ThunderClaw: Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 2)

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ThunderClaw: Science Fiction Romance (Alien Warrior Book 2) Page 18

by Penelope Fletcher

  My ears burned and my jaw clenched. ‘Did he?’

  ‘Yeah. He’s sweet. I was in love with Venomous by then, so I turned him down.’

  ‘He offered to give up his harem. Offered. Just like that.’

  Lumen’s expression turned wary. ‘Um.’

  ‘He took one look at you,’ my hand flashed out, gesturing to the sexual glory that was her, ‘and offered to forsake everyone else.’ The rush of anger was replaced with devastation. I was horrified by a sob crawling up my throat. I bit my cheek. Hard. ‘Perfect. Just what I needed to hear.’

  I’d known he was full of shit.

  Somewhere between charming me with his survival skills, and that kiss, I’d lost sight of the truth. I’d forgotten trying to love a man came with a price I was not willing to pay.

  It meant degradation.


  Reaching out a hand then jerking it back, Lumen leant over the table top, eyes round. ‘We’ve crossed wires, and I’ve given you the wrong impression. When Beowyn met me and realised I was mated, he got desperate.’ She swept out an arm. ‘He’d’ve accepted any old body as his One, but there I conveniently was in need of rescue. He said whatever he thought I wanted to hear to try and win me over.’

  ‘Any old body. So what am I? The consolation prize?’

  ‘That came out wrong. What I meant to say was he was desperate to have me not you.’

  ‘We’ve established that.’

  ‘Gah. I am so fucking this up.’ Lumen motioned between us. ‘Instead of settling for me, he went searching for you. He’s bedded hundreds of males and females looking for you.’

  ‘Are you kidding me with this?’

  She shook her head, frantic. ‘Veraks pillage, but it’s considered fun if they raid your planet. The females look forward to it. Most of them come from rural, downtrodden places where life is hard and short. Becoming the lover of a Verak means a lifetime of safety and comfort within a harem. If you become a favourite? You’re set for life.’

  ‘So I’m going to a planet where a bunch of aliens are going to be pissed because I’m stealing the attention of their sugar daddy?’

  Lumen looked uncertain then squinted. ‘Beowyn did explain.… He told you the size of his harem. Right?’

  ‘He spoke about a house where he keeps them. I know in some cultures Kings have dozens of wives.’ I rubbed my temples. ‘I did no much care at the time. That has changed.’

  ‘Don’t look embarrassed. I get what it’s like to go from hate to love so fast you get whiplash.’

  I opened my mouth to refute I loved him but the words wouldn’t come. I might not be head over heels, but I was falling. Proof I was a consummate idiot looking to get her heart shredded.

  ‘Okay.’ Lumen pressed her palms together. ‘House is a good word, but the place I’ve seen could be described as a dwelling of a larger size.’

  I shrugged. ‘Like a mansion?’


  ‘An estate?’

  ‘Silly me, I’ve gone wildly off topic.’

  I sat up straight. ‘Palace?’

  ‘They sort of live, um, on their own island.’

  Spluttering, I shot her a furious look as my feeble heart sank to somewhere below my toes. ‘You joke.’

  ‘I’m not that cruel. Isn’t he naughty for forgetting to mention it?’

  ‘Naughty is no the word that springs to mind.’

  ‘Let’s get back to why Beowyn will make a wonderful mate and father to your daughter.’ She tittered. ‘The concubines sound strange from a limited human perspective, but if you think about it from a liberal Verak one, the harems are actually kind of sweet. He takes care of people.’

  ‘Aye, and he fucks them too.’

  She cringed because there was no way to make an island full of sexual playthings sound better.

  I don’t know why she bothered try.

  I scrubbed my face with my hands. ‘This is crazy. I’m crazy for agreeing to go with him when I knew so little.’

  ‘If it helps, I don’t think you’re crazy.’

  Exasperated, I looked at her hard and long. Were the female concubines like her? Curvy and lush? I was skinny and shapeless. She had hazel eyes that were smoky and screamed decadent sex. Mine were green. Not grass green or sea-foam. Plain green. Lumen made me feel insecure, but she was with the dragon males. She wasn’t a threat to me in the romantic sense, and she’d worked hard to assure me of that.

