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Hide From Evil

Page 16

by Jami Alden

  “I go from not even thinking about sex to driving myself crazy thinking up ways to make you come.” He bent his head and swept his tongue over her silk-covered nipple. “And then I finally get the chance and I blow it, literally.”

  The sound of her soft chuckle went straight to his balls. “I was willing to wait for you to recover,” she said as her hands came up to his head, pressing him more firmly against her breast. “You were the one who jumped off the bed like I was a leper.”

  He licked and nipped his way up her neck, back to her mouth. Sure enough, there was the faint purple bruise Ibarra had noticed. Sean paused to taste it. “You willing to let me make it up to you?”

  Maybe this was what he needed, just one night to give in to whatever chemical imbalance made him respond so strongly to her. One night to scratch the itch and get her out of his system for good.

  She froze, looking up at him with wide eyes. The moment of truth. Seconds stretched like an eternity as he absorbed every detail of her flushed face, kiss-swollen lips, pulse pounding in her throat. He was leaving it in her hands, a deliberate choice so there would be no excuses later about getting swept up in the moment and giving in to their raging lust without a thought.

  She bit her lip, nodded. Her mouth moved, her lips shaping an almost inaudible “Yes.”

  Chapter 11

  Sean didn’t realize he was holding his breath until it came out in a rush. He lifted her around the waist and carried her to the bed. He stripped off her jeans and took her socks with them. He shoved his own pants and underwear to the floor and froze with one knee on the bed, mesmerized by the sight of her.

  He hadn’t had a chance to really look at her the night before. He’d been so crazed, almost blinded by his lust, that all he’d taken away were impressions of her smooth skin, pink nipples, and soft lips. Now he drank in the sight of her like a man who’d just crawled out of the desert.

  Her skin was milky white against the navy-blue bedspread, the silk and lace of her bra and panties making her look somehow almost more naked the way they covered up just the bare minimum. He could see the peaks of her breasts, beading against the fabric like they were begging to be sucked. Her stomach was a smooth, flat plane, her legs long, smoothly muscled, ready to wrap around him and hold him tight.

  And in between…Jesus, that was the fucking promised land. His cock strained and jerked with a mind of its own.

  Krista’s eyes traveled down his body, drinking him in as he had her. He saw her lips part as she sucked in a breath at the sight of his erection. The thought of her closing those lips over the tip, sucking him into her mouth had him gritting his teeth as he struggled not to come right then and there.

  Not this time. Not until he’d made up for last night’s premature performance about a dozen times over. He settled on the mattress and pulled her to him, hooking one knee over his hip so she was flush against him, breast to chest, sliding against the soft skin of her stomach. He yanked the straps of her bra down her shoulders and undid the clasp with all the finesse of a fourteen-year-old getting his first shot at second base.

  Krista didn’t seem to mind as she tugged the bra off and pressed herself against him, the whole time making those eager little noises in the back of her throat as her mouth consumed his. Her leg shifted, drawing him closer and he groaned at the feel of her smooth inner thigh rubbing against his naked hip. He wanted, needed to taste that silky skin, almost as much as he needed to taste the wet heat that soaked the silk of her panties as she ground her hips against his stomach.

  He rolled her onto her back and hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties. The rich scent of her arousal fogged his brain as he slid the scrap of fabric down her legs and positioned himself between her thighs.

  God have mercy. Krista was a natural blonde.

  “Shouldn’t we get a condom or something?” Krista said through panting breaths as Sean sucked first one and then another nipple in his mouth.

  “Eventually,” he said against the soft skin of her stomach, loving the way her fingers tangled in his hair and held him close as she arched into his mouth. “But we’re not going to need it for a while.”

  He bent his head to the dusting of gold curls on top of her mound and without hesitation spread her open with his thumbs. Her entire body tensed and she gave a surprised “Oh!” Her fingers tightened in his hair, almost as though she wasn’t sure if she wanted to yank him away or shove him closer. “Oh God, you don’t have to do that if you…” Her protest trailed off in a low, throaty moan.

  Not do this? Was she insane? His tongue traced tight circles around her clit, the salty sweet taste of her flooding his mouth. He sucked her into his mouth, lashed her with his tongue as he slid first one and then two fingers into her.

  He ground himself against the bedspread, fighting not to come, forcing himself to focus on her, her pleasure, the way she was rocking herself against his face as he fucked her with his fingers and his tongue like he was dying to fuck her with his cock.

  Through the blood roaring in his head he could hear her moans, feel her tightening around his fingers and knew she was close. He wanted to slow it down, wanted to make it last, but more than anything he wanted to feel her come, wanted her to experience the searing wave of release he’d felt last night when he came in her hand.

  One last lick, one firm thrust of his fingers and she shuddered hard against him, her muscles convulsing around his fingers like a tight, wet vise.

  He didn’t stop kissing her until her tremors had faded to quivers, and even then he couldn’t stop himself from burying his mouth against the slick skin of her inner thigh, hot and smooth and soaked with the evidence of her need.

  Her hand brushed his shoulders and the light contact sizzled through him as though he’d been struck by lightning. Jesus, he felt like his world had been rocked and he hadn’t even come yet.

