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Big Bad Royal: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 93

by Tia Siren

  ''Ryan can I talk to you?'' she said as soon as he arrived.

  ''Sure. For you, anything.'' He was in a great mood, and that made her task all the more difficult.

  ''Ryan I've decided I want to end our relationship.''

  ''Nice one. Now, what do you really want to talk about?''

  ''Ryan. Listen to me. I don't want it anymore. It's not right. You're my boss. I know I've let it go on for too long, but I hope you understand. It's not right.''

  ''Why do you want to stop?''

  ''I've told you. You're the boss and always will be. We will never have a relationship on an even footing. I have learned so much here, about business and''

  ''He smiled. Which have you learned more about?''

  ''Sex,'' she admitted.

  ''Okay. If you stay, you know I'll always want you.''

  ''That's just the problem. You're the boss, and I'll always feel like I have to give myself to you.''

  ''What about Paris?'' he asked.


  ''Pierre, the developer we met, he told me he's looking for an international PA. It'd be great for you. A chance in a million.''

  ''Ryan,'' she exclaimed. ''That would be....fab.''

  ''Then I'll call him.''


  Alina lived and worked in Paris for the rest of her life. Every time she passed the Four Seasons George V Hotel, she remembered the night she'd first made love to Ryan. She saw it as the moment her great adventure began. If she'd hadn't made love to him, she wouldn't be in Paris and she would never have met her wonderful husband Jacques, or had her children Emma and Charlotte.

  Exclusive Sneak Peak: Billionaire Flawed

  Billionaire Flawed: A Bad Boy Billionaire Baby Romance

  Chapter One


  My father always told me there were two types of people in this life: the ones who only wanted things, and the ones who went after what they desired. Both of us were, undoubtedly, the second kind.

  My entire life I’d gone after—and achieved—what I desired. As a teenager, I wanted to intern at a rival fashion agency, and so I did. Later on, I decided that Harvard would be my school of choice, and I got in. Finally, after six years of yearning for Kellan Shepard, I made up my mind that it was about time he desired me as well.

  The first time I saw him, I was an awkward teenager and he was the thirty-something, hot-as-hell new partner of my father’s modeling agency. We were at a restaurant, celebrating their new business venture, and I spent the entire time blushing and pretending that I wasn’t gawking at his face. It was pathetic, and, as much as I hated to admit it, it only got worse with time.

  As their business and their friendship grew, Kellan started to spend a lot of time with our family. We went out to eat at least three times a week and shared many vacations together. That closeness fuelled my crush until he was pretty much all I could think about.

  I would spend nights awake dreaming about him and would see his face even when I made out with my boyfriends. Although I’d never admit it out loud, Kellan was also the reason I was still a virgin at twenty-four years-old. In my mind, he was the only man deserving of my first time, and I refused to lose my virginity to anyone but him.

  Hopefully, that would change soon.

  A smile curled my lips as I looked out of the tinted windows of my father’s Bentley. We were on route to one of the many fashion shows Dad was invited to attend. From what I had gathered from his conversation with Mom, eleven out of the twenty models scheduled to walk the runway were signed to us, which made this an important client and a sure ticket for me to see Kellan again.

  It had been a few years since I last laid eyes on him, and the anticipation was killing me. For the first time in my life, I was going to meet Kellan not as an awkward, love-struck teenager but as a woman. Under the guise of looking appropriate for the event, I went full out with my look, hoping to impress him. My hair was styled in soft curls that fell neatly over the shoulder strap of a red bandage dress that accentuated my curves. Thanks to the ridiculously high Louboutin’s on my feet, my legs looked long and toned, and a black smoky eye gave me a sultry and mysterious look.

  I was pulled back to reality when the car stopped in front of the long red carpet leading up to the venue. I checked myself in the mirror as the driver exited the car and came to open my door. With the aid of his hand, I gracefully exited the vehicle and smoothed out the fabric of my dress as I looked around. The street was busy with cameramen and celebrities. Everyone who was anyone was there and as stylish as ever. My family and I made our way down the carpet, greeting familiar faces and posing for the cameras until were inside the lavish hall.

  “I’m going in to take my seat,” I told my mother as she and Dad lingered in the lobby, talking to some friends. Mom nodded, and I went inside, knowing they would probably just hang out by the bar until the show was over.

  I followed an usher through the chaos to my first-row ticket and got busy with emails and social media as I waited for the other chairs to fill and the show to start. I was in the middle of a text to my best friend, Asha, when I saw him walk along the runaway toward his seat.

