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Falling for Jillian Ashley: A Carlsbad Village Lesbian Romance

Page 18

by Sabrina Kane

  “Well, I’m just surprised you allowed yourself time away from everything you’re always working on to actually have a girlfriend.”

  Amy wanted to reply back with something sarcastic, but found she couldn’t. Rachel was speaking the truth, after all. Amy knew she worked too much. If it wasn’t something for the Women’s Resource Center it was something for her blog or her podcast—which reminded her, she needed to sort out all the research for her next episode of Lesbeing—the Podcast, the episode about lesbian period dramas, before she left for Frisco and—

  She shook her head. She was doing it again. Instead of being here in the moment with her best friend and having fun cooking, she was thinking about work she needed to do. What’s more, she was certain that Sally was beginning to notice just how much of a workaholic she was. Last night, Sally had had to lure her away from her laptop with sex—and that had turned into another amazing time in the bedroom. Still, though, Sally hadn’t exactly complained or anything, Amy considered…

  Perhaps Sally didn’t think it was such a big deal. After all, Sally was a professional who also took her job seriously and worked hard.

  Anyway, Amy put all of that out of her mind. Her best friend was here in her home and they were cooking together; this was what she needed to focus on.


  “Have you started packing yet?” Amy asked Sally later that night over the phone.

  Sally scoffed.

  “Hello? It’s Wednesday, we’re leaving on Saturday and I’m a woman! That means I actually built a time machine today and zapped myself back to three days ago and started packing then!”

  Amy laughed.

  It was almost nine o’clock and she was in her bedroom, her suitcase open on her bed, several outfits on the mattress next to it.

  “In fact,” Sally went on, “I’m packing now.”

  “No way, me too!” Amy replied.

  “Are you bringing any bathing suits?”

  “I checked,” Amy began, “the hotel’s pool is open and so I figured I’d bring at least one. It might be fun to just chill poolside one day.”

  “Please bring those stilettos you were wearing yesterday!” Sally said.

  “Liked those, did you?” Amy asked, tossing a collection of bras she had just removed from her bra drawer onto the bed. “I think I’ll also bring some pantyhose I don’t care about just so you can go savage on me again.”

  “Liked that, did you?” Sally replied.

  “Fuck, that was hot,” Amy breathed, her clit pulsing at the memory.

  “Actually, since we’re kinda-sorta on this topic,” Sally began, “what about toys?”

  “Wait, hold on a sec…”

  Amy opened her phone’s camera and snapped a pic of her open toybox, also on the bed, and sent it to Sally. A moment later she heard Sally laughing.

  “I just haven’t decided which ones to pack yet,” Amy said.

  “First World problem,” Sally chuckled. “As long as one of us remembers a harness.”

  “God, yes! Of course, the great thing about a place like San Francisco is if we forget to pack anything…”

  “…they’ll be a place there that sells it,” Sally finished for her.

  “Okay, we have to change the topic,” Amy said, “I’m getting excited and I’m soooooo not dressed for it!”

  Sally laughed.

  “Why? What are you wearing?”

  “Just pj shorts and a tank, but no underwear. I’ll be a dripping mess pretty soon.”

  “Exactly how I like you.”

  Amy groaned.

  “Then maybe you should come over and make sure I’m exactly how you like me.”

  “No, no, no…” Sally said. “We agreed.”

  Amy sighed. They had agreed.

  Much earlier, when the two of them had discussed their plans for the day and Sally had mentioned not only working late but also the dinner date with her mother, the question had come up about whether they’d get to see each other at all today. That naturally led to the discovery that ever since they had started dating nearly two weeks ago, they’d spent every night together but one.

  What amazed Amy was, she hadn’t realized that was the case! Normally, a new woman suddenly guest-starring in her life was something she had to adjust to. Even those women with whom she didn’t start off spending practically every night with, like she had done with Sally so far, required Amy to recalibrate herself to a degree—especially mentally—in order to accommodate this new person occupying her time and personal space.

  But with Sally, there had been no feeling that recalibration was needed. Sally had just fit in so seamlessly. A thrilling and somewhat scary prospect.

