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The Fight (A Standalone Novel) (MMA Bad Boy Romance)

Page 13

by Adams, Claire

  I swiveled on my stool, uncrossing and crossing my legs in his eye line. "Don't tell me those other agents contacted you. I'm fine if you and I are not doing business, but I am very competitive woman."

  Fenton crooked a black eyebrow at me. "How competitive?"

  "Very," I said. I slipped off the stool and walked barefoot to him. When I drew near, he looked down and noticed my nipples pushing hard against the thin fabric of my dress. I nodded and raised myself on my tiptoes so we were on eye level. "What if I want you all to myself?"

  "Yes, please," he said.

  His hands slipped around my waist, but I pulled my lips back from his hot mouth. "Just you and just me," I said.

  He did not answer. Instead, he gave me a wolfish grin and tightened his arms around my waist. I could not resist and our lips met, the kiss melting away my resistance. I ran my hands up the washboard ridges of his bare stomach, my fingers flexing over his hard male body. Once I reached his shoulders, it was a sweet relief to press my breasts against him.

  This time, his lips were soft, his tongue leisurely exploring mine. We tangled and tasted, retreated and smiled. I kneaded the taut stretch of his shoulders and let my fingers slowly work upwards to his thick black hair. Fenton let his hands rove up and down the curve of my back, then along the sides of my body. Slowly, his warm hands brushed against the sides of my breasts.

  He smiled against my lips again and dropped his hands to tug at the hem of my dress. It slipped up slowly, tickling and tantalizing me as he drew it up my body and finally over my head. I raised my arms, gasping as my breasts bounced against the heat of his bare skin. Fenton stopped to admire where we pressed against each other then dropped his lips to mine for a deep thirsty kiss.

  I stepped back, fully intending to break the spell. It was nearly morning and being with Fenton was an insane thing to do. He followed me, our lips never parting. We kept going until the stool bumped into my back. Then, he lifted me onto it, pressing himself between my legs. I felt the hardness of his desire and melted. He pulled aside the thin barrier of my lace panties and slipped inside, both of us sighing into a kiss as he pushed deeply.

  Fenton moved slowly, the press and pull driving me wild, even as our kisses stayed long and languid. He lifted both his hands to my face, brushing back my hair as our bodies surged together. When the climax spilled over me, he drank up my shuddering moans, then buried his face in my hair and held me gently as he drove himself to finish.

  A sweet moan escaped my lips when he finally slipped himself out and we parted. Still, he held my face with both hands and kissed me again. "If it’s alright with you, I'd like to stay here," he said.

  "I suppose," I said. I reached my feet to the ground but hung on to the counter, my knees still quaking.

  "I'm going to shower. You should draw yourself a nice bubble bath." He smiled and picked up his black duffel bag. He headed to the smaller bedroom and left me the master suite with the marbled bathtub.

  I stood for a moment longer, unable to find my balance. My mind, all my senses, felt like a soaring flight. Was I floating or falling? I shook my head and let myself consider the wild changes that would take over my life if I fell in love with Fenton Morris.

  A knock on the door saved me from stretching into unknown thoughts. I adjusted my dress and answered the door.

  "Is Fenton here? He told me I could come and stay." The woman at the door was hardly wearing a dress. The silver straps criss-crossed her body, between glittered lotion.

  I looked at her from her crystal platform heels to the wild, streaked extensions in her hair. "I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked.

  "Dana Maria," the stripper said. "Fenton asked me to come over."



  The stripper stepped around me in her impossibly high heels and walked straight across the suite to Fenton's room. She left the door open and I could hear her call out to him.

  "You came! I'm so glad. Just give me a minute," Fenton replied. The shower turned off and their voices dropped lower.

  I stood in the doorway and could not hear what they said. Did it matter? There was only one real reason he had invited such a woman to join him in his room. I heard him come out of the bathroom. I turned on shaky knees and disappeared into the master bedroom, before he could see me through his open door.

