moaned beside her.

  “I don’t,” Leah answered without thinking. She drained her glass of lemonade, seeking relief from the thoughts dancing in her head. Thoughts no lady should think.

  I am game for all the above, My Queen! Mika’s thoughts entered Leah’s head as he bowed low to her, blue eyes holding hers from across the lawn.

  “Leah, you’d better breathe before you faint.” Delilah joined the group of women ogling the priest. “Oh! My, gosh! She is gorgeous.” Delilah gasped as she caught sight of the woman.

  “This heat is more than I can stand,” the mayor declared sharply. “I’m going to the diner where it’s cool. Ruth, aren’t you supposed to be taking the workers’ lunch orders, not drooling over them?” She whirled and stomped toward the diner. As she left, she noticed that a large crowd of men, women and teenagers had gathered to watch her son and wife.

  Leah watched the workers as they filed into the restaurant. Naomi was strictly enforcing her No Shirt, No Service rule, so the aroma in the diner was less than delectable.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Leah blinked her eyes, and all the workers had on clean shirts, including her wife and son.

  “Whew, thank you for that, Madam Mayor.” Ruth fanned the air in front of her face as she placed their order on the table.

  “We’re making a lot of progress,” Mika kissed her wife. “Uh, am I in trouble?” She asked, noting the cold reception her kiss received.

  Don’t even talk to me ; Leah’s thoughts were hot. I swear, one more word, and I will ravish you right here in front of the entire town.

  The priest ate her burger in silence. She had no idea what she had done to illicit such a reaction from her wife, but she liked it.

  “Amber,” Richie called the green-eyed beauty to their booth. “Please, join us.”

  Half this town is lusting after my wife or my son ; the mayor rubbed her temples. It is unbearably hot, and I need some relief. The twins didn’t even come close to helping me get comfortable.

  “Honey,” the priest smiled knowingly, “I need to run over to the rectory before we go back to work. Will you walk with me?”

  “Of course,” she smiled.

  As soon as they entered the coolness of the church, Leah transported them to Mika’s bedroom in the rectory. Their clothes dropped to the floor, and Mika pulled her into her arms. She lay down beside Leah and touched her gently. Moving her lips to her breast, she resolved her discomfort. Mika chastised herself for forgetting to take care of her this morning. Leah’s sighs of relief told her everything was okay.

  “I am such a bad wife,” she murmured against Leah’s lips. “Why didn’t you say something?” She kissed Leah’s lips gently, then more eagerly. Leah pulled her hard against her running her tongue between Mika’s lips demanding entrance and receiving a pleasurable welcome.

  “Um, you taste like a milkshake,” Leah chuckled.

  “Wonder why,” Mika kissed her slowly, thankfully. “You know this is all the time we have. Richie will be looking for us to get back to work.”

  “Please, baby” Leah kissed her, a soul-searing kiss.

  “I’m so whipped,” Mika grinned moving to please her.

  When Leah finished with her, she dressed them. Putting her arms around her wife’s neck for one more kiss, she said, “Don’t even think about wearing a wet t-shirt in public again. I won’t have my wife and son putting on a Chippendales show for the people of our town.”


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