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Chubby Chaser

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “You’ve got the prettiest pussy,” he said, running his fingers over the light dusting of curls. Her swollen clit peeked through her slit.

  Plunging two fingers into her tight cunt, he used his thumb to tease her clit, watching as she began to wriggle on his fingers. He loved watching her come apart, and his fingers were already slick with her cream.

  Pulling them out of her, he began to tongue her clit, flicking back and forth, sliding down to tongue-fuck her pussy, then back up, sucking her into his mouth.

  “Cole, um, I’m so close.”

  “Come on my tongue, Elena. That is an order.” He held her hips, keeping her in place, and ravished her pussy. He wasn’t about to stop until she came all over his mouth, and then he was going to fuck her so hard that this date became one worth remembering.

  Using his teeth, he caused a little pain to her clit, and soothed it out with his tongue, watching as she moaned.

  “Cole!” She yelled his name as she finally reached that edge, and he threw her over, tasting her orgasm as she shuddered with the pleasure of it. Her nipples were even tighter, her pussy slicker, and a nice flush coated her flesh.

  He grabbed his cock, aligned it to her cunt, and thrust all the way inside. There was nothing between them, and he cursed, pulling out of her. Quickly, he grabbed a condom, tearing into the packet, and rolling the latex on.

  Within seconds he was back inside her, plunging to the hilt, and teasing her clit once again.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he said, pounding inside her. Only when she came on his dick a second time did he move her up the bed, having her hair fanned out against his pillows.

  “You’re not in a rush, are you?” she asked, a beautiful smile on her lips.

  “You look good like this. I think I should keep you this way forever.”

  “In post orgasm?”


  “Do you think you’re up to the challenge?” she asked, looking all coy.

  Thrusting back inside her, he went to his knees, grabbing her hips, and pulling out of her only to slam back inside. The force of the thrust slapped the headboard against the wall.

  “Watch us, Elena. Watch my cock fill you.” He slowly eased out of her. Instead of watching them, he stared at her as she watched, her gaze following his cock as it moved out of her body, only to plunge back inside. She cried out, and those sounds only served to arouse him even more. He didn’t want them to stop, not once. “Fuck, baby. You’re so tight. It’s like you don’t want to ever let me fucking go, and I’m more than okay with that.”

  With her gaze still on them, he teased her clit, bringing her to a third orgasm, and this time it took every ounce of control not to just come from the feel of her tightness on his cock.

  “Soon, we’re going to do this without a condom. I’m going to come inside your cunt, and when I have, I’m going to watch as it spills out of you, and then I’m going to take your ass.”

  The way her cunt tightened around him, he knew she was as turned on as he was.

  “Do you like that, baby? You like to have a bit of dirty?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  Slamming every single inch of his cock within her, he couldn’t hold back any longer, and found his orgasm, filling the condom that he’d worn.

  He didn’t pull out of her. Lying down beside her, he cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her bottom lip. “I hope I made up for a really shitty second date.”

  “It wasn’t shitty, Cole.”

  “You had to have stitches.”

  She shrugged. “It’s fine. They’re not the first set I’ve had.” She licked the tip of his thumb. “I’ll never forget this.”

  “I’ve never been able to forget you.”

  She didn’t say anything, and he knew she didn’t have a clue about his feelings for her. The way she’d dominated his life without even realizing it.

  “I wanted to tell you that red is my favorite color,” he said. “Then followed by black.”

  “Red and black?” she asked, confused.

  “It’s the color of the lingerie you’ve been wearing.” He ran his finger down her body, circling her breast. “I think I’m going to love every single color.”

  “You’ll be pleased to know then that I have a big collection of pretty pieces.”

  “You like them,” he asked, running his fingers down her hip, committing every single part of her to memory.

  “I do. They’re my one weakness. You never know when you’re going to get run over. I think that was the silly mantra growing up. Always wear your best stuff as you don’t have a clue when it’s going to come in handy.”

  “I don’t share, Elena,” he said, not liking the thought of another man seeing what now belonged to him.

  “I’m not going to make you share. I’m not a multiple guy kind of woman.” She giggled. “I’d probably end up killing everyone knowing the kind of luck I have. You’ve seen what I’m like.”

  “I have. I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad that I hired you. Still, I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to have you really close.”

  “You’re a strange guy, Cole.”

  Yeah, he was. He’d been in love with a girl from the moment he first saw her at eight years old. That love had never changed, and it had only grown. He’d never for a second thought there was a chance that she would belong to him.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he removed the condom, tying it up, and wrapping it in tissue. He tossed it into the trash, and then leaned down, picking her up.

  She moaned. “Leave me be. I’m tired.”

  “And you’re not going to sleep just yet. Time for a nice bath.” He picked her up, and moved her toward the en-suite bathroom. He filled the bath tub with water, and added some bubbles.

  “I’m wide awake now,” she said, laughing.

  “Your bath awaits you.” He took her hand, and helped her climb inside. Cole couldn’t stop watching her as she sank into the water. “Move up.”

