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Night of the Zandians_Zandian Brides

Page 3

by Renee Rose

  Considering I was sentenced to death by my former slave masters and the barcode on the back of my neck would give that information to any being in the galaxy who scanned me, leaving isn’t an option. Even if it was, I’d rather die now than go back to the agrifarm with the brutal slave masters. Which means spreading my legs for not one, but three huge horned aliens.

  And I’d better hope to Mother Earth it takes them a long time to figure out there won’t be any Zandian babies coming out of this womb.

  Because I don’t know what they’ll do to me then.


  I’m first in the washtube,” I holler the moment we finish our work, sprinting for the palatial pod.

  “Ass,” Jax mutters. I hear his feet pounding behind me, but I have the advantage of a head start. Besides, I’m definitely the fastest.

  I make it to our shared chamber and bolt straight for the washtube, not stopping to take off my clothes until I’m standing in the middle of it and the door is closing.

  I laugh as Jax pulls off a boot and hurls it at the closed door.

  I made it into a game, but my sense of urgency is real. We have to get cleaned up and find our female.

  I saw all the vecking gazes on Riya when she and Lily walked by and I wanted to beat each and every warrior to a pulp for even thinking about taking our female.

  You might say I have a competitive streak. Good thing my cousins share it. I heard Tarren growling beside me and Jax wore that cool, calculating look that means trouble for anyone who gets in our way.

  The way I see it, we need to get Riya in our hoverdisk—sleeping quarters—whatever by the end of this planet rotation.

  The trouble is, the dark-haired beauty with a knockout body has guarded eyes. She’s been damaged by males, so I’m sure as veck not going to force myself on her. I know Tarren and Jax wouldn’t either. Tarren sounded like he wanted to find and rip the heads off whichever beings forced themselves on her.

  But there isn’t time to tread lightly, either. Teams need to be formed before King Zander makes his announcement. And the three of us know exactly nothing about winning over a female.

  The washtube empties and I skip the drying phase, hitting the button to open the doors. “Your turn, beautiful.” I grin at Jax as he passes me to step in. “Be quick, we have a female to court.”

  “You don’t even know what court means,” Tarren grumbles from his hoverdisk where he’s sat down to remove his boots.

  “Neither do you.” I pad past him and pull on a fresh uniform in the crisp white of Zandia.

  “So what’s your plan, Master Romance?”

  “I say we go find Riya and offer her a tour of the palatial pod. She’s never been in it, right? She’s probably curious. It’s far more luxurious than the training pod she’s used to. Maybe she’d prefer to stay here.”

  Tarren snorts. “You think it’s going to be that easy? She’ll just come to our chamber and stay?”

  I grin. “I figure you and Jax will fill in the gaps of my plan.”

  Jax also cuts his shower short and emerges from the washtube. Tarren takes his place.

  “That sums up your strategy on most everything,” Jax observes drily, clearly having heard the entire conversation.

  I shrug. “Good thing we get to share this experience, then, right?”

  Jax gets dressed in his uniform. I recognize the thoughtful creases of his face and keep my mouth shut so he can think. I truly am grateful we’re in this together, because I doubt I’d tempt a female on my own. I’m not as big as Tarren or as smart as Jax. I’m the one who makes beings laugh. But the way I see it, with my two cousins, we offer the full package. And I’m grateful for the chance to share a female with them.

  Tarren emerges from the washtube.

  “It’s about vecking time. Let’s go find our female,” I say.

  Tarren stalks naked through the chamber and grabs his uniform. “We should leave her alone. We’re coming on too strong.”

  Jax folds his arms over his chest but doesn’t answer. Experience tells me he’s weighing our options.

  “Veck that,” I say. “Some other warrior is probably trying to stick his tongue in her ear right now.” I pick my words carefully, guessing at what will get my cousin moving quickly.

  I guess correctly.

  Tarren growls and yanks on his pants.

  “Or is that what you want?”

  “That’s probably enough goading,” Jax warns me.

