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Page 22

by Sara Brookes

  “Well, yes. It’s a way to distance yourself and keep a space of your own that no one could impose upon. I understand that, but why…oh,” she said suddenly as she realized what he meant. This was what had kept him so tightly wound for the past week. “Patrick, I don’t know what to say.”

  He crossed to her, pressing warm lips to her forehead before wrapping his arms around her waist. “Don’t say anything right now. Just listen to what I have to say. I’ve been putting it off for far too long. Did you know that whenever we’re not together all I can think about is you? It’s a control you hold over me. And you haven’t done a thing except be yourself. Your wonderful, beautiful self. You’re just you and that’s enough. Remember that day at the comic book store when I told you I was going to have you?”

  She blushed at the memory, thankful he couldn’t see her face. “Yes. Of course. How could I forget?”

  “All you were doing was flipping through your books. But you did it with such passion—honest to God passion unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I wanted a piece of that with you. You’re so quiet and reserved. I had this uncontrollable desire to be the one who broke you of that. Now I have these emotions and feelings for you I can’t even begin to explain. Honestly, I don’t want to. I thought I knew what I needed in order to be happy, but you showed me I had so much further to go. I think you do too.”

  He smiled as he pulled away, tugging on her hand so she followed him. “You make me want to find limits I didn’t even know existed. Even find things I’ve purposefully dismissed because I was afraid to become my father.” His hand was gentle on her neck as he claimed her mouth with such passion and intensity sparks lit behind her eyes. This was Patrick as exposed as she’d ever seen him—more so than anything they’d ever done in that room downstairs.

  Once they broke away, he pressed his forehead against hers. “I’m not afraid anymore. That’s because of you, Allison.”

  He pulled her to sit on the bed, cradling her in his lap so she straddled his thighs. She balanced there, the close distance allowing her to see the excitement dancing in his eyes. Emotion clogged her throat.

  “I want you to wear something for me.” Patrick pulled out a small circle of leather, one significantly thinner than the posture collar he’d locked around her throat before. This one was only about a half inch in width. The pale gray color was also a startling contrast to the deep black of the one she’d worn previously. The silver buckle at the back had been polished to a high shine. “Wear it tonight, for me. Just the collar and nothing else.”

  When she opened her mouth, he pressed a finger to her lips. “But more than that, I want you to wear it tomorrow too, while you’re at work. And the next day when you come to visit the coffee house. Even next month when we sit with our friends at dinner. I want to see it circling your neck every time I see you.”

  She let out a shaky breath, wrapping her hands around his wrists to move his hand away. “Is it because you’ll see it and think about the times I’ve been on my knees for you to take you in my mouth? Maybe even think about the possibility of simply standing there watching me orgasm over and over and know you’re responsible for it?”

  “All of it,” he said quietly as he shuddered in response.

  “I don’t think it’s any of that. And I’m sorry, but I won’t wear your collar for those reasons.”

  His body tensed. “What?”

  “Those reasons are icing, Patrick. I won’t wear it solely because of those reasons because they are simply a benefit of being with you. I may be new to all this, but I know enough to understand that a collar shows ownership. You want to see this around my throat at any time and know you own me.”

  “Yes I do.”

  “That’s the reason I’ll wear it.” She offered her neck, sighing as his fingers brushed against her skin when he fastened the strip of leather in place. Once he was done, she pushed off his legs and stood. Moments later, stripped bare, she stood before him, proud and unashamed of her nudity. Instead, she took comfort in baring her body to him. There was power in the ability she’d gained to stand here in front of him in such an exposed manner.

  He’d given her that.

  The collar felt light around her neck, as if it had always been there. It had found its place—its home—and she savored the feel. As she stood there before him, she noticed the height of the bed matched the one in the room beneath her feet. “You haven’t kept everything separated from that room as much as you think.”

  “I had both beds made at the same time. So they’re identical down to the last detail.” He smirked when she came to stand beside him, her hand smoothing over the plush dark gray comforter. Reaching up, he tugged gently on the collar. “I seem to recall mention of bending you over the bed while you were wearing my leather. But this picture is incomplete. Be right back.” He planted a quick kiss to the tip of her nose before disappearing through the front door.

  Patrick glanced around his sanctuary as he palmed the twin circles of leather he’d come to retrieve. Something told him this space wouldn’t get as much use as it had. Not if the way she brightened his room upstairs was any indication.

  She’d accepted his collar.

  Soon, he would ask her to accept his ring.

  He moved around the dark room, selecting various things he thought he would need. Locking the outside door, he jogged up the stairs to return to his living space. The sight he saw the moment he burst into the room snatched his breath from his lungs. She’d positioned herself on the edge of his bed, bent and open for his gaze.

