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Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4)

Page 5

by Red Phoenix

  “Of course, my little Kumquat. I am the voice of sanity in an insane world.”

  She was surprised how much fun they had together. Dan took a genuine interest in the gowns. It turned out he did not care for modern dresses that looked like a party dress. No, Dan was more traditional. He preferred lace and buttons, which suited Jenny just fine.

  She turned in front of the mirror in a dress that caused a stirring in her spirit. The gown hugged her curves seductively, with a sweetheart bodice covered in lace and a back lined in tiny buttons. The dress also had lace gloves that ran up her arms. The hem of the skirt was flirtatiously uneven, showing of a hint of leg. She twirled in front of Dan, beaming.

  The look of admiration in his eye was priceless. “The one,” he said simply.

  “Yep, the one!” After a couple more turns in front of the mirror, she took it off and handed it to the assistant. “So how much is the dress?”

  The girl searched for the tag and announced, “4,500”

  Jenny’s heart dropped. There was no way she could afford that kind of dress after losing her job. She smiled, trying to hide her disappointment. “Oh well. It seems you and I have expensive tastes.”

  “I’m sorry, Jenny,” he said, getting up and walking over to her. “There was that other one we both liked.”

  “Yeah…but I didn’t love it.” She sighed, realizing how immature she was being. “That other dress is fine. How much was it again?” she asked the store keeper.

  “Five hundred.”

  Jenny shrugged her shoulders. “Well, you can’t beat that.” Jenny was touched that the store keeper put the dress into a protective cover with the same reverence and care as if it had been the more expensive dress. It did Jenny’s heart good and made her feel better about the choice.

  The two then picked out a handsome black tux with a gold vest and red tie for Dan. “I’ll be wearing thermal underwear, so what you see is what you get.” He struck a handsome pose for her.

  He looked devastatingly handsome in it. “I am one lucky girl,” Jenny replied with a happy sigh.

  The next order of business was to find the coat that would cover up her dress. On the drive to the boutique Jenny told Dan, “I’m glad we didn’t get that other dress. It’s going to be covered up by a coat anyway.”

  Dan gave her a playful sideways glance. “Buy the most beautiful coat we can find.”

  Unlike the dress, finding the coat was easy. Dan noticed it in the window of the store as they walked in and pointed it out to her. The tickling of a bell announced their arrival as they opened the door to the small boutique. An older man greeted the couple.

  “Can I help you?”

  Dan immediately asked, “How much is the coat?” pointing to the mannequin in the window.

  Jenny looked horrified when she saw the fur.

  “That stunning piece is 950.”

  “It certainly looks worth that,” Dan said encouragingly to Jenny.

  She whispered, “It has fur on it.”

  The gentleman overheard her and grinned. “It’s faux fur, Miss. If you feel it, though, I bet you will have a difficult time telling the difference.

  Jenny looked at the coat again with fresh eyes. It was white with large pearl buttons up the front. It had a large hood which was rimmed in white faux fur, along with the cuffs and the bottom of the coat. It was romantic in every way. Jenny could see why Dan was set on it, but the price scared her. “That seems like a lot of money.”

  He put his arm around her waist. “It is a gift from me to you. I want to see you standing beside me in that coat, my love.”

  Jenny smiled at the thought and turned to the man. “Please, can I try it on?”

  Dan helped her into the coat and lovingly buttoned her up. He stood back and whistled.

  She snuck a peek in the mirror and caught her breath. It fit her curves seductively and the fur made her look like a frost princess. She liked it every bit as much as the fancy dress. “I’m in love with it!” she said, throwing her arms around Dan and giving him a kiss of appreciation.

  “Sold,” he told the man when she broke the kiss. The gentleman suggested a pair of white leather boots with similar fur lining that seemed made for the long coat. When Dan saw them on her feet he nodded agreeably. “Box them up as well.”

  The old man smiled. “Wish all my customers were so easy.”

  Jenny put her arms around Dan’s hips and looked up at him. “When it’s right, it’s right.” With the clothing for the wedding taken care of, Jenny felt deliciously content on the drive home.