  My hands shook as I dug through my suitcase. Stuffed far in the corner was the black bikini I had packed at the last second. Lounging by the pool had been the one luxury I was going to allow myself on this business trip. I fumbled with the ties, but got the bikini on. I tugged a wispy sundress over the top, found my sunglasses, and raked my fingers through my loose hair.

  In the living room, I rushed to find the pair of sandals I had left by the patio door. Just as I slipped them on, I heard the other bedroom door handle rattle. I darted across the suite and made it out the door before Fenton could say anything. I fled down the hallway and into the stairwell, unwilling to be caught by the elevator and forced to hear whatever flimsy excuse he had.

  There was nothing he could say. I read the whole situation wrong. The swirl of emotions had been entirely on my part. I wanted to blame the adrenaline, the slow ebb of excitement after my dangerous encounter with the fight fixers, but that was a lie. I had wanted Fenton from the first moment I saw him in that Vegas nightclub. It had all meant something to me. To Fenton, though, I was just another conquest.

  I found a lounge chair in the already blazing sun and lay down. I hoped to bake the chill out of my heart, but there were tears welling behind my sunglasses. It was ridiculous to cry over Fenton Morris. He was not worth tears, no matter what he had made me feel. He was the type of man to invite another woman into the suite minutes after we had been together.

  "Would you like me to bring you something from the bar?" a waiter asked.

  "A mimosa," I said. "Wait, no, skip the orange juice and just bring me champagne."

  I gave the waiter my suite number. I was already in debt to my boss for the room, so I might as well enjoy it. And, I hoped the bubbly burst of alcohol would offset the eroding sadness I knew too well. The last time I felt so alone was after my parents had passed away. Strangely, that thought gave me some comfort. The way I had pulled myself out of that grief was to set my feet firmly on a practical path. I was the only one that was going to look out for me and it was better to focus on that than Fenton.

  I dug my phone out of my purse, glad I had grabbed it before I fled. The champagne arrived as I checked my bank accounts, paid a few bills, and calmed myself down. I was fine. Everything was up to date. It did not matter if my love life was now a complete disaster because everything else was neat and orderly.

  I tipped the flute of champagne and finished it, then checked my email. I sent a few professional responses, scheduled some phone calls, and felt my head clear even as the champagne fizzed through my system. The last email I checked was from my real estate agent. My offer on the house had been accepted and everything was set pending an inspection.

  I clicked the link and scrolled through the photographs of the house for the hundredth time. It was perfect – in a comfortable neighborhood with room for easy improvements that would boost my equity immediately. It was small with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, but there was more than enough room for a single woman. I imagined walking through the empty rooms on my own and closed the browser window. Maybe being out on the road for work was not such a bad thing.

  I rewrote the email seven times, but finally sent a response to my real estate agent. The inspection was set for the next week. I would be home from Las Vegas by then and would move forward with the purchase of the house. If anything, I would fix the house up and sell it as soon as possible. It was a good investment.

  Thinking about my finances, I calculated the loss I was taking on the luxury suite. That plus the loss of my bonus would make things tight for the next year, unless I found another client and made it count. My first thought was Mario Peretti, but he w
as too closely linked with Fenton and the thought of Fenton made my stomach flop. I shoved the sadness away and racked my brain for a new business strategy.

  There was a large golf tournament in town. Not only did I have an excellent business history with golfers, but it would piss Fenton off to see me back with the country club set. If he cared at all. If not, I wanted to be as far from him and his rule-shirking type as possible. I pulled up the golf statistics for the tournament and started studying the players' numbers.

  "I don't care what people say about him, I find him irresistible," I overheard the woman three lounge chairs over say to her friend.

  "Really? I suppose he does have sexy eyes.,” the other woman said.

  I kept my eyes on the golf statistics and prayed they were not talking about Fenton. The last thing I could handle was hearing other women drooling over him.

  "Come on, tell me you don't think he's handsome," the first woman sat up and thrust a magazine at her friend.

