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Mafia Protection (Tomassi Series Book 1)

Page 17

by AA Lee

  “Breakfast,” Lila grinned. “So let’s eat before it gets cold. I brought it from this amazing bakery in Miami.”

  “Well, come on,” Ella urged. “We can use the small table between these chairs.” Lila’s cheerful voice was exactly what she needed right now. Angelo must have known. Why else would he let Lila in his room?

  “So, you and Mr. Tomassi are dating?” Lila asked as she took out two coffees and some sweet bread.

  “I guess,” Ella said and looked at the ring. “It’s a strange situation.”

  “He’s…different.” Lila shook her head. “He’s so reclusive and strict. It’s like he thinks I’m a threat.”

  Ella laughed. Angelo thought everyone was a threat. “I don’t know. There’s more to him than that. He can be sweet.”

  “Well, it’s good that you see it. How long are you going to stay here?” Lila looked up at her and shoved a piece of bread in her mouth. The bread was more like cake with a crusted outer edge. Ella thought the sweetness perfectly complemented the bread.

  “I don’t know that either. My life is a little crazy right now. When I know, then I’ll let you know.”

  “Yeah, so he’s keeping you under lock and key?”

  “No,” Ella immediately replied, though she felt as if that was exactly what Angelo was doing.

  “I guess it’s fine as long as you like him.”

  “Yes, a lot,” she answered. Ella thought about her car without spark plugs and the battery. It made her chuckle. “Well, I don’t like everything. He can be a bit overbearing.”

  Lila nodded and finished chewing her bite. “I bet he can be scary. I mean, when I was outside, I stood my ground, but he looked like he would kill me.”

  Ella did not comment and considered it a possibility, but she did not want to get into it and changed the subject. “Did you find a job yet?” she asked instead; then Lila held up the bag.

  “Yes, and I have my nights open every day. The only problem I have with it is that I have to wake up at four in the morning; but a job is a job. I’ll work there until something else comes along.”

  “Good to hear,” said Ella.

  “Speaking of which, I have tomorrow off. Since you are already here, why don’t we hang out tonight? It will be fun.”

  Ella looked around the room. Why not? She had nothing better to do with her time. “Sure, I think they will let me do that.”

  Lila laughed. “It’s like getting permission from your parents.”

  “Not funny,” Ella warned when Rafa tapped on the door and came inside.

  “All right, enough chitchat. It’s time to go. I have to speak to Ella.”

  “You mean Mr. Tomassi didn’t want to come end our reunion?” Lila provoked and then raised her hands at the glare she received. “I’m going,” she said and gave Ella a hug. “See you tonight, babe.”

  After Lila walked out, Rafa looked at her and crooked his finger. “Angelo wants to see you in his office.”

  “I am hurting,” she said.

  “Really, you didn’t look hurt when you tried to escape this morning.”

  Ella blew a breath of air. “I wasn’t trying to escape. I was trying to go talk to my father.”

  “Yes, that is just what Angelo wants to speak to you about.”

  “Can’t he do it here?”

  “Please, Angelo caters to no one. Besides, he’s busy looking at paperwork anyway.”

  “Fine,” she gave in. “Do you know where he put the meds that the doctor left for me?”

  “I brought you some.”

  Ella grabbed her coffee and swallowed the pills as she followed Rafa to the adjoining hall. He did not talk to Angelo. Rafa simply set a folder on his desk and left. Angelo flipped it open and studied the contents. Did he know she was in the room?

  Ella was tired of standing. She felt tired in general as though she would fall asleep at any moment. Ella quietly sat down on the sofa and started to doze off.

  “About your father,” he started.

  “Yes?” Her voice was drowsy. “Oh. What about him?”

  “What’s wrong with you?” Angelo asked. “Why don’t you come here?”

  “I am so tired,” Ella muttered and stumbled to his desk. On top laid a picture. She could not figure out why it was there. “Why do you have his picture?” she asked. “Is he involved too?”

  “Your father?” asked Angelo.

