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The Blessing (The Colorado Series Book 1)

Page 26

by Elizabeth Price

  I pull away again before I embarrass myself, causing Ronnie to cutely pout—which makes me want to pull my cock out and pound into her even more. I don’t want to be rough with her, though; not tonight—not our first time. I want our first time to be perfect. I want the show her physically just how much I fucking love her. I can’t treat her like a slut and meaninglessly fuck her. I love this girl more than anything and I want her to know just how different she is.

  “We can’t do it here,” I tell her and she pouts again. “Don’t give me that look. It’d be public indecency or some shit like that.”

  Ronnie laughs and starts wiggling her way off my lap. A smug smile appears on her face as she hears a moan escape my mouth in response to her rubbing her ass back and forth over my cock before settling back into the passenger’s seat. The confidence she’s displaying tonight is so incredibly fucking sexy. She knows exactly what she wants and isn’t afraid to let me know. With a shaky hand, I put the key into the ignition—starting my truck. I quickly twist the lever to turn the windshield wipers on to their fastest setting. We need to get home sooner rather than later. I don’t think my cock could stand another second of her teasing. Ronnie seems as eager as I am, if the look in her eyes is any indication.

  The roads in downtown Denver are beginning to cover over from the deluge of rain, but once we get onto I-70 back to Evergreen, the roads don’t seem half fucking bad. However, the conditions worsened as we grew closer to home. Once we turn off the highway onto 40 East, it doesn’t take long before we end up in a standstill of backed up traffic. I stare in disbelief at the road ahead. They closed the fucking road off! Tonight, of all nights, this has to happen to me!

  “Do you know another way to Evergreen?” Ronnie questions as she looks ahead to the emergency vehicles blocking the road.

  I barely know my way around this area on a good fucking day. On a night like tonight—pitch-black with severe weather—none of this shit looks familiar to me. A few cars ahead of us turn around and I inch forward, wanting to ask one of the cops about another route. As much as I hate asking for directions, I want to be at home—in my bed—if shit goes the way I’m fucking hoping—with my girlfriend as soon as possible. Therefore, I swallow my pride and stop in front of a police car before rolling down my window. The cop is cool and doesn’t seem put out as I ask about road closures and possible detours. Ronnie laughs, in what sounds like disbelief, as the cop tells us many roads have already begun to flood. I sit in silence for a moment, too shocked by our misfortune to say anything. The weather has cockblocked me and not only that, but now I won’t be able to pick up Grey tonight. He hasn’t slept without me since we moved into our apartment. I’d take my chances on the roads if that meant getting home to him. I thank the cop and turn around, heading back toward Denver.

  As if reading my thoughts, Ronnie reaches over to squeeze my thigh and says, “As much as Grey wants you there, he needs his daddy safe. You’re all he has left and we can’t take any risks because of that.”

  I know she’s right. If he lost me in a car accident, too… God, it would be sickly ironic and devastatingly cruel. As much as I want to see his face and have him safely in my arms, I know taking unnecessary chances just to do that wouldn’t be wise.

  The rain starts falling more heavily, causing the road in front of us to become barely visible. I lean forward in my seat, trying to see through the rain to the car in front of me. I see brake lights and hear the sounds of car horns, but I can’t make out a single sign on the highway. It’s a nightmare and driving under these conditions has me on edge. I pull off at the next exit, not bothering to look at where it leads. Ronnie’s texting her sister, informing her of our situation, as I keep my eyes peeled for a hotel with a vacancy. There’s a shitty motel that looks as if it hasn’t been renovated in years. I can’t take Ronnie to a shit-hole like that—not on our first night together. I can’t bear the thought of fucking her on some grimy motel mattress. I drive on, hoping to God there’s something better ahead. Thankfully, there is. The hotel we come across appears to be fairly new and, from its appearance, way out of my price range. However, considering our only other option and realizing sex will most likely be on the horizon, I pull into the more expensive choice. If I put in an extra shift at work, I should be able to swing it and compensate for the extra expense.

