Book Read Free


Page 15

by Jack Davenport

  I bit my lip. “I won’t... I don’t.”

  I wasn’t prepared to go into detail about my insecurities when it came to Jase, but I liked hearing that this lovely woman saw his love for me even though I’d never met her before. It solidified several things for me and I knew my future included Jase... and Minus... and whatever other side of his personality might appear.

  “Glad to hear it, honey,” Pearl said, then took a few minutes to flush my wound, making sure any gravel that burrowed into my skin was gone. Then she put some antibiotic cream on it and bandaged me good and tight.

  I pulled my (now stylishly torn) jeans back up while Pearl cleaned up, then she led me through another door (a regular one this time) and into a bunk room of sorts. I mean, it was definitely a bunk room, but it was kind of... well... fancy.

  “This is where we stash bikers who need to stay hidden for a while,” she said.

  “It’s really nice, especially considering your usual guests.” I glanced around the room. “I’ve always figured anyone who needed to disappear would be relegated to some remote cave somewhere. This is way better.”

  Pearl nodded. “We take care of our boys.”

  “I can see that.” I smiled at her. “Thank you for doing that.”

  “My pleasure, honey.” She patted my arm. “Let’s go find the boys. I’d imagine yours is already pining for you.”

  I giggled. “I doubt it, but that’s sweet to imagine.”

  Pearl led me back the way we came, and we ended up in the kitchen where Duke and Jase were making coffee.

  Minus handed me a cup and then wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple. “How’s your knee?”

  “It’s all good,” I said, giving him a squeeze.

  “Well, Pearl and I got some shit to do,” Duke said. “You comin’ back for dinner?”

  “We’d love to come back for dinner,” Jase said.

  “Right. We’ll see you at six,” Duke said. “Sharp.”

  “Sounds good. I’m gonna give Cricket the fifty-cent tour of the property. Then we’ll get cleaned up and meet you back here.”

  “It was lovely to meet you both,” I said.

  Pearl grinned, taking Duke’s hand. “You too, honey.”

  We finished up our coffee, then headed back to the truck.


  Jase drove us over to the main barn and as we walked inside, I couldn’t stop my mouth from dropping open. It was nicer than any barn I’d ever seen. Not that I’d seen many, but I’d seen a few from watching Poppy’s competitions and visiting Kim and Knight’s home. None of them were as clean as Duke’s. From the first-aid room, to the bunk room, and now the barn, I wondered just how much money Duke had stashed away.

  Jase pushed open a door marked with “Tack Room” above it, and guided me inside. It was huge. Against the wall directly in front of me was a row of saddles (small ones, like the one Poppy rode with), and the things that go over their face on hooks next to them. To my right were the big bulky saddles with horns, and to my left there was a wall of armoires with trunks in-between.

  “Fancy,” I said. I shook my head. I seemed to be using this word to describe all manner of things today.

  Jase chuckled, closing the door. “Yeah, I suppose so.”

  Jase took my hand and pulled me up against him, leaning down to kiss me. I slid my arms around his neck and wove my fingers into his hair. “What are you doing?” I asked in suspicion.

  He grinned, reaching behind him to lock the door. “I’m planning on giving you a positive memory about horses to take with you.”

  “How ya gonna do that?” I challenged.

  “Gonna fuck you hard enough you won’t forget.”

  “You or Minus?”

  “Who do you want?” he asked.

  I bit my lip. “I had Jase earlier... so... . Minus, please.”

  His eyes darkened with desire and slid his hands to my neck. My heart raced, and I licked my lips in anticipation as he kissed me again, before helping me remove my boots and socks. He kicked his off, then removed his shirt and I ran my hands over his chest, his rock-hard abs heady to the touch.

  He kissed me again, then his lips moved to my neck, while a hand went to the hem of my shirt and pulled it off in one quick swoop. He pulled one bra cup down, scraping a nail across my nipple before leaning down to draw my nipple into his mouth. I gasped as he blew gently where he’d sucked, feeling the bud tighten as he sucked again.