  He wanted to linger down there, give Krista another orgasm or six, but his body wasn’t having it. Straining, demanding, aching to sink into the wet heat of her sex. He rocked back onto his heels and leaned over to open the drawer of the bedside table.

  Ibarra better not have been shitting him when he’d said he kept a stash of Trojans in there. He pawed through the contents of the drawer and did a mental fist pump when he found half a dozen foil-wrapped packages. He kept one and scattered the rest across the table, unable to stifle a smile as Krista’s pleasure-blurred look turned wary.

  “Three years,” he reminded her.

  Sean rolled the condom down the length of his cock and positioned himself against her entrance. He gripped himself hard, squeezing his eyes shut as that first contact threatened to send him over the edge. Hot, tight, wet, stretching around the broad head. He heard her answering cry as he pressed his palms against her inner thighs, holding her open to receive him as he shoved himself, inch by agonizing inch, inside her body.

  Oh God, it was too much, Krista thought as she squirmed against the invasion. She was still shaking from an orgasm so powerful she almost blacked out, and her body felt swollen and tight as he pushed himself inside.

  She tried to retreat, but there was nowhere for her to go. And he knelt between her legs, palms pinning her thighs wide as he pushed deeper, rocking his hips past her body’s resistance.


  Jesus, she was insane, giving in to him like this. But there was no stopping him. No stopping the need that had hit her full force from the moment she’d laid eyes on him yesterday.

  And now there was no doubt he felt the same way. I haven’t wanted anyone. I’ve been walking around like I’m dead inside and then you show up.

  With any other guy she would have brushed that off as a line of BS—every woman wanted to think she was the one and only.

  But Sean had no reason to use a line, not with her, the last woman on earth he should want to have sex with for any reason other than to get some kind of twisted revenge. And even knowing that, Krista couldn’t stop herself. She was as out of her m
ind as he was, sucked up into the vortex of sexual heat and chemistry that had been snapping and crackling between them for months.

  If this was revenge, she never knew it could feel so good.

  She ran her hands up his arms, felt the corded muscles jump under her touch. She’d never had sex like this: primitive, raw, needy. Never been with a man like Sean, tough, powerful, but gentle when he needed to be.

  He wasn’t gentle now. Pleasure danced on the edge of pain as her body struggled to accommodate him and she let out a little gasp. It had been a long time since she’d had sex, sure, but there was no getting around the fact that Sean Flynn was a very big man, in every way.

  “God, you feel so good, Krista,” he murmured. The low rumble of his voice sent a shimmer of pleasure through her. “So wet and tight around me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything this good.”

  She opened her eyes and caught his gaze, green eyes narrowed, blazing with such heat she felt their sizzle on her skin.

  He rocked his hips forward, sinking in another inch as he held her stare. The look in his eyes, dark, possessive, the primitive pleasure on his face made her clench around him, sent another rush of moisture from her to ease his way. Then his thumb was between her thighs, rubbing, circling her clit until she was running hot and wet and dying for him to come all the way inside her.

  She slid her hands to his ass, urging him forward as she rocked her hips from the mattress.

  He threw his head back and thrust all the way inside, so deep she could feel him at the base of her spine. The last pinch of pain gave way to mind-blowing pleasure as he began to thrust in slow, steady strokes, sinking deep, withdrawing nearly all the way before squeezing back in as the firm strokes of his thumb sent her spiraling out of control.

  She called his name and let out a choked cry as her orgasm exploded through her. Jolts of pleasure coursed through her, making every nerve ending from the top of her head to the bottoms of her feet sing.

  She heard his answering groan as she drifted back down to earth. Sean hooked her legs over his elbows and pumped his hips, driving into her in hard, pummeling thrusts. She thought he was relentless before. Now she realized how much he’d been holding back. She rested her hands on his shoulders and hung on for the ride.

  She felt him freeze against her, every muscle tight. He swelled impossibly larger inside her, and then he was coming, his body jerking, shuddering against her as he held himself buried as deep inside her as he could go, his hands gripping her hips almost desperately.

  Krista felt a rush of power and pleasure as he collapsed against her, knowing that she was the one who gave him such pleasure, that she was the one to break him out of the sexless cocoon he’d wrapped himself in. She stroked her hands down his back, sank her fingers into the now-softening muscles, and turned her face into the crook of his neck.

  He smelled like sweat and sex and Sean, a potent combination that made her want to hold him here inside her and never let him go.

  Unease rippled through her at the thought. She was never one to get all gooey after sex and start getting all carried away with thoughts of happily ever after. And Sean Flynn was the last man who should make her start.

  But God, it was hard to remember that when he smelled so good and felt even better. Still buried deep inside her, his thundering heartbeat echoing her own as it pounded against her chest.

  After a few moments, he took a deep breath and propped himself up on his elbows. He cupped her face in his hands and captured her mouth in a kiss that started out as a tender thank-you and then went hot and wild as his tongue slid in to tangle with hers.

  He was still rock hard inside her, buried deep, and as his hips ground against her, she couldn’t stop her body from clenching around him. “I thought you were kidding about making up for three years in one night,” she gasped as he bent his head and sucked her nipple between his lips.