  I park close, but I know it won’t make a bit of difference. Ronnie giggles and swings open her passenger door, eager to run in the rain again. She’s beautiful as she throws her head back and basks in the downpour. I get out of the truck and watch as she hops around the puddles, her tits bouncing with every step. Since her dress is wet it’s clinging to her skin, leaving nothing to the imagination. She looks like a nymph from one of those old stories I remember from my high school English class as she runs with her long hair dripping down her back. It takes me a moment to realize I’m standing in the pouring rain just staring at her; it’s as if her body alone has the power to immobilize me. She turns to look at me with an ethereal smile illuminating her face before she turns back around and runs inside the hotel. I lock up my truck and chase after her, realizing how cold I am now that she’s not around.

  The hotel lobby is overwhelming with its high ceilings, marble floors, and furnishings that look as if they cost more than my apartment. My wallet feels lighter already as I take it all in, but I push past that unpleasant thought and follow my girl to the front desk. The woman behind the desk gives us a comical look and observes me for a bit longer than appropriate before greeting us.

  “One room, please,” I say as I pull out my wallet.

  The blonde glances between Ronnie and me, as if she were trying to compute something. Maybe she is because she doesn’t seem like the smartest tool in the fucking shed. Finally, she asks, “Do you require a room with two queen beds?”

  I give her a dubious look before shaking my head and saying, “No, my girlfriend and I would like one room with one bed.”

  Ronnie giggles at my tone. Apparently, she’s not disturbed by this chick’s behavior. My girl’s confidence is one of the sexiest things about her.

  “Sorry, sir,” the blonde stutters out the apology before typing away on her computer.

  I roll my eyes at her as I take ahold of my rain nymph’s hand. Even though her makeup is smeared and her hair and clothes are drenched, she still has a carefree smile on her face. She’s never looked more beautiful than she does right now. Before I can control myself, I lean forward and press my lips against hers. I only want a small kiss, just enough of a teaser to hold me over until we make it to our room—but Ronnie gives me so much more. She slips her tongue into my mouth and moans, which causes me to pull her body flush to mine. I lose myself in her completely, enjoying the feel of her body and the taste of her full lips as they move against mine. The sound of someone clearing their throat eventually interrupts our kissing. I pull away to find the blonde eyeing me with what I’d describe as a constipated fucking look on her orange face.

  “We have two suites available,” she informs me with a pissy expression.

  I smirk. With Ronnie still glued to my side, I say, “As long as it has a nice king-sized bed, we’ll take it.”

  The woman looks as if she’s trying very hard not to roll her eyes at me. It’s obvious that it’s taking all her willpower to remain professional. I give her a smile as I hand her my credit card, hoping it’ll soften the blow a bit. I wasn’t meaning to be a jackass to her, but I didn’t like the way she was sizing up my girl. Her face flushes and the flirtatious look she had in her eyes reappears. What does she think is going to happen? Does she think I’m going to invite her back to my room for a three-way? As much as I wouldn’t mind seeing Ronnie with another woman, I don’t know if I’d ever want to share her.

  “Enjoy your stay, sir. Let me know if you need anything.”

  I understand her meaning and give her a slight nod as I take our key card and pull my girl away. I can feel the chick’s eyes watching us as we leave. I try n
ot to seem too weirded out by it. We walk past a gift shop and Ronnie tugs on my hand, pulling me inside.

  “Why don’t we get some dry clothes, hygiene essentials, and snacks?” she suggests as she begins to look around.

  I’m instantly confused. As crass as it sounds, I thought we were about to finally have the primal fuck-a-thon my body has been fucking craving. Is she just nervous or something and decided to come in here to stall? I glance at the old man behind the counter and see that he’s not paying attention. I quietly walk up to Ronnie, who’s looking through a pile of sweatshirts that say “Colorado” across the chest in bold letters.

  “We can just take all of our clothes off and hang them on the shower rod to dry—then there wouldn’t be a problem,” I quietly suggest into her ear.

  Her entire body stills, and I quickly wonder if I’m scaring her. Maybe I’m pushing my luck here and she isn’t ready for that level of intimacy like I thought she was.