  Podcast idea: Something about lesbians compared to other women when it comes to time spent with a new lover in the early days of a relationship.

  And she could write an accompanying blog article to go with it! It was still a very nebulous idea but Amy resolved to firm it up more later after she finished what she was doing.

  In any case, her and Sally had agreed that tonight they’d spend apart, if only as a token gesture to avoid becoming a lesbian cliché. Besides, they were about to spend a week together in a hotel room in San Francisco—one night apart wouldn’t kill them.

  But Amy knew it was too late to turn her libido off now. Even that brief discussion about what toys to bring on their trip was enough to ensure her center would remain aroused for quite some time—she just had that kind of sex drive. Nor did it help that because of this arousal she was suddenly hyper-aware of the way the fabric of her shorts would softly brush or swish against the folds between her legs as she moved about the room to continue packing.

  Yep, she was going to be a dripping mess, real soon.

  Chapter 28

  On Saturday morning, Sally had a wickedly delicious idea.

  It came to her as she stepped out of the shower at her condo and saw a topless Amy brushing her teeth at the sink. Just as Amy finished, Sally dropped her towel and pressed herself against Amy’s back, loving how Amy groaned when Sally’s hard nipples made contact with her skin.

  “God, I was hoping you were going to wake up horny,” Amy whispered, tilting her head back, exposing more of her neck to Sally’s lips. “We have time…”

  “I know,” Sally said. Amy, she was discovering, was a consummate planner and when it came to determining when they should wake up today to get to the airport all the way in San Diego, Sally had let Amy do all that calculating, knowing that if she herself did it, they’d be lucky to make it in time to catch the flight.

  “Tell me the truth,” Sally said, after raking her teeth along Amy’s neck, eliciting a purr from the other woman. “You factored in morning sex when you determined what time we should get up today, didn’t you?”

  “Only two weeks in and you know me so well,” Amy murmured. “We have approximately forty-five minutes of Whatever Time.”

  “Come on,” Sally said, leading Amy back to the bedroom.


  Sally laid Amy on the bed and topped her, looking down into her chocolate-brown eyes.

  “Not so fast,” she said. “Let’s play a game.”

  Biting her lip, Amy smiled up at Sally.

  “What kind of game?”

  Sally sucked a hard nipple into her mouth and when she released it, said, “Let’s bring each other to the brink. Only to the brink. No coming until we get to the hotel.”

  Amy sucked in a breath.

  “Fuck, yes!” she uttered. “I love a good tease!”

  “It means being sopping, liquid messes all morning,” Sally warned after nibbling on Amy’s second nipple.

  “But it also means a holy-fuck-I’m-gonna-pass-out orgasm later,” Amy whispered.

  “Exactly!” Sally stared down into Amy’s eyes again. “Shall we…?”

  And with that, Amy’s pj shorts were yanked off. In a mere moment, the two women quickly repositioned themselves into a sixty-nine, with Sally on top. Sally lustily ut
tered an “Oh fuck!” when Amy’s scent filled her nostrils and she saw how wet Amy’s pussy already was. A crystal clear droplet of arousal was slowly dribbling out and Sally quickly darted out her tongue to catch it to let it sit on her tongue. Meanwhile, she felt her clit pulled on by Amy’s lips and her own pussy contract in response.

  Groaning, she pushed her tongue through her girlfriend’s folds and into the warmth beyond, hearing Amy’s whimpers of pleasure as her tongue swirled, Sally coating it with as much of Amy’s essence as possible and then swallowing, wanting those juices inside her.

  Who needs coffee?

  She felt Amy’s fingers dig into the flesh of her ass and spread the cheeks wider. This opened her pussy more and Sally could feel her arousal stream out, Amy’s tongue lapping it up. Sally brought her own tongue to Amy’s clit and started slowly circling the bud.

  “Oh my fuck!” Amy cried out. “Careful!”

  But Sally didn’t want to relinquish the clit. She slowed her circling, yes; she lightened her tongue’s touch, yes; but the feel of the swollen button in her mouth was too good to give up just now.

