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Page 8

by Sara Brookes

  “Some may, but they aren’t the ones standing in front of me.”

  “No, they certainly aren’t.” Thank God for that. She realized it wasn’t entirely presumptuous of him. Well, it was and it wasn’t at the same time. He was obviously a man who was conscientious of his chosen lover. There was a certain amount of practicality to that line of reasoning. After all, she wouldn’t want to wear anything one of his previous lovers had worn. “Do you buy a new pair for each of your lovers?”

  His eyes narrowed. “I would never ask a current lover to wear something an old lover once wore for me. It trivializes you both. While I may be the Dominant in the sexual part of the relationship, I refuse to demean anyone for my pleasure. That’s not what I find enjoyment in.”

  His words reassured her. Not just him, but everything about him. She wanted him to be the one to show her, to experience those things he mentioned. She wanted to be on her knees or have him tie her up while he took his time opening a whole new world to her. Without fear or reservation, she held out her wrists.

  “Looks as if we really are on the same page, Patrick.”

  He tucked one of the cuffs into his palm while he closed the other around her right wrist. She’d seen inexpensive snap versions in the few trendy stores she’d been in, but these cuffs had heavy-duty silver buckles. These weren’t some cheap knock-offs anyone could purchase for a few dollars. They were the real deal.

  The weight of the leather felt different against her bare skin. Once he buckled the first one in place, a sense of calm washed over her. It was an odd sensation, not something she guessed she would have experienced upon being bound. It wasn’t all that different from how she’d felt when he’d kissed her on the balcony at the movie theater.

  Safe and secure, but completely out of control.

  Fascinated, she watched as he secured the second cuff around her other wrist. The leather slid through the metal clasp with a soft rasp as it slipped into place. Her mouth went dry as he gave a light pull to make sure it was snug, then ran his finger between the leather and her skin. He released her hands, inspecting the fit of the leather. Talk about attention to detail.

  She was free to move as she chose because the cuffs weren’t connected. However, as she turned her wrists over, she found two small D-rings with one-way latches. Her finger touched one of the rings. “What are these?”

  “Panic snaps. They allow the wearer a way out. If things are too intense or the situation turns dangerous, a sharp tug releases the buckle.”

  He lifted one of her wrists to his lips, surprising her when he pressed a tender kiss to her open palm. “You have your computers and games.” He lifted her other hand and pressed another kiss to the delicate skin. “And I have my own version of hardware.”

  Their gazes met as he lifted his head. The smile she’d been about to give him faltered. The intensity sparkling in the fathomless blue of his eyes overwhelmed her. The gentle weight of the bindings made her more aware of her body. The floor swayed under her feet as she tugged on his hold.

  She was helpless.

  Her breathing sped up as she tugged again in an effort to escape. Each pull only made her powerlessness more evident. This wasn’t her. This wasn’t who she was. No way would she get off on being bound and unable to escape. No way in hell.

  Why had she agreed to this again?

  Anticipation raced through her veins, touching off feelings and sensations she’d never experienced before. This wasn’t similar to her botched moment with Daniel. Not even close. Her heart raced as Patrick walked in a slow circle around her. From his quiet murmurings, he seemed to be admiring his handiwork. Her breathing quickened when he stopped behind her and simply stood there.

  His chest pressed against her back, her heart racing as the length of his hard cock fit against the curve of her ass. Even through the fabric of their clothes, heat built between them. That heat was so intense, she nearly tasted it. He pushed closer, causing her eyes to flutter closed as his mouth brushed over the delicate shell of her ear.

  “Does the thought of surrendering wholly and completely to me excite you? All through dinner, I was thinking about locking these cuffs around your wrists. Then I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact I want to discover how you sound when you beg for me to allow you to come. Does that scare you?”

  A thrill traveled down her spine. Holy shit. I’m so fucking aroused right now.