  “We don’t have to go all the way,” I assure her, despite wanting to eat my own words. “I can just taste you if you want. Or we could do nothing…” I trail off, not wanting to make her feel pressured.

  She turns around so quickly, she bumps me and almost knocks me to the ground. Before I can even register her movements, she’s smashing her lips against mine, and I instantly know what she wants. Regardless of how fucking horny I am, I won’t take things any further than she’s willing to go. I don’t want to treat her like she’s just some random fuck. She’s so important to me and I’ll wait for her as long as I have to. Although, the way she’s kissing me tells me the wait for more won’t be very long.

  She pulls away just far enough to look me straight in the eyes as she says, “Let’s go to our room. I can’t wait any longer.”

  I kiss her again before I practically carry her out of the gift shop. Now, the old man is paying attention and his eyes widen with shock behind the thick frames of his glasses. I give him a smile and a courteous wave before picking Ronnie up and throwing her over my shoulder. I briskly walk toward the elevators and only set her down once we’re inside an elevator car. The doors close and my lips find hers again while my body presses her up against the wall of the elevator. I’m delirious as I kiss her, and in my lust-fueled haze my hand skims up her body until it finds one of her full tits. It feels heavy in my hand and I can’t resist tweaking her nipples through her wet dress. She moans at my touch and bites down on my lip, drawing blood—which only causes me to play with her tits more aggressively. She bites on my bottom lip until I’m so turned on I have to pull away.

  “Fuck, baby,” I moan, as my tongue darts out to lick my bottom lip, enjoying the taste of iron from my blood.

  She smiles at me, obviously proud of her work. She doesn’t wait for me to fully recover as she grabs my face and crashes her lips to mine once more. My cock is throbbing in my jeans—begging for her to touch me until I’m coming in her hand. I don’t know how much more teasing I can take. The elevator’s door opens with a ding. We almost fall onto our asses in the hallway, drunk with desire as we find our room near the end of the hallway. Ronnie is grabbing my shirt, trying to unbutton it as I slide our key card to unlock the door. As soon as the green light flashes, we enter our room; Ronnie seems shy again and I frown as her nerves return in full force.

  “Baby, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want. That’s not what tonight is about. I’d love to just lay in bed with you and hold you all night, if that’s what you want.” My cock is pulsing against my zipper, aching as if it were screaming at me, “How the fuck could you say that? Don’t you feel me down here? I need release and you’re going to betray me?!” I adjust myself and try not to look too disappointed.

  She smiles at me and bites her lip as a slight blush colors her features. Shaking her head, she slowly walks toward me as she says, “I want you, Trevor. All of you.”

  I give her a smile in return and step forward so there’s barely an inch separating us. I reach out, just wanting to hold one of her hands in mine. Her hand is so fucking warm and comforting as it squeezes mine, letting me know everything’s all right. The look in her eyes takes my breath away. Her eyes are so warm and filled with—dare I fucking say it?—love. She’s being sincere; she really does want this. Now, I’m fucking nervous. I’ve never had any feelings for any of the girls I’ve fucked before. Everything feels so much more intimate this time around because every look, every touch, and every kiss means something. How deeply I care for her scares me. Especially when I consider my history of fucking things up. I don’t want to lose her. I don’t know what I’d do without her in my life. Ronnie is more than just my best friend, she’s my one—my other fucking half.

  As if sensing my nerves, she gives me a warm kiss before pulling away to slowly undress herself. I feel like I’m back in high school as I watch her take her clothes off for the first time. Regardless of my extensive sexual history, Ronnie makes me feel like… a virgin. An awkward and overly eager fucking virgin. As she peels out of her dress, my cock becomes so hard, it’s unbearable; so, I reach down to unzip my fly, desperate to relieve some of the tension. I’m commando and my cock springs out of my jeans before I can hide it. Her eyes widen as she takes in the sight of me and gulps before her jaw finally drops. She stops taking off her dress and gives me a hesitant look again. I take my throbbing erection in my hand and wipe the pre-cum off the tip with my thumb. I know I’m larger than the average man—mainly because of my girth—but I didn’t expect this sort of reaction from my girl.

