Loving the Girl in the Tutu: Uncontrolled Heroes Book 3

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Loving the Girl in the Tutu: Uncontrolled Heroes Book 3 Page 4

by KL Donn

  “My sister is sick,” her soft voice reveals as she sits up, and I’m faced with the scarring along her back and sides. The nearly faded bruises. Touching the tender skin, she shivers. “When she was four, she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Her odds of survival were low because of her rare blood type.” With Royal's knees cradled to her chest, I move in to recline behind her. Curling my body around hers as she stares at the water.

  “My parents were told a familial donor would be best for a bone marrow transplant, blood transfusions. Anything else. But Leia was an only child, and they weren’t a good enough match for her.” Pressing my head to her thigh, I know where this is going. “They had Leia undergoing all the chemotherapy and radiation while my mother got pregnant. With me.”

  “Royal…” I have no fucking clue what to say to offer her comfort.

  She shakes her head, and the blonde locks I’ve grown to enjoy running my fingers through hide her face. Pushing the curls back off her shoulder, I caress the back of her neck. “How old were you the first time?” Because it’s obvious she's donated more than once.

  Letting out a mirthless laugh, she closes her eyes. “The chemo, the radiation, were successful shortly after I was born. Leia wasn’t sick anymore; it was a miracle. Suddenly, they didn’t need me.” Her eyes as she stares at me are filled with more pain than I’ve ever seen in a single person. “I was an unnecessary burden.”

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, I kiss her thigh. “You’re not a fucking burden, baby.”

  “To them, I was. But they kept me…just in case.” I fucking hate the way she’s talking about herself, and yet, it makes complete sense. The reality of her world isn’t something I’ll ever understand, but the palpable pain exuding from her is what I aim to help heal. “Just in case, came around the time I was three. Leia was sick again. Aplastic anemia. Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, the levels were all low. It took nearly a year for the complete diagnosis.”

  “She needed you,” I guess.

  “Yup. Our blood was an exact match. Every fourteen weeks for two years, I donated blood for her. New treatments and medications became available, and I didn’t have to give as often. It was a welcome relief but short-lived.” Leaning back, she points to a scar on her side. “She went into kidney failure.” She points to another one. “A year later, her liver.”

  “Spare parts,” I mutter, never in a million years believing I would use that statement on a human being. I have bikes for spare parts. She’s not a fucking machine.

  “Essentially, yes.” Goosebumps rise on her body. “But I was conceived for her. Born for her. My duty, it’s to her. But my heart, Beckett?” She pauses before regaining her voice. “My heart is so tired. My body is weak. The stem cell transplants are becoming more and more aggressive and difficult to heal from. And now, because Leia isn’t strong enough, they want me to have her baby, and I’m terrified that I’m going to be forced to do it.”

  “Hey”—sitting up, I cup her cheek, pressing my head to hers—“hey, you don’t ever have to do anything you don’t want to, Royal. You have a choice.”

  “Do I, though? This is why I’m here, why I was born. To give Leia everything she needs to survive. She literally can’t without me.” Her voice wobbles as she explains, and my anger grows.

  “And the baby?” I ask, wondering if she’s thought about what the baby will go through. “What if they decide it’s spare parts too. Or it’s healthy, and they decide that Leia isn’t enough, but her offspring is?” I know my words sound harsh.

  “Oh god,” she cries out.

  “What does your sister say about all of this?”

  Sniffling, Royal licks her lips before answering. “Not a lot. She mostly does what she’s told, like me.”

  “Then perhaps, she doesn’t want any of this either.”


  * * *

  The reasoning in his tone makes me wonder if he’s right. I can’t remember the last time Leia and I had a conversation that didn't consist of the latest celebrity gossip or something else boringly trivial. I don’t think we’ve ever had one truly meaningful conversation before.

  Confessing to Beckett lifted a weight off my shoulders that I never knew would happen. I’ve remained silent about everything I’ve gone through to save my sister.

  “You’re still here,” I say as Beckett plays with my hand, drawing on it with his fingertips.

  “I told you I wasn’t leaving.” He grins at me, and I’m growing addicted to his smile. “When I see what I want, I go for it, Royal.”

  “And that’s me?” I ask shyly.

  “It is. You just need to decide if I’m what you want too.” Getting to his feet, Beck strides to the water, turning just as he reaches it. He walks backwards into the ocean, and a giant wave splashes against his back, knocking him into it. A second later, he pops up, slicking his now soaked hair away from his face.

  Holding a hand out towards me, he silently asks me to join him. The beach isn’t too busy now, so I stand, wiping sand off my rear as I skip towards him. Bracing for the cool water to steal my breath, I jump into Beckett’s open arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he catches me.

