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Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4)

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by Red Phoenix

  “It’ll help me worry less.”

  Jenny looked up at him sadly. “Dan, I can’t believe Ryan told her.”

  “I don’t believe for one second he thought he was placing you in danger. She probably has him convinced she only wants the best for you two.”

  “Ryan is blind.”

  “I’ll talk to him, Jenny.”

  She shook her head violently. “He won’t listen to you, Dan. He blames you for everything.”

  “Then I will leave him a message at work. Ryan needs to understand his interaction with her has serious consequences for you.”

  “Do you think he even cares?” Jenny asked, remembering his rage and anguish.

  Dan caressed her cheek lightly. “As hurt as he is, he still loves you, Jenny. He would never willingly cause you harm.”

  The tears started again. “If you could have seen him today….”

  Dan sighed. “Understand, if the situation had been reversed I would have been hurt, but I would still want what’s best for you. With time, Ryan will accept your decision. Know that it is better to be upfront now than to drag it out in an attempt to make it easier, because it won’t.” She buried her face in his chest. “We will get through this, Jenny. It’ll be okay.”

  She wondered if he was saying it to convince himself as much as her.

  They headed to his friend’s place after picking up her car at the hotel. It turned out that John only had a one bedroom apartment consisting of a small living room, the single bedroom, and a tiny galley-like kitchen. It was doable for one person, but nearly impossible for three.

  Jenny looked the place over and smiled hesitantly at John. “I can’t impose like this.”

  He grabbed a pizza slice out of his fridge and started munching on it. “Not a problem. I spend the majority of my time in my bedroom anyway. You and Dan can sleep on the couch. It’s fine. Really the only problem will be the bathroom.” He gave Jenny a sideways glance. “I hope you aren’t one of those prissy girls who spend hours primping.”

  Dan wrapped his arms around her and put his chin on top of her head. “No, Jenny is a natural beauty. Primping is not required.”

  She looked up at Dan, basking in his nearness. “True. I can shower and be out of the bathroom in fifteen minutes, no problem.”

  John grinned broadly. “Then I think we’re in business.”

  Jenny looked at the small couch. It was going to be cramped, but she was warming to the idea of sleeping nestled in Dan’s arms.

  “Can you cook?” John asked.

  “Probably as good as you,” she quipped, “but I’m willing to take on the cooking duties as payment for your kindness.”

  “Cool.” He grabbed another slice of cold pizza and headed to his room. “See you guys later.” Just before he shut the door he added, “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Jenny glanced over at Dan and grinned. Like there’s any room to get in trouble here. “Don’t worry. We’ll behave.”

  Once the door shut, Dan moved up behind her and growled, “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” She sighed in contentment when she felt his warm lips on her neck. Her body melded into his willingly. “I want to take you to see my parents tomorrow after work.”

  Jenny stiffened and moved out of his embrace. “Do they know?”

  “Not yet. That’s the reason for the visit, my little Kumquat.” Dan gathered her back in his arms and nibbled on her ear.

  Jenny couldn’t appreciate his attempt at seduction as nausea settled in. “How do you think they will take the news? It’ll be strange for them, don’t you think?” Jenny knew that Dan’s parents really liked Kelly and took Dan’s breakup hard.

  “Don’t worry, Baby. They will happy for us. How could they not be, we are meant for each other. It’s carved in the tree.”

  She smiled at the memory of his proposal and kissed his warm lips for reassurance. “I love you.”

  He picked her up and twirled her around the cramped space. “Love you more, woman.”


  Dan met her after work the following evening and they made the hour and a half drive to his parents’ house. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes lived on the opposite side of the city, backing up to the foothills. Although Jenny had been to their place on several occasions, it felt like the first time to her. “This is going to go bad. I can feel it,” she told him as she got out of the car.

  “Jenny, it’s just my parents. I don’t know why you’re so nervous.”

  She tried to smile, but she could not rid herself of the growing pit in her stomach. “Well, at least it’ll be good to get it over with.”

  Dan held up her left hand and caressed her ring finger. “This is more than just a courtesy call. I plan to ask for my great grandmother’s ring.”

