Stepbrother's Gift

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Stepbrother's Gift Page 18

by Krista Lakes

  “Oh, God,” I whispered. I pressed even harder against the wall of the shower as I felt his cock move between my ass cheeks. He gripped my hair even tighter, causing a contraction to run through me as I grimaced from both the pain and the intense pleasure.

  As the head of his cock ran against my pucker, I thought that, if he just asked, I would let him take me there. However, I breathed a sigh of relief as he kept moving, finally pressing his cock against my entrance. He stopped there, right at the precipice. “Come for me,” he again demanded.

  My body responded to his command.

  “I'm coming!” I screamed as my legs buckled. He practically growled in my ear as his cock pressed into me, sliding into my wet pussy. I'll never forget how full I felt as I contracted on his cock. My eyes rolled back into my head as my body shimmied and shook with sheer wonder. He stopped moving his fingers on my clit and caught me by my hips, holding me against the tile wall as he began to piston inside of me.

  The tile was still cold against my skin, and it took me a moment to realign myself after coming off such a powerful orgasm. I managed to straighten myself back up, getting back on my tiptoes so he could go deeper inside of me. Every stroke was better than the last. I arched my back, giving him access to every inch and needing him to fill me completely as only he could.

  His breathing intensified behind me, his lust taking over, and I surrendered completely to him. He moved his hand back to my hair, pulling it gently and sending more waves of pleasure through my body. I moved my own hand to his face, touching him as he fucked me from behind. I couldn't see him, but I knew the look of total concentration and desire that had to be filling his face.

  His other hand moved from my hip to my belly. “This is such a fucking sexy tummy,” he said in my ear through gritted teeth. I nearly came right then, just from that. My own hand moved to my tummy, moving over his hand and pressing it into me. His baby was inside there, growing as we became one here in the shower. Just thinking about how good a father James was going to be made me start to feel the heat rise within me again.

  My pussy tightened, aching to feel his release. I writhed with uncontrollable lust, needing his release to satiate my own. His fingers tightened in my hair and his hips thrust harder against my ass. I knew that he was going to come and I craved it like oxygen. When his fist tightened in my hair again, I felt my body tighten. I couldn't stop my body from responding to his and needing his release. “Come in me, James. Come in my pussy.”

  James began to grunt, an animal sound that turned me on every time I heard it. It was primal and urgent, and full of a need that only I could give him. My jaw opened in a wordless scream as I found my release through him. My orgasm hit before his did, and with it, my ears began to ring. Soon I could hear nothing but the water all around me and the muffled sounds of James grunts, and they were getting louder.

  Suddenly, he stopped thrusting, but pulled my hair back hard. I cried out, lost to my pleasure and the new pike of pain. I was looking at the ceiling when I felt the first splash of his semen splash against the inside of my body. I felt it again, and again, and again. With every thrust, he shot inside of me with a powerful stream of his cum. I moaned as I felt the heat of it begin to spread through my vagina, my womb, my entire core. I imagined ropes of white working their way deeper and deeper, filling me in the most primal of ways. And still, he kept thrusting, pushing more of that seed within me.

  I felt him desperately try to push into me, giving me more, more of what I needed. I worked my own muscles, milking him as he kept thrusting. I wanted every bit of that cum, every sperm from his balls.

  In a few moments, he let go of my hair. My scalp tingled, but it felt wonderful at the same time. I loved that he had controlled me, putting me right where it felt best for him. I loved it. Loved knowing that I had given him such immense pleasure that he couldn't control himself. My cocky, self-assured stepbrother couldn't control himself around me and I loved it.

  I could feel him softening, but he stayed within me for the moment. I didn't ever want him to leave. He felt right. We were one and that was where we were supposed to be. He began to run his fingers through my hair again, this time more intimate, more loving. I could let him do this to me all day.

  He slid out of me and I moaned. Without him, I felt empty. I knew the feeling would pass, but at least I knew I had a permanent part of him inside of me now.

  “That was fantastic,” he groaned, finally letting me move away from the wall.

  I turned around and let the water hit my breasts. It felt hot after the slick cool of the tile. I wanted to keep his seed inside of me, but I could feel that he had really filled me up. I'd be dripping for the rest of the night if I didn't wash myself. I rubbed myself while he watched. His eyes were soft as he looked on with only a little remorse as his white fluids ran down the drain.

  “Damn, James. There's a lot in here.” I wasn't about to tell him how much I liked that or how incredibly hot I found it.

  He was still breathing hard as he watched me. “Well, I haven't had a lot of opportunity for release in the past couple weeks. Believe it or not, my friend's mom didn't put out.”

  I laughed at that. When last we had met up, I actually had got a little jealous that he had a date for a social event, even if she was the same age as Nancy. Still, for him to make a joke about it really did put my mind at ease.

  “Are you telling me that you didn't jerk off at all?” I asked. I stopped washing and looked over at him, unsure if any man could keep it that long.

  He held up three fingers. “Scout's honor.”

  “You weren't a scout, though.”

  He laughed. “You caught me. I jerked off only twice.”

  I shrugged, pretending to be non-impressed. Of course, it was fewer times than I had jerked off. “And you didn't think of Nicole at all?”

