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Chubby Chaser

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

“It will fit.”

  “What if it doesn’t? If it doesn’t, it’s bad luck. It means we’re not supposed to get married.”

  Cole didn’t have any doubts at all. “This will fit, Elena. Trust me.”

  She took a deep breath, rolled her eyes, and held her hand out. “You’re right. I’m being stupid. It’s just a silly superstition.”

  He waited until he was sure she was calm, and then he slid the ring on her finger, and she gasped.

  “It fits.”

  “I knew it would,” he said. “You’re always meant to be mine, Elena.”

  Cole captured her face and slammed his lips down on hers, silencing any protest from her. She melted against him, and he knew that she loved him, just knew it deep into his core.

  Pushing her back against the bed, he tugged down her pajama bottoms, and then pulled his shorts down. His cock sprang free with the tip already slick. Finding her entrance, he slammed to the hilt within her.

  Easing the strap of her shirt down until her tits fell free, he sucked one nipple into his mouth as he teased the other. She was achingly beautiful, and all his. He was never letting her go, never again.

  “Please, Cole,” she said, whimpering.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you to fuck me and to never stop. To make me burn for you and only you.” She finished the last word on a scream as he pulled out of her pussy and slammed deep within her. He didn’t stop there. Grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head, he pounded her pussy, ravished her mouth, and loved her in a way that no one else ever could.

  “There is only me for you, Elena. I promise to love, to honor, and to give you everything you ever need.”

  “You’re saying your vows now?”

  He took her lips, and shook his head. “No, I’m sounding them out.”

  “They sound amazing, but I’m going to wait.” She tugged him down, and then turned him so that she was the one straddling him.

  Cole didn’t mind, not in the least. He cupped her hips, and watched her ride his cock. Her tits bounced as she rode his dick, and she was biting her lip in the deliciously tempting way that always drove him crazy.

  Running his hands from her hips down to her ass, he relished his curvy woman on top of him. If he could, he’d stay like this forever, knowing he’d die a happy man, and that was what he wanted.

  As he thrust up, Elena slammed down, taking him deep so that they were both moaning. Their sounds echoed off the walls, and Cole knew he was so close. Reaching between her thighs, he teased her clit, and within seconds she came, screaming his name once again. He loved the sound, and he followed her with his own release, gritting his teeth as he filled her cunt with his cum.

  She collapsed over him, and he wrapped his arms around her, stroking her spine, and body.

  “I love you, Cole. Is that why you were pacing in the bathroom?”

  “I was scared.”

  “Ha, you never get scared.” She pushed some hair out of her face, and looked at him. “Do you?”

  “I’ve never been so scared in my life. I thought for a moment that you’d say no. That you wouldn’t want me.”

  “Why did you think that?”

  “We’ve never admitted how we feel, babe. Give a guy a break here. I didn’t know if I could handle any kind of rejection.”

  “Cole, there’s no way that I would ever, ever reject you.” She kissed him, and he held her close.


  Juliet was happy for her and Cole. Elena loved her friend so much, but it also meant that she had to move out.

  “You don’t hate me, do you?”

  “Nah, not at all. I was prepared.”

  Elena paused in packing, and couldn’t help but admire the engagement ring on her finger. It was small, but she liked it like that. “Prepared?”

  “Yeah, Vincent told me that Cole was planning to ask.”

  “And you didn’t even think to tell me? To prepare me?”

  “I didn’t know when he’d ask.”

  “You’re spending a lot of time with Vincent.”

  “We’re friends, Elena, and guess what, he’s moving in here when you move out.”

  “He is?” This was all news to her.

  “Yep. He agreed to be an awesome roommate.”

  “Are you and Vincent dating?”

  Juliet laughed. “No, of course not. He’s my friend, Elena. Men and women can be friends.”

  “You dated him.”

  “We had a few drinks together. It wasn’t really a date, date.”

  Elena saw that Juliet felt that way.

  “What if Vincent was to bring the women he fucked here?” Elena asked.

  Juliet rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t care. I have no feelings for him, Elena. He’s a friend, that’s all. You’re not the only friend I’ve got.” She took the box from Elena, and headed down to the truck. Cole entered her room, and Elena folded her arms.