  “Oh, Dan!” Jenny loved the idea of wearing a part of his family’s history. It would mean so much because the ring was part of the same couple who’d built the cabin. “That would be incredible.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” He kissed her hand before he rang the doorbell. From deep inside the house she heard his father shout, “Come in!”

  The foyer was elegant, full of expensive sculptures. Jenny had always liked Mrs. Hayes taste in art. “Mom and Dad, Jenny’s here with me.”

  Both adults walked into entrance with shocked expressions. “Jenny?” his mother repeated.

  Dan wrapped his arm around Jenny and smiled confidently. “Yes, I want you to meet my future wife.” Jenny’s eyes widened. He hadn’t wasted a second.

  Mrs. Hayes frowned and turned to her husband. They stared at each other without saying anything.

  “It’s a pleasure to see you both again,” Jenny offered, wanting to kill the awkward silence.

  His father recovered first. “We’re glad you could come.”

  Dan shook his head. “What’s up with you guys? I just introduced my future wife to you. Don’t you have anything more to say?”

  Mrs. Hayes finally spoke. “It’s a mistake.”

  Jenny’s heart contracted in pain. She turned to Dan and then tried to make a break for it, but he held her tight.

  “There’s no mistake. I proposed to her under the same tree you did twenty years ago.” He looked down at Jenny with his devastating brown eyes. “I was lucky she said yes.”

  “It’s not right,” Mrs. Hayes insisted.

  “Now come on, Harriet. Let’s invite them in and sit down to a meal like civilized people.”

  Dan snorted. “What’s going on here?”

  “You should know that Kelly called and explained what’s been going on between the two of you,” Mrs. Hayes replied. She looked at Jenny with distain. “It’s not right, young lady.”

  Dan pulled Jenny to him protectively. “Don’t talk to my fiancée that way, Mother.”

  Mr. Hayes took control of the situation. “Let’s walk into the dining room and sit down. Dinner’s on the table and we can discuss this like the reasonable people we are.”

  When Mrs. Hayes protested, he grabbed her arm and forced her to follow him down the hallway. Jenny seethed inside. Kelly was on the warpath where nothing was sacred.

  They spent an uncomfortable dinner discussing mundane things instead of the elephant in the room. Once dessert was served, Dan cut to the chase. “Look, the reason I came with Jenny tonight is to let you know of our wedding plans and to get Gammy’s ring.”

  Mrs. Hayes visibly tensed. “You can’t have it.”

  “Mom, you can’t be serious,” Dan objected.

  “No harlot is going to wear Gammy’s ring. It’s not right!”

  Mr. Hayes put his hand on his wife’s shoulder and squeezed. “We are not going to debase ourselves by calling people names, Harriet.” He looked at Dan and said, “We are opposed to the lifestyle you have chosen. We are not comfortable with it and cannot condone it, Son.”

  Dan said defensively, “What lifestyle? Jenny and I are going to get married just like the two of you. I don’t see the problem here.”
br />   Mr. Hayes cleared his throat. “We know about the threesome. Frankly, I find it disgusting.”

  Mrs. Hayes whimpered as if the mere thought of it harmed her in some way.

  Jenny was proud of Dan. There wasn’t a moment of hesitation when he answered, “What Ryan, Jenny and I chose to do as grown adults has no bearing on you. However, things have changed recently and Jenny and I are getting married. I would like the ring Gammy promised I could give to my wife.”

  “You can’t have it!” Mrs. Hayes snapped.

  Mr. Hayes patted her shoulder to quiet her. “Son, are you telling me that you plan to have a traditional marriage… no extra partners involved?”

  “Yes, Father.”

  Mr. Hayes sat back in his chair, digesting the news while Mrs. Hayes stared daggers at Jenny.

  “Mother, stop it. This is your future daughter-in-law and the woman I love. You will treat her with the same love and respect you give me.”

  Mrs. Hayes huffed and jerked her head away angrily.