  I felt the clasp of my bra give and then Jase slid it down my arms. “Gorgeous, baby,” he whispered as he cupped each breast and kissed me again.

  My hand went to the waistband of his jeans and I unbuttoned the top and slid the zipper down, feeling his hard length against my hand. I slipped my hand under his boxer briefs to cup him, wrapping my hand around him and squeezing gently.

  “Fuck, that feels incredible.”

  I smiled, running my hand up and down his length until he pulled my hand away.

  “Want this to last, baby.”

  He kissed me quickly as he pushed my jeans and panties from my hips. I lost all coherent thought after that as he slid his hand between my legs and grinned. “Already wet.”

  I nodded and then gasped as he dragged my wetness to my clit with his finger. In the middle of the room was a circular bench, and he led me to it, sitting and pulling me onto his lap. I straddled him, and he fisted his cock, then guided it inside of me.



  I took his face in my hands. “What are you doing... Minus?”

  He grinned. “Fucking you.”

  “This isn’t fucking, Jase,” I argued.

  “I beg to differ. My dick’s hard, it’s inside your warm, wet pussy... usually, there’s a hell of a lot less chatter, but pretty sure we’re doin’ it right,” he retorted.

  I leaned in closer. “You’re being... nice. In case you didn’t get the memo, I’d like Jase to go away for a bit.”

  He glanced at something over my head, then met my eyes again. “You want Minus, Cricket?”

  “Yes, please.” Lifting me off his lap, I almost cried to lose his cock. “Minus.”

  “Stay there. Don’t turn around,” he ordered.

  I stayed, my pussy contracting with need. “Jase,” I hissed.

  “Jase isn’t here, remember?” His breath whispered over my skin and I shivered. “Hands on the back of the bench, Cricket. Legs spread.”

  I didn’t ask why, I just did as I was told. Something soft and cool slid down my back and I arched into it.

  “I said, spread,” Minus growled and a sting hit my ass.

  I cried out as I spread my legs wider.

  His front hit my back and he gripped my hip. “What I have here, baby, is a riding crop. English riders use them to make their horses obey.”

  I bit my lip as he slid it up one thigh, then the other, before running it between my slick folds. “Oh, God,” I rasped.

  The crop hit my ass again and I squeaked quietly.

  “Not God, Cricket. Who?”

  The crop moved between my legs again and I groaned.

  “Who, Christina?”

  “Mi... Minus,” I whispered.

  “That’s right.” He slapped my pussy gently with the soft leather end, then pressed it against my clit. “You want me to fuck you, Cricket?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Uh, uh, uh.” He slapped my ass again. “Who?”

  “Sorry,” I hissed out, even though I wasn’t exactly sorry. Maybe if I made a few more mistakes, I’d get more of the crop. I closed my eyes and whispered, “Minus.”

  He grabbed my hips and slid into me. Harder than before and I almost came. My head dropped back of its own accord and I sighed with relief.

  “You gonna control yourself?” he asked.

  “Will I get more of the crop?”

  “Do you want more of the crop?”

  “Holy shit, yes, I do.”

  “Then, don’t come.”

I bobbed my head up and down and was rewarded with the crop sliding up the outside of my leg before slapping my ass again. “Good girl.”

  “Maybe do that at the end,” I rasped.

  “Okay, baby.” He chuckled and dropped the crop on the bench beside me. “Brace.”

  I braced, and Minus slammed into me. Flesh slapped against flesh as our bodies connected, and an orgasm threatened to hit. I wanted to come... wanted it more than anything, but I needed this to last. Goosebumps whispered across my skin and I knew I wouldn’t be able to wait much longer. “Minus,” I begged.


  “Mi... oh, God.”

  “Not. God,” he panted out as he thrust into me. “Say it.”

  “Minus!” I screamed as I came, my pussy contracting around his cock.

  He thrust again, then once more, his hand connecting with my bare flesh with a smack, and I cried out as another orgasm hit.

  Sliding out of me, he ordered, “Stand up.”