  “What do you know about Vincent and Juliet?”

  Cole paused, and then that smirk that always had her thinking of sex was on his lips. “Why do you want to know?”

  “I’m curious. He’s moving in here. My best friend doesn’t seem to care that she’s replacing a woman with a guy.”

  This time Cole sighed, wrapped his arms around her, and pressed a kiss to her neck. She closed her eyes, loving the little stubble he had that made her melt for him even more. “You’re very protective of your friend. I get it. I told Vincent that he was to leave Juliet alone, because I’m in love with her best friend, and I had a lot of plans for her?”


  “Have a lot of plans for her. Vincent won’t hurt your friend.”

  “I feel a little guilty.”

  “Don’t. Vincent will look after her, and it’s not like you’re leaving Juliet behind. She can come and visit any time she likes. Unlike you, she has a driver’s license.”

  “That’s cruel,” she said, laughing. “And you’ve made me feel so much better.”

  Cole kissed her lips, and she heard a groan from the door. “Are you two going to have a last-minute fuck session? If so I’m hungry and don’t want to throw up in my mouth.” Juliet had her arms folded and was smiling at the two of them.

  Elena sighed, and rushed to her friend, holding her close. “I love you, you know?”

  “Are you going all mushy on me?” Juliet didn’t hold her, and even tried to pull away, and within seconds they were laughing, and holding each other.

  “Yes, I’m getting all mushy.”

  “I’ll always be here for you, Elena. Always. You’re my best friend, and you do not need to worry about me, not at all.” Juliet kissed her head. “I’m so happy for you, and you know I’m going to be a kickass maid of honor. You can guarantee it. I’m already in the process of looking for wedding dresses, cakes, and you name it, you’re going to have the most beautiful wedding in the world, and I’m going to be there. Now, stop being a girl, and let’s get these packed up.”

  “Yep, you need to go because I am not staying in a pink room. This place is not my style,” Vincent said, tutting.

  “It’s not that bad.” Elena glared at the man.

  “I’m a guy, and even my manhood is being questioned.” Vincent picked up a box. “I’ve already said yes to being his best man. We’ll be having a dance at the wedding.” Vincent winked at Juliet, and her friend simply shook her head.


  Throughout the whole day, they moved Elena’s stuff into Cole’s house, and as she stood in the center of her new sitting room, she turned to find Cole staring at her. He leaned against the doorframe, his arms folded, and there was a smile on his face.

  “I’ve been thinking. You said that you fell in love with me when you were eight, and that would make me five years old.”

  “I did.”


  He stepped up close to her, pulled her close, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Your eyes. They were so sad, and yet you looked at me a
s I helped you up, and you smiled at me. I knew then that I would do anything I could to see that smile, to get you to fall in love with me.” He took hold of her hand, and placed the other on her hip. Then to imaginary music, he began to dance with her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’ve always been in love with you, Elena, from that first moment. And I spent a long time just watching you. I’m not going to keep doing that.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m going to do everything in my power to give you the life that I have spent so much time dreaming about.”

  Elena rested her head against his chest. “I don’t mind that you were called a chubby chaser,” she said. “I love you because you were, and you’re still mine.”

  He held her tightly.


  One year later

  Their wedding went smoothly, without a single hitch. Of course, it took a great deal of planning to get everything they wanted. Elena didn’t need anything special. Just a priest, Cole, and her friends. That was all she needed, but Cole had told her she would be married only once, and because of that, she was going to have a day and night to remember.

  The ceremony was beautiful, and she had spent months working on her vows. She’d promised her entire life to Cole, to be the woman he always needed, and to be loyal to him.

  He promised to be the man by her side, to love her no matter what, and that he’d never turn his back on her.

  At their wedding reception, their families were happy to see them come together, and their friends, along with people from their town, were there.

  When it was time for their dance, she couldn’t stop smiling, and Cole was doing the same. It was entirely magical.

  “Much better than a cheap drive-thru wedding, don’t you think?”