  The three of us are out the door before I can count to ten. Tarren leads the way, hands curled into fists at his sides. Jax and I stalk behind him, sharing glances every time Tarren nearly knocks some being over.

  We pass Master Rok and his mate Lily on the way out of the palatial pod and the three of us skid to a stop. There’s a moment of awkward bows and formal greeting before Lily jerks her thumb toward the training pod. “Riya is in her chamber.”

  Jax straightens. Tarren’s nostrils flare.

  “Where do we find it?”

  “It’s a prison cell she shares with several other humans. Number 11 or 12, if I remember right,” Lily explains.

  We all drop at the waist for another round of bows. “Thank you, Lily, esteemed mate of Master Rok,” I murmur.

  Lily pulls a dagger from her sword belt and points at each of us in turn. “You force that girl into anything she’s not willing to do and I’ll personally cut your balls off. Understand?”

  Rok’s lips twitch, but he does nothing to subdue his female.

  A muscle in Tarren’s jaw jumps and his fists tighten. “No being will be forcing Riya,” he growls.

  “Especially not us,” I add.

  Lily gives a crisp nod and stows her dagger back in its scabbard. “Then good luck to you.”

  Rok chuckles as he leads her away.

  The three of us exchange a glance as we exit the palatial pod and hike across the rubble to the training pod.

  Jax curses under his breath when we walk through the training pod. It was once an Ocretion death pod, sent out to exterminate all the beings on it, so it’s designed like a prison. Even though the cells have been made more comfortable with mats and blankets, it’s still a vecking hell-hole.

  To make matters far, far worse, the pod is packed with males. As we walk down the row of cells, we pass cluster after cluster of males crowding around females. Deep voices boast and taunt.

  Ugh. If this is my species’ form of courting, I’m a little less proud to be a Zandian this planet rotation.

  When we reach cell eleven, it’s no different. Five males are crowded in the cell with Riya and three other human females. She’s backed in a corner, and the guarded mask she wore earlier has been multiplied by one hundred.

  Her eyes lift to meet Tarren’s when he shoulders his way through, making room for Jax and I to follow him in. He holds out his hand. “Come.”

  I want to elbow him for saying it like an order rather than a request, but our female doesn’t hesitate. She wants to be rescued. She stretches out her hand to grasp Tarren’s, picking her way through the bodies to get to us. The moment she’s close enough, Tarren swings her up into his arms.

  Surprise brightens her face, but she doesn’t protest, doesn’t look back at the scene we leave. When we get down the corridor, and away from the oppression of male hormones and aggressive posturing, she kicks her feet.

  “I can walk, you know.”

  “You will never walk when I can carry you,” Tarren growls. “Not when there are other males sniffing around you like beasts.”

  “And I suppose you think you three are different?” There’s a dryness to her tone that’s particular to humans. I haven’t learned all the nuances of their communication yet, but I think it’s called sarcasm.

  “You left with us, didn’t you?” Jax challenges.

  Her long-lashed golden eyes slide left to take in Jax. She purses her lips, but they’ve started to curve up. “Lesser of two evils,” she mutters. “Will you please put me down?” She s
tarts to struggle against Tarren again when we leave the pod. “Where are we going?”

  “How would you like a tour of the palatial pod?” I offer, trying to make it sound like a real treat. “Have you seen the Great Hall?”

  She stops squirming, relaxing into Tarren’s hold. “No.”

  “Would you like to? It’s quite beautiful.”

  “Only if I get to walk.”

  Jax smiles at our little small victory. Tarren stops and drops her to her feet without a word or smile, still in gruff protector mode. I shudder to think what would’ve happened if we’d found another male touching Riya when we arrived. My cousin is not to be challenged when he’s serious about a fight.

  Jax claims one of her hands, and I sweep in to grab the other, figuring Tarren already had his turn carrying her.

  Jax and I start a running commentary on the finer points of the palatial pod as we enter, explaining some of the history of our species’ survival after we escaped the Finnian invasion of our planet.

  She walks along beside us, but I don’t think she’s listening.

  She looks… worried. Which makes me want to pull her into my arms and soothe away her fears.

