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A Twist of Fate

Page 33

by Donna Raider

  “I understand we are about to begin the arrangements for my upcoming marriage to your daughter.” He laughed gleefully.

  “You haven’t kept your end of the bargain,” she challenged him.

  “I beg your pardon,” he snarled. “I believe I returned your powers to you.” The woman was getting tedious. If he didn’t need her, he would send her to hell right now.

  “You were supposed to make me stronger than my daughter,” Jezebel whined. “You didn’t.”

  “Ah, she has once again stripped your powers from you,” he narrowed his eyes and stared hard at her. Jezebel truly was a stupid woman. He did wonder how strong her daughter was.

  He waved his hand, and she could feel the magic surge through her. “Your daughter no longer practices black magic,” he growled. “She possesses powers I cannot bestow on you.”

  Jezebel formed a fireball in her palm. “I can make do with this,” she grinned. “This time, I will be more careful.”

  “How much longer must I wait,” he hissed. “I have lives to ruin and souls to steal. I do have a quota, you know.”

  “Soon,” Jezebel said softly, “very soon.”


  Leah watched her wife’s muscles ripple under smooth, golden skin as she manually hoisted a small sail whose hydraulics weren’t working properly. Her passion for Mika was totally unrestrained. Her inexplicable, constant need of her was maddening and wonderful all at the same time. The fact that she was again carrying Mika’s children both thrilled and terrified her. Thrilled her because they would be living, breathing affirmations of the love they shared, just as Adam and Sara were a testament to their love. Terrified that something might rip it all from her.

  She knew this vacation was more than just time alone with Mika. It was the final preparation for a battle she knew they would have to fight sooner or later.

  It had concerned her that Nick and her mother had shown up in her town and were consorting with Legion. She could see they were gathering their forces. She didn’t know if her mother knew she was again carrying twins. They had not announced their happy news to anyone. The return of her mother’s powers terrified her. Obviously, she was consorting with someone powerful enough to undo the priest’s handiwork. That frightened her most of all.

  Mika manually set the sail, holding the rope until she was certain it was in the proper place. She watched Leah as she guided the boat out of the harbor and set sail for the open ocean. Leah’s extraordinary beauty made her heart skip a beat. Leah smiled at her igniting every nerve ending in Mika’s body. They couldn’t reach their destination fast enough. She secured the rope and walked to Leah slowly, savoring the anticipation of kissing the woman who ruled her entire world.

  “Obviously, we can’t make love until we drop anchor,” Leah kissed Mika, tentatively exploring her lips, then moving to engage her tongue. It was pure heaven to be touched by her. “So why don’t you give me any additional instructions or training that is possible on the boat.”

  “There is one thing you need to work on.” Mika smiled, watching in fascination as her beautiful lips parted.

  “Do tell,” Leah tilted her head in that way that filled Mika’s body with overwhelming sensations.

  “You have a tell,” Mika informed her.

  Leah looked behind her as if expecting to see a tail. “I don’t think so,” she grinned.

  “A ‘tell,' something that gives away your actions before you take them.” Mika explained. “Throw a small fireball into the ocean.”

  Leah immediately held her hand palm up, materialized a fireball and tossed it into the ocean.

  “See,” she said. “You moved your hand, turned its palm up, materialized the fireball and then tossed it into the ocean. I could have annihilated you before you even made the fireball because I knew what you were going to do.” Suddenly a fireball shot from Mika into the ocean. She hadn’t moved a muscle.

  Leah gasped, amazed at her effortless action. Mika had nonchalantly tossed the fireball into the ocean in the middle of a calm conversation with her.

  “Your mind is what works the magic, not your hands,” Mika smiled. “Your hands are just theatrics that give you away. They alert your opponent.”

  Leah tried it again. She found she had great difficulty separating her hands and her mind. After over an hour of practicing, she finally threw a tiny fireball into the ocean. Another hour and she threw softball sized flames into the ocean, without flinching.

  “That is so much better,” Mika praised her.

  Leah smiled and tiptoed to kiss her. Suddenly a basketball-size flame sizzled into the ocean. She hadn’t moved a muscle. Mika jumped away in surprise.

