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Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4)

Page 7

by Red Phoenix

  Jenny’s mom came up and wrapped her in a hug, distracting Jenny from the poignant scene. “It was a lovely wedding and the vows you shared were beautiful.” She grabbed onto Dan and squeezed him, too. “I have a good feeling about you both.” She nudged him playfully. “And that dress stunt you pulled on my daughter made me a fan forever.”

  Dan brushed back his hair, obviously embarrassed by her praise. “I love your daughter, Mrs. Cole.”

  Her father put his sizeable hand on Dan’s shoulder. “We believe that. My only advice is to be honest and respectful of each other. You can work through most anything if you remember that.”

  “Sound advice, sir.”

  The snow was coming down with greater intensity. Dan pulled Jenny’s hood around her face and patted her on the head. The flakes were small, but they were increasing in number making visibility an issue.

  “Looks like it’s going to be a bad storm,” Marcus announced. The newlyweds smiled at each other.

  Dan told him, “That it does. You better get crazy woman out of here before she kills herself on the road.”

  Marcus chuckled, “Don’t worry, I will be following her all the way down. There is no way she will escape my watchful eye.”

  “Thanks, Brother.”

  Marcus turned to Jenny and picked her up without warning. He hugged her in midair, squeezing the breath out of her. “Welcome to the Hayes clan, Sis. I’ll have to get some alone time with you so I can share Dan’s darkest and most embarrassing moments.” She giggled when he put her down. The similarities between the two were disconcerting and made her feel slightly giddy.

  The wedding party quickly broke up as people rushed to beat the worst of the storm. Everyone, except for the newlyweds who headed directly to the cabin. When they arrived, Dan insisted on carrying Jenny over the threshold. He unlocked the door and turned on the light before coming back for her.

  Dan brushed the snow off her hood. “You officially look like a snow princess.” He kissed her cold lips and smiled. “My personal snow princess…” He picked her up and kissed her again as he carried her through the doorway. The warmth of the cabin embraced her as they entered. Dan broke the kiss and put her down slowly before saying, “Oh shit.”

  Jenny stared at the elegantly set table complete with candles and wine. Jenny noticed that the oven was on warm and deduced a lovely dinner was waiting for them. “Did your mother do this?” she asked in surprised.

  “It does seem like her handiwork,” he said wearily.

  “But she’s opposed to our marriage.”

  Dan looked apologetic when he said, “Baby, there is one thing you have to know about my mother, she is all about appearance. She wouldn’t want anyone to accuse her of being cheap or uncaring.”

  He hugged her to his chest. “This is more about making herself feel better than it is about us.”

  “That’s too bad,” she said sadly.

  “Don’t take it personally. My mother still has a lot of growing up to do.” He walked over to the table and lifted a napkin off one of the dishes, taking a roll for himself and handing her one.

  Jenny was starving and took a bite of the yeasty bread, deciding to accept the gift for what it was. “So your mom said that she changed one of the rooms, right? Do you think this is what she meant?”

  “Knowing my mother, I would say no.”

  Jenny’s face lit up and she raced to the nearest bedroom. It was still the same cold room she had tried to sleep in during the blizzard. She moved on to the second bedroom - the one where they first snuggled together and later expressed deeper feelings for one another. If his mother only knew…

  She squealed in delight when she saw how Mrs. Hayes had transformed it from a simple cabin room to a luxurious love nest in browns and maroons. A large four poster queen bed filled the small space and the windows were covered in rich decorative curtains, helping to keep in the warmth. The old chest at the foot of the bed had been replaced with a stylish one made of hardwood and there was an antique self-standing mirror tucked in the corner. Dan seemed intrigued the piece.

  Jenny asked, “How did she know this room is special to us, Dan? You didn’t tell her, did you?”

  He chuckled, pulling her to him. “No. This used to be Gammy and Poppy’s room.”

  Jenny looked down at her wedding set and smiled, overwhelmed by the connection she felt with his great grandmother. She was certain that Gammy would approve of their union.