  Despite the distance, he saw wetness glistening on the lips of her pussy. His mouth started to water at the thought of spending the night teasing all that pink flesh with his fingers and lips. But the need to be inside her ass was too great.

  “A man could get used to coming home to such a striking image.” He dropped the cuffs to the bed, his fingers tracing over each of the raised bumps of her spine. She shivered as he continued to map her body with his hands.

  Breaking contact, he moved to the other side of the bed, reaching out to take up each of her wrists in turn. Once she wore his cuffs, he knelt to clip two long strips of nylon webbing to the underside of the frame. He flipped them up onto the bed, clipping the D-rings to the free ends. A few adjustments and her arms were stretched out in front of her and held firmly in place so she couldn’t move them even an inch.

  “In fact, this picture you make is so beautiful, I think I’ll make it part of our time together. Would you like that?” She nodded, lifting her ass in offering. He’d purposefully kept her legs unbound for just such a thing. How would she be totally bound and helpless? He’d have to find out another time.

  Massaging the skin of those succulent globes held up in offering before him, his thumbs parted her cheeks. She flinched, then relaxed under his careful attention. Pleased, he held her open with one hand while squirting the lubricant he’d retrieved from the warehouse between her cheeks.

  His thumb circled, dispersing the slick fluid over her pretty little asshole. Her muscles relaxed under his careful attention, tension flowing from her body as she gave over control. He pushed his thumb just inside her opening, she moaned and spread her hands wide against the comforter as she succumbed to the foreign intrusion. He withdrew, squirting more lube over the area before sliding inside her again.

  “Push against my finger.” As she did, the tight bud blossomed to accept his finger all the way to the last knuckle.

  Her body shuddered at his attention, her back arching so her legs spread even wider. Slick with lube, his finger glided slowly back and forth a few times as he allowed her time to grow accustomed to the feel. When he felt she was ready, he added more lube and another finger. More knowledgeable now, she accepted two fingers effortlessly. Almost too effortlessly. Testing, he swirled a third finger against her opening. Her flesh parted, accepting the additional digit.

  How did I get so lucky?

  In awe of his submissive, he bent to press a gentl
e kiss to the round curve of her butt. He quickened his pace, delighting in the way her body came alive as he continued to thrust into her. Standing again, he relentlessly plunged his fingers inside her as he rolled a condom into place around his rigid cock. By the time he was finished, he could remove his fingers and thrust back inside easily.

  “You are so ready for me, aren’t you?”

  “Oh frak, yes.”

  He chuckled at the slang she seemed so fond of. Funny how he’d come to love that quirk. “Anxious little sub, aren’t you? That’s all right. I’m just as anxious to be inside you back here.” He positioned his cock at the entrance of her anus, swirling the head against her opening. “Same as before, push against me as I enter.”

  He spread her cheeks with his thumbs, watching her muscles flex and work as she waited for him to push forward. She accepted the crown of his cock with ease before he met resistance just short of where his cock head flared the widest. She whimpered quietly and he paused, leaning forward slightly. “What helps, Allison?”

  “It doesn’t hurt that much.”


  “Breathing.” As she slowly exhaled, her muscles pulled the head of his dick into her body. Her strangled gasp told him she’d been caught off guard by the movement. While he didn’t doubt her promise that she wasn’t in excruciating pain, given the ease with which she’d accepted him, he had no doubt she wasn’t sure how to deal with the uncomfortable feeling of being this stretched and filled.

  He skimmed his hands along the swell of her hips, tickling her skin lightly as he moved. Reaching higher, he cupped her breasts so his fingers closed around her hard nipples. As he squeezed, her snug channel clamped around him so tightly, he had to grit his teeth to fight against the need to drive into her.

  So fucking tight.

  “Push against me again.” She did as instructed and he slipped deeper, stopping when he’d buried his cock to the root. He continued to rub her breasts, using her arousal to distract her from the discomfort of being filled. He’d remain buried inside her here, glorying in the feel of her tight hole surrounding him. But she needed this just as much as he did.

  She moaned in protest when he removed his hand from one of her breasts. “No, don’t leave me.”

  “Shhh, don’t worry. I’m not. Just refocusing my efforts a little.” He pushed his hand under her waist, skimming his finger through the coarse pubic hair. She gasped as he pushed against the bundle of nerves. Shifting his hand, he clasped her clit, pinching both it and her nipple together.

  Her body trembled under his as her voice lifted an octave. Her arousal caused the muscles gripped tightly around his cock to loosen enough for him to draw back. He withdrew to where the flared head met resistance with her tight ring of muscles before driving into her again.