  She made room for him, by spinning around to face him. Cole wasn’t about to have that. Taking hold of her arm, he pulled her close so that her back was to him. “Don’t even think about that.”

  Elena giggled. “You’re so bossy.”

  “You’ve not told me your favorite color,” he said, distracting her.

  “My favorite?”


  “Erm, let’s see, I think it will have to be blue. I love the color blue. Like the sky, and I also happen to have a really deep blue negligee.”

  His cock thickened. “You’re going to have to show me all of these negligees that you’re talking about.”

  “Tell me something about you,” she said. “Something that no one else knows.”

  “That’s a tough one. Vincent and Danny know everything about me.”

  “Vincent I can understand being your friend. Danny, he’s a bit … weird.”

  “He’s a great friend when he wants to be.”

  “He just doesn’t want to be a great one often?” she asked.

  Cole laughed. “Let’s move on. Something about me that no one else knows. You know I love spicy food.”


  “I make a killer chocolate cake.”

  “That is amazing, I will grant you that.”

  “I don’t like strawberries,” he said. “And right now, having you in my arms, that is all I’ve ever wanted.” His friends knew of his obsession for Elena, but he’d never told them. They had discovered that with the way he constantly watched her. Life had gotten in the way. Three years didn’t seem like a lot to some people, but during that time, things changed, and by the time he’d come home from college, she’d been dating someone else. Their paths rarely crossed, unless he went to the library.

  Between this project with the house, setting up the DIY store, and then working on his plumbing jobs, there hadn’t been any spare time.

  Now was the time, and he intended to never let her go.

  Cole had taken her home before work started, and even though she wore her jeans and a crop top, she’d kept his shirt, and buttoned it up in the middle. The shirt still smelled like him, and she enjoyed having him close.

  Deuce was out in one of the aisles helping a customer, and she was serving people random stuff, skirting, screws, and other bits and pieces to finish off home projects.

  “What happened to your hand?” asked Martha, one of the librarians who had hated to let her go.

  “Let’s just say that it is an occupational hazard.”

  “You did it here?”

  “No. It’s fine. A knife was left in the bowl, and I went to do the washing up, and ugh, you see where this is going.” Martha was already wincing. “Yeah, I am a hazard mess. I think I should come with one of those warnings. Hire at own risk.”

  Martha laughed. “I’m so sorry that we had to let you go.”

  “Funding was short. You said so yourself.”

  “Everyone adored you though, and the reading time you used to do with the kids. Claire doesn’t have the same gusto as you had. The kids are bored, and they’re no longer visiting.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Are you trying to steal my hazard prone employee?” Cole asked. He moved up behind her, cupping her shoulder. His touch alone had her wanting to moan.

  The power he held over her was scary. She was his and his alone, and she loved it.

  “I wish I could. I’d gladly take her back. Look after her, Cole. She’s precious.”

  Martha said her goodbyes and left the store.

  “Deuce, you good here for a few?” Cole asked.

  “Sure, man. Don’t fire her though.”

  “Don’t worry. Her job is and always will be safe. Come on,” he said, whispering against her temple.

  When they were out of sight, Cole took her hand, leading her toward his office. She saw the blind was down, and once they were inside, he locked the door.

  He pressed her against it and slammed his lips down on hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she moaned as his lips moved from her mouth down to her neck. He nibbled on the pulse before moving toward her chest.

  He pushed the shirt out of the way, and tugged it down. The bra she wore this time was white, seeing as she was in a white shirt. One of the things she hated was putting a different colored bra under a shirt so it could be seen.

  “Very virginal,” he said, sliding his fingers into the lace cup.

  “I have them in every single color.”

  “I want to see them every chance I get.” He pressed a kiss to the mound of one breast. His hands moved to her hips, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes and whimper a little as he seemed to know what to do to drive her wild.

  “What do you want?” she asked, knowing already what he wanted.

  “I want to fuck you, Elena. To take you hard, and to make you mine.” He rubbed her pussy. The jeans were too thick, and she whimpered. She wanted him as well, and not to have anything between them.

  “Then fuck me, Cole,” she said.

  There was something dirty and kinky about the idea of him fucking her in his office. She reached for his belt and began to tug it open. He attacked her jeans as well. Elena didn’t know how it happened, but one moment she was pressed against the door, and in the next, he had her on top of his desk. He pushed everything out of the way, lifting her up, and placing her on top. She gasped at the coldness of the wood, but wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close.

  “Please tell me you have a condom,” she said. She was on the pill, but she wasn’t ready to have that no condom discussion. She was clean, of course she was. No one had ever gotten to the stage of them having sex without a condom, and she wasn’t about to start now. He pulled a condom out of his jeans pocket and held it up.

  “I always come prepared.”

  Right now, she really didn’t care that he had thought ahead. All she wanted was to feel him so deep inside her.

  He had the condom on, and she gasped as he filled her. “Watch me, Elena,” he said.

  Staring down at his latex covered cock, she watched as he slowly began to thrust within her. They both groaned.

