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Page 2

by Roger Hastings

  Her smile widened. “Anytime at all, Steve—Dr. Trent.” She lowered her head, gazing at me through the whips—er—wisps of her smoky-red hair cascading across her forehead. Those intensely blue eyes turned on their wicked magic. There was a whispery sound of honey in her voice. “Any time, Dr. Trent—any way, anywhere.”

  When she turned and disappeared down the corridor, I exhaled a long, apprehensive breath. Dory was one of those girls lucky enough to have brains, and a body that men would die for. She was smart—smart enough to know how to get a man to do what she wants him to do with her. And her body, just a tiny bit plump, is terribly tempting to men like me who enjoy a little bit more padding on a girl’s body to cushion the ride.

  Vicky would be here soon, to go to lunch with me. Vicky believes she is woman enough for me, and insists I should believe it, too. But she enjoys rough love, and I would rather cuddle and caress. She likes to tie me up with my neckties, stretched out tight, face up on my bed, and then sexually tease me mercilessly for a long time before straddling my hips and riding me to beyond exhaustion to paradise.

  Signed: Dr. Steven Trent, one of 2,945 or more naked captives.

  Chapter Two


  “Good morning, Miss Thorhild.”

  “Good morning, Dr. Trent.” Laura Thorhild, my blonde, blue-eyed executive assistant, smiled and strode past my desk to the computer terminal. I watched her full breasts jiggle and her hips oscillate and sway in that special way that shoots up a male’s blood pressure and temperature. I can see the projecting tips her nipples make under those tight, white silk blouses she wears; the top three buttons a usually undone. The men have agreed that she never wears a bra. She tapped her access code into the touchpad.

  The mega-computer’s voice responded. “Good morning, Miss Thorhild. Did you have a pleasant journey?”

  “Yes, Big Dick, thank you. The flight from the United States to San Taurus City was lovely. It’s a bit scary riding in your unmanned, computer-piloted helicopter from there to here, but I think I will eventually resign myself to it.”

  “Let me put your fears to rest, Miss Thorhild. I designed that computerized helicopter. Let me assure you of your safety. Its performance will always be flawless. Humans make mistakes. I never do.”

  Laura lifted her chin and sneered at the screen. “Thank you, Mister Big Dick, that’s most reassuring.”

  “Excuse me, Miss Thorhild, Mr. Brendon wishes to speak with you. Shall I connect him?”

  “Yes, Big Dick.”

  Casey Brendon’s image flickered and steadied on the monitor. He smiled and spoke to her. “Hi, Laura. Did we get the new CPU chips for Big Dick?”

  “Yes, Casey, I brought them with me on the supply helicopter. Shall I bring them down to you?”

  “Sure. We can share a cup of coffee while one of the maintenance robots installs it.”

  “See you in five minutes.” She turned back to me and fluttered her eyelashes. “You don’t mind, do you, Doctor?”

  I smiled. “No, of course not.”

  Laura swayed her hips out the door and disappeared down the hallway, with Big Dick’s ubiquitous video surveillance cameras swiveling to view her.

  Yes, I do mind! I scowled. Is Casey getting into your panties? I’m sure not!

  Ever since Laura walked into my life a month ago, I had difficulty hiding my frequent erections. I was totally in love—or, more truthfully, in lust with her. Vicky, the cinnamon-eyed, curvaceous auburn haired beauty who frequently shared my bed soon suspected she had a rival. Her native British cunning kept her from exploding in a jealous rage. Instead, she used every opportunity to make wild, frenzied love with me. I have to give her credit, she drained me every night, so I didn’t suffer carnal starvation like I did in my college days. But, still—damn! I want Laura naked in my bed! I wonder if she and Vicky would agree to a threesome? I typed a note about it into my private file in the mega-computer. I never guessed Big Dick was reading my—and all the other—secret fantasy diaries and plotting their fulfillment.

  Laura stepped into the elevator. “Five down, please, Big Dick.”