  “Now for the flowers,” Dan announced.

  “What, we’re doing that today too? Jenny asked in surprise.

  “Hey, woman, I took the day off. I plan on getting everything set up so we don’t have to worry about it.” Instead of a floral shop, Dan took Jenny to a greenhouse. “I know the owner. She said she would take care of us.”

  Jenny looked at him doubtfully, but followed him inside. A rotund woman with red cheeks met them at the door. “Dan, you finally came to visit me!” She gave him a big hug and then went straight for Jenny. “And this must be Dan’s main squeeze!”

  Jenny stiffly accepted her hug, thrown off by the enthusiastic greeting of a stranger. She looked at Dan, raising her eyebrow questionably.

  “Sorry, Baby. I didn’t tell you that Rose is good friends with my mom.”

  “The best of friends, Bubba,” she said, giving Dan a swat on the ass.

  The lady is certainly a character. Jenny’s next thought was, What would she be doing hanging around Dan’s mom? “So you’ve known Dan’s mother for a while?

  “Since college. Oh, the trouble she and I used to get into…you wouldn’t believe it. But enough about me. You’re here about the flowers. I collected several different kinds for you, so you can decide which works best for your wedding.”

  Jenny wasn’t paying attention. She was lost in her own thoughts. So, Mrs. Hayes has a wild past, does she? I wonder how wild…

  Dan handed her a book of wedding bouquets. “Rose says she can make any in this book. Check it out and pick your favorite. Whatever you want, Baby.”

  Rose pulled out the chair and insisted, “You sit here, dear, while Dan and I look at the potted plants I picked out.”

  Dan had envisioned a red carpet lined with flowers on the frozen water. It intrigued Jenny, so she let him have free reign to make his vision a reality while she quietly picked out her perfect bouquet. Thumbing through the pages several times, she finally decided on an unusual nosegay of white gardenias, miniature red roses, accented by a few thin sprigs of pine. It looked wintry and romantic.

  Her decision made, she got up and walked over to Rose. “Can you make this?”

  The affable woman took the book and smiled at the picture. “Yes, but I will make it even more beautiful.”

  Jenny smiled gratefully, warming up to the woman who so obviously loved Dan like an aunt, a humorously naughty aunt. “Thank you.”

  The enthusiastic woman gave her another hug, and this time Jenny returned it fully. Anyone who cared about Dan was instantly a friend to her, and Jenny couldn’t help wondering if time spent with Rose would eventually reveal surprising secrets of her soon to be mother-in-law.

  “So kids, leave it all up to me. Will you come by to pick it up the day of the wedding or the night before?”

  Dan put his hand around her shoulder. “Actually Rose, I was hoping you would hand deliver them.”

  Rose’s cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red. “Do you mean it, Danny Boy?”

  He chuckled lightly. “Of course. I want my auntie to be there when I marry my soul mate.”

  It was Jenny’s turn to blush. Rose insisted on a three-way hug. “Just you wait, kids. My flowers will blow you away.”

  “And you’re sure you can handle the other thing?” Dan asked her.

  Jenny looked at him sideways. “What other thing?”

  “My surprise, little Kumquat.”

Rose’s jaw dropped. “Did you just call her Kumquat? That was my pet name for you when you were a tiny boy.” She winked at Jenny. “He must be smitten.” Jenny knew with certainty that she would grow to love this woman.

  As they headed away from the greenhouse Jenny assumed they were going back to John’s apartment, but no… Dan pulled up to a hole-in-the-wall bakery. “Our last stop,” he promised when he saw her look of exhaustion.

  As much as Jenny liked the idea of shopping for a wedding cake, doing all the wedding errands in one day was grueling and she grumbled as she got out of the car. “Is a cake even necessary, Dan? It’s not like we are having a reception or anything.”

  “Totally necessary,” he said, lifting her chin up with his finger. His brown eyes sparkled when he added, “This cake will be only for you and me.”

  His answer melted her heart. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Just because we are having a small wedding doesn’t mean I don’t want you to have all the trappings.”

