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Afterlife Adventures

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by William Fergus Martin

  This is an example of someone who is taken straight to his home in the Afterlife. On his arrival he was met by Edwin, who had been a colleague on earth.

  “My friend then proposed that as we had no further need or call to stay in the surroundings of my passing, we might move away, and that he would take me to a very nice ‘place’ that had been made ready for me. He made this reference to a ‘place’, but he hastened to explain that in reality I was going to my own house, where I should find myself immediately ‘at home.” — Life in the World Unseen

  After a quick glance back to his body, he closed his eyes and was taken by Edwin, his guide, to his new home.

  “After a short while, our progress seemed to slacken somewhat, and I could feel that there was something very solid under my feet. I was told to open my eyes. I did so. What I saw was my old home that I had lived in on the earth-plane; my old home - but with a difference. It was improved in a way that I had not been able to do to its earthly counterpart. The house itself was rejuvenated, as it seemed to me from a first glance, rather than restored, but it was the gardens round it that attracted my attention more fully… they were beautifully kept and tended… the most glorious profusion of beautiful flowers so arranged as to show themselves to absolute perfection.” — Life in the World Unseen

  Some people may be put off by the idea of the Afterlife as having houses and gardens and the like. They are expecting something much more ‘spiritual’, mystical or whatever. However, those spheres near the Earth are often very much like the Earth only much more beautiful and refined. I believe the higher realms have less and less need for ‘form’ as such. Yet, even there, the desire to create has often to find expression through some ‘thing’. No doubt those who would prefer to sit on a cloud and play a harp are accommodated too till they want something else.

  Our friend, the New Arrival, continues by describing what he sees in his garden.

  “Of the flowers themselves, when I was able to examine them more closely, I must say that I never saw either their like or their counterpart, upon the earth, of many that were there in full bloom. Numbers were to be found, of course, of the old familiar blossoms, but by far the greater number seemed to be something entirely new to my rather small knowledge of flowers. It was not merely the flowers themselves and their unbelievable range of superb colorings that caught my attention, but the vital atmosphere of eternal life that they threw out, as it were, in every direction. And as one approached any particular group of flowers, or even a single bloom, there seemed to pour out great streams of energizing power which uplifted the soul spiritually and gave it strength, while the heavenly perfumes they exhaled were such as no soul clothed in its mantle of flesh has ever experienced. All these flowers were living and breathing, and they were, so my friend informed me, incorruptible.” — Life in the World Unseen

  A common feature of the Afterlife is that color often has sound associated with it and sound often has color associated with it. The Afterlifers assure us that this does not result in some noisy cacophony or in some garish mix of colors owing to the ways this occurs. Besides, they always have the option of tuning out anything that they do not want to be aware of.

  “Here was another astonishing feature I noticed when I drew near to them, and that was the sound of music that enveloped them, making such soft harmonies as corresponded exactly and perfectly with the gorgeous colors of the flowers themselves.” — Life in the World Unseen

  This New Arrival, describing his experiences in the above, obviously had a natural affinity for gardens, and so this reflects in the type of experience he is having and what is attracting his attention. His guide would be very much aware of his friend’s natural interests and would choose such an introduction to the Afterlife to help his friend feel comfortable and eager to explore further.

  “There were many splendid trees to be seen… there did not appear to be what we should commonly call shade beneath the trees, and yet there did not appear to be any glaring sun. It seemed to be that there was a radiance of light that penetrated every corner, and yet there was no hint of flatness. My friend told me that all light proceeded directly from the Giver of all light, and that this light was Divine life itself, and that it bathed and illumined the whole of the spirit world where lived those who had eyes spiritually to see.

  I noticed, too, that a comfortable warmth pervaded every inch of space, a warmth perfectly even and as perfectly sustained. The air had a stillness, yet there were gentle perfume-laden breezes… that in no way altered the delightful balminess of the temperature.

  And here let me say to those who do not care much for ‘perfumes’ of any sort: Do not be disappointed when you read these words, and feel that it could never be heaven to you if there were something there you do not like. Wait, I say, until you witness these things, and I know that then you will feel very differently about them.” — Life in the World Unseen

  Waking Up in Her New Home

  This next person woke up in the Afterlife after an illness. In such cases, the person sometimes awakens little by little. Everything feels so right, pleasant and ’normal’, though sometimes a bit dream-like at first that they often do not immediately question unusual occurrences such as seeing people who passed on years before. As she was a New Arrival, she would not be aware that her Astral Body was quite capable of passing through walls and the like if she willed it do so.

  “When I passed out of the body, I rested for some time and then awoke suddenly to find myself in a substantial abode. Members of my family were with me. The house was utterly [new] to me, the furniture was different and the decorations such as I should not [have been able to afford], although I must say I looked on such things with pleasure.

  After a time, I said to one of the family: ‘Then we have [moved house]?’

  ‘Yes’, she replied. ‘Don’t you like this new house?’ I admitted that I liked it very much, but I did not know that we could afford or even find such a house. At that time, I had no idea that I had passed out of my physical body and was in the spirit world.