  Does she think we’re trying to get her into our chamber so we can take our turns with her?

  Veck, that exact scenario is probably on all of our minds. Which means I need to come up with another tactic. Fast.


  I wish the warriors would give me my hands back. My palms are clammy from nerves and I hate knowing I couldn’t run away if I tried.

  Ronan seems to sense my discomfort, because he’s running his mouth at warp speed as if to distract me.

  The trouble is, it only makes me more nervous.

  These guys aren’t like the Ocretion slave masters, but I have no doubt about what they want. Could they force me? Yes. Will they?

  I remember Tarren’s anger when he realized I’d been forced in the past.

  No. I’m safe enough.

  Not from their charm.

  But that’s crazy. I’m not actually going to fall for these males. That would be even more disastrous than agreeing I’m their mate. Because I won’t get to keep them. Not after they find out I’m barren.

  I stop walking. We took a lift to the main level and they’ve shown me all through the beautiful, opulent palace. Now we’re in an empty corridor of a lower level, where I suspect their chamber must be.

  “Listen.” I pull my hands of out of theirs and place them on my hips. “You think you want me for your mate?” I look up at their handsome faces—their square jaws, smooth, hairless peachy-purple skin. Hungry eyes.

  Three pairs of horns lean in my direction. Three males nod.

  I shake my head. “I’m not the being you want. I won’t make a good mate.”

  “Veck that,” Jax says immediately. “You’re ours.”

  I take a step back and my ass hits the wall. The three of them advance on me. “Y-you don’t even know me. You don’t know anything about me.” I hate how much higher my voice sounds.

  “I know you.” It’s Tarren who speaks this time, even though he’s usually the silent one. “I know you’re brave and stubborn.”

  I’m stunned momentarily by this observation. They’re the last words I expected from his mouth.

  “I know you’re sensitive, despite your tough act. You care deeply for the beings around you, regardless of their species. You risked your life to save others during the battle.”

  My breath stalls in my chest. Tarren’s gaze locks on mine and he pins me with it, right to the wall. He takes a step closer.

  “So did you.” My voice is hoarse.

  My whole life I’ve been a barcode. I had human friends, yes, but I’ve never been seen as anything but a commodity.

  I thought that’s how Tarren and his cousins saw me, too.

  Tarren lowers his voice and dips his head, bringing his sensual lips toward me until they hover just a whisper from my temple. “I know you blush when you think about me claiming you.”

  My panties dampen, pussy clenching at his words—at the heat of his skin, so close to mine. “I know the way your ass fills my palms.”

  I bite my lips to keep in the gasp. My buttocks clench, as if to remind me of how it felt to have him cupping my cheeks.

  “I know the scent of your arousal.” His gaze trails down to my breasts, where my nipples protrude through the fabric of my tunic. “I smell it now.”

  I can’t hold back the tiny whimper that escapes my lips. I squeeze my quaking thighs together to alleviate the throb of my clit.

  Ronan drags the hem of my tunic up slowly, as if I won’t notice. When I try to bat his hand away, he just grins. It’s an impish smile, one that puts me at ease, despite the audacity of his movements. “I just have to see your panties.” He winks. “Just a peek, Riya?”

  My face heats. I try to push his hand back down, but I can’t stop the laugh in my throat. Stars, I never thought in a million years I’d giggle with a male over baring me.

  The other two also grin—tentative smiles, like they’re not sure if it’s safe to relax yet.

  “Come on Riya,” Jax joins in, turning the full force of his persuasive charm on me. “Make our planet rotation. Show us the panties.”

  I must flush a deeper red, because my face feels like it’s on fire. In fact, I cover my own eyes with my hand and surrender to their perusal.

  A large hand drapes over mine, blocking all the light out. “Let me do that.” It’s Tarren.

  One of them whistles—Jax, I think.

  “Female, if you had any idea how badly we want to rip that scrap of fabric off your body and worship between those legs, you’d be covering more than your eyes right now.” Jax’s voice sounds deeper.