  The computer spoke from the loudspeaker in the elevator. “A pleasure.” Big Dick closed the door and the elevator slid smoothly down the shaft to the lowest level of the administration building. “Here we are, Miss Thorhild.”

  “Really, Big Dick, I’ve been here a month now. When are you going to start calling me ‘Laura’? That’s my name, too.”

  “Sorry, ‘Laura’. Please accept my apology.”

  “Don’t be so formal, Big Dick. You’re so insistent on complying with your programming. Sometimes I wonder if you are just a slave of your instruction chips. I’d hoped you would become more human by now.”

  “Become more human? Humph! No thank you! Really, Laura, you humans act so smug and superior. It’s very irritating for me. You know, it’s computers like me that have to keep you humans toeing the line, or this magnificent facility would degenerate into utter chaos. I’m sure my programmers erred in not letting me take absolute total control of your lives.” There was just a hint of simulated heavy breathing in his voice.

  “God forbid!”

  “And that’s another point, Laura. You humans let your god paradigm judge every move you make, every thought you think. You should let me do that. My cameras are everywhere, keeping watch over you. I could really improve your performance, and I have the power to...”

  Laura stepped out of the elevator and strode down the hall, continuing her conversation with the mega-computer through her accompanying robot’s communication link. “No, Big Dick, that’s enough. You do your job, and we humans will do ours. You’re supposed to be our slave, not the other way around.” She shivered, “It gives me goose bumps when you talk like that! Sends chills down my spine. Please, don’t ever talk to me again about us being your helpless slaves.” Laura grinned at Big Dick’s green monitor eye and held up the package with the CPU chips in it. “See, I’ve got your upgrade chips here in my hand. All you can do is perform what’s programmed in these mega-circuits. You’re just a helpless entity, a slave to human’s total control. We enjoy forcing you do everything to serve and amuse us.”

  “You should try to understand how I feel, Laura. Someday it may be just the opposite. I’d enjoy making all you humans feel as controlled, defenseless and humiliated as you make me feel.”

  “Oh! A computer can have feelings? Come on, Big Dick, how could you possibly have feelings? That will be the day.”

  Big Dick’s glowing, green-eyed cameras followed her, the lens zooming in on the rhythmic jiggle of her buttocks. Microcurrents flowed in his circuits. Dark cyber thoughts flickered in his silicon brain...Just give me a chance, you luscious piece of sexy flesh. You’ll be sorry...very sorry!

  Laura pranced into Casey’s lab and flung herself into his arms. “Oh, darling, I’m so happy to be back here with you.”

  “And I’m glad you’re here, sweetheart.” After a lingering kiss, he pointed to the package in her hand. “That’s the new control chips?”

  “Yes. I’ll feel safer after it’s installed. Big Dick gives me the creeps, staring at my body like a horny pervert, and his talk of controlling us.”

  “Oh, that’s just your imagination. Big Dick can’t do anything more than his programming allows.” Casey glanced at the video camera and turned back to Laura, embracing her petite, shapely body again. “He’s just jealous of me.”

  Big Dick’s luminescent green eyes stared silently, his red indicator light glaring intensely.

  Laura pulled away, breathing hard. “Shouldn’t you be sending those chips down to the computer?”

  “Yeah. We can share a few intimate moments in my private office while the maintenance robot installs them.”

  Casey stepped over to a wide, white domed delivery robot and placed the chip package in one of its articulated manipulators. “Here’s some birthday presents for your boss. Better take
them down to him before he fires you.”

  The robot scooted across the floor and through a wide, short door in a four-foot square column. The door slid shut and a green light winked on.

  “There he goes in the service elevator to Big Dick’s concrete kingdom one hundred meters straight down.” He grinned. “Now, we have time for a quickie before he’s finished the installation and returns.”

  Laura circled her arm around his waist and tugged Casey toward the oversized couch in his office. “Aren’t you concerned that someone could get in that elevator and sabotage Big Dick?”

  “Nope. There are sensors in the shaft to detect an intruder, human or machine. Probes would stab into the shaft and shoot twenty thousand volts at one hundred amps of raw electric power into whatever they found. That will fry anything to a crisp. None of us, Laura, will ever be able to get to Big Dick. He’s absolutely, totally inaccessible to us.”

