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Afterlife Adventures

Page 13

by William Fergus Martin

  Those in the healing arts who have pass on, may like to spend time in and around hospitals on Earth. After some training, they learn how to bring healing energies to those who need them. They might inspire the work of a surgeon, or other medical specialist, to new discoveries to alleviate suffering. They may help to create a peaceful atmosphere around a nurse to help her while she is struggling to remain calm with a difficult patient.

  Many skills we gain on Earth can find expression in the Afterlife in one way or another. Even if the specific skills themselves don't apply (such as Undertakers, Bank Workers, and Hairdressers, etc.), the qualities of character we develop in a job such as attention to detail, use of the imagination, and so on, can usually always find a suitable channel of expression.

  "I am busy helping [those] who were engaged in business on earth to find the kind of work for which their executive abilities have fitted them. I think people on earth would be surprised to know there is ample opportunity for those who have a gift for organization in this world, and that we live active lives in which our special gifts are put to use.” — Travellers Return

  Coming back to the man we met at the beginning of this chapter. His friend, Ruth was also with him and this is the result of their questions about suitable ‘work’ to their Guide Edwin.

  "[Our Guide, Edwin] then proposed that perhaps I would like to join him in his work, which was principally concerned with taking in hand newly-arrived souls whose religious beliefs were the same as we had held upon earth, but who, unlike ourselves, were unable as yet to realize the truth of the change they had made, and of the unreality of so much of their religion.

  Much as I liked my friend's proposal, I did not feel competent enough to undertake such work, but Edwin waved aside my objection. I should, he said, work with him - at first at any rate. When I had become used to the task, I could continue independently if I so wished.

  Speaking from experience, Edwin said that two or more people - and here he glanced at Ruth - could very often give far greater help to an individual soul than could one working entirely alone. The weight of numbers seemed to have a greater power of conviction upon one who was particularly stubborn in holding on to his old earthly religious ideas. Since Edwin felt that I would be of real service to him, I was very pleased to accept his offer to join forces with him. And here Ruth brought herself forward as another candidate for service under him, subject, of course, to his approval. Not only was the latter instantly forthcoming, but her offer was gratefully accepted.” — Life in the World Unseen

  This following account is also from a man who works with guiding New Arrivals. Some may need a calming influence; some may need invigorated. His specialty is to give them fruit containing properties that will help them take in the qualities they need. Offering someone fruit is a simple way to help them and it will not seem strange to such New Arrivals as other forms of treatment might. Afterlifers do require food, but it is eaten sometimes for the joy of it, or if it serves a useful and healing purpose.

  "[My grandfather] has taught me a great deal about the spiritual values of fruit into which he, too, has made an extensive study. We work together in this field of service to others. We have developed a beautiful orchard and I have rather specialized in the study of fruit and its medicinal value. Once you know how, it is very simple to diagnose, from studying the aura of new arrivals, how they will benefit. We find what their individual requirements are, then it is a simple matter to provide them with the fruits that are suited to their needs. So, I spend a good deal of my time in the Halls of Rest, as we call the beautiful buildings that are a kind of hospital here, where new arrivals spend a period of re-adjustment to their spiritual bodies after shedding their physical cloak.” — Letters From Mother

  Upon visiting a place of study, or training, in the Afterlife, a woman and four friends were given a demonstration of a device that showed the Earth through its various stages of evolution. This device was used to train students. She describes its purpose and then comments on the type of work students at that place might undertake.

  "We asked our guide to what practical purpose the knowledge was put when acquired. He replied that the first use was the training of the mind and will of the student. That training was very excellent and very strenuous. When the student had become proficient, he moved on to another college in this region where another branch of the science was learned, and then had to pass through many more stages of training.

  The actual use of his knowledge did not fall to his lot until he had passed through many spheres of progress. In the higher of these he was allowed to accompany some great Master, or Archangel, or Power (I do not know the exact and correct title) on one of his missions of service in the Infinite Creation of the One Father, and there witness the sublime process at work. It was thought that this might be the creation of some new cosmos or system, either material or spiritual. But that is so high above this state in which we are at present that we have only a general idea of the duties of those High Beings. And the chances are that, for us [who were visiting just out of interest], our onward path will lead us somewhere else. But we love to know all about the different spheres of service…” — Lowlands of Heaven

  Performing Arts

  The various performing Arts and Visual Arts are an important part of the Afterlife. Musicians, actors, singers, painters, sculptors, weavers, costumers, etc., and performers of many kinds can find many opportunities to express themselves and to develop their skills even further. Also, those who always wanted to have a go at such things, but did not have the chance on Earth, can are given ample opportunity and are able to learn from expert teachers.

