ThunderClaw: Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 2)

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ThunderClaw: Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 2) Page 17

by Penelope Fletcher

  Beowyn held his hands aloft, big palms out, waiting for praise.

  ‘One,’ she repeated in flat tones. ‘They don’t look like refugees to me, you weak connivers. Earth is not at war with another planet. There are no intergalactic human refugees except,’ she leant in, ‘the ones,’ her voice lowered, ‘abducted.’

  Beowyn pouted. ‘It is not my fault my One came with extras.’

  ‘She’s not a fucking bulk buy. Earth is not the Costco of the milky way. It’s not snatch one snatch five free. Christ, Wyn. Did you even try to think?’

  ‘Everything is fine,’ he argued.

  ‘Fine?’ She pulled on her tightly curled hair. ‘This whole family was about to be eaten alive.’

  ‘But you saved us. See? It is fine.’

  Aghast, her mouth flapped open. ‘I can’t believe this.’ She rubbed her forehead. ‘We had an agreement.’

  Wincing, Beowyn studied his boots.

  Éorik sighed. ‘Lumen, if you are offended reparation will be made.’

  ‘Don’t try and cover for him.’ She stamped her foot. ‘I am this close to disembowelling the both of you. I can do that now. I’ve been practicing.’

  Behind her back, the alien titans flashed forked tongues that rippled with an opalescent sheen. By the set of their unearthly features, had they been human men, I would have sworn they were amused by the overblown threat.

  Sudden movement making me flinch, the one with bronze scales took the fretting bundle of arms and legs from her. He nuzzled his flat nose against the baby’s as growly rumbles broke from his strapping chest.

  Four teensy hands patted at his head.

  Patrick cleared his throat. ‘We chose to come with them if that’s what’s worrying you. Thanks for the assist. Things were looking dire.’

  ‘You would have done the same, I’m sure.’ The woman drew herself up tall and smiled. ‘I’m She, Lumen of the Stars formerly Lumen Young.’ Her gaze landed on Fergus and deferring to him as our leader she inclined her head.

  Picking his nose, the wrinkled man acknowledged her with a nod. ‘A house holds a hundred friends.’ He wiped his boogers on his shirtsleeve and flashed her a gap-toothed smile.

  Lumen eyed him askance.

  ‘Aye, Da, you have the right of it.’ Rowan glanced warily at the newcomers. ‘Thanking you.’

  Aled grunted his gratitude.

  Taking care to move in a non-threatening, slow manner, Patrick stepped up to shake her hand. ‘Patrick of Clan Grae.’ He introduced his kinsmen. His eyes skittered over the giants looming at her back. ‘Aren’t we all a long way from home?’

  Covering his hand with hers, a more genuine smile stretched across her face. ‘It’s nice to meet you. These are my Rä’Veks, my husbands.’ She pointed to them in turn. ‘He, Venomous One, He, Fiercely Comes the Night, and He, Cobra that Strikes.’ When she got to the baby, she softened. I knew that motherhood magic first hand. ‘This adorable little guy–.’

  ‘Is my son.’ Venomous One held the chubby baby above his head as if celestial light would shine upon him. ‘He, Bravest Shall Dare, may Grandfather be proud.’

  Bravest squealed, and curled all six limbs. He giggled hysterically when he punched himself in the nose then burped a spit bubble.

  Bringing him back to the plane of mortal beings, Venomous grinned at his bairn as if its crazed fidgeting were the most impressive of martial arts.

  ‘Yes. Venomous’ son.’ Lumen rolled her eyes. ‘It was he who laboured for thirteen hours with his ass in the air.’ She rubbed noses with the babe and singsonged in a high-pitched voice. ‘Isn’t Mummy right, munchkin? Doesn’t Daddy take more credit than is his due? Yes, he does. Oh, yes, he does.’ She gave him a smacking kiss then left him to be fawned over by his father. ‘We call him Brave. Our names are a mouthful, so feel free to shorten them.’

  Beowyn thumped a fist to his chest. ‘You did not name the cub for me?’

  Lumen’s threw back her head and laughed and laughed. It wasn’t gentle or feminine but hug-your-middle, bent-at-the-waist, cling-to-somebody screeches. She stopped. ‘I name my hatchlings after friends who promise to bring me ice chips during drug free labour then actually turn the fuck up.’

  ‘But you are unreasonable.’

  ‘Drug free.’

  Fiercely scowled. ‘Why would we name our offspring for you?’

  Beowyn huffed then marched up to Venomous. ‘Come.’ He beckoned. ‘Brave must learn whom he loves best.’