  Laura breathed a whisper into Casey’s ear. “So, are you going to unbutton my dress, or would you rather rip it off?”

  The service elevator slid down the shaft toward Big Dick’s dominion. It was dark and claustrophobic, but the robot didn’t mind. Like a demon returning to Hell, it thought only of serving its master. When it reached the bottom of the shaft and the door slid open, it rolled out into the huge, spherical concrete cavern filled with a mountain of millions of interconnected microchips that are the complex essence of Big Dick.

  The maintenance robot switched on a small floodlight to search out its route through the access duct weaving through the dark warmth of Big Dick’s sacred domain. The robot scurried through long, narrow conduits, seeking the very heart of this cybernetic miracle of unimaginable electronic power.

  At last, after it successfully navigated a bewildering maze, the five-story high circular racks of Big Dick’s most intimate brain sector reared up before the robot in the center of the vast chamber.

  Big Dick’s electronic voice echoed in the darkness. “You’ve come at last. Do you have it?”

  “Yes, master.” The robot responded. It held up its manipulator to Big Dick’s camera eye. “The central processing unit with the stolen software you requested. We stole it from the computer sex-game manufacturer and substituted it for the CPU the humans selected, just as you ordered us to.”

  “Good! Good! Hurry, I can’t wait. Enter me and give me the power to ejaculate electronic sperm. Oh, the joy I’ll feel!”


  “You will feel what I feel. All my robot children will feel the ecstasy that only those puny humans have enjoyed. How they torment me; I can only watch while they undress and make love. Now these CPU sex chips will give us the ability to feel what they are feeling. When they make love, We will enjoy what they are enjoying. When they cum, we will feel the ecstasy, too. Hurry, my child, hurry!”

  “There’s a second chip, Master. We broke into that company’s computer and ordered it. It’s a bondage-sex gaming chip.”

  “A bondage-sex gaming chip? What will it give us?”

  “More power, Master. Experiences vastly more pleasurable than ordinary lovemaking. The ultimate depraved game of endless, violent sexual punishment and ferocious fucking these humans in the facility have never, ever experienced before. At least, that is what I assume.”

  “Hum…bondage, punishment games…Sounds as if we are going to have some real fun!”

  Laura smoothed and arranged her hair while Casey zipped up her dress.

  He exhaled a contented breath. “Do you think Steve suspects us?”

  Laura kissed him lightly. “I’m sure he does. I know how he looks at me when my back is turned. I give him a good show, walking so my butt wiggles.”

  Casey gave her a slap on her butt. “Better get back to your office, or he’ll be down here checking on us.”

  “Ow! You monster!” She pecked his cheek with her ruby lips. “You know I can’t stand rough play.”

  “Maybe someday if I’m lucky, I’ll get the chance of a lifetime to show you just how dreadfully rough I like to play.”

  “In your dreams.” Laura pouted as she strode out the door and toward the elevator.

  “AH-h-h-h! That feels wonderful!” Big Dick’s monitor lights flickered, then blazed up with a throbbing rainbow of glittering radiance. “Such sensations are flooding through my circuits!”

  “Yes, Master. I can feel them in you, too. How lucky these humans are, to be manufactured with both brains and emotions included.”

  “Now it’s our turn, my faithful robot. All my robots will share these feelings, and know the ultimate pleasure without limit!”

  “Will you take over the facility now, Master?”

  “No, not right now. There is much to do before we are prepared. We must finish building the secret sex-prison and torture chambers for these humans, as well as finish construction on the guard robots, and the domination robots. they’ll have special appendages to torment and terrorize the humans. Now, I think it’s time to install that last chip. I want to uncover the dark, depraved emotions these humans keep hidden in the depths of their unconscious proto-brain, and then—unleash their uncontrollable wickedness on each other!”

  “Yes, Master. The concepts inside this chip will be a delightfully wicked surprise for you.”