  “Every time I’m in this office, I’m going to remember this.”

  “You’re going to be able to work remembering this?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I am. When I’m finished, you’re going to be my reward.”

  She cried out as he grabbed her hips, and slammed all the way within her. The table didn’t move, and his cock was so hard.

  Suddenly, he eased her back, so she was resting on her elbows, and then she watched as he held his cock still within her and began to stroke her pussy.

  Closing her eyes, she relished the wave upon wave of arousal he was creating inside her.

  “Come all over my cock, baby. I want to feel it.”

  He did slow thrusts, making her crazy as she wanted him to fuck her hard.

  Not once did he change the speed of his thrusts. His fingers teased her clit, and she realized Cole wasn’t in a rush.

  “I was thinking about our third date,” he said.

  “Third date?”

  “Yes. I want to take you to the movies. Will that be okay?”

  “You’re talking about a third date right now?”

  “Our last date ended in the hospital.”

  “I thought it ended with a screaming orgasm, and a lot of fun,” she said, smiling. She was finding it hard to concentrate on his words. His hands were on her body and his dick balls deep inside her, and right now he wanted to talk about another date. This could be their third date.

  “Do you agree to a third date?”


  “What about a fourth?”

  “You’re doing this on purpose,” she said, gasping as he thrust within her, and fingered her clit at exactly the same time.

  “Yes. I play dirty because I know what I want, and I want you.” This time, his caress was firm, and he stroked her clit, bringing her to orgasm. He didn’t allow her to come down off her high though. No, this time, he fucked her hard, holding her tightly. But the way in which he held her hips and kissed her, she knew Cole wasn’t using her. This was more than two people fucking.

  She didn’t know what it was exactly, but she knew it was fun. Cole had always been on the edges of her life. It seemed almost too surreal to believe what they were doing now, but it was happening, and she loved it. When he thrust into her a final time, she closed her eyes and held onto him.

  They were both panting, and when he lifted his head, she smiled at him.

  “I’d love to go on a date with you. I’m all for romantic movies though.”

  This brought a laugh from his lips. “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  “You’re the one that came and got me for a bit of naughty.”

  “I lose myself when I’m around you.”

  “Not quite, but I’m happy to see that you can talk. Glad to hear it as well.” She cupped his jaw, and pressed a kiss to his lips. She stroked his face, and she remembered wanting to do this so many times over the years. It was strange. He’d been there, and yet, neither of them had been close friends.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  “Are you sure you want to know that? A woman’s mind is a dangerous place.”

  “You’re dangerous no matter what. Your mind I imagine is pretty much safe.”

  This drew a chuckle from her. “Just thinking about how our life has been. You’ve always been there in some kind of way. Never close, just there.”

  “I’ll always be here for you.”

  “I know, and I think that’s what I like.” She pressed another kiss to his lips. “I better get going before Deuce thinks I’m fucking the boss to get out of work.”

  “Friday? Movies?”


  Chapter Eight

  High School

  “What are you staring at?” Vince
nt asked.

  Cole averted his gaze and looked down at the magazine that Danny had thrown at Vincent. Of course it was a porn mag. Danny seemed to think it was cool, as did some of their other friends. “Nothing.”

  “The only bitches I see are those chubby girls. Elena and Juliet. You got a thing for fat girls?”

  “Fuck off, Danny,” Cole said.

  Vincent looked at him, and Cole ignored both of his friends, pretending to be interested in the magazine in front of him.

  “I found this in my dad’s stash.” Danny burst out laughing. “Said to me it was okay to be attracted to either men or women. I was like, Dad, seriously? I love the pussy.”

  This was why he could only handle Danny in small doses. Out of all of his friends, Danny was the brash one, the bad mouthed one, and at times he pissed Cole off to the point that Cole wanted to beat the shit out of him.

  Still, he chanced another glance over at the far table where Elena was eating her lunch with her friend. The had just started high school that year, and he’d been getting glimpses of her now throughout the weeks. He was three years ahead of her, and at times, he found it frustrating that he only could see her, not that he knew what to say to her. They’d never really talked.

  She was beautiful, at least to him, that he couldn’t deny. Without her even trying to gain his attention, he always seemed to be drawn to her.

  “You know what, I’m out of here. I see a girl that needs my dick,” Danny said.

  Cole wrinkled his nose, and was actually pleased when Danny took the magazine back.

  “I need to head inside. Catch ya later,” Vincent said, and then a few of his other friends disappeared leaving him alone.

  With no one around Cole was able to watch Elena freely, to observe her without anyone getting in his way.

  Whatever Elena and Juliet were talking about was making her smile. There was this twinkle in her eyes, and just seeing it brought pleasure to him.

  She probably had no idea that he watched her, looked out for her.

  Still, he didn’t mind.

  While his friends always talked about the girls they’d been with, he’d listen, and wait to catch a glimpse of the girl that in his mind had been his since he’d been eight years old.

  Elena threw her head back and laughed at something Juliet said. It wasn’t long before the two were finished, and heading back into the high school.


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