  I assure you there was nothing ethereal about what I saw, everything was hard, substantial and solid, at least it felt so to the touch. I walked with a firm step that could be heard, upstairs and down. There was no passing through walls or closed doors but a passage from room to room and into the grounds, just as takes place on earth. I could not make out how it was the flowers were so much larger and more brilliant in color, while some seemed more subdued than those I had known. I was puzzled and asked many questions before I realized what had happened.” — Secret of Death

  Afterlife Reception Centre

  Others who arrive in the Afterlife, especially those who have been through a long, drawn-out illness may not awaken in or near their physical body. These often find themselves awakening in a Rest Hall. These are an Afterlife equivalent of a reception center. These are centers located within the spirit world where the person is often in a sleep state while they are bathed in a mix of peaceful, invigorating and soothing energies till they are ready to fully awaken into the Afterlife. These places are needed, because after a long illness, mental problems, or a death that was in some way shocking, the person’s Spirit Body may need a time to adjust. This helps those people let go of earthly influences somewhat and be ready to face their new life refreshed and invigorated and less affected by the life they have just lived.

  When the New Arrival is likely to awaken their relatives and friends are alerted so they can be on hand to greet them. In addition, there are those who like to specialize in guiding New Arrivals. The training and expertise of these Guides helps ensure a good introduction to the Afterlife, in case their relatives or friends are not able to provide it. Here is a description of a Rest Hall:

  “As we drew near I could see that the building was in no sense a ‘hospital’ in outward semblance. It was built in the classical style, two or three stories high, and it was entirely open upon all sides. It was white in color, but immediately above i
t there was to be seen a great shaft of blue light descending upon, and enveloping, the whole building with its radiance, the effect of which was to give a striking blue tinge to the whole edifice. This great ray was the down-pouring of life - a healing ray - sent to those who had already passed here, but who were not yet awake. When they were fully restored to spiritual health, there would be a splendid awakening, and they would be introduced into their new land.

  We noticed that there were quite a number of people seated upon the grass in the grounds, or walking about. They were relatives of those who were undergoing treatment within the hall of rest, and whose awakening was imminent. They were all supremely joyful, and very excited, as could be seen by the expressions on their faces, and many were the friendly smiles we received as we walked among them.

  [On entering the building] the space that would ordinarily be devoted to windows was occupied by tall pillars set some distance apart, and this arrangement was carried out through all four walls. The floor was carpeted with some very soft covering in a sober design, and here and there a handsomely wrought tapestry was hanging upon the walls. Occupying the whole of the floor space were extremely comfortable-looking couches, each of which bore a recumbent form, quite still, and obviously sleeping profoundly.

  Moving quietly about were a number of men and women intent upon watching the different couches and their burdens. I noticed as soon as we entered this hall that we came under the influence of the blue ray, and its effect was one of pronounced energizing as well as tranquility. Those in attendance upon the sleepers did so, not in the attitude of a certain task to be done willy-nilly, but as though they were performing a labor of love in the sheer joy of doing it. Such, indeed, was precisely the case. The glad awakening of these sleeping souls was an ever-recurrent joy to them, no less than to the people who had come to witness it.

  I learned that all the ‘patients’ in this particular hall had gone through lingering illnesses before passing over. Long illness prior to passing into the spirit world has a debilitating effect upon the mind, which in turn has its influence upon the spirit body. The latter is not serious, but the mind requires absolute rest of varying duration… During this sleep-state, the mind is completely resting. There are no unpleasant dreams, or fevers of delirium. The patients resting upon their couches looked very peaceful. Constant watch is kept upon them, and at the first flutterings of returning consciousness, others are summoned, and all is ready for the full awakening.” — Life in the World Unseen

  When the ‘patients’ awaken, the helpers will take them in hand or bring in the family to welcome them as seems right. For many, this is a time of happy reunion and re-connection and also of discovery of members of the extended family. Also, it can be a time of poignant feeling towards those back on earth mourning their loss owing to lack of knowledge of the nature of the Afterlife. As more and more people are taking it upon themselves to become better informed about the next world, then this is helping to break down that barrier and over time the connection between the two worlds will become much easier and much more common.

  Why Healing is Necessary for Some New Arrivals

  Remember that in the Afterlife thoughts can have substance. Therefore, strongly-held, ill-informed ideas and superstition can have substance too. Ignorance and superstition are partly what create and sustain the barriers between this world and the next. It is often necessary for New Arrivals to have a change of attitude before they are introduced to the Afterlife. One of the ways this is achieved is through these Rest Halls and their healing energy as described above.

  The organized religions of the world, and their avoidance of facing up to the true nature of the Afterlife, and their refusal to investigate it, are partially to blame for the appalling lack of awareness of what really happens when we pass on.

  What helps improve the connection between the two worlds are loving and affectionate thoughts and feelings. Send kindly thoughts to those who have passed over to the other side and you contribute to building a bridge they can then use to help you when you need it. You don’t need any strange rituals or odd incantations and all that. A deliberate caring thought, directed with loving intention has real creative power, especially in the Afterlife realms.

