Book Read Free

Chubby Chaser

Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-358-2

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Words always hurt. They travel with us everywhere, and there's no fighting it, at least it doesn't feel like it. You always remember the worst of whatever anyone says to you, never the positive.

  Words don't have to stop you. They don't control you. The only power they have is what you let them have.

  You're in charge of your own life. Don't let anyone make you feel any less, and know you're awesome. You've just got to believe in yourself.

  Thank you so much for listening to me.



  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “Ouch! Fuck! Damn! I’ve got a boo-boo.”

  Cole Wimbrush paused in his office and smiled as Elena James’s voice could be heard around the whole of his DIY store. Finishing off the invoice, he placed it in an envelope and handed it to his best friend, Danny.

  “Are you sure it was wise hiring her?” Danny asked. “She’s had more accidents, and I’ve seen so many Band-Aids on her, it’s not even funny. You’re going to get sued.”

  “Elena won’t sue. She’s too nice to sue. Besides, she thinks she’s accident prone, and with the way she is, I’m not surprised at all.” Cole had watched Elena for several years, actually since they were all kids, and knew without a doubt she was accident prone.

  “She’s a walking disaster. My grandma always said to never trust her to carry a cake. She’d more than likely drop it,” Danny said.

  Cole laughed and stood up. “I’ll go and check on her. Will you take that to Bob? He needs new pipework at his shop, and I promised I’d get it to him.”

  “Will do.”

  “Ouch, motherffff … ouch.”

  “I’m going to leave you to your cussing sailor out there. Be warned, you’re opening the shop, and some people don’t like Elena as much as you do.” Danny winked at him, and left.

  Cole watched one of his best friends leave by the front door, and then went in search of his latest employee. When it came to Elena, he was a sucker. No doubt about that.

  Rounding one of the aisles, he found her in the saw section, and this time, he didn’t laugh. Blood was dripping down her palm.

  “Hey, everything is A-okay.”

  “You’re bleeding.” Any humor died as he rushed toward her, gripping her hand.

  “It’s fine. Just a simple flesh wound.”

  “Let’s get it cleaned up. What the hell were you doing touching bare saws?” he asked.

  “The protective stuff fell off, and then I picked it up, and me being me, it just went everywhere, and there’s blood. I bleed a lot, and I don’t even have to do a lot for it. It’s so gross. When I was a kid I was always cutting myself.”

  He remembered. There were many times he’d seen her with blood on her clothing because of some fall or something. When he found out a bunch of guys in her year were bullying her, he and his friends made sure it was clear that Elena wasn’t to be messed with.

  There were only three years between him and Elena. Throughout high school, though, those years had felt more like ten seeing as he was the older one. For the longest time, his friends used to call him “chubby chaser”. It was a name he didn’t like, nor did he want, even if it was a name that only his closest friends had used, at least to his face.

  Danny, Vincent, and a few others that had faded into the background would taunt him over his obsession with Elena, but he didn’t care. It wasn’t an obsession. She … meant something to him. While she didn’t seem to know he existed, he sure as shit knew about her. He knew she wasn’t close to her sister, and even though college was on the cards for her, she never went. Instead, she’d moved into a house with her friend, Juliet.

  He’d gone away to college, and when that didn’t stick, he’d become a qualified plumber, and taken over from the crumbling DIY store. At thirty-one, he’d had his fair share of failed relationships. None of them had stuck because in the back of his mind, there had always been Elena. He wanted her so badly, but everything seemed to get in the way. If it wasn’t their differences at high school with the three years, it was him going away to college, and then there was the training as a plumber and electrician. When work didn’t get in the way, she was dating someone, or he was. Each time there had always been an obstacle that prevented him.

  “I feel like a total loser now. I’m messing everything up,” she said.

  He opened the bathroom and pointed at the sink.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Sit. I want to clean that wound, and make sure you’ve not got anything inside it.”

  “I can stand. I’m not squeamish.”

  He grabbed her hips and lifted her onto the counter by the sink. She released a cute little squeal, and he held her hand out. “You’d learn to do as you’re told.”

  “I can’t believe you lifted me. I think you’re the first guy to even try.”

  Cole didn’t say anything, and like so many times before, he found his silence made her talk. This was his way of finding more out about her.

  “Of course, there was this one guy that I went to dance with. It was one of those speed date things. Juliet and I organized it after too much wine. We went for a dance, and this guy asked me if someone had tried to lift me up. Just a random question like that. I should have known he was weird. Who asks stuff like that? Anyway, I said no, and he told me it was probably because of my weight. He told me to lose weight and I’d be a lot prettier.”

  Cole gritted his teeth, wanting to show this guy what it was like to have a run in with his fist.