  ‘You and Beowyn never had sex?’ I asked bluntly.

  There could be no doubt.

  I wanted to put my irrational fear of her usurping my place to rest. I’d have bigger concerns soon enough.

  ‘Not once.’ If the question was surprising she hid it well. ‘I was in love with Venomous and falling for Fiercely. I’m faithful to them.’

  ‘Why were you defensive earlier then? What did you think I knew?’

  Face falling, Lumen’s shine dimmed. She rubbed her forearm, elbow to wrist, a deep, bruising kneading. ‘Ever wondered why mankind is unaware we’re not alone in the universe when so many aliens have interplanetary travel?’

  ‘Maybe that was the case a few months ago, but no so much now.’

  ‘Extraterrestrials made contact with Earth?’ She spanked the table. ‘That’s not allowed.’

  ‘An alien appeared on televisions around the globe asking to speak to the leader of the humans. The broadcast even aired on the jumbotrons in London Piccadilly, Times Square in New York and Shibuya Station, Japan. Caused a riot during a cricket match in Melbourne, Australia.’ I shrugged. ‘Everywhere. Governments tried to pass it off as a publicity stunt, but you toss a stone and you’re going to hit a Believer.’ My tone turned dry. ‘I was no one of them.’

  ‘Oh.’ Her eyes were wide. ‘Well, before that, ah, international incident I was in no way responsible for Earth was undiscovered. The L’Odo came across it and abducted me. After their tests deemed our species useless, they burned Earth’s galactic coordinates onto one of my bones. It was an ‘exclusive’ location meant to up my resale value. With Venomous’ help I was able to get Earth registered and protected against poaching.’

  ‘Poaching? Sounds like they think of us as animals.’

  ‘Humanity itself isn’t yet considered an advanced sentient race. The most the Intergalactic Council are willing to do is fine poachers that remove any off planet. The proceeds from the fine awarded against my abduction is being used to help pay off Earth’s Galactic Debt. Yours will too if its reported.’

  ‘This council don’t monitor Earth?’

  ‘There are tens of thousands of planets. So, no. A registered species has to file a complaint. The good thing is even if the L’Odo or Dei San managed to get a communication out they can’t tattle on Wyn because they are no longer registered.’ She cringed. ‘Despite the advantages of Earth being a member, I feel guilty about the debt we’re accruing. Most of what happened during the registration process was out of my hands. The upside is that Earth does have legal protection against invasion, and any hybrid children will be protected under the Supreme Laws, meaning slavery and experimentation is a no, no.’

  I stiffened in alarm. ‘Fergie is no a hybrid.’

  ‘She’s your daughter, and you’re the Verak King’s mate. She’s automatically brought under his umbrella of protection.’ She fiddled with a curl, head cocked. ‘It would be better, however, if we stop off on Zoi Quay and beg an audience with Premier. I have unfinished Rä business there. We’ll address both problems with the visit.’

  My mind spun. So many things to learn. ‘Who’s that?’

  ‘A Godai Emperor who resides as the head councilman. It’s better we know for sure Fergie is protected.’

  Anything that protected my daughter was fine with me. ‘I still don’t see why you were defensive.’

  ‘The L’Odo were kicked off the Register because I wouldn’t let what happened to me and Venomous go. Their trading privileges were revoked, and all protections obliterated.’
Her eyes closed briefly. ‘To say they’re pissed at humanity is an understatement. They were going to start a war with the Ra, who are my people now. Venomous would have been on the front lines with Fiercely.’ Guilt ravaged her features. ‘It was selfish, but I couldn’t let that happen. Beowyn had to rescue me because I was kidnapped by a handful of Rä purists now consider martyrs.’ Her lips thinned. ‘Wyn liked the look of me, and had been searching for his One without success. An unknown planet with billions of potential mates was the only thing I had to offer for his allegiance.’

  ‘Its location was hidden on your body.’ Understanding of Lumen’s dilemma and resulting guilt was swift. This was why she’d been afraid to meet me? She’d managed to protect billions of people, get justice for those who had suffered under the yoke of slavery, and cemented an alliance with the sovereign of another world. Irrational fear and jealousy returned with a screaming vengeance. How could I compete for Beowyn’s respect against that? ‘I would have done the exact same thing.’