  My heart pounded as I stared at Kellan Shepard. Despite having recently entered his forties, the man looked as dashing as ever. His face was as handsome and sharp angled as I remembered, and his chocolate brown hair still made envious. His body looked lean and strong under a black on black ensemble that was accented by a deep blue tie that matched the shade of his eyes perfectly.

  I cleared the text I was writing and instead wrote:

  KS just walked in, and my panties are on the ground!

  Still pretending I was checking my phone, I looked back at him from under my false lashes just in time to see him cross his ankle over his knee. He looked around the room, sporting his signature arrogant smirk, and waved at a few familiar faces.

  I crossed my own legs and pressed my thighs together just as his intense gaze landed on me. I held my breath as he slowly ran his eyes from my face all the way down to my toes. For a moment, I thought he would recognize me as the little girl with the stupid crush on him, but then he cupped his chiseled jaw and ran his tongue across his lush lips as his eyes filled with a kind of lust that told me I was nothing more than a desirable stranger.

  Excitement flooded me as he held my gaze for a second before looking away, as if I was of no interest to him. My phone buzzed in my hand, saving me from continuing to stare like a disappointed moron. Asha’s text read,

  As if you were wearing any. LOL.

  Either way, use that bare ass to your advantage and seduce that man.

  I laughed out loud at her words. As a virgin, the only knowledge I had on seduction came from Asha, and I wasn’t entirely convinced she really knew what she was talking about, or that her tricks would work on someone as experienced as Kellan. However, I was more than willing to give it a shot.

  According to my friend, the key to seducing an older man was to mix innocence with teasing and let him know you wanted him while playing hard to get. I had no idea how to go about doing that, but I figured biting my lips and crossing my legs while staring at him was a good place to start.

  To my surprise, the move worked, and his blue eyes returned to me. I fought the smile that threatened to break through my lips as I turned my gaze to the DJ, who was taking his position at the beginning of the runaway. Kellan’s eyes stayed on me as the lights dimmed, announcing the start of the show.

  Gorgeous models strutted down the catwalk in beautiful gowns. Although my eyes stayed on the garments being modeled, my attention was on the handsome man sitting across from me.

  Kellan alternated between watching the women walking by and gazing at me. I tried to look aloof to his interest, but inside my heart pounded so hard it felt like it was plotting to run away. Every once in a while I’d allow my gaze to drift to his intense blue eyes, and when our eyes met, I’d do some
thing obviously sexy, like run a hand down my legs or up my chest, bite my lips or touch my hair. In response, Kellan would pull a sharp breath through barely parted lips, shift positions on his chair, or adjust his trousers—which was my absolute favorite reaction.

  By the time the designer followed his models down the runway for the final walk, the bulge on Kellan’s pants was visible from where I was standing and the desire in his eyes shone brighter than the lights around us. For the first time in my life, Kellan Shepard wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  There was no denying that I would lose my virginity, and, after so many years of dreaming about it, Kellan would be the one fucking me. Our locked gazes lingered as we applauded the collection, but once people started to get up from their seats, Kellan’s attention shifted from me to the leggy blond beside him.

  All the excitement I was feeling oozed out of me in a long, deep sigh. I sulked for a bit as my heart and breathing evened out, and then I opened my clutch to get my phone.

  I tapped my foot on the hardwood floor as I typed a message to Asha, letting her know how badly I sucked at being sexy. Before I hit send, the sound of someone clearing their throat called my attention. Thinking it was my mom checking in on me, I looked up, and my breath caught in my throat when, instead of my mother’s face, I saw Kellan’s.


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  About the Author

  Other than my insatiable desire for chocolate, reading and writing steamy romances is my most guilty pleasure.

  I write about tough and sexy Bad Boys who, underneath that armor of muscles and tattoos (and sometimes suits), are more sensitive and wounded than they'd like to admit.

  I'm happily married to a really good guy, but, every now and again, I crave the forbidden excitement of falling for one of the bad boys in my stories.

  There really is a bad girl in me too!

  Want to Read More?

  Check out my other books. For a limited time, they are just 99c and always free on Kindle Unlimited. Please click on the link.

  Billionaire Flawed: A Bad Boy Billionaire Baby Romance

  Big Bad Cowboy: A Billionaire and a Virgin Romance

  Three under the Mistletoe: A MFM Menage Romance

  Four under the Mistletoe: A MFMM Menage Romance

  Ace: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

  Big Bad Professor: An Alpha and a Virgin Romance

  Big Bad Baller: A Bad Boy Sports Romance




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