  Struggling not to laugh, Lumen’s eyes travelled beyond our group. She stiffened. She groped for Bravest with a look of abject horror.

  Ready to run screaming, I spun around then stilled. The confusion of me and my clan was palpable.

  Hel Bihter had returned.

  Considering what her husbands looked like Lumen’s reaction seemed unfair. The Aztekan male was fierce looking, but he’d been nothing but helpful. If her reaction was shocking that of her mates was downright violent.

  Sweeping her behind them in a protective gesture the alien barbarians took up a battle stance. They hissed so menacingly, Bravest wailed.

  Patrick’s hand drifted to his back.

  ‘Explain.’ Venomous’ tone was hard. ‘He did not show up on our scanners.’ The glossy black ovals of his eyes narrowed. ‘There was some some interference. We assumed it was radiation from the planet’s core.’

  Would that have affected their decision to help? I wondered.

  ‘He was stranded here.’ Éorik stepped forward, hand lifted in a gesture bidding for peace. ‘He is part of the reason we survived without fatalities.’

  Beowyn said nothing.

  I bit my lip when I interpreted his silence as an inclination to side with the newcomers over the Azteka male who helped us defeat our enemies.

  Lumen’s hand slid over her mate’s bulging upper arm. ‘It’s fine, Venom. He’s no danger to us.’ Her eyes were brittle flints. ‘Are you?’

  Hel Bihter stared, motionless.

  Aggravated but falling back, the Rä ceased their snarling.

  Patrick relaxed but edged closer to me and Fergie.

  Tossing his head, ropey hair flying, Fiercely took up guard. Venomous wrapped a possessive arm around his mate. Cobra that Strikes took Bravest from Lumen. I gleaned the impression should things devolve, his sole purpose would be to protect the hatchling.

  Lumen’s eyes travelled the Verak.

  When her gaze arrested on the Commander, her mouth slackened. ‘Oh, Éorik.’ She hustled over then grabbed his chin, bringing his cheek into better view. Her fingertips brushed over the marks scored there. ‘What happened?’

  ‘It was a near thing. I was put upon by a fearsome Dei San twenty feet tall with hooked claws and fangs the size of my arm.’ Éorik ran a finger from his palm to his forearm then chopped the side of his hand into the bend of his elbow to signify length. He puffed out his chest, looking decidedly self-satisfied.

  ‘I was attacked by a dozen,’ Beowyn boasted. ‘All razor-clawed and poison-fanged.’ He sauntered around in a circle then flung out his arms. ‘Did you see? Not a scratch.’ He smirked, and threw Éorik a challenging look.

  Patrick and Rowan glanced between themselves laughingly, while Aled scoffed and rolled his eyes, drawing him the Veraks’ scandalised gazes.

  Amused by their manly exaggerations, Lumen gave Éorik’s rich, nut-brown cheek another rub, avoiding the trio of red gouges.

  My body grew tight witnessing this casual affection; him so accepting. I nudged her hand aside and curved my fingers around his jaw.

  Lovely eyes came to mine, star pupils fixed luminous points, remote and incandescent like twin suns, expanding to bring light to his dark sclera at my touch. Surprise passed over his face that I would touch him in a lover-like way after my rejection of his sexual advance before the crash.

  My dumbstruck expression no doubt showed I had no answers.

  In the heat of the moment, I’d felt a spark of longing, and the gnawing feeling in my gut
had urged me to press a claim, and, now I had, it seemed inevitable–vital–that I should touch this male intimately and often. Something vicious and wounded beneath his placid surface had reached out as I’d approached, and, snared by the feral beauty of him, even as he stained the air with his silent pain, I’d answered.

  He’d protected my daughter on a hostile planet, risked his life for my family, proved his unfailing loyalty to Beowyn, and defended a lost soul while offering him a way home.

  The feelings of admiration and desire for this male of rare moral fortitude coursing through me were the polar opposite of the defensive pushback I’d experienced before.

  I’d judged him as an elitist bully.

  It shook me to acknowledge alongside the fledgling link tied to Beowyn, strengthened by his candour and my respect for his emotional depth, a chain forged of raw, unexplainable emotion now connected me to Éorik.

  Comprehensive understanding of what my heart wanted may have escaped me, but what knew as fact was I did not like her touching him. I gave Lumen the side eye and emitted an unmistakable “back off” vibe.

  Brows lifting, she threw me a hesitant smile then returned to her mates’ side. She kept her hands to herself when she passed Beowyn.