  “You know what I did? I slapped his face so hard it made my hand hurt. I mean, seriously, how rude can someone get?” She held her hand out, and he examined it. “What’s the verdict, doc?”

  He chuckled. “You’re going to live, but don’t hold the saws by the sharp end.”

  “Got it.”

  He wiped away the excess blood, and made sure the cut was clean. He got a plaster, placing it delicately on so he didn’t hurt her.

  “You’re really good at this.”

  “I should be. Hiring you was a hazard. How did the library cope?” He’d hired her a month ago after the library could no longer afford her with the latest batch of cutbacks. It had been his first opportunity to have her close, and he’d give anything to take a chance with her. He was thirty-one years old, and he’d wasted enough time. The problem he had now was when it came to her, he didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t like any other woman he’d ever known. She was full of life and laughter. Her positivity was always on high. He couldn’t recall many times he’d seen her sad, or upset. Even when bullies had hurt her, she’d not let it get to her.

  She was a powerful woman all in herself.

  “There wasn’t much that could go wrong with a book. A few papercuts here and there. For the most part, I was fine. I guess DIY is not in my blood. Juliet banned me from decorating our apartment when I spilled paint on the couch.”


  “Yeah, we’d been saving
up for a year to pay for it, and the first chance we get home, I ruin it. She knows I’m used to it, but still, I frustrate her. Believe it or not, the one area I’m not a total mess, is the kitchen. I can bake you up something really good, and in a jiffy.”

  He smiled. She had baked some really good chocolate chip cookies, and they were so nice. He’d eaten the entire jar within one sitting of dealing with paperwork.

  “I know how good those cookies were.”

  “I’ll be bringing in some more soon. How come you don’t talk a whole lot?” she asked.

  “Because I like to hear more about you.”

  “There’s not a lot to know about me, Cole. You know that.” Once he finished with her wound, she held it up, properly bandaged. “When did you learn first aid?” she asked.

  “In college before I dropped out. The whole college thing never really stuck for me, but I got some use out of it. First aid being one of them, and I realized I was good with numbers, and I’m good with plumbing.”

  “That you are. Speaking of plumbing, Juliet wanted to know if you could come by sometime. We’ve got a leak that’s … okay. It doesn’t fill an entire bucket fast, but we have to change it every morning when we wake up, and when we get home after work.”

  “Sure thing, Elena. You only need to ask.”

  “Do I need to book you in, or make an appointment?” she asked.

  “I’ll stop by tonight if you want.”

  “Sure, sure, that will be great. I’ll let her know. I’ll go and clean up the blood. Last thing I need is a kid slipping and a parent going mad at me. Thanks for this, Cole.”

  Before he could stop her, she was gone, and he got the chance to watch her ass as she left. He loved the tight jeans that she always seemed to wear. They were made to be taken off, but they were also made to worship a nice, juicy ass like she had. His cock hardened, and he groaned. Cupping his dick, he gritted his teeth and got himself under control. He wasn’t some horny little kid after his first fuck anymore.

  He was a full grown man.

  Still, just the thought of that ass nestled against his cock was enough to spill some pre-cum into his shorts. The store was about to open. It was going to be a long ass day.


  With a mop in her hand, Elena cleaned away the last of the dust and blood. The state of the floor was disgusting, but she wasn’t going to complain. She hated everything to do with DIY, but she was so thankful to have this job. Cole was so nice to have given her this chance, and there’s no way that she was ever going to risk being sacked.

  The library had to let her go, even though she was a big hit over there. She got kids in to read and be part of the reading groups she had set up. Not to mention how much they loved her cookies, brownies, and cakes. She always gave them away for free.

  Once everything was cleaned away, she placed the safety package back on the saws, and then carefully put them on the little hook things on the shelf. She released a sigh of relief when she hadn’t hurt herself.

  Thinking about her cut, and being alone with Cole in the bathroom, she cringed. It was just a complete nightmare. Whenever she was around him, she got so nervous, and her mouth just kept on working, even as she told herself repeatedly to shut up. It wouldn’t work. She was always putting her foot in it, always talking about herself.

  He stood there quietly, probably hoping she’d shut up, and she still talked.

  It didn’t help that he was so good looking and so nice as well.

  “I’m opening up,” Cole said, yelling for her to hear.

  She wasn’t the only employee he had, but she was the only one willing to come in before opening time to help stack the shelves.

  What was it about him that had her in such a state? Yes, he was good looking. Yes, he was nice. But there was something else as well. It was like every time he looked at her, it was like he wanted to eat her. Just thinking of him eating her out had her pussy slick and had her pressing her thighs together, and holding onto the shelf as an unexpected wave of arousal washed over her.

  He was her boss.

  There’s no way that Cole would ever want more from her.