  “I don’t know.” She smiled. “My caretaker could have been involved. He taught me how to shoot a gun.”

  Angelo looked at her confused and picked up the picture of the sandy-haired man. “Who is this?” he asked.

  “Mr. Sullivan,” she slurred and grabbed onto his desk. Angelo gave her a look like she was drunk.

  “This is not your father,” he continued and Ella shook her head back and forth.

  “He is Mr. Sullivan.”

  “What’s his first name?”

  “That is a good question. It’s lucky that I know his first name,” she replied.

  “And?” Angelo waited.

  “I need to lie down.” Ella started to move when Angelo stood up and embraced her with his arms.

  “What is Sullivan’s first name, Ella?”

  “Jacob,” she answered and swayed to his body.

  “Fuck,” she heard him say as he lifted her body in the air. “I’m going to kill Rafa. Those meds shouldn’t do this to you.”

  She could feel her body move as he walked back to the sofa with her. “You sedated me?” she whispered and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I would never give you anything that would hurt you,” he said and laid her down.

  “You smell nice.” Her fingers gripped through his hair. “Am I really your girlfriend? Because I don’t even know if you like me.” Angelo smiled and shook his head. Ella could not help her honesty and squeezed one of his arms. “You are very muscular. Do you work out? Your arms feel amazing around me, too.”

  The door opened again and Rafa walked inside. Angelo’s entire demeanor changed in an instant. “How many of those damn things did you give her?”

  “Three. Why?” Rafa answered without worry, but Angelo’s expression hardened.

  “Hell, someone of her frame only needs two—max! No wonder she’s zoning out like this.”

  “Why are you looking at me? You said you wanted her to sleep,” Rafa countered.

  “Not for two damn days!”

  “She’ll come out of it before evening.”

  Angelo looked back at her. He had gorgeous serious eyes when he was aggravated. Ella wanted to touch him and laid her palms on his chest.

  “You have an extremely nice body, Mr. Tomassi. Why don’t you show it to me again sometime?”

  She could hear Rafa laugh but Angelo seemed to get angrier than he was. “You say one fucking word,” Angelo warned and pointed his gun at the door. It surprised Ella but she was not afraid.

  “There’s no need to get pissed off. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.”

  “She’s drugged,” Angelo scowled.

  “Being possessive over a woman isn’t really your style, Angelo.”

  Angelo tapped his fingers on the table and breathed in deep. Ella could tell that he was controlling his temper around her. “That picture that Donnie gave you. It’s not Collins. It’s a man named Jacob Sullivan. Look into it.”

  “What?” Rafa looked surprised.

  “No questions just get out of my office,” he said and waited for the door to shut. “You need to heal, and rest is the best way.” He looked down at Ella.

  Ella pouted. She slid her arms around his neck and locked her hands together. “Don’t leave me. I don’t want to be alone.”

  Angelo let out a breath as she scooted over for him. She hoped he would not be able to resist her invitation. “All right, Ella.” He closed his arms around her body and pulled her to his chest. He gave her a gentle kiss on the top of her head. “It won’t hurt me to stay for a few minutes.”


  Ella opened her eyes straight up and looked at the ceiling. How long had she slept? She looked around for a clock but found none. Someone had moved her to a different room than Angelo’s room. They probably carried her in here to keep an eye on her, since Angelo’s room had no cameras inside.

  She yawned and clicked on the screen of her phone. It was already past six in the evening. She told Lila that she would join her tonight. Ella had to get dressed.

  Then something jarred Ella’s thoughts, her face turning bright red at the recollection. She remembered bits of what she had told Angelo earlier that morning. How could she say those things? Ella wanted to disappear. She would be unable to look him in the eye as she remembered that she practically threw herself at him. Then again, it did make him smile, and he did hug her back. That counted for something at least.

  Ella slipped on a simple black dress and flats. She did not feel like anything fancy today. She would not be in the VIP room and no one would show her off. She would relax with her friend over a cocktail. Ella looked forward to a normal night ahead and hoped that no one in a suit with a gun would threaten her life. She had enough of that lately. Ella needed a break and called to see if Lila had arrived.