  “You still want to do this?” I ask again, wanting to make sure she’s keen.

  She gulps again before giving me a shaky smile, looking dazed as she answers, “Of course,” before allowing her dress to pool around her feet on the floor.

  Now, my jaw drops. Her body is unlike anything I could’ve imagined. Even the images conjured up by her tight, wet dress don’t do her justice. She’s so petite, yet so curvy at the same time. She has a set of beautiful full tits that are pushed up in a black lace bra. She’s got an hourglass figure to die for with an incredible ass. I want to drape her long, creamy legs over my shoulders while I plow into her pussy. She’s a fucking work of art, no doubt about it. I stroke myself as I look at her. As quickly as I can, I take off my shoes and socks, and kick off my jeans before taking my excited cock back into my hand. I can’t help myself as I get closer to her gorgeous body to rub my erection against her stomach. She moans and closes her eyes for a moment, and once they open again, they’re filled with a whole new level of determination.

  “Let’s get you out of this shirt.”

  She’s so eager she yanks the shirt off, nearly drawing blood as her fingernails graze my chest. It’s so fucking hot to see her like this: so uninhibited and free. I grow painfully hard as I see the lust in her eyes as her gaze roams over my newly exposed skin. I wonder how wet she is. I bet she’s absolutely drenched. I want to drop to my knees and find out. As soon as I’m buck naked in front of her, her eyes widen and she rewards me with a sexy, little smile. I know I look different than the men she’s probably used to. With tattoos covering most of my skin, nipple piercings, and an Apadravya piercing as well—I know I’m definitely a lot to take in. As I stand naked before her, I’m almost nervous about what she might be thinking about me. Before I can open my mouth to ask her, she grabs my cock and presses her lips against mine. She pumps me in her hand while her other one grabs a handful of my hair and tugs as her tongue devours my mouth.

  She pulls away and gives me a breathless smile as she stares down at my cock. “You’re so fucking sexy, Trev.”

  Hearing those words fall from her lips turns me on more than any words I can express. And fuck, hearing Ronnie curse… my girl never curses!

  We make our way toward the bed, touching and biting every bit of exposed skin we can. I wanted this to be beautiful—slow and fucking tender. I wanted to make love to her, but my body just wants to fuck… hard. I try to reign my desire in, but with Ronnie that’s nearly
impossible. She arouses me more than anyone ever has. My cock just wants to find its home and pound the shit out of it. As soon as we fall onto the mattress I’m on top of her, kissing my way down her body until I reach the apex of her legs. I pull her panties off with one smooth tug. She’s not completely bare, but instead has a landing strip leading to her wet pussy. Just as I thought, she’s drenched, and absolutely perfect. I lick her glistening folds before running a finger between them. She shudders at my touch and her back arches off the bed.

  “You’re so fucking wet, baby.” I moan as I run my finger up and down her slit, playing with her clit before dipping one finger inside of her tight pussy. When she quivers, I add another finger, enjoying the sound of her sweet moans as her legs spasm around me. As I feel her pussy begin to clench around my fingers, she pulls down her bra and begins to play with her tits. They’re nice and full with small pink nipples, I lick my lips in anticipation as I watch her. As much as I want to rip her bra completely off and bury my face between her tits, I want her to come first. I want to see her beautiful face as she orgasms.

  “I’ve been waiting for you for so long,” she says with a moan as she continues to play with her tits.

  My entire body freezes at her words. Maybe I’m reading too much into them—but did she really just tell me what I’ve been longing to hear? Sure, it’s not a declaration of love, but she says she’s been waiting for me. Has she really been waiting for a man like me her entire life? I can’t even fathom the thought. It just seems so fucking surreal. I sure as hell have been waiting for her my entire life. I never knew what I was fucking missing until now. I want to worship this woman. I want to kiss, lick, and bite every inch of her. I dip my head down to get my first taste, licking her pussy in one long upward stroke. My cock is pulsing with excitement, practically bouncing in the air as I feel her body shuddering beneath my mouth. I know she’s close and I want to taste her come. I want to watch her face light up as she reaches her climax with the knowledge that I gave her that pleasure.


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