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Mafia Protection (Tomassi Series Book 1)

Page 31

by AA Lee

  “Honestly, I saw her eyes last night. You did, too. I think she gets it now. I was surprised that we didn’t find her crying. She had enough sense not to break down when it was important. Sullivan said she took care of a couple of people herself.”

  “Another beer.” The bartender set two down and then left. She knew he would pay in a minute.

  Angelo shot. He made a stripe and walked around the table. “That’s another thing,” he began. “I don’t like her being able to shoot that well.”

  “It’s a little late to take away the skill.”

  “I don’t want her involved with group affairs.” He ignored Rafa’s remark. “I don’t want the life to harden her.”

  “Well, you can’t have her with you and not with you. You need to give her something to take her attention off of you.”

  “Like another restaurant.” Angelo nodded in thought. She might love the idea, or she might try to compare it with Santiago’s. It was a gamble.

  “That’s right,” Rafa agreed.

  “I’ll think about it,” Angelo said and watched Rafa aim. “I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten today.”

  Rafa looked over the counter at the grill. It was the nastiest thing that he probably ever saw. “No way,” he scoffed.

  “You will risk your life with a bullet, but you’re not willing to eat a homemade burger.”

  “I am not into food poisoning. That’s a slower way to go than with a bullet.” Rafa missed again and stood up. “All right, you order. I will wait for you to eat first. If you don’t die an agonizing death, then I will eat mine.”

  Angelo laughed at him. Rafa was a bit of a germaphobe. He figured it had something to do with his background, but he did not need to ask.

  “It’s a deal,” Angelo said. It will be worth my while just to watch you eat something that is not gourmet.

  “I don’t have to have expensive meals. I just prefer them cooked in conditions that are more sanitary. I bet this place would not pass an inspection.”

  “No, I’m sure it wouldn’t, but you aren’t calling on them. I’ve been coming here for years, and I plan to keep coming. It’s my only private getaway.”

  “All right then, as I said, if you order the food, I will eat.” Rafa gave in.


  Something crashed against the door and startled Ella awake. Nina was asleep in the guest room, and she had fallen asleep on the sofa waiting up for Angelo. She was worried about where he went until so late at night. It was almost three in the morning when something fell against the door again.

  Ella sat straight up, hoping it was Angelo but also hoping that it was not more trouble. The lock twisted and then the doorknob turned. Angelo stumbled inside and leaned against the wall. He tried to shut the door, but Rafa stepped in behind him.

  “What happened?” Ella asked as Rafa closed the door.

  “You happened,” Angelo slurred and dragged his feet down the hallway to their bedroom.

  “Let him sleep it off, Ella,” Rafa said and took a seat on the chair next to her.

  “I messed up with him, didn’t I?” she asked. Her head lowered and she held it with her hand. She felt like she could not do anything right, and everything seemed like it was getting worse.

  “Do you want the truth?” Rafa asked her pointedly.

  “No, I really don’t,” she replied. Ella knew how blunt Rafa could be. Nothing he said would make her feel better. She would rather him leave her alone to sort out her own thoughts than give a speech.

  Rafa frowned at her answer and opened his mouth. If he was going to tell her his opinion anyway, why did he bother to ask her if she wanted to hear? She should have expected as much from him.

  “The truth is, Ella, you scared the shit out of him by doing what you did. You may not like him to order you around, but this has always been your life. Nobody can change that. It’s not like he has a choice either. Do you realize if they took you last night, you would be in Bonadio’s bed this morning? It would have gotten serious for you very fast.”

  Ella blinked. She was trying not to cry but Rafa was good at pointing out everything she had already considered. It made it worse to hear it in words.

  “You put everyone at risk for no reason at all. We don’t even put our own members at risk if we can help it. Angelo never wanted you in that kind of danger. He would have gone mad if they had taken you last night. Surely, you have grasped that much about how he feels.”

  Ella wiped her eyes and then fidgeted with the tassels on the pillow. He was right, but he could have curved the truth a little. It was not as though she had anyone she could really talk to about everything that had happened. She already felt helpless to do anything with her life.

  “Ah hell,” Rafa groaned. He shifted from the chair to the sofa and wrapped both arms around her shoulders. “It’s going to be all right,” he said and hugged her to his chest. “I don’t know why you doubted Angelo in the first place. He would have never signed that shit.”

  “He was so mad that he left today. He left me alone just like my father did to my mother.”

  “Ella. Angelo is not Gregorio. I know I wasn’t with his group when everything started to go wrong. I do know that you have nothing to worry about.”

  “He will get tired of me and cheat on me,” she added.

  “No, I can’t see that happening. All he did tonight was eat bad food and drink beer at a bar that should have been demolished twenty years ago. He doesn’t want to see you hurt.”

  “Fine,” She mumbled the reply.

  “You love him, don’t you, Ella?”

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  Rafa nodded and stood, staring down on her as he took a small step back. “Then take care of him, Ella. He knows about being lonely. He needs to know you are going to be there for him when he’s done with this shit. Worrying about you is making him lose his focus, and I mean that. When he wakes up tomorrow, I want you to talk to him. Make sure he knows that you trust him enough to handle situations that concern you. If you do, Angelo will give you the best life you could want. Understand?”