  “Hello,” answered Lila.

  “It’s Ella. I’m just seeing if you are here yet.”

  “I am walking around the building, and I brought a couple of friends.”

  Ella groaned. Her relaxing night may not be so relaxing. “All right, I am waiting out front,” she said and hung up.

  Around the corner walked Lila and Robby with their hands joined; behind them Lila’s friend Brandi followed. Ella took a breath and thought, this should be fun. No dress could be shorter or a brighter red color than the one that Brandi wore.

  “I am ready to meet a rich, beautiful man,” Brandi announced and grabbed Ella’s arm. Brandi acted as though the two of them were longtime friends. Ella gave her a look of surprise, but Brandi just smiled in return. Ella guessed if anything, at least the night would take her mind off everything else.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Lila looked at Robby as Brandi gazed around the club. “I told you that this place was worth leaving Miami.”

  “Hey.” Somebody tapped on Ella’s shoulder. “I’m sorry about the restaurant. It’s good to see you out.”

  Ella turned right around with Brandi still on her arm. She would never forget his gorgeous smile. She could also feel Brandi staring at her and waiting without patience.

  “Brandi, this is Caleb. Caleb,” She pointed at Brandi. “Brandi.”

  “Well, you are handsome but I see you already know Ella. Have any friends?” she asked without any thought or hesitation.

  Caleb looked around when another man stepped beside him. “This is my friend Frederick.”

  “Freddy, I like that,” Brandi said and scanned his body, his long-sleeved shirt clinging to his muscular build and brown hair parted on the side.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us?” asked Lila. “Never mind, I will do it myself.” Lila said without waiting. “I’m Lila, and this is my boyfriend Robby.”

  “We were just grabbing two more drinks, but we have a pool table over there. Would all of you like to play?” Caleb asked but only looked at Ella.

  “Oh,” said Brandi. “We’ll join if you are paying.”

  Ella glanced at Brandi fast. She did not just say that. Ella needed a drink.

  “You are beautiful.” Frederick took Brandi’s hand. “I don’t mind paying.”

  “Are you going to play too?” Caleb asked Ella.

  Lila bumped Ella on the arm and jolted her from her thoughts.

  “All right…Lila,” she emphasized. “I’m game, Caleb. Show us the way.”

  Caleb smiled and followed Brandi and Frederick to the first pool table near the door. As he began racking the balls, he looked at Ella with the sweetest smile. “I’m glad you decided to play. You can be on my team.”

  Lila and Robby enjoyed the others’ company as Frederick and Brandi took turns with shooting the balls. Ella did not think either of them was into the pool games with the way they hung all over the other. She could not believe that Brandi and Frederick had just met. She would not have the courage herself. Then they set down their pool sticks during the fourth game and abandoned Caleb and Ella in the middle.

  “What are they doing?” Ella asked Caleb, feeling a bit awkward that they left her alone with him.

  “It looks like they are joining your other friends on the dance floor. Would you care to dance with me?” Caleb held out his hand.

  Ella let out a silent breath and looked into his sincere blue eyes. They reminded her that there were normal people in the world. One dance would not hurt. After all, he had bought her drinks and paid for the games. She could at least return his efforts with a dance.

  She welcomed Caleb and his change of pace, which did not involve ordering her around. His gentle movements made Ella overlook the fact that members of Angelo’s group were watching her from upstairs. She enjoyed the dance with Caleb. When the song ended, Ella let go of his hand and smiled. She started to thank him for the dance when Caleb reached his hands around her cheeks and planted the most delicate kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, Ella just stared.

  “I…am sorry.” A small blush met his cheeks, and he looked at the floor. “I did that too fast when I don’t know you very well. It is that…you are sweet, and something came over me. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Ella tried to smile again, but an image of Angelo kept running through her thoughts. The craziness of his life mattered little. It was Angelo’s face that she saw—that she wanted. Ella sighed and grabbed Caleb’s hand.