  Fingers entered her and Sally’s eyes rolled back in her head. Amy’s clit was relinquished just then because Sally had to take her mouth away and moan loudly.

  “Babe! I’m close!” she warned and felt Amy still the fingers inside her but not remove them. Sally had to squeeze her eyes shut and concentrate to walk her pussy back from bursting in a climax.

  Two can play at that game!

  She slid her middle finger into Amy first and then her ring finger. Instantly, Amy’s inner walls grabbed them while simultaneously her own clit was once more captured by Amy’s lips.

  After making sure her fingers were good and coated, Sally slid them out and immediately put them in her mouth, tasting the liquid pleasure from deeper in Amy’s pussy.

  “Oh shit! Careful!” she called out when the sensations from this tasting, combined with what Amy was doing to her clit once more brought her to the brink.

  In lust-filled hunger she brought her mouth back to Amy’s pussy, the flat of her tongue swiping across the entirety of it, starting at her clit and then over the shiny wet lips and then down to the leaking opening. And now it was Amy warning her; pleading, really, for Sally to stop or she’d come.

  It continued like this for a good twenty minutes until finally, Sally had to call it quits. It had gotten to the point where if Amy so much as breathed on her clit, she’d explode.

  “Oh, thank god!” Amy exclaimed when Sally rolled off her, Sally trying not to put any pressure on her clit with her legs or else there would be no stopping the dam from bursting. “I don’t know how much more I could have taken,” Amy added.

  Sally laughed.

  “Fun game, then?”

  “Very fun!” Amy said after a couple of deep breaths. “God, why can’t we just teleport to San Francisco?” she added with a whine.

  Sally understood. Amy had expertly turned her pussy into a tingling, vibing, dripping living entity that needed to come! But that was the fun part, wasn’t it?

  As she lay on the bed, next to Amy, both of them recovering, both of them trying to regain control enough to be able to function and get to the airport, Sally smiled to herself.

  It was going to be a fun trip!


  “Wait, you’re bringing your laptop?” Sally asked.

  When Amy had arrived last night to spend the night, toting her luggage for the trip, Sally hadn’t noticed that one of the bags Amy had been carrying was her nice, leather laptop bag. Now, as they were preparing to leave the condo because their Lyft was due to arrive in six minutes, Sally did notice it.

  “Yeah,” Amy said, following Sally’s gaze to where the laptop bag was resting near the front door. “Well, I mean…”

  “You’re not actually going to do any work, are you?” Sally challenged her.

  “No!” Amy returned. “But, I mean, we’re going to have downtime, right? We’re not always going to be out doing stuff, right? I figure that when we’re not really doing anything in particular, I can maybe just take some notes for my Lesbeing stuff.”

  Sally considered that. It made sense. They would have downtime—they were going to be there for a week, after all. And Sally was even hoping to use some of that downtime to catch up on her reading. But bringing a Kindle loaded with books and bringing a laptop seemed like two different things.

  “I suppose…” she agreed, somewhat reluctantly.

  “Also,” Amy added hurriedly, “I figure we can hook the laptop up to the TV in the room and use it to stream stuff to watch.”

  That also made sense. Hotel TV sucked. Having a way to stream Netflix or Prime would be awesome.

  She smiled.

  “Cool,” she said. She knew she wasn’t one-hundred percent convinced, but at least she was close. Just then her phone chirped. “Ooh, Lucinda is here! Let’s go!”

  Sally had to hand it to Amy: her planning had been spot-on so far. Their Lyft driver, Lucinda, dropped them off at San Diego International Airport two hours before their flight departed and even though there was a bit of wait to check their bags, their first-class tickets allowed them to use the much shorter security line and reach their gate with plenty of time to spare before boarding.

  Finally sitting in the gate area, Sally leaned over to Amy and whispered, “My god, I am horny as fuck!”

  Amy laughed.

  “Preaching to the choir,” she murmured, placing her hand on Sally’s thigh.