  “My love, I think it is time I take off this coat and see the beautiful bride underneath.” Dan undid the big buttons one by one before slipping it off her shoulders. “Oh yes, as lovely as I remember.”

  Jenny threw her arms around him. “I can’t believe you got me the dress, Dan. Why would you do that? I’m the only one who gets to enjoy it.”

  “Not true. I did it for purely selfish reasons. It was the dress I wanted my bride wrapped in.” He smiled looking down at her tenderly. “Besides, I did not buy you a ring. You deserved it.” Dan took her hand and twirled her around twice as he looked over the gown. “You have never looked more beautiful to me than you do right now, wife.”

  Jenny felt butterflies when he called her ‘wife’. “Thank you, husband.”

  “Whoa, that’s weird hearing you say that.” He leaned in next to her ear, “but I like it.” Shivers ran down her spine as he kissed her neck. “My wife, to have and to hold…” He wrapped his arms around her and continued to kiss and nibble.

  “Dan, I feel like I am going to melt when you do that.”

  He held her tighter, biting her neck and murmuring, “Melt into me, wife.”

  Jenny obeyed and laid her head against his chest, giving into the fire he was fanning. His strong hands explored the lace of her dress, concentrating on the hardness of her nipples. She moaned, feeling her loins contract in pleasure from his attention.

  “Shall I undress you or let you remain in your bridal gown a little longer?”

  “Undress me.”

  He chuckled. “I think you are too beautiful to unwrap just yet.”

  She groaned. Dan let go of her and left the room. She reluctantly followed him out and watched him build a fire in the fireplace. He looked up after he got the fire going and said with a grin, “Just in case the power goes out again.”

  “I wonder if your mom bought Vienna sausages and Pop-tarts in case of power failure,” she joked.

  “Let’s check.” The two opened the cupboards and saw they’d been stocked with all kinds of staples, but zero convenience foods.

  “I suppose we could live on handfuls of flour,” he commented.

  “Should we eat your mother’s meal? I’m starving!”

  He cleared his throat. “Baby, I hate to tell you this but it’s going to be lamb.”

  “Lamb? But I don’t eat innocent babies…”

  He patted her head, “I know. But you see, my mother is convinced that any major celebration includes lamb. It should make future holidays with my family loads of fun.”

  Jenny frowned, “Dan. I really want your mom to accept me. Should I force myself to eat lamb?”

  He put his hands around her waist and smiled down at her tenderly. “Don’t compromise who you are. She will learn to love you, trust me.” He opened the fridge and pulled out a large white box. “So no baby animals, but maybe I can interest you in cake.”

  Dan carefully took the cake out and placed it on the table. It was exquisite with the realistic flowers and delicate floating butterflies - the exact opposite of the weather raging outside.

  “Just looking at it makes me happy!” Jenny smiled.

  “Wait until you taste it,” he said hungrily, pulling a knife out of the drawer.

  She put her hands over the cake to protect it. “No! You can’t cut this beautiful piece of art.”

  “The cake was made to be eaten, woman. The Trans will be upset if we don’t eat the cake that they handmade with love. You don’t want to reject their love do you?”

  Jenny roll
ed her eyes. “Man you’re laying it on thick.”

  “I’m hungry,” he complained, his stomach growling in agreement. “So can I cut the cake now?”

  She didn’t answer him right away, putting her hand over his instead. “Let’s cut it together.” Jenny helped him slice through the confection, cutting out two small pieces.

  He handed her one and he took the other. “Keeping with tradition, I think we should feed each other.”

  “No smashing it in my face, Dan,” she warned.

  He looked crushed. “As if I would ever do that to the woman I love.”

  Jenny hesitantly brought the cake to his lips as his piece moved closer to her face.

  “You don’t trust me,” he accused.

  She giggled. “Not completely.”

  “Tsk, tsk, wife. This is not how a stable marriage starts off.”

  “You’re just trying to distract me,” she said, ready to smash the cake in his face the minute he made his move.

  “Open your mouth and close your eyes, Jenny.”