  “Yes, I get it.”

  “Good, now go get some sleep. I’m sure you’ve had a long day, too.”


  The next morning, Ella was sitting at the table and flipping through a magazine that Nina had left when Angelo darted in the kitchen. He wore no shirt. His thin cotton pants were twisted slightly. His hair was sticking up on one side. He looked at her and ran his fingers through the strands.

  “I thought you left again,” he breathed and looked away. His panicked expression made her feel bad. He was always worrying about her. Then he groaned and fixed his pants. “I drank way too much last night,” he scolded himself.

  Angelo sat down as Ella stood up. She walked to the kitchen counter and hit start above a coffee cup she had set out. It only took a minute. She thought the caffeine might alleviate the headache he felt. She stirred cream into his coffee and set it in front of him without saying a word. Then she sat back down where she was.

  “I’m sorry, Angelo,” she whispered.

  He wiped his tired, hungover face and repeated her apology, “You’re sorry.” He shook his head and took a drink of the coffee. “What exactly are you sorry for, Ella? Risking your life? Risking mine? Risking my men?”

  Ella sat back against the chair in silence and thought about what he asked. If he had not shown up, she would be at the mercy of Bonadio as Rafa had said. A shiver ran up her spine and down her arms at the thought.

  Angelo slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out his ring. She wondered if the employees gave it back to him the night she thought he was marrying another woman. He held it to the light and turned it over a few times; then he reached for her hand and slipped it back on her finger.

  “You think that ring is something I use to track you, but you’re wrong. That ring is a symbol of who I am. My father gave it to me when I assumed his title over the group; then I gave it to you. That’s how valua
ble you are to me. I placed the tracker inside before we ever met.” Angelo leaned back and picked up his cup again.

  Ella stared at him. She knew then that she would never be lonely enough to want to replace him. Nothing could ever change the way she felt when she saw how vulnerable he could be.

  “You almost didn’t have a choice about whose wife you became,” he continued. “Then what? I can’t even think about what would have happened if I had showed up a minute later.”

  “I understand that now,” she offered. Angelo looked at her. It was the first time in two days that he did not look away.

  “Well, you didn’t want your father dictating when we got married. Now you have it. There is a huge investigation going on because of that attack on you and Sullivan. Cops are swarming the streets. I can’t afford to put my men in that kind of risk and get involved with Gregorio’s group with corrupt POs everywhere.”

  “I didn’t mean for it to happen like that.”

  “I know you didn’t, but it still did. I arranged to marry you in three weeks. I hope that will give you enough time to come to terms with everything that has happened. If we don’t get married then, the first agreement I signed with your father will be void,” he said. Then Angelo grabbed his cup before getting up and walking to the other room.

  Ella did not want to see him stressed anymore. Rafa and Nina were right. He had enough responsibilities with the group and his businesses. She should not add to it. He should be able to relax when he was around her. She wanted him to be able to relax.

  She sat at the table for several more minutes, giving him a chance to wake up. Then she heard a couple of piano keys. It seemed like a test, to see if the notes were in tune. Ella stood. More notes started to play. Was he going to play a song?

  She did not give him any more time. Ella walked down the hallway to the spare room with the piano. She knew it was Angelo who played, but seeing his fingers dance along the keys came as a surprise. She watched him with fascination.

  A minute later, it stopped. She let out a breath, wishing that he would continue. He glanced over at her. That was why he stopped. He knew that she was in the room.

  “I always wondered if you played.”

  “It’s been almost fifteen years. I’m surprised that I remember how.”

  “Your music is beautiful.”

  Angelo looked back at the piano. Nobody ever complimented him on his talent. She found it sad that no one knew he could play.

  “Will you play me a song?” she asked and sat down on the bench beside him.

  “Can you keep this between us?” he asked her back. Ella nodded and Angelo started to set his fingers on the keys when he looked over at her grinning face. “I think you are far too excited about this.”

  Her smile softened as she stared at him. Of course, she was excited. She loved this side of Angelo and would treasure the moment forever.

  “All right,” he consented. “Then this piece will belong to you.”

  The music started again. His fingers moved gracefully over the keys, making the lovely music fill the empty room. The tune was beautiful; Ella found no errors in the notes.

  “I guess you never forget something you’ve learned.” He continued.

  Ella did not recognize the piece. It was different from every other song she had heard. His fingers glided across the keys in perfect rhythm, making her eyes shut to focus on its melody. The piece lasted longer than the average song did. She liked how he concentrated on the song. Angelo clearly was passionate about playing the piano.

  “I wrote that when I was fifteen,” he said after he finished the song. “You are the first one to hear it, Ella, so it makes sense to give it to you.”

  “I feel honored.”

  “Well, playing piano and my father’s wishes didn’t mesh well together. I tried to forget that I ever did play.”

  “It’s a shame; I wish you would play another.” Ella hoped but was still ecstatic that he played for her at all.