  The bakery was run by an elderly Asian couple. Dan introduced Jenny to them with an ease as if he’d known them his whole life. “Mr. and Mrs. Tran, I would like you to meet my fiancée, Jenny Cole.”

  Mr. Tran took her hand warmly and bowed. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Cole.”

  She bowed back, enchanted by the gesture. “It is a pleasure for me as well.”

  Mrs. Tran spoke in a small, but sweet voice, “We are honored to make your wedding cake. Thank you.”

  Jenny blushed and looked at Dan. Everyone was so nice and obviously thought the world of Dan. It made her proud to have such a fine man for a husband.

  “Mrs. Tran makes exquisite cakes and Mr. Tran ensures it tastes as good as it looks. The perfect combination,” he informed her.

  Mrs. Tran twittered and looked down at her feet in embarrassment. It was adorable.

  “What size of cake, Mr. Hayes?” the old baker asked.

  “Just big enough for the two of us. It is a gift to ourselves.” He smiled at Jenny with such tenderness her stomach quivered. “But I want it to look as grand as you can make it. Don’t hold back,” he instructed Mrs. Tran.

  “I will do well by you, Mr. Hayes,” she answered.

  “That I have no doubt,” Dan assured her. “I wouldn’t want anyone else to handle such an important detail.”

  The old woman twittered again. Jenny had to stifle a giggle. The woman was just too darn cute. After the details of the cake were finalized, Dan bought two cupcakes and handed her one. “Take a taste and you’ll understand how talented these two are.”

  The cupcake sported a delicate orchid on top. It seemed a shame to eat it, but Jenny took a bite and purred in delight. The cake was incredibly moist and burst with unusual flavors. She could detect ginger and a hint of star anise. It gave the simple cupcake complexity and depth. She chewed it slowly, savoring the exotic sweetness.

  Jenny bowed to Mr. Tran. “I never thought cake could taste like this.”

  He returned the bow and said humbly, “It is my calling.”

  “Mr. and Mrs. Tran, I am sorry to eat and run but we must go. I’ll be back to pick up the cake Friday after work.”

  “It will be ready, Mr. Hayes,” the little woman said, twittering again for no reason.

  Jenny finished her last bite of ‘cake heaven’ in the car. “This will be the best wedding ever! I can’t believe you know so many talented people, Dan.”

  “My mom used to be a social person, always throwing parties and getting involved in the community. But she’s changed over the years…it’s scary. The older she gets the more she reminds me of her mother.” He turned to Jenny, “and that is not a good thing.”

  Although Jenny was surprised by his revelation, she did her best not to show it. Mrs. Hayes appeared to have a lot more to her than Jenny imagined. The years ahead just might be more interesting as I peel back the layers of this unpleasant woman. The thought made Jenny smile.

  With all the wedding details taken care of, Jenny spent the remaining week looking for a job. Word had spread throughout the local brokerages about her disgrace. Some firms would not take her calls because of the scandal. Thankfully, there were a couple that did and her interviews with them were promising.

  It gave Jenny hope that employment might be possible, after she was told at one interview, “A person’s personal life is just that. At our establishment, we only judge our employees based on their dedication and work ethic. Fail us in that, and we will send you packing.” She was informed that they would get in touch with her the following week.

  Things were looking up. Kelly’s attempts to ruin her had only caused her to grow stronger. Jenny yelled in defiance. “Take that, Bitch!”

  “What was that?” John asked from his room.

  Jenny blushed. “Oh nothing. Just feeling a little feisty today.”

  “Hey, before you move out, could you make another pan of lasagna?”

  “Not a problem. In fact, I will make a whole pan just for you,” she called to him.

  He didn’t respond and she wasn’t sure if he’d heard until she saw John at his doorway with a look of disbelief. “Seriously?”

  Jenny chuckled. “Seriously.”

  “Damn that Dan. He is one lucky bugger.” John disappeared back in his bedroom and started typing away.

  She looked at the clock and realized Dan was over a half-hour late. She picked up her phone and called. It took several rings before he answered. “Hey, can’t talk right now. Will call back as soon as I can. Order takeout for you and John. I will be a while.”