  She shook her head. “No way am I going to be a sitting duck for you.”

  He commanded in a quiet but firm tone, “Do it, my love.”

  She could tell he was taking it more seriously than she was, so she kept her cake positioned next to his face as she cautiously closed her eyes. Jenny parted her lips and he gently brought wedding cake to her mouth, allowing her to take a small bite. The flavors that flooded her tastebuds reminded her of the sweet florals of spring and she moaned in pleasure. Jenny cracked an eye open.

  “Now do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she answered sheepishly. Jenny held the cake up to him and watched her handsome groom take the bite she offered.

  He smiled appreciatively while he chewed. “The Trans make a damn fine cake.”

  “Yes, they do,” she answered as she took a scoop of icing and wiped it on his nose.

  “You didn’t.”

  She couldn’t help laughing at how ridiculous he looked. He returned the favor by icing her chin and then commanded, “Lick it off me, woman.”

  She dutifully licked his nose as he licked off the icing on her chin. The licks soon gravitated to the middle and the kisses became passionate. Jenny crawled onto his lap as they gave into their mutual lust.

  Dan finally broke the embrace, his manhood making his state of arousal quite obvious. “Before we retire to the bedroom, there is one more tradition I would like to observe. I want to see you dance in this lovely dress before I peel it off.”

  His compliment pleased her and she eagerly took the hand he offered her. Dan led her to the middle of the room and then went over to the stereo to pick out a song. Jenny stood quietly, staring at the fireplace, appreciating how fervently the flames consumed the wood. Dan - the flame that consumes me…

  He turned off the lights and the cabin was bathed in the romantic glow of the fire. He motioned her to him. “Come, wife.”

  The sad melodic beginning of Blue October’s “Congratulations” drifted through air, harmonizing with the lonely sound of the wind raging outside. Dan took her right hand in his left and settled his right hand in the small of her back. He guided Jenny around the room speaking softly to her. “When you played this song that first night, I thought my heart would break. I wanted to tell you how I felt, but I couldn’t bring myself to ruin what we already had. That night, I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact I would end up like the guy in the song. Standing by, watching you marry Ryan.”

  “You were so discreet about your feelings, Dan. I never knew.”

  “If it hadn’t been for that blessed snowstorm, I don’t think I ever would have been honest with you.”

  Jenny laid her head on his chest and sighed contentedly. “I’m so glad you were...husband.”

  When the song ended, he twirled her around once watching the sway of her gown. She loved how he made her feel so special, so incredibly treasured.

  “Dan, as sweet as it is to walk down memory lane, I believe we need to dance to a different song on our wedding day.”

  She walked over to the stereo, knowing the exact song she wanted. “As you know, Blue October has very few upbeat, happy songs but I think this one will do.” Jenny hit the play button and walked back to Dan swaying to Justin’s voice singing a cappella.

  Dan instantly smiled. “Ah yes, Calling You. The perfect song.” He took her in his arms again and they danced around the room to the livelier beat, singing the words while they looked into each other’s eyes. At the end of the song, they broke apart and made fools of themselves as the two danced to Justin’s “oh, wo, oh, oh, oh’s”.

  When the music faded, Dan smiled. “I know what I want now.” He left her standing alone as he went to the bedroom. He came back out carrying the full-length mirror and placed it in the middle of the room. “Stand in front of it, Jenny.”

  He moved behind her and looked at her lustfully through the reflection in the mirror. His face glowed in the firelight, giving him an ominous, sexy look. With slow, delicious diligence he unbuttoned her gown while she watched. “I figured you should see the beauty I see.”

  Jenny watched with heady anticipation as the dress slowly loosened with each button. He slipped the lace material from her shoulders and kissed them.

  She moaned and turned her head to kiss him back, but he said, “No Jenny, remain still and watch your undressing.” He continued one by one, undoing each button until the bodice fell to her waist.

  Dan unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor, then he wrapped his strong hands around each full breast and squeezed. “So damn sexy, I am sorely tempted to make love to them with my cock.”