  Unlike before, he barely registered her passing. He watched me with palpable yearning. His gaze shifted to Éorik, and his lips thinned.

  Figuring I’d made my point far louder and more obvious than intended, I dropped my hand then wiped my tingling palm on my side.

  He, Fiercely Comes the Night had his black voids aimed my way. He smiled, revealing pointed teeth, and a sharper humour.

  I shivered, sidling closer to Éorik.

  Beowyn’s expression took on an irate slant. ‘We go now.’ He stalked to the whirring transport with his arms straight by his sides, hands fisted.

  Belongings tucked under his arm, Hel Bihter gave the Rä a wide birth.

  We boarded the sleek transport and strapped in as Fiercely went through a pre flight check. I spent the journey to the outer atmosphere worrying Fergie had been traumatised. My concerns were for nothing. She babbled about her favourite present, yellow mud pies and swimming before she dropped asleep mid-sentence.

  Hugging her to me, giddy with knowledge she was safe, I wept.

  Every feeling I’d blocked or repressed to survive gushed forth in a hiccuping, snotty torrent I was too emotional to be embarrassed about.

  We docked with the larger vessel.

  Venomous One and Lumen lingered with Fiercely at the helm as the transport cycled down.

  Sniffling, I patted my face dry with my sleeve then unbuckled my flight harness. Everyone but me seemed to be chatty and in good spirits.

  ‘I’ll take her.’ Patrick hefted Fergie off my lap and onto his cocked hip.

  He followed Rowan, Aled and Fergus, who were led by He, Cobra that Strikes into the cavernous launch bay of the Rä spacecraft.

  Hel Bihter prowled behind.

  Aled asked, ‘What are these moving colours in the wall then?’

  ‘It is the haze.’ Bravest gurgled in the cradle of Cobra’s upper arms while the lower ones pointed to the swirling mass between the metal crescents indicating doorways. ‘It will not harm you. Red means locked. Chime for entrance.’

  ‘No that I’m complaining,’ Rowan said, ‘but how did you get to us so fast? Last I kenned, we were deep in unclaimed space.’

  ‘My Rä’Na is Ambassador for Rök. She was on a diplomatic visit on Zoi Quay when the Verak distress signal was received. It is close to this quadrant. My nest-mate, Venomous One, requisitioned and re-assigned the Trekker to assist in your rescue. Lumen feared help from the Paladins would take too long to come from Vayhalun.’

  I double blinked. I hot-footed it after them. ‘Trick, is it no better if I keep Fergie with me from now on? Everywhere. All the time.’

  ‘Don’t be silly, lass. You need your beauty sleep.’

  I took in the Rä spaceship in blurred flashes. ‘So do you.’

  ‘My battalion once covered ten clicks of barren ground in enemy territory under the burning Sahara sun. We took submachine gun fire while dragging critical medical supplies for civilians injured by the rebel junta. Space pirates? Jungle planet?’ He snorted. ‘Piece of piss more like. I’ve no felt this good in years.’

  God bless my battle-hardened, infantryman cousin. I’d have been puffed with pride had I not been busy thinking up an argument persuasive enough he’d give me my child back. I came close to body-checking him to the deck. ‘What if she has a nightmare?’

  ‘I don’t think it likely as the Commander took good care of her, but if she does, I’ll be there to soothe her.’

  ‘What if she gets hungry?’

  His eyes rolled down to shoot me a droll look. ‘I’ll starve her to death.’

  ‘What if she cries?’

  ‘Och, do I no have arms? I’ll give her a wee cuddle.’

  ‘What if….’ I chewed my lip. ‘What if she needs me?’

  ‘You’ve had a fright, mo chridhe, but it’s important you no become clingy.’ He stopped to kiss my cheek then went right back to walking. ‘It’s a whole new world, Sìne. Fergie must understand life has its up and downs but carries on. She has to see you relax, or she’ll never settle.’

  Wandering off with our new hosts, my clan left me there struggling to cope. It was their version of tough love, but that didn’t make it easier.

  Beowyn and Éorik took one look at my face then nearly knocked themselves out making themselves scarce.

  I glared. ‘Puling cowards.’

  Chapter 13

  Lumen touched my arm. Her face was a picture of concern. ‘She’ll be alright.’ She tipped her head. ‘You must want to get clean and sleep, but do you want to sit for a while before I show you to your enclosure? Catch your breath?’

  Afraid I’d bawl if I tried to speak, I nodded, and let her lead me to a seating area off one of the corridors.

  ‘Drink?’ she asked.