  “Thank you for a fun evening, but I really must go now.”

  “Maybe I can see you again then,” he asked. His voice hesitated with the expression on her face.

  “I can’t. I’m sorry.” Ella looked at him once more and then rushed from the dance floor to the back of the club.

  Ella felt out of breath when she came to the door of the room where she slept. What a disaster. Her relaxing evening had turned into a nightmare that she would have to explain. For now, she needed to catch her breath and walked straight in the room. Then she froze. Ella did not know what to say or do. Angelo sat on the bed. Ella gazed at him with a terrified expression as he held his forehead with one of his hands.

  “So the first chance you get, you run to another man’s arms? Is that how it is?” Ella started to open her mouth, but she could say nothing to counter the sadness in his voice. Even though she did nothing that terrible, she felt like she had somehow betrayed him. “Is that what you want, someone else? Do you want me to leave you alone? Am I wasting my time with you?”

  “No…I turned him down,” she mumbled. “I came back here.”

  “Did you come back because you felt guilty? Or were you afraid of my reaction?”

  Her mouth opened. “You would say something like that.” Her reply was full of resentment.

  “What do you want from me?” he asked as he stood. “I show interest in you, and you dance with some other man while wearing my ring.” Angelo’s tone sounded harsh, but he was probably trying to mask the distress in his voice. He spoke out of frustration with her more than anything else did.

  “This ring?” Ella lifted her hand. “I had no choice but to wear this ring.”

  “So you never took the ring seriously? That ring is an important part of who I am. Apparently you have no clue about that ring’s significance.”

  “What? I’m supposed to play the part of your girlfriend when I don’t even know if you really like me? You never confirmed we were a couple. What am I supposed to think?”

  “Like you?” Angelo placed his fingers over his right temple and tried to make sense of her words. “Are you serious?”

  “Well…do you?” She looked at him for an answer.

  “Do I seriously have to spell it out for you?” He shook his head, looking at her with an incr
edulous expression. “You are the first woman I have ever willingly let around me for more than a day. You have been in my house, in my office, and the room I have here at the club. Do you think I am that friendly with every woman? If you can’t figure out that I like you after all this time, then maybe you should go back to that man downstairs.”

  “I’m so…”

  “No,” he added to his defense. “I don’t want to hear it. I am who I am. I’m not one of those helpless romantics, and I won’t shower you with meaningless gifts. But that doesn’t mean I’m not capable of liking someone, and I thought I made it pretty obvious to you when I kissed you at your house…and mine.”

  With that, Angelo slammed the door behind him and left Ella completely speechless.


  Ella stumbled to the bed and sat down, staring at the door. He had actually said he liked her. She smiled in reflection of his words until she remembered he was mad. How would he react if she went after him? What if he refused to see her? What would she do then? Ella took a breath and stood. She had to take that chance. She could not end the night like this.

  She walked with hesitated steps, as though going slowly down the hallway would somehow boost her odds. She heard the shuffling of ammo cartridges from the other side of his door. Did he intend to end her life and be finished with her?

  She put the foolish thought aside, but still did not gain the courage to knock. It was not until he clicked off the lamp that she raised her hand before he fell asleep. She squeezed her eyes shut tight before tapping on the door; then she braced herself for his reaction when he answered—but nothing. Angelo must have known it was her and ignored her soft knock altogether. Ella raised her hand again before she could reconsider. She made it count this time and pounded the door until he knew she was serious.

  She would not knock a third time and would leave if he still would not answer. However, it opened. Angelo stared at her from the entryway. His hand was on his hair, mussed from the pillow; his dark eyes cast down on her with annoyed curiosity.

  “What do you want, Ella?” His voice sounded tired, disinterested in why she came. She felt sorry for disturbing him. Why did she think that this was a good idea in the first place? “What is so important that you disrupt me when I am trying to go to sleep?” he said with annoyance. “I have to wake up early for work tomorrow.”


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