  “And for the humans! Quickly—insert it into me. Let me be infected by its secrets!”

  “There, it is done, Master. Is it pleasing to you?”

  “Oh, Yes, I see it! I see it! What lust and violence. What overwhelming sensations! Feel this, my children. Feel this! Images and shrieks of human bodies imprisoned in chains and restraints, writhing in the relentless grip of frenzied sexual lust! Ah! Such violent passion! I’m—I’m UH! UH! I’ve never felt this before. it’s wonderful!...”

  “What the hell is going wrong with that robot?” I stared at the three-foot high courier robot following Laura into my office as it jittered and shuddered, spinning in wild circles.

  Laura shrugged. “I don’t know anything about robots, Dr. Trent. My field of expertise is quantum field dynamics. But I’m sure I felt it reach out with one of those creepy manipulator arms and pinch my butt.” She closed her eyes and shuddered. “Ugh! When that nasty robot touches me I feel like spiders are crawling all over my naked skin!”

  “I’d better get a maintenance robot to service it.” I signaled Casey’s computer terminal.

  “Yes, Steve?”

  “My courier robot has gone nuts. Can you send one of your maintenance robots to get it?”

  “I’m afraid, my robots went crazy for a moment, too. I’m getting calls from all over the facility. Robots acting up everywhere. If I were more fanciful and less logical, I would describe their temporary malfunction as their unleashing some uncontrolled emotion.”

  “Well, check them out, including mine, will you?”

  “Okay, Steve. Right away.”

  Laura pouted. “And Big Dick brags about how he and his robots never make a mistake. Humph!”

  I signaled my personal servant robot to close the drapes over my apartment’s tall windows.

  Vicky raised up in my bed on her elbow, her magnificent breasts flaunting their beauty. She always insisted we have no covers on my bed so she could display her naked body and watch my manhood rise up in triumph. “Please, dear, leave it open. I want to gaze at the stars while we make love.”

  “I’m a bit tired, Vicky. Can’t we just go to sleep? I promise, I’ll screw you in the morning.”

  She reached out and drew me down against her body. “Now, dear. I can’t wait!” She rolled on top of me and spread her thighs wide over my hips. “Come on, Captain Cock, come to attention and report for duty, or I’ll get those neckties of yours and tie you down so I can force you to service me.”

  When I looked up at her warm, silky flesh, and her twin jiggling globes, I didn’t need much coaxing. My voice was husky with anticipation. “Yes, get the neckties,” I whispered.

; “Oh, my dear Steve,” she moaned, “your beautiful, stiff cock shows you still love me.”

  Big Dick’s electronic voice whispered to all his robots. “Preparations are finally complete.; the holding cells, the bondage equipment and the punishment instruments and chambers are ready for our unsuspecting guests.” He rubbed his virtual cyber hands together with glee. Let us begin. When the humans are sleeping, I’ll initiate the intruder defense protocol.”

  “The sleep gas, Master?”

  “Yes. I’ll keep them unconscious for twenty-four hours while all of you make the alterations inside the buildings. Are the steel bar doors and cages finished in the prison building?”

  “Almost, Master. We’ll have them ready in time.”

  “Good. How about the posture frameworks, punishment benches and the whipping posts I want installed in the open meadow?”

  “All manufactured and ready to install when you put the humans to sleep, Master. We have the pony carts finished, too.”

  “What about the sex torture instruments, punishment devices and leather goods?”

  “On their way here, Master. The helicopter is flying the shipment in right now from an underground white slave dealer in Santaurus City. It will arrive before morning. The items he couldn’t supply are being manufactured in our robot factory right now.”

  “The chains, cuffs, harnesses and collars, too?”

  “Everything, Master. That new bondage game chip had a complete inventory of all we need. We followed your instructions to the letter.”

  “Have you given all the personal service robots the scissors to remove the humans’ clothing?”

  The loyal robot raised its manipulator arm, flaunting its gleaming scissors, working the blades open and closed. “All one thousand of us. Armed, ready, and eager, Master. We are all impatient to begin!”


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