  One house - or college - was devoted to the study of the best methods of conveying musical inspiration to those who had a talent for composition… and another house gave attention rather to those who were clever at playing music, and others to singing, and still others made a special study of ecclesiastical music, and others concert music, and others operatic composition, and so on.” — Lowlands of Heaven

  One peculiarity of the Afterlife is pageants where important historical events that happened on Earth, are portrayed - these often include some of the original participants. They are sometimes shown in two versions. One version is the one that Earth history says took place, the second version being what actually happened.

  Sharing and Learning

  It may seem an odd concept that people living in the Afterlife might have some kind of occupation. However, when we think about it, we can see that people have to do something . Just like on Earth, we can draw a sense of fulfillment, satisfaction and happiness by having one or more things we like to do regularly that 'makes a difference'.

  People who object to the idea of work in the Afterlife need to consider what they would prefer instead. In what ways would contemplating bliss in some vague and nebulous Afterlife be better than the bliss of doing something that puts a smile on somebody’s face? If others are suffering, what truly ‘enlightened’ being would not want to do something about that? Compassion that is not acted on is not really compassion. Enlightenment is not for the selfish and self-centered, no matter their claims to be ‘spiritual’ and the trappings they use to support their claim.

  During our time on Earth, when we particularly enjoy an activity, even if it is our actual 'job', it does not really feel like work. Therefore, work and leisure in the Afterlife easily overlap. In the Afterlife, there is no reason that we must work so we can do the things we most enjoy whether we class these as 'work' or 'leisure'.

  It also helps to hold in mind that people working in the Afterlife are expressing the love and gratitude they feel welling up within them for the glorious and abundant life they live. When we pass on and live from our Afterlife body, we no longer tire or feel weak from hunger. We can do what we like, when we like, and have congenial company at the same time.

  Learning, and the sharing of learning, is highly prized and widely available in the Afterlife realms. What could be more
natural than wanting to use something we learn to benefit other people either in the Afterlife or those still on Earth? It also good to be aware that the main way people progress in the Afterlife is by helping, or contributing, to the lives of others.

  `[We] study, I guess, only it seems like play, it is so easy. Oh, you don’t know yet the ease with which we can advance in learning. We are supposed to have left our brains in the coffin along with our bodies. But something has taken the place, and of such infinite improvement, I cannot describe it. Only there is no effort in acquiring knowledge:- you just want it, and it comes! You will never know a thousandth part of this life, for all the pages and pages and pages that have been written, until you come. Then, oh, then! Happiness and more happiness.” — Life Here and Hereafter

  "We are on the plane nearest the earth, and are more nearly in touch with human lives than the higher ones. We love our work here and can stay as long as we wish; or, we can go to a higher plane and take up new work and new studies. But in going on, we would lose our closeness to those we love, and who have not yet come over. And so we stay and wait and work and love, and try to win our earth friends into happier thoughts of life and death, as you call them; of life and progression as we call them. I had no one especially whom I loved or whom I could help; but you must remember that I came over ignorant of all that pertained to this life, and so I became interested in my work. We will go higher of course, some time, but we will have joy and companionship and work that will be congenial wherever we go.” — Spirit World and Spirit Life

  Chapter 9: Earth Bound

  “What is needed is a greater awareness of the unseen world, not in a superstitious way, but as a scientific fact and that its influence for good is even greater than the influence of evil. Also, that it is necessary for people to be so aware that they are prepared to guard themselves from the evil by keeping their whole interest centered in the spiritual way of life.” — Travellers Return

  Mostly, this book is about what happens to the average person and how they experience the Afterlife as being far better than their life on Earth. However, this is not true for everyone and some people are so attached to earthly things that for a time they can become ‘Earth Bound’, literally tied or ‘bound’ to something, an idea about something, or a person, on the Earth. A healthy, well-balanced person is not going to become Earth Bound so what we are looking at here is how to help those unfortunates who do get stuck in this way.

  Earth Bound people are those who for one reason or another are choosing not to leave the Earth regions. They have physically left their Earthly body, but they are clinging to the zone of the Astral Plane that is very close to it and inter-penetrates it. Their reasons for not wanting to leave the Earth regions can be many and varied. It can even be a relatively well-intentioned one of wanting to try and comfort those grieving their departure. In their willfulness, they may refuse to listen, or block out their awareness of those who have come to greet them and who are encouraging them to move on.

  Some of those who become Earth Bound were so materialistic that they had no concept of any life other than an Earthly existence and so are refusing to accept that the physical life they had has ended. Rather than look to the new, they are using their free will to cling to what they already know. Free will is not always an obviously good thing as it leads those ignorant of a wider reality to make really bad choices. However, they nevertheless learn and grow and eventually everything comes right.

  Some take a while to even realize that they are ‘dead’ as far as the world is concerned and wonder for a while why nobody pays any attention to them. As their focus is so intent on the Earth they do not even see, and are not open to the assistance standing by to help them move on. They might not even realize, for a time, that they can pass through walls and go where they want at will. Some of them go into some kind of half-awake daze and convince themselves that they having some kind of dream.