  She was also shocked to discover, even as the unknown stood before her, there wasn’t an ounce of fear to be found. If she thought hard, really tunneled deeply, she suspected she possessed a lot more strength inside her than she ever thought possible. The cuffs had simply brought it to the surface.

  “No,” she said firmly as the tension in her arms bled away.

  “Good. Just making certain you’re still onboard with me.” He circled around in front of her again.

  Two hours ago, if someone had told her she would be standing in the middle of a half empty warehouse wearing leather cuffs, waiting for someone to tell her what to do next, she wouldn’t have believed them. She would have said they were off their rocker and had mixed their fantasy games with reality.

  “If I wasn’t entirely sure, I would have never continued the conversation during dinner. I may not have a lot of experience with this whole thing, but I know my limits.”

  “Do you?” he asked quietly as he trailed a finger down her arm.

  She did her best to concentrate on something other than his touch. “What does that mean?”

  The pressure of his finger firmed a little. “This is about finding your limits and toeing the line of those boundaries as much as it is about finding pleasure.”

  “Limits I assume both partners put in place long before those lines they’ve agreed upon are approached. Given that, I would assume most of the ground rules we’ve covered are vital.”

  “Yes, they are essential.” He nodded as his hands fell slowly to mirror her position. “As is a safeword.”

  “An out you mean. A way to tell you that it’s too much, right?”


  “Do I get to choose?”

  “Of course.” He settled her hands lightly on the center of his chest. The metal buckles of the cuffs clinked together and his heart leapt hard against her palm. Odd. She wondered if he was nervous, though it seemed a little out of place considering their positions. Not to mention the way power just seemed to flow from him. “Are you okay? You seem…unsettled.”

  “I’m great. Fantastic, even.” His gaze squarely met hers. “Just a little bit of an adrenaline rush my body hasn’t quite balanced yet. It’s been awhile since I’ve had someone brand new to this. I’d forgotten what it’s like.”

  “Afraid you’ve lost your touch?”

  He smirked. “No.” His fingers brushed against her jaw, his thumb tracing a path over her bottom lip. “I simply want to ensure you get what you want out of this.”

  Fire followed his touch, spreading through her and demanding not to be ignored. Though her experience with BDSM was limited, she knew enough about herself to gauge her body’s reaction. “I want you, Patrick. Without question. I want you to show me your world. Help me find my limits,” she stated firmly.

  Patrick nodded, crossed the room and flipped off all but two lights. Allison stood in a glow created by those lights, the muted illumination highlighting her strong features.

  “What’s your safeword?”


  He smothered a chuckle. It wouldn’t be very authoritative of him to show amusement. He had no idea why she chose that particular word, but the reason ultimately didn’t matter. It had been chosen for a reason. It wasn’t his job to question. He took pride in the fact he hadn’t had a lover use their safeword yet. He wasn’t interested in changing that statistic anytime soon.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  She stripped to her bra and panties in the space of a few nervous breaths. Confident submissive. Very nice. Her lack of hesitation m
eant she was open to just about anything he could throw at her.

  He stepped forward, halting her from going any further. Despite his impeccable control, he had to touch her. Her eyes glimmered as his finger trailed over the curve of her breasts. Her breath quickened under his touch as his finger dipped below the line of her bra. His nail touched the edge of her nipple, scraping lightly against the hard ridge. Her breath hitched.

  Breathless. That was just how he wanted her.

  As he continued to slowly stroke her chest, her pupils dilated. “Very pretty.” Pink tinged her cheeks, causing him to wonder how she’d look fully aroused. How she would look when she orgasmed. He circled again, stopping behind her. The flush spread down the column of her spine. My God, she has no idea how incredibly gorgeous she is. So soft. So vulnerable. So mine.

  “Continue,” he said in a firm tone, stepping away to admire the graceful slope of her back as she removed her bra and panties. The scraps of fabric fell to the floor with minimal sound. Indulging himself, he simply admired her from this vantage point. Her hands moved to cover her nudity.