  “You’ve made this day the happiest of my life, Cole, but I’d marry you like this, or in a shack, or in the middle of a storm. I don’t care. I would marry you no matter what.” She stared into his eyes. “I didn’t need anything fancy. I just needed you.”

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Vincent and Juliet were also dancing. She didn’t know what was going on between their two friends, but they were still living in their apartment together, and both were still alive.

  Once the dance ended, and they were given their round of applause, Elena took Cole’s hand, and led him toward the toilet.

  “Where are we going?” he asked.

  “I wanted some privacy.” She entered the toilet, and made sure that they were alone before handing him the white stick. Her heart was pounding, and she was so nervous. They had talked about their life together, their future. Did that mean children? She didn’t know if he wanted them this soon, but then that was taken out of their hands. “I took this today, and we’re going to have a little bundle of joy.” She touched her stomach and waited.

  “We’re going to have a baby.”

  “Yes. We’re going to have a baby.”

  He cried out in obvious delight and picked her up, swirling her around in the air before placing her on her feet.

  “You’re happy?”

  “How can you doubt if I’m happy or not? This is the best news since having you as my wife.” He bent down and pressed a kiss to her stomach. “You hear that, little darling? you’re going to be much loved.” He stood up and kissed her on the lips. “As are you, my love. My darling, my wife.”

  He kissed her, and Elena couldn’t think of a time that she had been this happy.

  “You can keep that if you want,” she said. The happiness she felt so profound, so true. They were going to have a family.


  Ten years later

  “Mom’s not allowed to help. She keeps cutting herself, and Daddy says that he’ll be going to the hospital and not fixing the treehouse,” Madeline said, rushing outside. She was a little tomboy. Her long hair was in two plaits, looking as adorable as ever.

  “Dad, Mom said she’s getting a saw and coming to help. Stop her.” This was from his eldest boy, Tom.

  Cole stood up from where he’d been screwing some wood together, and wiped his hands on a cloth. He watched as his beautiful but pregnant wife was coming toward him. She had a saw in one hand, and also a chisel. The determined look on her face let him know he had a fight on his hands.

  Their four kids paused as Elena tripped up, but she regained her footing. It was, of course, a long running joke among all of them that their mother was one of the biggest klutzes around. She cut herself every other week, so Madeline had said she was going to be a doctor. Rory and Lemon sat on the garden floor laughing and clapping their mother. This was his life. He had a wife, and four wonderful monsters that he loved so dearly.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, capturing her wrist, and pulling her back against him. She didn’t fight him, and he saw the twinkle in her eyes. “You’re not helping with this treehouse. You somehow stabbed a nail through your hand last week, and I’m not going to risk it.”

  “Yeah, Mom, the nail was really gross.”

  Cole had become used to his wife’s klutzy ways. He didn’t know how she did it, but the longest she had gone without a hospital trip had been just over a year, and they had celebrated that when she’d cut her thigh on some barbed wire that she hadn’t been paying attention to as she passed.

  He was tempted to wrap her up in bubble wrap, and keep her secured to a bed.

  “Are they all behind us?” she asked, whispering against his ear.

  Cole noticed that she was wearing a large jacket, and she had moved it so it didn’t show off her body. He frowned, and then she opened up to reveal the water balloons she had attached to her.

  “Come on, Tom told us the other day that we were too old to have fun. Let’s show him?” She winked at him, and he couldn’t help it. He loved this woman, his kids, his life. Everything. Taking one of the water balloons, he pulled her in for a hug, fooling their kids.

  “They’re looking away. We have our shot.”

  “Take it, Cole.”

  He pulled his arm back, and threw the balloon. The first one hit the back of Tom’s head, covering him in water. Screams, giggles, and everything erupted into chaos as Cole and his wife took control, and completely covered the kids with water balloons. Madeline and Tom rushed toward the water can, and started to fill up their guns with water.

  Taking cover behind the shed, Cole held his wife’s hand. “I love you, Elena.”

  “I know you do, baby.” They kissed, and that was how their kids found them, stopping any kissing with water.

  This was what he had always wanted, and with a little patience, it was exactly what he had gotten.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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