  The tight resistance fell away, finally allowing him to move as he wished. He continued alternating his tweaks against her sensitive areas as he began a slow pattern. Soon, he was fucking her as freely as if he was buried in her cunt. Sensation racked his body as he thought about the incredible friction stroking his cock.

  Excitement gathered at the base of his spine, accumulating and coiling tighter with each plunging drive. That sensation spread, dropping to his feet before slowly rising again to gather in his balls. She tightened more, nearly making it impossible for him to move again. He slammed forward through the resistance, her piercing cry echoing off the walls.

  Pleasure rushed through him as she climaxed, her muscles milking his shaft as he continued to slide in and out of her. He tugged on her hips, drawing her to her tiptoes as he continued to hammer into her at a frantic pace. She screamed again, tripping higher and higher.

  He drove as deep as he could, a shower of sheer pleasure washing over him. His testicles drew up tight against his body seconds before the orgasm burst from him, his voice joining hers in a loud roar as he came. Her hips moved under his hands, her body begging for more. Waves of pleasure bracketed his body so powerfully, his knees nearly gave out.

  Sweat trickled down the pillar of his spine as he fought to catch his breath. Her body shook, her skin blazing hot against his. God, I want to fuck her again. And again and again and again. He was so lost in the afterglow she’d bestowed upon him, he nearly missed the fact she was crying.

  She moaned around her sobs as he carefully withdrew. Concerned, he flipped open the snaps fastened to her cuffs. He drew her close, her body trembling as she curled into a ball on his lap when he settled on the bed.

  His finger slipped under her chin, lifting her face. Tears streaked over her red cheeks, her eyes puffy from crying. She looked lost. Confused. Stunned. Fear clutched a tight fist around his heart. His breathing nearly stopped at the thought he’d done something to hurt her. Dammit, Conners, you broke your promise again.

  “Tell me where it hurts.”

  Her swollen lips parted as she beamed, her hand lifting to tenderly cradle the side of his jaw. “Nowhere. Nowhere at all. I’m fine. Wonderful even. That was…intense.”

  He kissed her forehead as the knot in his chest lessened. An emotional release brought on by the passionate force of the moment. Combined with potent sex, it packed a stout wallop. One that could send a submissive reeling if they weren’t prepared for the onslaught. He hadn’t thought she’d find that place so quickly.

  “You handled that so beautifully, Allison. So well, in fact, I wonder what you’ll have in store for me in the future. What we both have in store for each other.”

  She curled against him—soft and warm. And his. “Oh there are about a thousand things I can think of for us to occupy our time. For the next year at least. After that, I guess I’ll just have to use this clever mind of mine to give it some more thought. Lord, I just noticed you still smell like sex. And powerful male. I don’t think I’ve ever been this satisfied before. So content and filled and…and…and—I want you to do that to me again already. Please say you will. Promise me. If you want me to present myself to you every day I will, just as long as you—”

  “Shhh, relax, Allison.” He pressed his finger to her lips to silence her. Panic swam in her eyes as she tried to continue her charming babbling. “I promise to do that to you again and more. And no, you don’t need to offer yourself to me that way every day. Once in a while would be just fine. Mandatory even.” He captured her mouth, kissing the tension out of her body with a long, thorough kiss.

  When they broke away, she frowned. “I was babbling again, wasn’t I?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. But I adore your prattling just as much as I love you.”

  She sniffed and moved in his arms, her head resting lightly on his shoulder. Her fingers moved gently through the fine hair on his chest, mesmerizing him with the affectionate touch as she traced the outer edge of his nipples. “I love you, Patrick. Even more than your coffee.”

  About Sara Brookes

  Sara Brookes is a multi-published author who has always been fascinated by the strange, the unusual, the twisted and the lost (tortured heroes are her personal favorite). She is an action movie junkie, addicted to coffee and has been known to stay up until the wee hours of the morning playing RPG video games. Despite all this, she is a romantic at heart and is always a sucker for an excellent love story. Born and bred in Virginia, Sara still lives there with her husband and daughter. The entire family is owned by two cats, Galahad and Loki, who graciously allow the family to cater to their every desire.

  Sara welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at

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  Also by Sara Brookes

  Chasing Sin

  Hard as Stone

  Her Master’s Collar

  Ragged Edge

the Edge

  Print books by Sara Brookes

  Natural Lust

  Ragged Edge

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Taking Over Me

  ISBN 9781419944680


  Taking Over Me Copyright © 2013 Sara Brookes

  Edited by Briana St. James

  Cover design by Dar Albert

  Cover photography by Pxebeche/

  Electronic book publication March 2013

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


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