  Selected Quotes

  “It was a great shock to me and my wife {they died together in an accident}, but it did not take us long to throw aside all fear and enter upon the new life with a considerable amount of joy and contentment. Life goes on just the same—work, learning, progress, friendship and love, but what is called death does not come to break up the home conditions which can be made as perfect and as peace full as we desire.” — Secret of Death

  “We have everything that pertains to beauty, either of dress or scenery or gems or anything else. Make no mistake! Your world has nothing to compare with the beauty of this!” — Spirit World and Spirit Life

  “At one sitting, a new [communicator] gave the name of Jimmy Stokes. Speaking in broad [country dialect; he told me he had been run over and killed, but was very much more alive now than he was before and very much happier. He used to get his living by doing odd jobs, …. On the day he was killed, he was so desperately hungry that he felt he could have eaten a whole loaf and he could not understand why it was, when he woke to consciousness, that he was no longer hungry. The accident had been ‘the best thing that could have happened to me.’ He then laughed delightfully over his reception: ‘Fancy calling a ragamuffin like me “dear brother”. Oh crikey, blow my buttons off, says I.’ He added that he was having such a good time.” — Secret of Death

  Chapter 4: Afterlife Versus Earth Life

  “Ours is such a wonderful life compared with that lived on Earth. Nothing I could say would give you any ideas that was comparable to the reality of it. It is so much more wonderful, bright and enjoyable than we can express.” – Life Beyond Death

  For us here in physical bodies, and for the most part unaware of what life is like over there, it can be highly beneficial to know how Afterlifers compare their current life with life on Earth.


  It is good when we cultivate an awareness and enjoyment of the beauty and wonders of the physical world. However, worries and cares, including growing older, eventually start to take their toll. The aches, pains, illnesses and ailments of the physical body tend to have a heavy effect on our capacity for happiness in physical life. Likewise, the worries and concerns about earning a living, having adequate food, clothing and shelter can be a burden too. Life can at times feel like a struggle and it can be a challenge to go beyond our own burden and reach out to others.

  “One realizes that life on earth [in comparison to the Afterlife] was by no means an easy one, but a severe test of our spiritual strength and endurance in many ways.” — Travellers Return

  “No, if I might come back and live on earth as I used to do, I would not; it would be all loss and no gain. There is nothing the body could give me that I do not now enjoy.” — After Death: Letters from Julia

  Of course, life in a physical body is not all about suffering, there is much good which comes our way too. Some may worry that they will be somehow disadvantaged by the loss of the physical body. Afterlifers say that the body they inhabit has all the senses of the physical body and more.

  "Some people fear that they will be less complete when out of the body than they now are within it. The physical body seems so essential; the idea of being detached from it gives them the feeling of loss, or being less well off than before. This is quite a wrong idea. The unseen body, which exists all the time you are in the physical body, has much greater power when set free… When personality and soul are freed from the physical, one is immediately in a similar body, but one which has indeed added powers of feeling, of appreciation, and even of movement." – Life Beyond Death

  “It is impossible to convey, even in a small measure, this exquisite feeling of supreme vitality and well-being. When we are living upon the earth-plane, we are constantly being re
minded of our physical bodies in a variety of ways - by cold or heat, by discomfort, by fatigue, by minor illnesses, and by countless other means. Here we labor under no such disabilities.” — Life in the World Unseen

  Sleep and New Arrivals

  “The conception of earth as a geographical place is very material. You think too much in matter. You cannot realize that to me and to all on this side you are spirit-fogged in a little body limited and conditioned by that fog.” — After Death: Letters from Julia

  As we become accustomed to the Afterlife, we more and more release the influences of the physical body and the attitudes that came with it. We naturally rise to a higher and better level of thought and feeling. To assist the process, a period similar to ‘sleep’ is very common for New Arrivals. This gives them a chance to throw off earthly influences and allow the natural buoyancy of their Spirit Body to show itself.

  This period of sleep conditions us to a higher sphere in the Afterlife and enables us to fully awaken in that sphere, having let go of most of the influences and after-effects of being in a physical body.

  “When your soul is freed from the Earthly Body it finds itself living in one similar, but which has added powers of feeling and movement. I wish to emphasize that I am not only surrounded by greater beauty and happiness but that my powers of appreciation are greatly expanded…” – Life Beyond Death

  It is not always necessary to go through this sleep phase. If the person was actively working to help other people in their Earth life, and they sincerely cared, they are likely to have cultivated the very qualities that will stand them in very good stead in the Afterlife and can adapt very readily.

  This is especially true if they deliberately tried to rise above their Earthy circumstances and managed to reach out to others despite their own challenges and their own difficulties. This effort to rise above earthly conditions develops spiritual ‘muscles’ and enables them to make rapid progress so they achieve very beautiful conditions in the Afterlife. In a way, they had already begun to transcend physical existence by refusing to let it determine their attitude and they have already been raising themselves up despite the downward pull of Earthly gravity and demands.


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