  “Hey, now, I didn't say that.”

  My jaw dropped. “You are such a jerk! I thought you didn't like her.”

  He shrugged. “I didn't say that, I just said that I liked you better. And you are much sexier.”

  I blushed a little at that, but still narrowed my eyes at him. “Good answer.”

  “Good recovery by me. And, hopefully, this will recover soon, too.” He gestured down to his dick and I laughed. He was such the charmer.“We should get out of the shower, though.”

  “Okay... Daddy,” I said, again mocking him a little bit. He deserved it and more. I turned to step out the shower door...


  I screamed just as I loud and high pitched as the last time, then turned to him. Once again, he had that cocky look on his face. “Quit spanking me!” I yelled.

  “Quit having such a spankable ass,” he countered.

  “I can't help it!” I said, then grinning, wrapped a towel around myself.


  We spent the rest of the night curled up in bed. I was the little spoon to his big spoon, and I felt so incredibly safe and warm in his arms. When he got hard again, he began to writhe against me, but I felt so tired, and also felt so incredibly good in his arms, that I told him that we could do it in the morning. He never stopped writhing against me but we stayed that way for the rest of the night, just snuggled against each other in a never-ending moment of happiness.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The next morning, I woke up with him still curled around me. It was rare for me to wake up before him, even when we were in high school, so I just relished it.

  It didn't last too long. He groaned happily and kissed me on my ear. I could feel him getting hard behind me again, and this time I would be ready for him. He wrapped his hand around my body, touching my belly. I moaned happily at the sensation on my tummy, but it reminded me of a different sensation. One that had to be taken care of before I'd truly enjoy myself. “Hold up. I have to pee.”

  Instantly, he leaped out of bed. “Me, first!” he yelled.

  “No fair!” I cried, turning over and looking at him.

p; “Fair! Also, I'll be a couple minutes,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  What a jerk, I thought for the millionth time about James. I laid there for a second, looking for something to distract me and wishing I had the desire to go find another bathroom. I could wait. I saw his laptop sitting on his desk. I decided I could check myFace and my email real quick, figuring that if our places were reversed, the jerk wouldn't even hesitate to use my computer. I wouldn't even post anything mean on his myFace, even though I would have access. He wouldn't do that for me.

  There was a screen saver up, but it wasn't password protected. I jumped on my email real quick. Nothing major, just a couple projects that got updated at school. Suddenly, a pop-up notification from myFace chat appeared in the lower right part of the screen.

  Nicole says: good morning. thinkin about u

  I couldn't help but click on it. I wished I hadn't. In the chat box was a two-week long conversation, dating back to the day that he got back from New York. The messages were about 90% from Nicole, with James usually responding back very briefly. Every time she asked when he'd be back in town, he had said that he didn't think he was coming back to New York any time soon. Still the disturbing part wasn't the text, it was the pictures.

  Nicole says: how do you like my new pants? (attached was a picture of her with a pair of tight jeans on and no top, just her breasts exposed for him to see)

  Nicole says: do u like my piercing? (attached was a picture of her pulling up her t-shirt, exposing her belly button ring to him with the curves of the bottom of her breast painfully apparent)

  Nicole says: like what u see, daddy? (attached was a picture of her laying on her bed naked, her pussy spread for him

  There were several more just like that. One every day or so. Every response from James was noncommittal, but one thing I never saw him write was for her to stop sending them.

  “What do you think you're doing?” a voice asked from the direction of the bathroom.

  I turned to him. A look of fury was on his face. I gestured to the computer. “Me? What do you think you're doing?”

  He stormed over to where I sat and slammed the lid down on the laptop, hard enough that I would have worried about him breaking the screen if he wasn't a billionaire. “I'm not doing anything. Your nympho roommate is the one sending pictures.”

  I shouldn't have been angry with him, because he didn't send back anything more than practically grunts. I shouldn't have been angry with Nicole, because for all she knew, he was single and very aroused by her. Still, that would have been rational. And right now, I felt anything but rational.

  “I didn't see you asking her to stop,” I said.

  “Why would I ask her to stop? It would be rude. It would be suspicious.”

  “Plus, you like getting them,” I accused. He said nothing, but by the way his lips kind of pursed, I knew I was right. “Oh my god. You jerked off to her. You sat right here, looked at pictures of her, and imagined that you were fucking her.”

  “I think that's enough, Allie.” The fact that he didn't deny it said it all. That ache behind my breastbone was back again. His face didn't show any remorse though. “Let's go get breakfast and I can forget about you invading my privacy. We can still have a good rest of the day.”

  “No, you know what?” I stood up, and immediately regretted it. The entire room seemed to sway and spin. I ran to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before puking. Apparently the diet coke was the only thing in my stomach from yesterday, and it tasted horrible coming back up. Wave after wave of nausea hit me.

  How could he? I thought. It wasn't cheating, I knew that, but it sure felt like it was. I retched again.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. Real concern was in his voice.

  “I'm fine. Go away,” I demanded.

  “Allie, I'm staying right here.” As soon as he touched my hair, I recoiled a little.