  Scrubbing a hand under my cheeks, I declined.

  Giving me time to compose myself, Lumen sat across from me in all her lush glory, fiddling with the ends of her hair.

  I abruptly remembered Beowyn pontificating his attempts to fuck her when he’d been trying to distract me on the jungle planet.

  My death glare might have been a wee bit accusing.

  She shot me a defiant, oddly fear-filled look. ‘We might as well clear the air. I can tell you know.’

  ‘Beowyn told me. I’m his One.’ I crossed my arms and leant in. ‘He tells me everything.’ Was I embarrassed how vehemently I marked my territory?


  Lumen drew in a trembling breath. ‘I wish I had an excuse to give. To you of all people.’

  My eyebrow arced as my stomach twisted. ‘Just tell me.’

  ‘Please understand I was afraid. Slavery, starvation, rape. It changes you and not for the better.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘People say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ She laughed bitterly. ‘It does. Just not in ways you’d expect. I am stronger. My sense of survival has been refined to a razor fucking edge, and I trust nobody but those who prove themselves trustworthy.’ She winced. ‘So I’m sorry if I came across harsh when we met. It wasn’t my intention. I was pissed off at Boewyn and Éorik.’

  My insides felt loose and shaky. The conversation had taken a bad turn I hadn’t been prepared for. I’d expected a jealous, almost-lover to be passive-aggressively undermining my budding relationships. This heartfelt baring of the soul was unexpected.

  My crossed arms fell until my hands sat limp on my lap. ‘You were raped?’

  She nodded jerkily then shook her head. ‘Venomous didn’t understand.’

  ‘Venomous, your husband?’

  ‘He didn’t know.’ She pushed out both palms. ‘Mating is different for the Ra, and he was out of his mind because he finally had a mate.’

  That was his excuse? I
was horrified. ‘Did he kidnap you from Earth?’

  ‘No, not him. Long story short, I was abducted from my home by the L’Odo and experimented on. They had me for a long time. They did things I’d rather not go into too much detail about as it gives me night terrors.’

  I cringed remembering the stinking, debased aliens. ‘I’m sorry that happened to you.’

  ‘Thank you. In the end, the L’Odo chieftain deemed me worthless, and tossed me into an arena with a horde of slaves they’d gathered illegally from across the galaxy. Venomous was in that pit.’ She stared at the middle distance. ‘I have never been so fucking scared. I begged God for Obryn to win and not him.’ She shot me a dry look. ‘Think about how you and your family reacted when you saw my Rä’Vek coming at you. Imagine that, but naked, and mindless with bloodlust.’ She shook her head and leant back in her chair. ‘He killed Beowyn’s cousin Obryn for the right to have me.’

  ‘Oh, my God.’ I thought about someone killing Patrick or Rowan to get to me and wanted to puke. ‘Poor Owyn. He never said anything.’

  ‘Apparently, Obryn was a dick.’

  ‘Oh. After killing him, Venomous hurt you?’

  ‘I don’t want you to think….’ She stared at her clenched fists, frowning. ‘I fought him. I won’t lie about that.’ She exhaled. ‘I put up a fight at the beginning because I hadn’t come to terms with what was happening. I was dying. I was severely malnourished, and dehydrated. When I realised securing my survival by bending was an option, I accepted it was the only choice available. After he took me–’

  I flinched.

  ‘–we came to an agreement. He kept me safe, provided, and I submitted.’

  My mouth was dry, tongue like sandpaper. I’d thought the way Beowyn broke into my flat was terrible. What happened to Lumen was utterly fucked up. I couldn’t believe she was still with the monster who’d abused her. Why wasn’t she trying to flee? Had anyone tried to help her? ‘Does Beowyn know what happened to you? He’d help you if you told him you want to escape.’

  Lumen startled. Her eyes went soft and her voice gentled. ‘Oh, Sìne. It wasn’t easy and love didn’t happen overnight, but he took such good care of me. When I could understand him, I realised he didn’t see me as some broodmare. He cherished me. Loved me in his alien way. It wasn’t hard to love him back.’ She smiled. ‘I adore him. He even married me. All my Rä’Veks did. They shun lesser matings, give me what I need before I think to ask for it, and they’re always considerate of my needs. My mates and hatchling are the most important things in the universe to me. I’d die for them.’ She flipped over a palm, beseeching. ‘I don’t want you thinking of Venom as a monster. Nothing could be farther from the truth.’ Her smile widened. ‘As for Wyn, he did try to help. That’s how we met. He offered to make me his One, and give up his harem.’


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