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The Love Pill

Page 11

by Arizona Tape

  I pulled back and leant against her desk, placing myself in between Lexi and her work. She was sitting, which brought her head at the perfect place to, ahem, let’s not go there. Not yet at least.

  I grinned, trying to catch my breath and stop my mind from thinking about taking her on her desk. I glanced at the door and saw that there was a lock. Tempting. Instead of taking her out for a bite we could just stay here and do some biting of ourselves.

  Her fingers walked over the outside of my leg, slowly running up and down. I grabbed her chair and rolled her closer, manoeuvring her in between my legs. She stood up and pushed me hard against her desk, our legs pressed closely against each other. Her hands placed firmly on the table, trapping me. I felt my breath hitch up.

  She connected our lips again and gave me a kiss that made sparks fly. A kiss that heated up my whole body and simultaneously sent shivers down my spine. Just when I let my hands slide down she pulled out of the kiss and sat back down in her chair.

  ‘Hi. Now, can you move a bit? I’m working.’ she said, pretending she wasn’t affected by the kiss at all.

  But I could hear the crack in her voice, which meant that she enjoyed it a bit too much.

  ‘Sure.’ I grinned and walked to her door, dramatically locking it. That surely caught her attention. I licked my lips and approached her like a predator approaches a prey. She looked at me, her eyes a mix of lust and fear.

  I frowned my eyebrows. ‘Are you afraid?’

  She nodded. ‘Yes.’

  I cocked my head to the side, keeping a slight distance between us. Lexi stood up and crossed that distance, connecting our bodies.

  ‘Afraid that I won’t be able to stop myself.’ she whispered in my ear before taking my lobe in her mouth and softly sucking on it. I couldn’t hold back a soft moan. She damn well knew how to turn me on.

  I wrapped my arms around her and let my lips wander over her neck, my teeth softly grazing over the soft skin. Now it was her time to let out a moan. I smiled against her bare skin and pulled slightly back.

  ‘You want me to stop?’ I whispered, this time placing kisses on her jaw line and my hands resting on her ass.

  ‘God, no.’ she whispered back.

  So I didn’t.

  27. Distracting

  Lexi Zellichman

  ‘I found 26 and 27.’ Cara said, extending her hand and giving me two sheets of paper. I smiled and placed them on the little stack of papers next to me.

  ‘Great, I already found the corresponding sheets up to 32. You collect up to 40 and I’ll start with 41?’ I proposed, searching through the mess.

  About forty minutes ago Cara had slid her hands under my skirt, which had made me completely lose control. Both eager to get each other over the edge, I had pushed her on my desk.

  That, in combination with the movements we created, had made the pile of sheets fall on the floor. Too busy concentrating on our bodies, fingers, hands, and tongues, we just let the sheets go. With my paperwork gone from the desk, it gave us the opportunity to both climb onto it and test its strength. As it turns out, my desk can easily support two persons in action.

  Still, in my office, we had to be quiet and we started an unspoken competition where we tried to make the other scream the loudest. Neither one of us actually screamed, but the loud moaning and muffled exclamations of excitement definitely made up for it. I am surprised nobody interrupted us, but perhaps we weren’t as silent as we thought and hoped we would be.

  When we finished we had to deal with the aftermath. Still groggy and flushed we dressed each other and started sorting the sheets that had spread completely over the floor. Luckily they were numbered. Unluckily, there were more than a hundred pages scattered all over my floor.

  ‘I hope that no one will notice…’ I muttered, looking closely at Cara. She flashed me a wicked smile and slowly let her hand glide up my inner thigh.

  ‘They might if they stood close enough. You smell like sex. You smell great.’ she whispered, drawing circles on my soft skin. I gave her an accusing glance.

  ‘And whose fault is that? I can smell you on my skin.’ I muttered, tying my hair back in a ponytail.

  ‘Great. And I didn’t hear you complain.’ Cara grinned while her fingers had reached my weak spot. ‘I still don’t.’

  I grabbed her wrist to stop the motion and pulled her dangerously talented fingers away from my core. To make sure they stayed away, I intertwined our fingers and kissed her on the corner of her mouth.

  ‘No more teasing.’ I murmured against her skin. She nodded her head, creating friction between my lips and her cheek.

  ‘Fine, no more teasing. For now.’ she gave in before quickly planting her lips on mine. I pulled away and tried to focus on the sheets. With a stunning woman like Cara sitting on my office floor, it was an almost impossible task.

  ‘You don’t happen to know where I can find page 57?’ I sighed, taking my eyes of her and looking at the giant mess. She shook her head in amusement and also started sorting the sheets.

  ‘Next time make sure you remove my paperwork from my desk, before you start feeling me up.’ I blew out, emphasising the word “before”.

  ‘So there is a next time.’ Cara smirked, giving me a sexy wink. ‘And it was so worth it, even though this really sucks.’

  I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore that I did indeed say next time.

  ‘Whatever, just…Whatever.’ I retorted, not finding a good argument. I didn’t want Cara to know that I loved her coming to and into my office. Although I’m quite sure my actions had spoken for themselves, I didn’t intend to say it out loud.