  I did, and he slid his hand between my legs, cupping my pussy. “This is mine. Understand?”

  I nodded as I worked to catch my breath.

  He turned me to face him and I moved to grab my discarded clothes. “Don’t,” he said. “I want you to feel my cum dripping down your legs. Remember who your pussy belongs to.”

  It was in that moment, I realized he hadn’t used a condom. Fuck, that was hot. I licked my lips, my body primed and ready for more as the proof of his ownership created a coolness on my inner thighs.

  He slid his arm around my waist and kissed me. “The clean bill of health was waitin’ for me in my mailbox,” he whispered. “Figured you’d like me ungloved.”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “Always.”

  He patted my hip. “You ready to ride?”

  “I’m ready to ride you again.”

  He grinned. “There’s a bathroom right there.” He nodded his head toward a door at the back of the room. “We’ll clean up, then you’re gonna meet Boston.”

  I gripped his arm. “I really don’t want to.”

  “I hear you, Cricket. But you’re gonna have to get over that.”


  “Do you trust me?”

  “I don’t think you want me to answer that,” I grumbled.

  “Gonna let that one slide, baby.” He smiled slowly, stroking my cheek. “You trust me.”

  I leaned into his hand and nodded. Of course I trusted him. I probably shouldn’t trust him as deeply as I did, but I did. “Please don’t let me die by horse.”

  “Fuck me, you’re adorable, Cricket.” He dropped his head back and laughed. “I got your back. You won’t die.”

  He kissed me one more time, then we cleaned up and stepped out of the tack room. Jase let out a quiet whistle, then the sound of a horse whinnying echoed through the space.

  For the first time since we’d reconnected, I watched Jase’s face completely change. His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning and his nostrils flared slightly, like he was drawing in the scent of his surroundings. He grabbed my hand and led me around the corner to where the prettiest horse I’d ever seen had his head peeking out of a stall, whinnying up a storm, as we approached.

  “Hey, Bossy Boy,” Minus crooned, and the horse threw his head up and down. Minus stroked his nose and grimaced. “I know, buddy, it’s been too fuckin’ long, huh?”

  Standing across from them, I smiled... until someone shoved me from behind. I turned to give them a piece of my mind when I discovered it wasn’t a someone at all. It was another horse. I let out a frightened squeak and stepped back, only to find Jase’s arm snake around my waist and walk me back toward the horse. I planted my feet and tried to keep him from moving me. “What are you doing?”

  “Baby, this is Hank,” he said. “He’s who you’re going to learn to ride.”

  He pushed me gently, but I shook my head. “He’s a giant.”

  “He’s also a big teddy bear.”

  “He just shoved me,” I countered.

  Jase chuckled. “He was saying hi.”

  As if to say a big fat “fuck you” to Jase and his opinion, Hank stretched his head toward me again and licked my hand. “Ohmigod, he’s trying to eat me.”

  “He’s not trying to eat you, Cricket, he’s getting to know you.”

  The horse blew air out of his nose, then nudged me again. I raised my hand tentatively and stroked his face. He lowered his head and I focused on the soft space between his eyes.

  “That’s right,” Jase whispered. “He loves you already.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “You’ll see,” Jase said, and turned me to face him. “We’ll get him tacked up―”

  “You’re going to pin him to the wall?”

  “Cute. I’m going to saddle him and Boston, then you and I are going to ride. In the arena, where I can keep an eye on you.”

  “I don’t need to learn to ride,” I argued. “Poppy already tried to teach me. It did not go well.”

  “Poppy is not me.” Jase released me, and I stepped out of head reach of Hank.

  For the next half-hour or so, Jase showed me how to brush Hank and how to clean his feet (Jase called it picking his hooves, which kind of grossed me out, to be honest, but I went with it). To his credit, Hank stood perfectly still. He didn’t do anything to frighten me, almost as though he knew I needed him to be gentle.

  Jase took pity on me and saddled both the horses. Even watching him closely, I still had no clue what he did exactly, or how to replicate it.

  “Take the reins, Cricket,” Jase directed, and handed me two straps of leather.