  She had been the chubby girl in school. Not that it bothered her. She loved her curves, and especially the way she filled out a dress. Her tits were nice and large, and with her hips, it kind of made it look like she had a small waist, which again she loved. She enjoyed eating and cooking. Life was meant to be full of happiness and joy. She wasn’t going to spend her life eating carrots and celery, unless they were in soup or sauces.

  Years ago, she had tried to enjoy them as a snack, but ew, they were rabbit food. No way in hell was she going to call them enjoyment food.

  Her cell phone went, and she saw it was Juliet calling.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Did you ask him?” Juliet asked.

  “Yep, I did, and he’s going to come and have a look tonight.” She had gotten so tongue tied. “I sounded so stupid though.”

  “Why did you?”

  “I got nervous, and I started talking, and talking, and yeah, I think I sounded like a total loser.” She didn’t know what it was about Cole, but she couldn’t seem to stop talking, and she inwardly cringed every time.

  Why couldn’t she just shut up?

  She’d known Cole most of her life. He’d been the popular guy in school, who was also older than she was by three years. There had been many times that she had paused and watched him as he walked down the hallways. Of course, he went away, and any fantasy she’d had for him faded into nothing. Then out of the blue, he’d come back, but they never really crossed paths.

  “I’m glad you got over your fear of asking him to come to look at our pipe. I have no idea what was going on in your head, but thank you. I’ll be back home around five, okay?”

  “Have a great day.” Elena disconnected the call, and made her way toward the main tills. She logged in her special code and fired everything up. The first customer of the day just wanted a couple of packets of screws, and she rang them up.

  What her dearest friend didn’t know was that Elena had seen a porn movie, completely by accident, that had a guy coming to fix the plumbing and instead, fixed something else. At times it was hard for her to think about Cole without thinking about other things. Like now, he was heading toward the tills, and her gaze fell directly on his pants.

  Stop looking at his dick!

  Quickly looking up, she forced a smile as he came toward her.

  “Hey,” she said, trying to sound really chipper about something. “It’s going great.”

  “It’s summer, and everyone seems to be working on summer projects. I’ve got a couple of online orders I need to do. Deuce is coming in soon. Do you think you can help me with the orders?”

  “Sure. I’ll find you as soon as he’s in.” She wanted to make up for so many things, and she didn’t for a second think there would be enough time in this world to make up for tipping over the paint so it spilled everywhere, or sending the wrong box back to the supplier, and pissing pretty much everyone off.

  Her klutzy ways were indeed a curse.

  Within half an hour, Deuce was there, and had taken over from her. Entering the back warehouse supply room, she went down to the office that Cole had set up. This was where he dealt with all of his internet orders. A lot of people liked that he provided consistent service, and he also did these self-help videos online for people to watch in case they couldn’t afford a plumber or an electrician or builder. It was one of the things she loved about him. He wasn’t about getting rich quick. He was about building a reliable base that people felt comfortable using.

  Probably old fashioned, but she found it perfect.

  He was standing at a desk with a box open, and was just glancing through an order. He signed it and turned toward her.

  “Deuce made it in on time?” Cole asked.

  “A personal record.” She tucked some hair behind her ear, and moved forward. Rarely were they in the same s
pace. “What can I do?”

  “I want you help seal up the box, put the packing label on, and then help me gather some items. We’ll do one box at a time so we don’t get confused.”

  “Gotcha.” Please don’t let me screw this up. Let me get this right.

  She held the box closed as he taped it all up, and then, checking the address, she got the packaging slip, and placed it on the box.

  “How are you finding the job?” Cole asked.

  “Oh, I’m loving it. Thank you for giving it to me.” She turned her back to him, and rolled her eyes. Giving it to me? Why do I sound like a porno now? Why couldn’t she get porn off her mind? Why did his ink look so much better up close?

  “You love DIY?”

  “I don’t love it at all.”

  “Be honest with me, Elena.”

  “Okay, okay, I find it incredibly boring, and as you can see there’s no way in hell I could ever do any of these projects, but I really need this job. Please don’t fire me.”

  “I’m not going to fire you. We’re just talking here.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Unless you want me to fire you?”

  “Nope. Not at all. I told you, I love my job. Cuts and all.” She held her hand up and smiled.

  “You’re adorable.”

  Not the best of compliments but still. He was her boss.

  “So, erm, do you mind me asking what it was about college that you didn’t like?”

  “You know about that?”

  “Small town, Cole. Everyone knows a little something about everything. You quit college, came home, became a plumber, and took over this place.”

  “I wasn’t enjoying it. None of it. I hated every single second of college. This was my calling. My folks weren’t happy. They felt I threw away an opportunity. They wanted me to be head of a company, CEO, and all that crap. Didn’t appeal.”


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