  Sally couldn’t believe what was going on south of her waist. Despite all the non-erotic things that had happened since leaving her condo: the ride to the airport, the hassle of checking their luggage and getting through security…Sally’s core was still just as lubricated as when she had rolled off Amy over an hour ago now, and her clit was still just as swollen and energized. She realized it was simply Amy’s presence near her doing it. Every time Sally looked at her stunning girlfriend; every time she caught a whiff of Amy’s perfume mixed with the body lotion she used; every time Amy took her hand or simply smiled at her, Sally’s body reacted lasciviously.

  She felt Amy use the tips of her fingers to stroke her thigh over the fabric of the leggings she was wearing. Sally snapped her head to look at Amy, who was pretending to be nonchalantly checking notifications on her phone. But the tiny wicked smile Amy was trying to hide gave her away.

  “Are you doing that on purpose?” Sally asked.

  “Hmm? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Amy said, not looking away from her phone.

  “Fine,” Sally stated. She then rested her own hand on Amy’s leggings-clad thigh and also played her fingers over the fabric, gratified to see Amy shut her eyes briefly and give a little gasp in response, which only made Sally’s clit pulse harder.

  Fuck, this is going to be a long flight!

  Chapter 29

  As soon as they entered their hotel suite, they were all over each other. Amy quickly determined which way the bedroom was and practically yanked Sally into it.

  Normally, after a day of traveling, Amy would have wanted to first hop in the shower before having sex but this time she didn’t care. Showering took time, time she didn’t want to waste and considering how quickly Sally was trying to get her clothes off, Sally felt the same way.

  Both women were naked in seemingly record time, their clothes left in a jumbled pile on the floor, and they clambered onto the bed.

  “I want to be on top this time,” Amy insisted.

  “Anything you want,” Sally panted, lying on her back while Amy positioned herself over her.

  “Oh my fucking god!” Amy mewled when, in the sixty-nine position, Sally’s nude pussy was right there in front of her face. It was the most beautiful thing in the world to her hyper-aroused mind: pink, dripping, the musky scent of its arousal—contained these last few hours during their journey, slamming into her nostrils, turning her on even more and making her own pussy contract and squeeze out m
ore of her own juices.

  She felt Sally grab her ass and bury her face into her center, lips and tongue working furiously and so Amy did the same. No fucking around this time. No warnings. No stopping.

  Fuck the brink.

  She latched onto Sally’s clit with her lips, humming contentedly at the taste of it, and with a few flicks of her tongue over the swollen organ heard Sally give a high-pitched moan just as her pussy started convulsing and squirting out come against Amy’s face.

  A second later, Amy orgasmed hard also and she grunted with the release, her mouth still pressed against Sally’s center, her hips twitching as she came. She pressed her pussy hard against the mouth giving her this pleasure, feeling her slick sex slide easily along Sally’s features. She screamed against Sally’s pussy as her core was rocked by the intensity of the climax—an intensity that had been built up hours ago in Sally’s bedroom and was now finally being released.

  But no matter how hard she was coming, still she licked her girlfriend’s throbbing pussy, trying to catch and swallow as much of Sally’s essence as her tongue could find.

  They came together a second time quickly after the first and now Amy was seeing flashes of light behind her eyelids. She felt all that arousal which had been flooding her insides throughout the trip gush out while her entire core contracted with pure pleasure that forced her reluctantly to pull her face away from Sally’s sex, lift her head and cry out with a guttural yell.

  Still they weren’t done. Fingers were inserted next. But Amy wasn’t going to be satisfied with plain vanilla finger play this time. Delirious with the pleasure already coursing through her and the pleasure yet to be released, she indicated without words what she wanted Sally to do.

  With her forefinger and middle finger stuck deep into Sally’s liquid pussy, Amy curled her ring finger around, found Sally’s rear opening, which was already lubricated with the woman’s come and easily slid it inside.

  “Ohhhhhhhh FUCK!” Sally screamed before mimicking the action on Amy and now, with both of them double-penetrated, they exploded in yet another shared orgasm and this one was making Amy’s entire body quake as if she was shivering from being out in the cold. Again, she screamed against Sally’s pussy as she sucked on her girlfriend’s clit, Sally bucking slightly beneath her, held down and controlled only by Amy’s weight.


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