  Jenny could hear the stress in his voice. “What’s going on, Dan?”

  “Don’t worry. I’m with Ryan.”

  “Do you want me to meet you?”

  “No,” he cleared his throat, “Sorry, he doesn’t want you here. I’ll explain things later, but I have to go.” Jenny was shocked when he hung up on her.

  Were the two going to duke it out again? Why would Dan go to Ryan again? It didn’t make any sense, unless…Kelly!

  It was excruciating to remain at John’s apartment while she waited to find out the trouble Kelly had caused. Jenny paced the apartment, but couldn’t find relief. She finally pulled out the paperwork for the rentals they were considering. There was a nice, but expensive apartment not too far from John’s place, a neglected house near Dan’s work, and a modern townhome located on the outskirts of town. She was leaning towards the last one, but the drive would be annoying for both of them. However, the price was right and it had an office and an extra bedroom for guests. The longer she considered the pluses and minuses of each, the more sure she felt about her initial choice. Dan had left the final decision to her, saying all three were equally viable.

  Jenny needed to feel in control, so she called the landlord to inform him of her decision. That control was taken from her when he asked for her financial history. The minute she mentioned that she wasn’t currently employed, he told her that he would have to talk to Dan. Jenny hung up, seething with anger. Kelly still had an influence over her life.

  She began pacing again, wondering what the bitch had done to Ryan. When she couldn’t stand it anymore, she burst into John’s room and ranted. The poor man took it without complaint, but she noticed his look of relief when her phone rang.

  “Baby, I’m headed home and will give you all the details when I get there.”

  “Are you okay?”


  “Is Ryan?”

  Dan paused. “We’ll talk about it when I get there.”

  As soon as Dan entered the apartment Jenny ran to his arms while checking for black eyes on his handsome face. Seeing none she asked, “What happened? What did Kelly do?”

  “She did the same thing to Ryan that she did to you. I never thought to warn him. I never considered she’d go after him like that…”

  Jenny’s hand flew to her mouth. “Oh no. Tell me she didn’t distribute those damn photos.”

  “She did,” Dan said,
sounding drained. “We have been at the police station all night. You will need to go tomorrow.”

  Jenny collapsed on the couch. “Poor Rye. He didn’t do anything to hurt her.”

  “It was a stab at you and me. Kelly doesn’t care who gets harmed along the way.”

  She looked at him fearfully. “Did…Did Ryan lose his job?”

  Dan actually smiled. “No, and you’ll never guess who saved it.”


  “Remember his little temp? The one he complained about? According to Ryan, she may not file papers properly but she is a natural born attorney. She argued for Ryan until his boss actually apologized to him. Ryan has never seen anything like it. No one wins an argument with his boss.”

  Jenny giggled in relief. “I can’t imagine.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a surreal day for Ryan, but he’ll be all right.”

  “Dan,” her lip quivered when she asked, “did Ryan say why he didn’t want me there?”

  “I don’t think you understand. The only reason he called me is that I’m his only friend and he was desperate. Ryan can’t forgive you for leaving him.”

  It crushed her to know that they would never be friends again, but she understood. She’d hurt him in the deepest way possible. “Well, I’m glad he called you.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad, too. You should know that he filed charges against Kelly and expects you to do the same. He understands now that she played him. I think the full impact of her influence and the consequences of that are just now hitting him.”

  “Poor Rye. We didn’t have to break up…” she said sadly.

  Dan cupped her chin. “As cruel as this sounds, I’m glad things fell apart. Now that I have had a chance to be with you exclusively, I can’t imagine any other reality.”

  In her heart of hearts, Jenny agreed. She caressed his scruffy cheek. “Just you and me.”


  Winter Wedding

  The morning of their wedding was a clear, sunny winter’s day. The chill in the air and the snow on the ground were the only reminders of the season. The blue skies spoke to warmer times. “Looks like the perfect day, Dan,” Jenny said looking out the window. Unfortunately, he couldn’t hear her. Her mom had insisted that she stay with them overnight to preserve the tradition of the groom not seeing the bride.


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