  Once he circled around in front of her, those hands would block his view. Unacceptable. “Put your hands at your sides and keep them there until I say otherwise.”

  She did as instructed, making quite the picture standing there wearing only the leather cuffs. The dark color made an interesting contrast with her creamy skin. She was gorgeous before, but now she was downright stunning.

  He reached forward to lock the cuffs together and discovered a surprise he would have never expected. A tattoo. Suddenly, the reason for her safeword made sense. His fingers ached to reach out and glide over the ink, but he resisted for the moment.

  Centered between her shoulder blades was a unicorn. But not just any unicorn. An origami unicorn colored in shades of gray similar to a charcoal drawing. The paper folds seemed delicate and vividly life-like. The piece was phenomenal and wherever she’d gone to have it done clearly employed an expert in their field.

  He was certain the artwork meant something to her, but at this point he didn’t care. The sight of it gracing her body gave him new energy. She probably wasn’t aware of the fact that with a simple glimpse he’d learned of her darker side. The presence of the intricate artwork opened a door he originally thought he’d have to pry open. Not that he minded, but the ease with which she would succumb to him made things all that much easier.

  “Just so there aren’t any questions or doubts in your mind, I want you to know something about limits. Yes, it’s about finding them, but it’s also about exceeding them until all that is left is pure, unrestrained pleasure. There are two types of limits—hard and soft. For now, until you and I both know a little more about each other and what we each like, we’ll stick to a soft limit. A few orders, nothing more than binding with these cuffs and my mouth all over you.” He waited a few beats for her to offer a protest before continuing. “Now that we’ve settled on that—get on your knees.”

  She only gave a slight hesitation before she went to her knees. Satisfied, he moved away to sit in his favored chair several feet away. It wasn’t even comfortable—at least for extended periods. It wasn’t meant to be a lazy Sunday morning chair to enjoy coffee and the paper. This room had always been about indulgences and the chair was certainly no exception. That extravagance was why he kept the piece of furniture down here instead of up in his loft. The color didn’t match anything else in the room, aside from the sunny yellow throw pillows of the same shade on the couch across the room.

  As he sat, he studied her form. His usual practice was to move on from the given command and tell his partner what else he expected. But something about Allison and the way she currently looked made him want to simply drink all of her in.

  He doubted she knew how extraordinary she looked kneeling before him so submissively. It was a picture to treasure and he wanted to pull her in front of a mirror to show her how she looked. But it would ruin the moment and he was enjoying this too damn much. He bet no one had ever bothered to take the time to tell her how truly special she was.

  “There is nothing more attractive to a Dom than to have his submissive kneel before him so beautifully.” He admired the slope of her collarbone. The elegant dip of her shoulder. Even the draping line of her arms as they pulled gently behind her. “You are a spectacular creature, Allison.”

  He’d not given her direction to do so, but she’d bowed her head so her gaze fell to the floor. She probably wasn’t aware how easily she’d slipped into this role. But he’d sure as hell point it out later. Done now, it would draw her out of the moment.

  He wanted her deeper.

  His gaze traveled down, and he admired the slow sweeping curve of her waist and hip. Even with the light shining overhead, there was still a shadowed area at the junction of her thighs. As he felt himself grow harder in response to what lay there, he realized he’d kept both of them waiting long enough. Besides, he wanted to press his mouth against her skin to see if the rest of her tasted as sweet as her kiss.

  “Come and stand in front of me.” He kept his tone stern, pleased when she immediately moved. She stumbled as she tried to push up with just her legs. He surged forward in an effort to catch her. She righted herself without his help, compensating for the misstep. The telling flush of embarrassment colored her cheeks. He settled back in the chair, watching as she took a few steadying breaths before she came to stand in front of him.

  “Are you all right?” he asked with genuine concern.

  She nodded, the tint on her cheeks fading a little. “I’m fine. Just clumsy.”