  “That’s my girl,” Mika beamed at her. Leah had always been a quick study no matter what they were doing.

  CHAPTER 19 - Mommy’s Coming Home

  Leah looked up from the contract she was reading to see what was causing the commotion in Odette’s office. “I don’t need an appointment. I need to talk to her!”

  The mayor’s door swung open. “I think you will want to see this,” Kathryn scowled as she pitched a small stack of forms onto the mayor’s desk.

  It only took a moment for Leah’s blood to turn to ice.

  “Legion has sold your mother the house on Queen’s Hill. The one just up the road from you.” The deputy mayor paced the floor in front to Leah’s desk. “Is all hell going to break loose in our town?”

  “I don’t know,” the mayor said hesitantly. “I wasn’t aware she was moving here.”

  “You do remember the destruction she caused the last time your mother went on a rampage here?” Kathryn lifted her eyebrows questioningly.

  “Yes,” Leah said simply. She grabbed her cell phone and sent a text to Mika. “I need you.”

  Kathryn was amazed at how quickly the priest arrived. “I was just getting off the elevator when I received your text, honey.” Mika bent to kiss her wife.

  Wordlessly, Leah handed Mika the copy of the title change for the Queen’s Hill house.

  “This is disturbing,” Mika scowled.

  “Exactly,” Kathryn blurted out. “What are we going to do?”

  “I’m not sure,” the mayor said slowly as her mind shifted thru legalities to prevent the sale. She found none. “I’ve stripped her of her powers,” Leah thought out loud. “I’m not certain what she’s up to.”

  “You can bet it’s no good,” Kathryn snorted. “Can’t you just exile her somewhere like the Antarctic where the elements will take care of her?

  “Is she in town?” Mika frowned.

  “I haven’t seen her,” Leah answered. “I don’t feel her, either.”

  “I am sure you will soon,” Kathryn grumbled.

  “We need to check on the children,” Leah stood and took her wife’s hand.


  As they entered the mansion, squeals of laughter and Richie’s growling told them their children were okay.

  “Queen Mommy, Mommy, help us,” Sara and Adam screamed as they threw themselves at their parent’s legs.

  Leah scooped up Adam as Mika swung Sara high over her head.

  “I fly, Mommy,” the tiny girl squealed and giggled at the same time.

  Leah hugged Richie and carried Adam into the family room, where the family played with the babies.

  The twins sat on the floor playing with stuffed toys. Nana soon joined them. “Time for baths and jammies,” she laughed. Mika swept both babies into her arms and ran up the stairs with them. Nana was close behind.

  “Are you okay, Mom?” Richie asked. He had noticed the dark look in her eyes, and she seemed distracted.

  “Jezebel has purchased the house on Queen’s Hill,” Leah grimaced. “Obviously, she plans to live as close to us as possible. We must be extremely vigilant with the twins. There’s no doubt in my mind she is here for them.”

  Richie dragged his hands across his face. “Mom, I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to Sara or Adam.”

  Mika observed
her wife and son from the doorway.

  “I wonder if she will have her powers back,” the priest expressed her fears. “If she does, she is in cahoots with someone stronger than Legion.”

  “I am sure we will find out soon enough,” Leah sighed.

  “I tried to talk to Legion,” Richie shrugged. “He said he had no idea what I was asking him. That all of your debts with him were being settled.”

  “That’s what I am afraid of,” his mother scowled.

  After checking all the locks and alarms, Mika informed Nana of the problems they feared and instructed her never to leave the children unguarded. Richie insisted on moving back to his old room, right next to the twins.


  Leah stood motionless in the shadows of her giant oak tree. She could see the light in the Queen's Hill mansion. She knew her mother was in the house. She could feel her presence. All the horror of her childhood washed over her.

  She staggered under the weight of the almost forgotten memories of her years with Jezebel and her forced marriage to the king. Her back found support against the strong trunk of the tree. She slid to the ground, wrapped her arms around her knees and released the tears she had been suppressing all day.