  “Then I'm leaving.” I started to stand up, and immediately put my face back to the toilet. I didn't gag that time, but I definitely felt like I should have. “Bring me my phone, please.”

  He sighed, but left the room. For a few merciful seconds, I was alone. I didn't know how I could have got sick. Nicole actually had a quite nice body, definitely not gag-worthy, other than the fact that they were on James' computer. He was supposed to be mine. Another wave of nausea hit me and I guessed that it must have just been something I ate yesterday.

  Or maybe, it was something else. The thought did make me a little excited.

  James returned with my phone. I was able to stand by then, and I snatched it away from him. We both stood there, naked for a moment, as my body decided whether it wanted to give me the strength to walk. “Are you okay?” he asked again.

  “I told you, I'm fine.” I shakily began to leave the bathroom. “You can hang out with Nicole today, I'm leaving.” I started to pull on my clothes.

  “Where do you plan on going?” James asked.

  It was actually a pretty good question. I didn't know anyone in town. Well, except one person. “Anne asked if we could hang out today. I told her 'no' before, but maybe what I need is to hang out with someone who's not head over heels and sending you naked pictures today.”

  James sighed loudly. “I'll call you a car.”

  “No! No. It's a short walk.” I had to tell him something or else he would insist. “Look, I'm fine, really. I just need to get away from you for a little bit. Let me calm down, okay?”

  He sighed again. “Okay. Call me if you need anything. I'll try and get some work done while you're off being irrational.”

  I wanted to throw something at him, but at least he was going to let me be for the day. I was still mad at him, but it was a moment of privacy that I really appreciated. He was so protective of me that I was afraid he would go back on his word and call a car anyway. Or possibly a bodyguard. But he didn't, and today, I appreciated that.

  As I slipped out the door without letting him know I was going, I knew I'd probably be back later today. I knew better than to believe I could resist him for long, but hanging out with Anne might do me some good.

  But first, I had to take a detour. I asked my phone where the nearest drug store was at...

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  I staggered out into the cold, still a little unsteady on my feet. I didn't know if it was something I ate, or maybe a bug I caught on the airplane, but I suddenly felt like my body wasn't my own. Or maybe, it was something much, much better.

  I tried to remember what I had read on the Internet about morning sickness, but as weak as I felt right now, I couldn't think of anything. Was this too early to have it? Would a pregnancy test be accurate at this point, assuming I got pregnant just about two weeks ago?

  I knew the answer to that last question. I might as well flip a coin for all the good a pregnancy test would do me right now. Still, I felt like it might put my mind at ease. Immediately upon leaving the building, I punched “drug store” into my phone's GPS. There was one only two blocks away, and I walked toward it, feeling myself perk up immediately at having a task, something to do.

  I was already starting to forgive James for the pictures that Nicole had sent him, but I wasn't about to admit that to him yet. After all, I had seen the messages he had sent back. Most were very noncommittal, as if he were embarrassed that he had to reply at all.

  I had also seen the look on his face when I accused him of jerking off to the pictures, and I knew that it was true. No doubt he had gigabytes of pornography on his computer to jerk off to as well, and was that really all that different? I knew that it was something to be worried about, but as long as it was kept to just an occasional wank session at his home, I could hardly stay mad.

  If he wanted to stay with me, however, he'd have to make it clear to Nicole that they were never to see each other again. Oh, I know he said that he'd never do anything with her. And he had been good at telling her no, that one time. I knew how badly she wanted to get with him, though, and that
she'd pull out every trick in the book next time she saw him.

  I thought about texting her right now, telling her to stay away from James. How weird would that seem? The younger sister telling her roommate that her older brother was off limits? Could I get away with it? Not without seeming weird, I thought with a sigh. She had to know the two of us weren't that close. How long before she started asking questions about our relationship? Would she start to spy on us? She didn't seem like a gossip, but you never know with people what will set them off.

  The pharmacy's sign was in the distance, the mortar-and-pestle of the logo almost seeming like a mirage until I got closer. I hoped they would be open on a Saturday morning, and I sighed with relief as I saw the “Open 24 Hours” sign.

  I went inside and headed straight to the feminine hygiene aisle. There were a thousand different pregnancy tests available and I wished I had paid attention to which brand was the best during all my pregnancy research. I picked the one that had the shiniest packaging and went up to the checkout.

  The girl at the counter gave me a pitying look as she rang me up, especially as I paid for it and a pack of gum with a credit card. Just one more expense I'd have to try to explain to my dad, I thought with another sigh. With a meek voice, I asked where their bathroom was. The cashier pointed and almost seemed to sigh, as if she thought I was going to pee all over the stall and make a mess that she personally would have to clean up. I smiled and thanked her, then headed for the bathroom.

  Luckily, I hadn't had a chance to pee before I had staggered out of James' apartment. I almost lost control while I had been retching, but I managed to keep it all in. I opened the box and took the applicator out quickly, nearly dropping it in the toilet as I grabbed it. I wasn't sure it would have worked after that and I was glad I didn't have to go through the pain of purchasing another. Without going into any more details, I managed to pee on it without making the stall a mess for the poor cashier.


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