  ‘I have to go back to my office. But I’ll see you at 10 tonight?’ Cara said after we assembled my files. I nodded, silently cursing that I had to wait until 10 pm to see her again. I know that I wasn’t gonna see her for just eight hours, but it seemed like an awfully long time.

  Being with and without Cara was difficult. When I was with her, I mostly felt insecure about my feelings for her. I knew that she liked me, but I didn’t know if she liked me as much as I liked her.

  I think I already might be in love with her. I can’t be sure because I never felt like this before. But there was something about her, something that intrigued me and drew me to her like a moth to a flame. I simply couldn’t get enough of her.

  But when she wasn’t with me, I missed her company and I couldn’t help but think about other people flirting with Cara. Why wouldn’t they, after all, she was gorgeous.

  ‘Sweetie?’ Cara interrupted, bringing me back to reality.

  ‘Yes, yes, sure.’ I quickly answered, hoping I wasn’t out for too long and that yes was the right answer.

  ‘Do you even know what I asked?’ she smiled, while brushing her fingers over my cheek.

  ‘No, not at all.’ I confessed, feeling rather silly. She grinned and pushed my chin gently up, making me look her in the eyes.

  ‘I asked if it was alright that I picked you up at 10 at your place.’ she murmured, looking deep in my eyes. I just stared back and slowly drowned in her bright greens.

  ‘Hmm. Yeah, yeah.’ I mindlessly answered, deciding that from now on green was my favourite colour. Who wouldn’t love that colour? Bright green with flecks of gold and strands of silver.

  ‘You still don’t know what I asked, do you?’ Cara grinned, clearing her throat. She broke our eye contact and released me from the hypnotising gaze.

  I took a step back, disconnected our bodies and rapidly blinked my eyes in an attempt to clear my head. She was so distracting.

  ‘I’ll pick you up at 10 at yours?’

  I nodded and repeated her sentence so she knew that I did hear her this time. She smiled and brought her lips closer to mine, barely touching. After a couple of seconds resisting I couldn’t help myself and I pressed my lips hard on her. She instantly responded with the same intensity and the kiss was flaming hot from the start until the very end.

  After rushing through my work day and happi
ly clocking out, I went home to freshen up. I prepared dinner for myself, did some chores around the house and then started preparing myself for the night, eagerly counting down the hours until I would see Cara again.

  I bowed down, half laying on the table. The shaft loosely in my left hand and my right hand grasping the thicker part of the stick.

  ‘If I were you, I would try another approach.’ Cara whispered in my ear. I tried to block her out and let the shaft slide through my fingers, making short thrusts. With a swift motion, I connected the tip and admired my handy work.

  The black 8 ball was gradually rolling in the right direction and landed with a soft thud in the pocket I had been aiming for.

  ‘Yes!’ I shouted and place the cue against the pool table. I turned to Cara and winked, giving her my smug face.

  ‘That’s another win for me.’ I bragged playfully while doing a little dance and pointing at the 8 ball.

  ‘I hate losing.’ Cara huffed, letting out a groan. ‘And you are a terrible winner.’

  ‘I know.’ I beamed, still with a giant smile on my face. ‘Aren’t I awesome.’

  Care shook her head in amusement and took a step closer. She brought her lips closer to my ear and whispered. ‘Another game. If I win, I can do whatever I want to you tonight.’

  I gulped, trying to keep my cool. I could feel my body heat up, which always happened when Cara spoke like that.

  ‘And what if I win?’ I asked, trying to sound stern, but I felt my knees go weak under her touch.

  Cara grinned. ‘Then you can do whatever you want.’


  I had a dilemma. If I let Cara win she was gonna be dominant, which was such a turn on. But on the other hand, having control over her was also very, very pleasant.

  I mentally shrugged my shoulders. It didn’t matter who was the victor, it was gonna be a good night anyway.

  ‘I’ll start.’ Cara grinned. She placed the balls on the green fabric and made one clean shot.

  I responded by immediately pocketing a solid purple ball. I flashed her a toothy grin and confidently walked around the table. With ease, I let the cue strike and another solid coloured ball rolled in a pocket. I squeezed one eye shut to estimate the angle and prepared myself for the next shot. I pulled the cue back, ready to make the next pocket.

  That’s when Cara bowed down and blew on my ear, making me shiver and totally ruining my concentration. The white ball travelled over the table without hitting anything at all.

  ‘Cara, that’s not fair.’ I yelled and turned around to where she stood with a big grin plastered on her face. She put her hands in the air, pretending to be innocent, but the wolfish smirk said enough.

  ‘I didn’t do anything. I just breathed. Looks like it’s my turn.’

  She quickly walked away and pocketed her first striped ball. Luckily she missed her second shot. I cautiously glanced at her and placed myself in the right position to make the shot. At first, I was glad that she wasn’t standing next to me, but ten seconds later I found out why. Cara was leaning down at the opposite side of the table and gave me a good look of her cleavage.