  Angelo lowered the cover over the keys and grinned. “I’m afraid that’s all I have for you for now, but I might play for you again sometime.” He leaned closer and kissed her forehead when she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers weaved through his hair. Small chills formed where her nails had touched.

  “What’s this?” he quietly asked. Her affectionate gesture took him by surprise, but she did not let go. A small smile replaced his serious expression. His strong arms finally hugged her back.

  “Thank you for coming after me,” she whispered.

  “Like I would ever leave you out there alone,” he huffed with a shake of his head. “But you can’t run off like that. Maybe now you will believe what I tell you and listen more.”

  “I do,” she said. “You don’t have to worry about me leaving. I won’t put you through that again,” Ella promised him, making his grip around her body tighter than before. She was not sure if he believed her but hoped he did.

  “God I love you, Ella, but sometimes, sometimes, I think you’re going to be the death of me.”


  Ella waited impatiently as Lila weaved small white flowers through her hair. She clenched a towel with her fingers, trying to keep her sweaty palms dry. She could not believe the night of the wedding was here. The last few weeks had been crazy for her. Talking to Nina and Rafa helped to ease her fears. What could she really do? She now understood why she had the life that she had. At least she had an advantage. She was marrying the man she loved.

  Ella was disappointed about one thing, though. They would have to keep their marriage quiet. That was why they were getting married in a small chapel outside of the city limits. Their vows were necessary for the agreement between Angelo and her father, but if Bonadio found out, he would triple the attacks on Angelo and his group. Angelo did not want to risk his men any more than needed. Ella now clearly understood the dangers.

  She peeked from a crack in the door at the people who had gathered. Most of them were Angelo’s elite members and their wives, but she found them intimidating. There must have been enough gunpowder in that room to blow up the building.

  “Are you ready?” asked Lila. Ella closed the door and smiled. She was ready…, excited…, and terrified out of her mind. She was glad to have Lila there. She needed at least one person she knew. Angelo was not thrilled about inviting her, but as long as she did not tell anyone about the vows, he allowed her to attend. Ella felt grateful for the support.

  Music started to play. Ella took a deep breath in and exhaled. With a tap at the door that signaled that it was almost time, Lila started to open it up.

  “You look amazing tonight. It’s like I said before, Ella. I’m happy if you’re happy. I still can’t believe it, though. I would have never thought that you would marry him when I saw him looking at you at Santiago’s.” Ella looked down for a moment. Lila’s mention of the restaurant caught her off guard. “Oh! I’m so sorry,” Lila said. “I didn’t mean to…”

  Ella smiled. “No, it’s okay. I’m getting married. It’s time for me to let go of the restaurant anyway.”

  “Yes, you are.” Lila hugged her tightly. “I’ll see you on the other side,” she said and walked out of the room.

  The music grew louder for a second and then quieted again as Lila shut the door. Ella was alone. Her legs started to tremble. Her heart raced against her chest. She tried to breathe steady breaths, but her technique was not working at all. She hoped that she would not sweat through her silky pearl sleeves. She hoped that she would not step on the long fabric of her gown. Ella opted out of a veil; the flowers in her hair would have to do. She wondered how Angelo would react when he saw her. She hoped that he would like what he saw.

  “What a beautiful bride.”

  Ella turned around as Sullivan gently grabbed her arm. She smiled. She should have known that Sullivan would attend. He had never let her do anything by herself—not once. He looked out for her much better than her father had. He was like family to her.
She was glad to see him there.

  “Ella,” he said. “We can’t have the bride walking down the aisle alone. Would you like me to escort you?”

  “Yes, I would really like that,” she answered. Having him there made her feel a lot better.

  “You look absolutely stunning, by the way. Tomassi is lucky to have you.”

  “Thank you,” she said and almost started to cry. Ella fanned the tears away when Sullivan handed her a tissue.

  “I have something for you. Since you are keeping your vows secret, I brought a chain that you can give Tomassi. I had your name engraved in the links so he will always remember to think about you. Just slide the ring that you have on the chain, and he will never have to take it off.”

  Ella took the chain and wrapped it around her wrist twice. “Thank you. You are always so thoughtful, Mr. Sullivan.”

  Sullivan gave her a warm smile and held out his arm. “Ready?”

  Ella inhaled another shaky breath and nodded. “I’m ready.”

  As they stepped out, her hands shook more than when she was in the room. She saw the guests and glanced at the musicians on a stage in the corner, yet she heard no sounds at all. Racing thoughts consumed her mind, leaving her oblivious to everything else. Guests stood, but Ella only focused on him. She started to feel lightheaded. Angelo looked gorgeous in the black tuxedo as he returned her stare.

  “I know he would never do anything to betray your trust,” Sullivan said. “Tomassi will make you happy.”

  “Thank you. I know he will.” At times, she found Angelo terrifying but looked forward to more sweet moments in their future. She valued the softer side of him that he only showed her.

  As she stood directly in front of Angelo, she found it difficult to keep her balance. If her knees wobbled anymore, she would not be able to hold up her weight. Sullivan handed her shaking hand over to Angelo and gave a single nod. His eyes almost seemed sad with his smile.


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