  His father let out a long sigh before speaking. “Gammy specifically gave you the ring. Whether we agree with your choice or not, I do not see how we can deny her wishes.” With that, he got up and left the room with Mrs. Hayes trailing behind him, protesting loudly.

  Jenny tried to leave again, but Dan grasped her hand and said smoothly. “Don’t run scared, Jenny. You and I know this is right. Give them time to adjust.”

  “But Dan, they know everything.” Jenny buried her face in her hands. “They know about the ménage.”

  “While I admit it is disconcerting to have my parents know intimate details about our sex life, what does it matter? We are adults and have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Somehow, Dan made the awkward situation manageable and she appreciated the way he handled his mother. He remained respectful without compromising himself or Jenny.

  “Even though I want to run away, I will stay with you,” she said with determination. Dan leaned over and gave her a gentle, lingering kiss.

  “Must you?” Mrs. Hayes complained as they reentered the room.

  Jenny noticed that Mr. Hayes held a small wooden box. He hesitated for a moment before handing it to Dan. “Are you sure, Son? You wanted to marry Kelly once.” He looked at Jenny and said, “I’m sorry to ask this in front of you.” Then he turned back to Dan. “Are you positive Jenny is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, especially given her sordid past?”

  Dan asked coolly, “What sordid past?”

  Mrs. Hayes piped up, “She enticed you to join in that unnatural lifestyle.”

  “Actually, that was Ryan’s idea. Of the three of us, Jenny is the one who was enticed, Mother.”

  “What’s wrong with you? Why would my son need to fuck another man?” Mrs. Hayes cried.

  Dan clinched his jaw as he stood up from the table. “You have been listening to that vindictive bitch. Kelly has no idea what happened between us, but I can assure you it did not involve homosexual acts. Even if it had, what business is it of it yours, Mother? I am a grown man.”

  He looked at both of his parents. “Kelly assumed you were fools. I am shocked you played into her hands so easily.”

  Mrs. Hayes turned purple. “Kelly is a dear. How dare you try to make her out as some kind of monster! I love that girl. I could never love this…” she pointed at Jenny, “jezebel.”

  “Now, now, Harriet. Let’s not say anything we’ll regret,” Dan’s father said evenly.

  Jenny had enough. “I am not a whore, Mrs. Hayes. I love your son. I love him more than life itself. I was honored when he asked me to marry him under the same tree that Mr. Hayes proposed to you under. I felt honored to become a part of this distinguished family, but I will not be insulted. You are mistaken about Kelly, but unlike her, I will not throw around insults.”

  Jenny got up to leave, but Dan gracefully took her arm and walked her out announcing behind him, “And that’s why I love this woman.” Jenny had never felt that powerful before as she headed to the front door. She knew with certainty that nothing was going to stop their marriage. Kelly’s worst had just been a bump in the road. Nothing to worry about.

  “Son,” Mr. Hayes called out. “Don’t forget this.” He walked over and handed Dan the small box.

  “Thanks, Dad.” Mr. Hayes opened his arms and the two hugged. It warmed Jenny’s heart to see it. He then gazed kindly at Jenny. “Welcome to our family.” He put his large arms around her small frame and gave her a stiff hug. Although it wasn’t full of the warmth he’d given his son, Jenny appreciated the token gesture.

  “Thank you, Mr. Hayes.”

  “Dad to you soon,” he said.

  “Oh god, do you have to say that?” Mrs. Hayes complained from the hallway.

  “Get used to it, Harriet. You know our son. Once his mind is set, nothing can stop him.”

  Jenny glanced at Mrs. Hayes and saw her lips pursed in an ugly frown. “Good-bye, Mrs. Hayes.” Jenny almost said mother, but figured that would be pushing it. Although she would have enjoyed being friends with Dan’s mom, having at least one member of his family accept her was enough.

  They left the house and headed to the car in silence. Once inside, Dan announced, “I want to take you somewhere, but it means a late night for us.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Not like we are going to get any sleep on that tiny couch.”

  “Excellent.” When he turned towards the mountains, she knew exactly where he was headed. Jenny smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder.