  Dread overcame her. Deep inside she knew she might lose everything she held dear. She wondered why God had let her experience such total happiness. The happiness she knew her mother would destroy.

  Her mind raced, searching for a way to protect her children. The twins shifted in her abdomen; their movement made her smile. She placed a protective hand over her stomach. She had a perfect life. Her wife made certain she was happy. She knew the driving force in Mika’s life was her happiness. She wondered why God had given her the mother from hell. She prayed for God's guidance.

  I have changed , the once wicked queen thought. Mika’s love changed me. Maybe Mother can change, too.

  She felt Mika’s presence before she showed herself. Wordlessly she sat down beside Leah. She easily lifted Leah onto her lap and cradled her head against her shoulder.

  "Our bed was very empty," Mika whispered, her warm breath soft against Leah’s ear. "You know we are strongest together. You shouldn't be out here alone."

  "I’m scared, Mika," Leah sobbed against her shoulder. "My mother still terrifies me. What if something happens to you or our children? An eternity with you is a dream come true. Eternity without you is my worst nightmare."

  “What do you want me to do?” Mika kissed behind her ear. “I can send her to another planet or another country.”

  “A big part of me wants so badly to do that,” Leah said softly. “Another part of me wants her to change and find redemption as I have done.”

  “Then we will give her the benefit of the doubt.” Mika stood, still holding Leah in her arms. “Just to be safe, we will begin Operation Twin Watch.

  “Promise me you will not leave our bed again without me,” her eyes bore into Leah’s dark ones.

  “I promise,” Leah kissed her deeply.


  “Good morning, dear,” Jezebel smiled up from her morning paper as Leah and Mika entered the diner. She was sitting in their booth.

  “Mother, what a pleasant surprise,” the mayor cocked an eyebrow. “What are you doing here?”

  “I have purchased the mansion on Queen’s Hill,” Jezebel smiled coyly. “I’m moving here to be close to my grandchildren. Mommy’s coming home, sweetie. Please, join me for breakfast.”

  They sat down as Ruth placed two cups of coffee in front of them. “Thanks, Ruth,” Leah nodded. “I need this.”

  “I hardly know Adam and Sara,” Jezebel sniffed the air, “and unless I am mistaken, I have two more grandchildren on the way. I want to be a big part of their lives.”

  “Then you should join us at the bowling alley tonight,” Leah smiled a smile that touched only her lips. “We will be there with all three of our children.”

  “Oh, my, I have offended you, haven’t I?” Jezebel’s smile was cold and calculating. “I forgot Harry, that boy you adopted.”

  “Mother, you know very well his name is Richie, the same as Father’s.” Leah bit her tongue to keep from lambasting her mother.

  “Oh, yes,” Jezebel leered, “Richard, the name of the father you murdered.”

  “Ruth, we will need our coffee to go,” Mika stood, pulling her wife from the booth. They walked to the counter, paid their bill and picked up two coffees.”

  When they reached the door, the priest turned around and walked back to her mother-in-law. “Do not ever sit in our booth, again. Do not engage my wife in conversation unless you can be cordial and kind.” As she walked away, Jezebel’s cup rose and tossed hot coffee in her face.

  Jezebel turned to glare at her daughter, but Leah had already left the diner.


  “Odette, please get the sheriff and Samson up here, now?”

  The mayor swept into her office; the priest followed close behind her.

  Leah paced the floor while Mika watched her from the sofa. Every nerve in her body tingled. She was certain her mother was here for evil purposes.

  The sheriff shot into the room, “Madam Mayor, what is the problem?” she frowned. She didn’t notice the priest.

  “My mother has purchased the house on Queen’s Hill. She is moving to our town. I want a twenty-four/seven security team on the twins and Richie.”

  “Done,” the sheriff moved closer to the woman. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you.” She reached out to take the mayor into her arms, but Leah backed away.

  “I don’t need comforting, Sheriff,” she growled. “I need my children protected from my mother.”

  “What’s in it for me?” The sheriff moved to pin the mayor between her and the desk.