  She blinked. ‘R-Really? You don’t hate me?’

  ‘No. Éorik’s frustration when we were back on Earth, and yer reaction to my family makes sense now.’ Lumen had never been jealous, only worried she’d traded access to her home planet, and her choice meant humans would be exploited. ‘You made Owyn promise to take one person?’

  ‘One unattached and willing human each solar,’ she admitted. ‘The trip is so long, I figured he wouldn’t be able to get away from his official responsibilities that often.’ Relief shone from her eyes. ‘You really don’t hate me?’

  We weren’t friends, but we weren’t rivals either. ‘You were in an impossible position. You did the best you could with what you had. You’ve protected Earth. I doubt I’d’ve been as far seeing.’

  She wiped away tears. ‘I’ve been terrified whoever he brought back would despise me.’

  ‘I admit you intimidate me, look at you, but all of this is giving my daughter a chance at an amazing life. Beowyn’s offer is the best I’m going to get.’

  She peered at me, thoughtful. ‘Are you going to tell him how you feel?’

  ‘Who wants to make themselves vulnerable like that?’

  ‘True. I think he’ll surprise you.’

  ‘He’s ridiculous.’ And I began to love him for it.

  ‘It’s an undeniable part of his charm. Do you know he was my birthing partner?’

  I blinked. ‘No.’

  ‘Oh, yes. He argued for it, and where was he when my waters broke?’

  We burst out laughing as He, Fiercely Comes the Night marched through the room and out the haze on the other side. He didn’t acknowledge us. Even I knew it was strange he hadn’t paused to fuss over his mate.

  Lumen stared then scrambled up after him.

  I clutched my belly. ‘Are we crashing? Are we going to die?’

  ‘I don’t know. That’s his angry face, so something is going down.’

  It was difficult to keep up with a male who took three quick, well-planted strides for each of our short, bumbling ones, but we ended up on the bridge not too far behind him. I was even sweatier and stinkier than before. I’d check we weren’t falling into a sun or something then seek out my room to scrub my skin red, stuff my face, and then sleep.

  Fiercely slapped the controls. ‘I knew it. I felt us slow and change direction. He changed the co-ordinates.’

  Lumen stroked his shoulders. ‘He?’

  ‘The Verak did it.’ Glowering, the Rä hissed. ‘Beowyn.’

  Lumen leant forward to get a better look. ‘Changed it to where?’

  Chapter 14

  Paniki pleasure station wasn’t as wonderful as Beowyn recalled. It might have something to do with his absentee One. Sìne remained in her enclosure on the Rä vessel, refusing this offer to host her on the luxury suite he’d rented on the planet, and denying his request to show her the varied delights on offer. He was embarrassed at how he’d been dismissed from her presence.

  He’d groomed well, had his facial hair trimmed and his locks oiled and braided. He had worn the best garments credits could buy at short notice, a silky tunic that showed off his arms and tight leathers with easy-access fastenings. He’d practiced in front of the mirror how he would pledge his life-bearing seed. Why he’d even picked the perfect secluded location for a romantic meal to conclude an evening of decadent ecstasy where they could give in to their passion and rut like animals in heat.

  Beowyn had expected his female to be ecstatic at the thought of passing the time with him after their ordeal.

  Once she’d unlocked the haze to his enthusiastic ring of the chime, her face had been wary, a coldness clinging to her expression he was discomfited to see. ‘Hello, Beowyn.’ Her smile was tight and didn’t reach her expressive eyes. ‘Can I help you with something?’

  ‘I have come to escort you about the station.’ He’d rubbed his hands together. ‘I have much to show you.’

  ‘That’s kind of you, but I’m no in the mood. Maybe tomorrow?’

  And that had been that.

  Deciding to go back to his leased apartment and let the melancholy take him, Beowyn did a double take at the group emerging from the pleasure temple opposite where he stood. He’d paused at an eatery to buy a platter of candied meat to gorge on as he imbibed.