  Jenny smiled. “I think you need to unbutton a little further.”

  He nibbled her ear and growled, “I’ll save that for later then.” The gown finally slipped from her waist and pooled at her feet, leaving her with only her garters and lace panties. “Oh Jenny,” he groaned, running his hands over her copper skin.

  She tilted her head back against his broad chest and let him have his way with her. One set of fingers teased her nipples while the other slipped under her panties and explored her pussy. Jenny squirmed against him, loving the way he played her body.

  Dan slipped his middle finger into her depths and began rubbing against her clit. Each pass tugged on the hood, sending bursts of electricity to her groin. “I want you to look into the mirror as you come, Jenny. I want you to see what I see.”

  Jenny watched as his hand made love to her. She bit her lip and moaned, tilting her head back as her back instinctively arched against him.

  “No, Baby. Watch…”

  She looked at the mirror again, but she was finding it difficult to stand as her body tensed in expectancy of its release. “Hold me,” she begged. He stopped playing with her breasts and wrapped one arm around her as support while the other continued it relentless teasing.

  Jenny’s eyes glazed over with lust as the tension increased. She watched her nipples get rock hard as a rose-colored blush took over her chest. She was dangerously close, just one more pass…

  She became silent. Her muscles tensed as she crested the peak and her pussy began dancing rhythmically around his middle finger. Jenny whimpered, her body enthusiastically squeezing Dan’s finger in its blind adoration of him.

  “Do you see how beautiful you are when you come?” he whispered.

  She gazed into the mirror but her eyes were locked on his, which added to the intensity of the moment. Jenny moaned softly and collapsed in his arms. He pulled his finger from her and held her for several moments, crooning, “My wife, my beautiful wife…” He then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

  “Now to make love to you properly.”

  When he placed her on the bed, Jenny rolled over and got on all fours. “Not before I love your husbandly cock with my mouth.”

  Dan smiled, shedding his clothes - taking his sweet time to rid himself of the jacket, gold vest, red tie, white shirt, pan
ts and boxers. She trembled as she watched the private strip show. She took in the manliness of his shaft – thick, hard, surrounded in handsome blonde curls.

  Jenny leaned over and took the first tentative lick, catching the drop of precome dripping from his shaft. She heard his intake of breath and smiled. Jenny stuck her ass in the air teasingly as she wrapped her hand around the base and began stroking his rigid member. She added the swirling of her tongue over the head, delighting in his cock - warm, smooth, with a sensitive ridge to torment and tease.

  “Jenny… Baby… Stop…,” he gasped.

  She sucked even harder as she increased the pace of her stroke. More precome greeted her tongue warning her that he was close, but she couldn’t stop. She needed to taste his essence.

  Two firm hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her from his shaft.

  “No,” she protested.

  “I don’t think you understand, my bride. This cock is coming inside you tonight, not down your throat.” With that, he flipped her onto her back, ripped off her panties and positioned himself between her legs.

  “Not fair!” she protested.

  Dan didn’t answer as he plunged his shaft inside her. Jenny cried out at the depth of his thrust. “Oh my god, you’re so deep!”

  Dan growled, “I’ve been holding back until now.” He grabbed her shoulders and began thrusting at a depth and rate she hadn’t experienced before. Jenny opened and shut her mouth in silent screams of pleasure. When he stopped to catch his breath, her body caught up and came around his shaft shamelessly.

  He smiled down at her. “Number two.”

  Dan then lifted her legs straight in the air and closed them together, blocking her view of him. The thrusting started up again, sending her pussy into quivering spasms. He stopped and dropped her legs. Dan moved between her thighs, rubbing her clit with his long, rolling pelvic thrusts.

  Jenny thrashed her head back and forth completely entranced by his taking of her. Each roll of his hips brushed his groin against her clit sending flames to her core. He stopped again and grabbed her face in his hands, kissing her deeply, exploring the recesses of her mouth as her body tensed a third time and began contracting around his shaft. He groaned into her mouth as his cock pulsated in release, covering her insides with his love.


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