  "Polo shirts are not really my thing. He looks kinda stuck up."

  My shoulders eased and I was able to turn my head. The women were looking at a tabloid magazine with the headline "Oh My God!". Underneath the bold letters was a clean-cut, all-American man with short, cropped brown hair. He did have sexy brown eyes, minus the devilish glint that Fenton's often showed.

  I looked again and recognized the man on the cover. I had met him minutes before Fenton came to speak to me at the nightclub. I studied the tabloid cover the women held up and almost laughed out loud. The man held a golf club over his shoulder – he was a professional golfer!

  "Excuse me, what's his name?" I asked the women.

  They looked up from their magazine and both their jaws dropped open.

  "Jackson McRay," a voice behind me said.

  I turned around and caught myself before gaping like the other women. He was even more handsome in person than his cover shot and his smiling brown eyes were fixed on me. My bikini instantly felt too small, but I could not reach my sundress without wriggling all around.

  "We met the other night," he said. "Remember?"

  "Yes, I do. I mean, I remember. Sorry, my name is Kya," I said.

  Jackson chuckled and sat down on the lounge chair next to me. "I remember," he said.

  The waiter approached and I drew a complete blank when he asked if I would like another drink. I stared up at him, trying not to feel Jackson's eyes sweep over my body.

  "Are you having champagne? Sounds good to me," Jackson said. He trailed his glance back up to my face and smiled. "Do you mind if I join you?"

  "No, thanks. That'd be nice," I replied. I was glad I had on sunglasses as my eyes were wide and blinking was an effort. He had appeared out of nowhere the moment I was thinking about him.

  "Sorry to sneak up on you, but I never got a chance to ask for your number the other night. We got interrupted," he said.

  "Interrupted?" I asked. That was a nice way of dismissing the way Fenton appeared and claimed me. "Oh, yes. That was business, though it ended up being a waste of time. I'm an endorsement agent."

  "Really? Wait, are you Kya Allen? You've represented a few of my friends," he said.

  I was kicking myself for confessing my profession, so his response shocked a laugh out of me. "Sorry, I just forget that golfers manage to be competitors and friends at the same time. You don't see that in many other one-on-one sports."

  "Especially not with MMA fighters?"

  I could tell he was curious about my involvement with Fenton. There was a hard twinge in my body every time I thought of him, so denouncing Fenton felt like the right thing to do. "Mixed Martial Arts isn't really my thing. I started out by representing tennis players, but golf is really more my game."

  Jackson tipped his head and smiled at me. "I would think you were just saying that if I had not already heard rumors about your golfing skills. I hear you've got a good swing."

  "There's a difference between rumors and facts," I sat up and smoothed my hair.

  "I like the confidence," he said. "How about a game, then?"

  "I'm not really dressed for the golf course."

  He let his eyes wander lower for a few seconds. "I don't mind. Actually, there's a mini-golf course just over there. Want to show me the facts?"

  Jackson McRay stood up as the waiter returned with our drinks. He took both champagne flutes and held one out to me. I stood up and shimmied into my sundress before accepting the drink.

  "I suppose I could have time for one quick game," I said as I scooped up my phone and checked the time.

  A message from Fenton blinked on the screen and I felt my stomach drop. He sent it a full twenty minutes after I had left our suite. Did it really take him that long to notice I was gone? I thought of everything he could have done in that time and felt sick.

  "I'm sorry," Jackson said. "Do you have somewhere else to be?"

  I opened the message from Fenton. "Miss you. Join me?"

  I ground my teeth, but forced a smile. "No, not at all. In fact, my whole day just opened up."

  Jackson held out his arm and I took it. What exactly did Fenton want me to join? My stomach clenched as the image of the stripper in silver flashed through my head. Whatever he had in mind was no good for me. I had been a fool for long enough. Now, it was time to focus on my career, make up for the costly mistakes I made pursuing Fenton, and get myself back on track.