  Fiercely bellowed in Lumen’s face before taking two quick strides to distance himself from her. A visibly seething Venomous One was close behind, his fists clenching at his sides.

  Wide-eyed, Lumen was left standing with her smallest mate, Cobra. The famed master Hunter rubbed her back while she scrubbed at her eyes.

  Beowyn cancelled his order.

  He’d never seen the serpents act with anything but slavish devotion when it came to their human mate.

  Crossing the busy avenue, he waved as he approached to catch her attention.

  Lumen swiped at her cheeks and greeted him with a trembly smile. ‘Hi, Wyn.’ Her eyes drifted to her wayward mates and welled when they felt her gaze and instead of returning to her stormed towards the spaceport.

  ‘Do not worry so, my hearts.’ Cobra drew her into his arms and nuzzled at her cheek, forked tongue flickering as he tasted her emotions. ‘It will be fine.’

  ‘What did they do?’ Beowyn asked.

  ‘Nothing.’ Lumen pressed the heel of her palm to her forehead. ‘They’re upset because of this.’ She motioned behind her at the exclusive establishment Beowyn knew had rave reviews on the entertainment feeds. ‘I read up on this place on the communication matrix.’ She sighed. ‘There’s a pod called Paradise where you can enact any fantasy you want.’

  ‘A group version of the pleasure couch.’ He nodded, following along but uncomprehending why it riled the warrior Rä into a rage.

  ‘Except the pleasure couch has limits. They have a simulation in the pod where you and your partners can imagine yourself as a whole other species.’ She avoided his eyes, expression miserable. ‘I took my mates into one. I made myself look like a Rä female.’ She gave a helpless shrug of her shoulders. ‘They didn’t react as I expected.’

  ‘Lah.’ Beowyn gently touched her cheek. He understood. Lumen had tried to please a secret longing she had decided her alien mates must hold. They viewed her offering as an abomination for they accepted and adored her as she was. For her to be different or try to be different–even for the duration of a single rutting–was anathema to them. ‘You did not need to do this thing.’

  ‘It wasn’t…I’m not wishing to be something other than I am.’ She shook her head against Cobra’s chest. ‘I wanted them to know what it’s like. That’s all. Just in case they ever wondered what it’d be like to be with someone like them. I know Fiercely always wanted…just in case.’

  ‘I was mated when I first beheld you.’ Cobra’s scintillating blue scales pulled taut over his features, pained at the memory. ‘I experienced what you sought to push on them, and I tell you now, nothing I felt during those aeons during clutch comes close to how I feel when y
ou make love to me.’

  ‘Oh.’ Lumen peered up at him, chewing her lip. ‘I messed up, huh?’

  He touched his flattened nose to her snub one. ‘It will be fine.’

  Lumen freed herself from his embrace. ‘Go to them, would you? Calm them down so I can explain myself? I hate fighting.’

  After checking Beowyn was agreeable to watching over her, cupping his mate’s face, Cobra kissed her lips then set after his nest-mates.

  She watched him go then peeked at Beowyn, sheepish. ‘I’m an idiot.’

  Grinning, knowing the Rä would not stay mad at her for long, he draped an arm over her shoulders. ‘Tell me of one who is not a fool when it comes to matters of the heart.’ He tipped his chin towards the eatery. ‘Hungry?’

  ‘I could eat. Do they have–oh, look.’ Lumen brightened, pointed, and then waved wildly overhead, bouncing on the spot. ‘Éorik! Over here.’

  Through the crowd, he glimpsed knee-length white hair, a muscular body clad in charcoal leathers, boots, and twin blades latched to a back holster.

  Éorik turned, pointed, silver studded ear twitching as he sought the source of the voice shouting his name. Neon purple highlighted his chiselled profile as the lights from brothels and floating advertisements flashed to snag the attention of passersby on the esplanade.

  Beowyn winced then wiped his face of expression. He tipped his horn in greeting when Éorik’s questioning gaze met his. ‘You catch me on my way to the planet hoppers.’ He hesitated, surreptitiously scouring the surroundings for a head of orange curls. ‘Truth, I expected to find you engaged elsewhere for the night.’


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