  His chuckle rumbled through his chest, rippled through her body. “I don’t think I could do that without killing us both, but I’m going to do my damned best at taking the edge off.”

  Krista’s edge had been worn down to a soft curve, but that didn’t seem to matter as Sean stroked, kissed, sucked, and licked his way over her breasts, up her neck, and back again, all the while holding himself deep inside her, gently grinding in lazy circles, touching bundles of nerves she hadn’t even known existed.

  She barely recognized herself as the woman who was lucky if she got one orgasm a night with past lovers, and that was with a lot of coaching, directing, and heavy concentration on her part.

  Now she lay back and gave herself over to her intense, powerful lover who seemed to know exactly how to touch her with those big hands, where to kiss her with those firm, full lips to bring her right back to the brink for the third time tonight.

  Sean was changing the game on her, making her call into question and throw out everything she thought about her own needs and desires. He did it with everything else. Why should sex be any different?

  Jesus, how could he have ever looked at Krista and thought she was an ice queen? Now she was molten hot, melting around Sean like a pool of honey.

  He wanted to lose himself in her, get so deep inside of her he could disappear and never come out. It was messed up, the effect she had on him, and he was sure he’d get up in his head about it later. But right now it felt too good, better than he ever could have imagined.

  He struggled not to lose control, not to pound into her like an animal as he had at the end there. Slow, steady, the edge was off now. He could take his time.

  At least that was the theory, but his body had other ideas.

  He felt his body tighten, knew his climax was close. Some still-functioning part of his brain reminded him he was still wearing the same condom.

  Shit. Even as an evil, selfish voice urged him to forget about it, keep going, it was a dumb-ass move and he tried not to be a dumb-ass when it came to risky sex.

  Like sex with Krista isn’t the riskiest move of all?

  He shoved the thought away and slid out, squeezing his eyes shut at the way her body clenched at him as she cried out in protest. As though she couldn’t stand to let him go. “One sec,” he said, rolling onto his back as he fumbled for another foil packet. He’d no sooner rolled on the condom than he was pulling Krista on top of him.

  She settled her knees on either side of his hips and locked her gaze with his. Her lips parted on a long moan as she sank down, all the way down on him. Sean had the crazy thought that being with Krista like this took the sting off having people wanting him dead.

  Krista jerked awake at the sound of a fist pounding on the door. Disoriented at first, it took her several seconds to remember where she was and whose muscled, hair-roughened arm was wrapped around her waist.

  Holy Christ, she’d had sex with Sean Flynn. She closed her eyes but that didn’t help to shut out the memory of what had happened. Multiple times. She’d never experienced anything like it.

  His hands and mouth everywhere, stroking, licking, sucking, thrusting. Him on top, her on top, him buried so deep inside her that he touched bundles of nerves she never knew existed.

  She came so many times she lost count, and Sean wasn’t that far behind as he made up for his years of celibacy. And she’d been equally insatiable, unable to get enough of the taste of his lips, the feel of his hot, smooth skin stretched tight over acres of muscle, the heavy thrust and drag of him moving inside her.

  She’d finally fallen asleep, exhausted, vaguely aware of Sean’s arm wrapped around her waist, one hand possessively cupping her bare breast. She was shocked to realize they hadn’t moved an inch from that position in—she squinted at the clock—six and a half hours.

  Hell, she was shocked she’d slept at all, since she could barely tolerate sharing a bed with a lover much less with a guy spooning her so hard you couldn’t even get a slice of daylight between them. It had gotten so bad that her last boyfriend had nicknamed her Prickly Pear.

was the exhaustion brought on by lack of sleep and continual adrenaline rushes and crashes, she told herself. That was the only explanation for how she had slept so soundly. It had nothing to do with the warmth of Sean’s chest against her back as he curled around her, almost like he was trying to protect her from the rest of the world even as he copped a feel.

  He was awake, too, and had been since the first knock. She could feel the change in his breath, the subtle stiffening of the muscles against her back and wrapped around her waist.

  That wasn’t the only thing that was stiff. She could feel him against the curve of her backside, hard as a club and burning hot. Amazing he still had the ability after last night. Even more amazing was the answering tightness she felt low in her belly, the clutch of her body as it yearned to take him back inside.

  Ibarra knocked again. “I found something interesting in your friend’s files if you two ever want to leave your love nest.”

  Krista shifted in Sean’s embrace and felt her face heat with embarrassment, over the fact that Ibarra knew exactly what had gone on in his guest room or over his use of the phrase love nest Krista wasn’t sure. All she knew was that what had happened between them in this room had absolutely nothing to do with love.

  At least for Sean it didn’t. Me? I’m not so sure.

  Krista shoved the unbidden thought away. Yes, she had discovered more to admire in Sean Flynn in the past couple of days than she’d discovered over the course of a year-long relationship with her last boyfriend, but when it came down to it, she’d succumbed to a mixture of chemical attraction, overactive hormones, and an adrenaline-fueled emotionally charged situation, same as Sean.

  Nothing more than that.

  “Quit pounding on the door,” Sean called. “We’ll be out in a minute.”


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