  I tried to focus on the game, but my eyes were drawn to her chest. The white ball hit his target, but the green ball didn’t even come close to the pocket I was aiming for. I turned around in frustration, angry that I got distracted by her breasts.

  Come on, Lexi, get it together!

  ‘And another touchdown for me!’ Cara cheered, looking smug.

  ‘Wrong sport.’ I said, rolling my eyes, annoyed that I couldn’t control myself around her. She threw me a smile and pressed her lips lightly on my cheek. I groaned and pulled away from her.

  ‘You aren’t playing fair, you really aren’t.’ I huffed and turned away, trying to block her out.

  ‘All is fair in war and …’ she said, abruptly ending her sentence and uncomfortably rubbing her neck. ‘Let’s just play.’

  ‘It’s still your turn, silly. See, at least I’m honest.’ I smiled, playfully using an arrogant tone. Cara laughed and let the tip forcefully hit the ball.

  ‘That is not a touchdown.’ I mocked, when the white ball went straight into a pocket and winked at Cara.

  Then I took my cue and walked towards the pool table. ‘I’ll show you how it’s done.’ I said, still keeping up the arrogant act.

  I leant down and shifted my weight. I calculated a bit and saw that I could make a shot where I would pocket two balls. That would teach Cara a lesson. I made sure that she wasn’t standing too close or wasn’t showing off her breasts. I swallowed and tried to concentrate on the game instead of thinking about her luscious, luscious breasts and her smooth skin and …Not. Thinking. About. That.

  I cleared my throat and pulled the cue back to make the shot. At the exact same moment that the tip was gonna hit the ball, I felt Cara’s hand slip between my thighs. I immediately lost my focus and of course, the balls went flailing all over the place.

  ‘Damn, you made me miss my shot. I was gonna make a terrific shot!’ I groaned, partially because I was frustrated that I didn’t pocket the balls but mostly because she had her hand lodged very closely to my core.

  She wiggled her fingers, making me gasp from the sudden touch.

  ‘Oops.’ she breathed in my ear, pretending it was an accident. We both knew better.

  I leant back into her and closed my eyes. She wrapped her spare arm around me and filled my senses. Her addicting scent, her soft skin, her warm breath. They all made the hairs on my arm stand up and I shivered. She nipped at the skin in my neck and swooped her tongue over the sensitive spot. I bit my lip, trying to contain a moan. After all, we were in public. This was definitely not appropriate. But damn, was it nice.

  Then she suddenly stepped back, leaving me a bit lost. She grabbed her cue and pocketed the remaining balls with ease. I watched in defeat how ball number 8 fell down and I knew that I lost.

  ‘You, you are in for a treat tonight.’ Cara growled lustfully in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

  Lucky me.

  28. The Jacket

  Cara Hemlock

  It was so bright. Since when does the sun shine in the middle of the night?

  I squinted my eyes, still confused why it was so bright in here. I sat up and felt the dull ache in my muscles. If that wasn’t a good enough reminder of the heated sex last night, the beautiful woman next to me certainly was.

  Lexi was laying on her stomach, the sheets wrapped around her, only covering her bottom. I resisted my urges to trail my fingers over her back and wake her up. I slowly slid out bed, trying not to disturb her.

  ‘Hmm.’ she softly moaned, reacting to the bed shift. She sleepily turned on her back and gradually opened her eyes. ‘Is it already morning?’

  Good question. I threw a look at the clock and grinned. ‘It’s two in the afternoon.’

  That explains the sunlight. We slept in.

  ‘What do you mean it’s two in the afternoon? Shit, I have work.’ Lexi panicked, pushing herself up. I laughed and shook my head.

  ‘Saturday. No worries.’ I reassured her while taking a good look at her naked body. She had light scratches and love bites all over her. I grinned and admired my handy work, oddly proud of myself.

  ‘Oof.’ Lexi sighed and let herself fall back in bed.

  The white sheets tangled around her lower half, her dark hair sprawled all over the pillow.

  Rays of sunlight kissing her smooth skin, making her glow. As cliché as it sounds, there wasn’t a better sight to wake up to. I mean, who wouldn’t want a goddess like Lexi in your bed.

  ‘What are you staring at?’ Lexi asked, trying to figure out what I was looking at. She followed my eyes and looked at her own body.

  ‘Cara! I’m covered by your marks!’ she reacted in shock, throwing me an accusing glance. I only grinned proudly. I like that look on her. Her body a living reminder that she was mine.

  That was a possessive thought. Possessive and nice. Mine.r />
  ‘You could at least try to look guilty.’ she snapped and reached for her shirt.

  I snorted and turned around, showing her my back. If I remembered it correctly, she had dug her nails deep in my back, and more than once. I was sure that that would have left marks as well.

  ‘Hehe, looks like we both enjoyed last night.’ she grinned, not in the least apologetic either. She must have moved lightning fast because I suddenly felt her fingers follow the scratch marks on my back.

  ‘Want me to kiss it better?’ she muttered, placing butterfly kisses on my shoulder.

  ‘Yes please, and since you are asking, I have some other places where I could use your lips.’ I cheekily grinned, enjoying the attention.


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