  “Doesn’t he need a leash?”

  He smiled, shaking his head. “The reins will act as his lead.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Not a leash, then.”

  “No. If he was haltered, he’d have a lead, not a leash.”

  “To lead him around. I get it.”

  He chuckled. “Exactly. Keep to his left side, right by his head, and follow me and Boston into the arena. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “I don’t know.” Hank was huge. His back about an inch over my nose. If he took off, I don’t know that I’d be able to hold him.

  Jase smiled. “Trust him, he’ll follow you.”

  “What if he bolts?”

  “He won’t bolt.”

  “What if he does?” I challenged.

  “Stay calm and I’ll come help you.”

  “What if he goes up on his hind legs and threatens to trample me?”

  “Christina, he’s not going to do anything like that.”

  “What if he does?”

  “Then, get the fuck away from him.”

  I nodded. “That was kind of my plan.”

  I rolled my eyes and stood with the horse while Jase did his thing.


  Boston whinnied his impatience, so Jase slid his stall door open and walked toward the exit. Boston followed like a puppy and I held Hank’s reins tight as I followed them. Walking into the arena, Jase closed the gate and left Boston standing in the middle. Boston was having none of it. He followed, going so far as to settle his head on Jase’s shoulder. “Buddy, I know you missed me, but I gotta help Cricket. Do I have to tie you?”

  Boston blew air out and threw his head up and down. I watched in fascination as the two seemed to have a conversation. “Stay,” Jase said.

  After making sure Boston stayed where he was, Jase made his way to me, adjusted the strap around Hank’s waist, then faced me. “You ready?”

  “Not in the least.”

  “You want to try and mount your horse?”

  “Not in the least,” I repeated.

  Jase grinned and wrapped an arm around my waist, leaning down to kiss me gently. “You’re gonna do great. Face the saddle, left hand on the horn and lift your left leg.”

  I did as he instructed, my body shaking with fear.

  “When I lift you, swing your right leg over. Make sense?”
  “In theory.”

  “Okay, on three. One, two, three.” He lifted me, and I threw my right leg over... exactly like I did when getting on a motorcycle. Hank didn’t move, which made this whole thing a hell of a lot easier. “Good job, baby.”

  Jase helped me adjust my stirrups, then settled my feet where they should be, patting my leg as he smiled up at me from the ground. “How do you feel?”

  “A bit like I’m on a really big Harley.”

  “Not a whole lotta difference,” he said. “I think you’ll like it just as much.”

  “We’ll see,” I said.

  “I’m going to watch you walk around a bit before I get on Boston. He and I are gonna hang in the middle and I’m going to have you go around us. Okay?”

  I nodded, and my lesson commenced.

  “You’re a natural,” he announced after about twenty minutes or so.

  “This is actually kind of fun.”

  “Told ya.”

  I nodded. “You did. And it’s so nice that you’re not rubbing that in my face right now. You are such a good man, Jase.”

  “Thanks for noticin’.”

  I rolled my eyes. “What now?”

  He mounted Boston like he was stepping onto an escalator, gathering his reins in his right hand. “Follow me. We’ll go slow.”

  “We better go slow, ’cause if I fall off, I will kill you.”

  He grinned and led Boston to the arena gate, leaning down to open it, then walking out. My horse followed without me having to guide him, which actually helped me relax a little. It was almost as though Hank was assuring me that he had me and I was safe.

  The ranch backed up to protected forest trails and I was in awe as we rode through the foliage. It was several degrees cooler under the shelter of the trees, and I was really glad I’d worn a jacket. Jase pointed out some of his favorite side trails that he promised to take me on when we had more time, and by the time we started our loop back to the barn, I was kind of bummed the ride was ending so soon. It was a beautiful day, with a gorgeous man, and I didn’t want it to end.

  We reached the end of the trail and Jase brought Boston to a gentle halt, causing Hank to follow suit. I could see the barn off in the distance, and between us was a meadow covered with small yellow flowers, with a narrow dirt path that led all the way back to the ranch.


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