  “Oh, Emily.” Samson’s voice was filled with disappointment as he watched his daughter from the doorway of the mayor’s office.

  “Samson, thank God you’re here,” Leah addressed the man she had come to trust. “Jezebel is here to stay. I need a constant security detail on our children.”

  Samson made a phone call and barked a few orders. “Four men are on their way now,” he informed the mayor. “I have posted two at each entry of the mansion. We will rotate to a new team every eight hours.”

  “Thank you, Samson,” Leah’s smile was warm and appreciative. “Mika and I will be there daily to relieve them for their lunch hour.”

  Oh, I think I hate Jezebel , Mika thought. Leah smiled at her from under dark lashes. Eye sex , Mika thought, she is the queen of eye sex . A slight shiver went through her. Mika knew Leah had heard her thoughts.

  The mayor closed her office door behind the sheriff and her deputy. She walked to her wife and sat down on her lap. She kissed Mika, slowly fanning an always dormant flame in the pit of her stomach. “You are such a baby,” Leah teased. “You won’t die if you have to miss a few days of our usual lunch activity.”

  “Man shall not live by bread alone, My Queen,” Mika’s eyes gleamed as she quoted from the book of Matthew. “It’s a tremendous sacrifice to make, but I’m willing to make it to assure the safety of our children. That doesn’t mean I like it.

  “Can’t I just transport her to Diyarbakir?”

  “Diyarbakir?” Leah raised a questioning eyebrow.

  “Turkish prison,” Mika grinned. “Even that is too good for your mother when one considers what she has done to you.”


  “Harold,” Jezebel greeted Richie at the bowling alley. “It is delightful to see you, dear.”

  “Grandmother Carla,” the boy nodded, intentionally using a wrong name for her.

  “Jezebel,” she snapped. “My name is Jezebel.”

  Richie grinned mischievously and led the twins to the lane on which he was bowling with his parents. The lane beside them was designated for the twins.

  “We bowl, Bubbie,” both children squealed in unison.

  “You bet,” Richie laughed at them. “Let Bubba get the bumpers put in place fo
r you.”

  “Mommy will get the bowling ramp,” Mika said.

  Jezebel watched as Richie and the priest set up the bowling lane, so the children were guaranteed the success of hitting some pins.

  “Leah,” Jezebel frowned, “Making it impossible for them to fail gives them a false security.”

  “We prefer to teach them the joy of succeeding,” the mayor informed her. “The feeling of success is very euphoric, Mother. It makes one want to succeed. Failure is quite depressing and discouraging. I know. You taught me well.”

  “Just look how you have turned out,” Jezebel smiled seriously. “I believe you are the epitome of the American success story.”

  “Thanks to my wife,” Leah said emphatically. “She has taught me to succeed. She has taught me how to interact with others. She has taught me how to love and be loved. You only taught me about pain, hate, intimidation, humiliation and insecurity.”

  “Oh, dear, you can be so dramatic sometimes,” Jezebel waved her hand as if dismissing her daughter’s comments as ridiculous.

  Mika joined her wife and mother-in-law. She dropped to her knees and slipped off Leah’s shoes and replaced them with her bowling socks and shoes.

  Richie helped his grandmother with her bowling shoes.

  “Thank you, Richie,” Jezebel smiled sincerely.

  Richie spent the rest of the night explaining the finer points of bowling to his grandmother. Mika and Leah alternated between interacting with their children and the adults.

  Jezebel watched her daughter and the priest. They were constantly touching, looking and smiling at one another. Whenever the opportunity presented itself, Leah would hug her wife from behind. Mika often returned the affection, leaning down to whisper in her wife’s ear. Leah would blush and squeeze Mika’s hands.

  “I will drive you home, Grandmother,” Richie smiled as he led Jezebel toward his pickup.

  Jezebel accepted the young man’s offer graciously. She was appropriately impressed with his truck and the fact that he had paid for it himself.

  Slowly, but surely, Jezebel found she loved being with her daughter’s family. The priest was funny and loving with those close to her. She included her mother-in-law in her affections, often hugging Jezebel’s shoulders.


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