  “Good.” He reached out, trailing a finger across her abdomen. Her soft intake of air pleased him. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  His usual method of operation would be to slow down even more now that she was near, exploring the expanse of skin spread out before him. But again, he couldn’t resist breaking some of his rules when it came to her. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against her heated skin. Her breath whistled quietly between her lips with each dragging breath.

  He liked her unsteadiness.

  “Spread your legs and put your right foot on the arm of the chair. I want to taste you.” His hand closed around her ankle as she lifted her foot. With her legs open this way, her musky scent enveloped him. He released a quiet groan as the pungent aroma of her arousal washed over him.

  He inhaled the heavy scent as he trailed a line of openmouthed kisses over her inner thigh. Her muscles trembled under his touch. His fingers parted the scorching hot flesh between her legs before his tongue slowly rasped over her clit. Without warning, her knee buckled and he immediately shifted his hands to take her entire weight in his arms.

  She whimpered.

  “Hush,” he ordered as he glanced up to see that ever-present gnaw on her lip. Their gazes met and despite her fumble, expectation shined in her eyes. “I’m going to touch you now. I have to know how you feel.”

  One finger, lubricated by her juices, slipped easily inside her pussy. While it was nice to know she was this excited, he had news for her—he’d just gotten started. Since she’d taken his finger so easily, he slid another inside, feeling her body shiver in response. He guessed she could comfortably take another but decided against it for now.

  Two would do nicely in order to bring her to orgasm. The first of many.

  As he started to remove his fingers, her hips jerked as if she didn’t want him to leave her. He slid them back inside with exact precision. She broke eye contact as her head fell back, her soft sigh filling the air in the room. Her hips moved again as they reached for him. Caught up in the moment, he moved his fingers with steady, sure strokes.

  Her soft moan cut off abruptly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean…you told me to be quiet and I’m not. This is just all so new. It’s hard to…I just…dammit. I’ll stop.”

  The sound of her fumbling struck a chord with him. It was unexpected after he’d given her the order to remain quiet. He found it o
dd that he wasn’t bothered. Normally, he would have issued his partner a stern warning or even walked away completely as a form of punishment. With Allison, however, it added a new facet to the moment. It made him want something different, something more powerful from her.

  He wanted to show her how freeing submission could truly be.

  “You are new to this, Allison. I suspect it’s very overwhelming. How about this? Louder,” he demanded. “I want to hear you.” His body grew heavy with arousal as the pitch of her voice altered. His cock pressed against the ridge of his jeans as the melody of her voice wrapped around him. Instead of easing the pain, he drew on it, using it to keep his focus entirely on her.

  Each time his fingers slid into her, he curled the tips of his fingers forward. After only a few methodical thrusts, he pulled a strangled moan from her. He backed off a bit to alternate the touch, her muscles tightening around his fingers in response to the change. She was close. But close wasn’t enough. He wanted her tumbling helplessly out of control in order to be his without question.

  Her pelvis ground against his fingers, causing him to push hard into her heat all the way to his knuckles. The pads of his fingers caressed the sensitive spot inside her. His careful movements were rewarded with a keening cry as her entire body went rigid.

  Desperate to swallow the quiet mewling spilling from her lips, he pulled her body tight against his and claimed her mouth. She melted into him as he pulled her until the backs of his thighs contacted with the bed. His fingers found the clasp locking the cuffs together, releasing it as he pulled her down to the bed with him.

  Her eyes snapped into focus, a signal her post-orgasm euphoria was over. That would only last as long as he allowed it. He smiled at her questioning gaze. “You didn’t expect me to keep them latched together the entire time, did you?” He pointed to the slatted metal headboard above his head and the D-rings welded to two of the spindles. “How else would I lock you to the bed and order you to ride my mouth?”

  Each ring snapped into place around the loops of solid metal. He yanked on the rings, trailing his fingers along her arms in order to luxuriate in the feel of her skin against his hands. Tension threaded through those muscles under his fingers. Something bothered her. “What is your safeword, Allison?”


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