  “Many, as you know, do not realize for some time the fact that they are what they would call dead, because they find themselves alive and with a body, and their previous vague notions of the after-death state are not, by any means, lightly thrown away.” — Lowlands of Heaven

  Many of those who become Earth Bound do so simply out of ignorance. They do not know what to expect from ‘death’ and so have no idea that they have passed on. You may wonder why God has allowed this situation. Yet, it is human free will that has allowed this to happen. Collectively, groups of humans, for example, in the established churches, have seen knowledge of the Afterlife as a threat to their positions and so do whatever they can to block that information. The material-minded also see knowledge of the Afterlife as a threat and they have sought to minimize or trivialize such knowledge. People becoming ‘wage slaves’ suits the materialists’ purposes, but not them spending time to cultivate themselves with spiritual goals in mind. However, things are changing and in future there will be far more actual knowledge of the Afterlife and far less superstition and ignorance. As knowledge prevails, then there will be less Earth Bound people.

  The Well-Meaning Earth Bound.

  “Some, I believe, are for a considerable period unaware that they have passed out of the physical body, and they suffer a good deal of distress and discomfort, failing to understand why they are ignored in their own homes, why those who are nearest and dearest to them should treat them as though they were not there, and even mourn their absence. It seems almost humorous to be here, full of life and vigor, to see and hear all that is going on, and yet be invisible and unheard by those occupying the same house.” — Secret of Death

  Not everyone who becomes Earth Bound is intending harm. Some are simply a bit shocked and confused. Many Earth Bound people are harmless and just need some help to realize that they have passed over.

  Ignorance plays a large part in well-meaning people who become Earth bound. They are not aware of the power of their own mind and they create a mental shell around themselves without realizing they are doing it. A milder version of this, which we see amongst our friends while living on Earth, is when someone completely refuses to listen to any kind of voice of reason about an issue. In extreme versions of this, the person is willfully blocking communication from other people. In the Afterlife realms, where thoughts are much more tangible, this stops those who want to help the person from doing so as they are not allowed to interfere with that person’s free will. If the person really wants them to go away that is what will happen, but then the person is on their own. Just like on Earth where we cannot reach someone who just will not listen, it is even more the case in the Afterlife where thoughts come much more quickly into reality and act as a solid barrier to communication.

  A soldier killed in battle, may not realize he has passed over right away. His main thought might be, ‘I must help my buddies!’ and so he tries to continue fighting. He has to realize that he has passed over, and change the focus of his mind, before he can move away from the Earthly environment and come to terms with his new life. There will be those watching over him for signs of a change and who will intervene first chance they get. If he is good-hearted, then he will not have pushed his Spiritual Guides away and they will find it easier to reach him. He may also be brought out of his compulsion by prayers, or a funeral service, as those on Earth are more able to reach him in that state. The extent to which free will is respected in the Afterlife is extraordinary.

  Some may become Earth Bound for a while because they refuse to leave the place where someone dear to them is mourning their passing. They want to stay and comfort them, but it is not a good idea. There is very little they can actually do at this stage and it is far better for them to move on and return later when they have learned more about the new life they have entered. They will be able to do far more for their bereaved loved ones when they have adjusted a little to their new life and have been shown the best way to connect with those still on Earth.

  Who is Haunting Who?

  It may look like people who be
come Earth Bound are haunting some place. There is some truth in this, but is it is just as true to say they are the ones who are haunted. Some Earth Bound are mostly oblivious to the physical surroundings nearby, including the people there, while others are aware of such things. While many Earth Bound are fairly harmless, some of them have committed terrible crimes such as murder (though not all murderers become Earth Bound). If so, they are haunted by images of their actions appearing in front of them. They have no escape from seeing what they did till they face up to it and are willing to change their ways. This includes a long and painful time of intense remorse - which to the highly sensitive spiritual body is very much a Hell state - and some means of making amends.

  Intense negative feelings can be ‘sticky’ and cause the person to be bound to the focus of their feelings. Corrosive habits such as long-held and intense felt feelings of jealousy, hate and resentment can cause a person to become Earth Bound, if such feelings dominate the person’s life for too long. When they pass over, these feelings act like a shell around them and unless they have another habit to offset this, such as a habit of prayer or some kind of spiritual practice (which is unlikely for this type of person), this can hold them to the Earth regions for a while till they work out their attachment and yearn for something better.

  Earth Bound Example

  A man became very obsessed about a large house he wanted to own. It was by far the largest house in the area he lived. He decided that he must have it and would do anything legal to get it. He was corrupt and immoral in his business dealing, even though he stayed within the law. Eventually, he came to own that house and saw it as an expression of his ‘importance’ and standing in the world. He bullied his servants, and his wife and children, to do his bidding and to maintain the house and his image in a ‘proper’ manner. He more and more built a wall of thoughts and feelings about that house and it came to fully dominate his life.


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