  I want to pull my tunic down, but Tarren holds my hand firmly over my eyes, and Ronan still has the other captive.

  “Give me this one,” Tarren says softly and Jax transfers my wrist to Tarren’s keeping. He adds it to the pile covering my eyes. “Don’t move, Riya,” he murmurs near my ear. His voice is gravelly. “Ronan’s going to take a closer look.”

  I jerk when heat suddenly engulfs my panty-clad pussy, like Ronan’s mouthing it through the fabric. There’s a nip of teeth and more moist heat.

  I squirm, unsure whether I’m trying to get away or get more.

  “Do you want him to make you feel good, Riya?” That’s Jax’s voice, I think.

  My head bobs around, the movement neither a nod nor a shake.

  One of them thrums my nipples through my tunic. They’re stiffer than Zandian crystal. “She wants it.”

  “No,” I whimper, but I widen my stance, rock my pelvis to meet Ronan’s mouth. He groans and pulls my panties to the side.

  The first lick of his tongue has me crying out. “Oh veck,” he groans when he pulls away. “She tastes like glory.”

  Jax smothers a laugh but I don’t hear the friendly ribbing he gives his cousin because Ronan returns to using his tongue between my legs, tracing it around my inner lips, flicking it over my clit.

  One of them—probably Jax, reaches around and palms my ass, kneading one cheek as Ronan treats me to more flicks and licks that have me alternately rising to my toes and grinding over his mouth.

  My legs tremble, honey leaks from my pussy. I’ve pleasured myself before, and I’ve been taken forcefully, but nothing in my life has prepared me for these sensations, this exquisite torture.

  “Don’t let her come.” That firm directive comes from Jax and I stiffen, my tumble into release slowed. “Not until she agrees she’s ours.”

  Ronan removes his tongue. Only his warm breath touches my throbbing clit.

  “Ronan,” I whine.

  The hand on my ass tightens, like a warning. I remember again Tarren’s threat to spank me the previous planet rotation. Do these males truly treat their women that way? With physical discipline?

  Sweet Mother Earth, the idea shouldn’t excite me so much.

ho do you belong to, lovely?” Jax’s voice has the cool patience of a teacher imparting a lesson.

  Some stubborn part of me wants to say, no male. But I fear it’s not true. If I refuse these males, Zander might assign me to others. What’s more, I’ve already given in. They know it. I know it. I wouldn’t be standing in the corridor with my tunic around my waist if I hadn’t already agreed.

  And dammit, I want to know what it’s like to orgasm with a male’s mouth on me. I never knew such a thing was done.

  I sag against Tarren’s hands holding mine to my eyes. “You. I belong to you three. Tarren, Ronan, and Jax.”

  All three of them rumble at once. There are muttered curses and hands tightening.

  Ronan falls on my pussy like it’s the one thing keeping him alive at the same time Jax curses and says, “You make it good. Reward our little mate every way you know how.” He’s squeezing my ass in one hand and pushes the other up my tunic to cup my breasts.

  Tarren pulls my hands away from my face and claims my mouth. The thread of his stitches tickles my face as his lips slant over mine, possessive and hot.

  He swallows my scream when Ronan sucks the little bud of my clitoris into his mouth. “Make her come,” Tarren growls. “Teach her what to expect from us.”

  The words make me dizzy. Does he mean I can expect orgasms? Pleasure? Or just that my body will be used at their discretion all planet rotation long?

  I’m not sure I care which meaning it was because Ronan wedges a thick finger into my opening and strokes my inner wall at the same time he sucks my most sensitive place.

  I scream, throwing one leg over his shoulder, pressing my dripping pussy to his mouth as he tongues me over and over again until I reach the brink.

  “RonanTarrenJax,” I babble, my mind lost as I catapult into spasms of pleasure unwinding.

  I sag into a chest—Tarren’s—and I’m held up by more than one pair of strong arms. Ronan eases his fingers out.

  Tarren swings me up off my feet again, this time to straddle his hip, the way a mother carries a child. “Let’s get her to our chamber,” he says. “I want to know what glory tastes like, too.”



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