  Jackson McRay was just the man to help me. We joined the line of children waiting to tee-off at the mini golf course. I dropped my phone to the bottom of my purse and banished Fenton from my thoughts.

  It did not matter that I could still feel his lips on my skin and the full push of him inside me. Those memories would always bring a wave of heat, but they were in the past. He had moved on, within minutes, and now was my chance to do the same thing.

  I smiled at Jackson and accepted the pink striped club he handed me. "I know you've got a reputation for clearing all the hazards, but you're on my turf now."

  "Let's play," he said.



  I threw myself into the min golf game as if each hole would get me farther from the disaster with Fenton. I knew I hurt, but the champagne and silly game helped. Jackson smiled and laughed and everything was easy. He was not opposed to my job, he even knew some of the same people, and I did not feel like every time I brought it up I was detonating a bomb.

  "So, Lawrence was not lying about your golf ability," Jackson said.

  "Well, he's the one that taught me to putt, so I guess I owe this success to him," I said.

  "Oh, so that's where you got that funny grip from."

  "What funny grip?" I asked.

  Jackson stood behind me and slipped his arms around me. "Not that many golfers thread their fingers together. Though, you make it work and you make it look good."

  I laughed. "Mr. McRay, you're trying to distract me. You know if I sink this last putt, I win."

  "No, I would never do that," he said with a wink. "I was just trying to find an excuse to get my hands on you."

  I felt the warmth of his smile reflected in my cheeks. Then, I turned to concentrate on the putt. There was no reason I could not put the entire Fenton disaster behind me. With Jackson, I was on sure footing. He was flirting, but everything was open and easy.

  "You won!" Jackson said. "Now, I suppose I owe you lunch."

  "No," I said. "Lunch is on me, if you let me pitch a new vitamin supplement campaign to you."

  "I'm buying, I lost fair and square. And I was hoping we could talk about business. Though, I gotta be honest, I don't mind mixing business and pleasure. Can we still call it a date?" Jackson asked.

  I smiled and nodded.

  "Then, it’s a date. I'll pick you up in the lobby in an hour?"

  We agreed, and he gave me a soft kiss on the cheek before we parted. I found my way back inside and could not come up with a good reason to avoid my suite. I thought about showering in the hotel spa, bu
t I could not justify spending one more cent of my boss' money.

  Everything was quiet when I entered the luxury suite. The dishes had been cleared from our breakfast, the pillows were no longer strewn on the floor in front of the fireplace, and the door to Fenton's room was wide open. I glanced inside and cringed at the sight of a bright orange dress flung over the foot of the bed. His guest was definitely staying.

  I crept into the master bedroom and locked myself in the bathroom. Despite the pleasant distractions of the morning, I burst into tears. I started the shower and let a few sobs escape. It hurt too much to ignore when I was alone. How could Fenton do that to me? He had been so tender, so entirely mine, we had made love twice. How I had been so mistaken? How had I let myself be so used?

  The searing hot shower washed away my tears, and I stood under the spray telling myself I was going to be fine. I was fine. As an adult woman, I could handle having casual sex whether or not I put too much meaning into it. It was my mistake and when I saw Fenton, all I had to do was pretend it did not matter. It should not have mattered, but all alone in the shower, I leaned against the wall and let it hurt.

  "Kya?" There was a hard crash against the bathroom door. "Why is the door locked? Kya?"

  "What do you want, Fenton?" My voice was too harsh.

  "Are you okay? Where did you disappear to? Let me in," he called.

  I gripped the shower curtain with white knuckles. "I went down to the pool to relax for a while. Then, I got distracted with work. I've got to get ready and go to a meeting," I said.

  I listened hard, but did not hear a response. Of course, he would not care what I was doing with the rest of my day. I scrubbed my hair hard, buffed my body with a loofah, and rinsed clean. I wrapped the towel around me and yanked open the door, determined to get dressed and out of the suite as fast as possible.

  "Fenton! You scared me!" I clutched the small towel harder. "I thought you left."


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