  They made it to the cabin after eleven. The area was bathed in the eerie glow of a full moon, giving it an otherworldly appearance. Dan got out of the car first, insisting on opening the door for Jenny. “Now I can do this properly, the way I wanted to.”

  Jenny gasped at how cold it was and wrapped her arms around herself.

  Dan walked her under the ‘shadow’ of the pine tree and got down on one knee amongst the snow. He opened the small wooden box and took out the ring. Jenny saw the glint of its diamond in the moonlight. With white vapors escaping with each word he asked, “Jenny Marie Cole, would you consent to be my wife?”

  Her smile was so wide it hurt. “Yes, Dan, I more than consent. I am happy to be your wife.”

  Dan took her hand in his and slid the ring on her finger. She giggled with joy when he stood up and pulled her to his chest. “You make me a very happy man, Miss Cole,” Dan said, picking her up and heading towards the cabin.

  “No, Dan.”

  He stopped in his tracks. “What do you mean ‘no’?”

  Jenny saw visions of Mrs. Hayes standing in the doorway and it killed any feeling of passion. “I don’t want to do it here. Not in your family’s cabin. At least not until your mom accepts me.”

  He set her back down on the ground. “Don’t let her change anything between us.”

  She looked up at Dan and smiled. “Nothing can change how I feel about you, but I don’t feel comfortable here.” She headed back to the car and tilted her head when she looked back at him. “So, now what are you going to do?”

  He moved up behind her, growling in her ear, “I believe I’m going to have to get a little creative with you.”

  Jenny shivered in delight. “I happen to like the sound of that.”

  He smiled mischievously as he walked around to the driver’s side. “Damn, Jenny, you’re in for a ride now.”

  “I can’t wait!” Jenny looked down at her hand with the diamond winking back at her playfully. A lifetime of this…

  Dan did not head back to the city; instead he made a left at the crossroads heading further into the mountains.

  “Where are we going, Dan?”

  “Trust me.”

  After twenty minutes on a bumpy road they came up to a large pond surrounded by snow covered pine trees. The moon shone brightly on the icy pond. It was spectacular and serene.

  “This place is breathtaking.”

  “My secret spot, Baby. Haven’t shared it
with anyone before.” He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “A perfect place to take my fiancée.”

  He got out of the car and motioned her to follow. The two stood before the small mountain lake and drank in its pristine beauty despite the bitter cold. Dan snuck a hand around her and pulled her to him. “Will this do, future Mrs. Hayes?”

  “What? Here? On the snowy ground? You on bottom, buddy!”

  He chuckled. “Not on the ground, my love. On the hood of the car under the stars, in the presence of God’s glorious creation.”

  “But it’s freezing!”

  “True, but the hood won’t be.” Dan walked to the back of the car and pulled out a blanket from the trunk. He unfolded the large fleece and laid it over the car.

  Despite the covering, Jenny shivered. The thought of her naked skin being exposed to the harsh winter air was not sexy. “I don’t know, Dan…”

  “What? Are you chickening out on me?” he scoffed.

  Dan used the “chicken” word. He knew what that did to her. “No, I am not chickening out.” Jenny started unbuttoning her shirt as proof.

  “That’s more like it,” he encouraged, stripping off his own shirt.

  The two walked over to the car and Dan helped her sit on the edge of the hood. His hands caressed her shoulders and then snuck behind her back. She felt him unhook her bra and it fell away from her breasts. The chilly air had an immediate effect on her nipples. “Oh, lovelies…” Dan growled, “have you missed me?” His warm lips encased one nipple while his fingers tugged and teased the other.

  Jenny threw her head back, bracing herself against the car with her elbows. “They have missed you, Dan. Very much…”

  He pushed her down as he kissed his way up to her collarbone. She resisted, but Dan was insistent in his pressure and she gasped when she finally gave in and felt the warmth of the blanket. “Oh, now that is nice,” she purred.

  She relaxed on the hood and did not resist when Dan pulled at her jeans. He removed her panties next and let them fall to the snowy ground. Then Dan spread her legs open so that he could admire her femininity. She found the bitter cold on her clit sexy.


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