  “Hold your breath,” he warns before he falls back into the next wave, and we both go under. Holding him tighter so I don’t get lost in the water, I could scream as soon as we break the surface.

  “That was freezing,” I hiss in his ear.

  His hands run along my flesh, from the backs of my thighs up to tangle in my hair before he whispers in my ear, “I know the perfect way to warm up,” and I get the feeling it’s not by a fire or under warm blankets from the look in his eyes.

  “Yes,” I say without thinking for once. Beckett has given me today, a day to be my own person, and I’m owning it. With him.

  “Yes,” he repeats, drawing the word out. Savoring it. “Do you understand what you’re saying yes to?” He cocks his head to the side as he walks us back to our spot on the beach.

  Releasing me, I lazily glide down his body until my toes curl in the heated sand. “Uhm, sex?” I’m feeling less confident suddenly.

  “Sex,” he echos, a mischievous grin working across his plump lips. “Making love, fucking, everything in between.” Gently he brushes the hair back from my face. “I’m going to spend as many hours between these sexy thighs of yours that I can before I have to take you back home, Royal. Are you ready for that?”

  I gulp and glance down as I feel his member growing between us. Biting my lip, I look back up at him, not shying away from his intense stare. “I’m ready, Beckett.”

  Nodding, he leans down to swiftly brush his lips across mine before we gather our things in silence. With a hand on my back and his arms full, Beckett guides me back to his condo. As soon as we’re inside the gate, he drops everything to the ground and pins me to the fence.

  “I wasn’t lying, Royal,” he groans in my ear.

  “About what?” I gasp when he sucks on my neck.

  “About living in your pussy until you’re pregnant with my baby. I’m not using a condom unless you ask me to.” My breath stutters and blood rushes through my ears. “I’m in this forever, baby. I know it’s fast, I know it seems impossible, but I’ve witnessed it before, and I know you and I have something rare and special, and I’m not willing to let it go so easily.”

  Inhaling deeply, I brush my hands up his chest, the cool ocean water sizzling on his overheated skin. “In my whole life, I’ve never had anything or anyone that was just for me.” I don’t know where I’m going with this, only that I need to say what’s in my heart. “From the first time our eyes met on that beach, I knew you were going to consume my life if we ever got the chance to meet.” Flitting a look up at him, his irises are nearly black with his need for me. “I want everything with you, Beckett. I won’t settle for less.”

  I barely finish speaking before his mouth is swooping down and stealing my thoughts as he kisses me so intensely I can’t think stra
ight. My heart beats staccato in my chest, pounding so hard my body shakes.


  * * *

  Picking Royal up as I continue to devour her, I retreat inside, glad to know this property like the back of my hand because releasing her lips isn’t an option. Stepping through the balcony's glass door, I steer for the stairs and up to my room—soon to be ours.

  With little fanfare, I drop us down onto the bed gently, Royal landing on her back with a soft bounce as our tongues continue to tangle. Gliding my fingers up the length of her bent leg makes her shiver, and goosebumps prickle along her flesh.

  Her fingers stroke across my back as I release her lips, moving along her jaw and down her throat, sucking on the rapid pulse beating in its crook. Her gasp causes me to grin, and I shift my placing, nipping bone and flesh as I travel lower between the sweet valley of her breasts.

  I drag the cups of her suit under her tits, her puckered nipples begging for attention as I massage the globes. “You’re fucking perfect for me, Royal,” I groan. Flicking the tip of her taught peak with my tongue, her back arches up, imploring me to take her into my mouth.

  “Beckett, please,” she longs.

  Not wanting to disappoint, I suck as much flesh into my mouth as I can, molding her with my hand. I draw back unhurriedly, scraping my teeth across her turgid nipple as I do so. Fingers claw at my hair as her hips buck up into my cock.

  “You trying to kill me here, baby?” Licking across her breastbone, I give the other mound the same treatment, and she grows wild beneath me. Her thighs tighten around my waist, and I grow tired of the clothes between us.

  Standing, I drop my shorts to the ground, the water causing the heavy material to land with a loud thunk. Untying the strings of her bikini bottoms, I pull the fabric away from her body, and my mouth salivates at the treasure I reveal.

  Dropping to my knees, I wrap my hands around her thighs and drag her to the edge of the bed. I recognize trepidation in her eyes as she watches me, but curiosity has her spreading her legs wider for me. A smirk crosses my lips as I drop my hands on either side of her pussy, the light dusting of hair the same color as her silky blonde tendrils.

  Leaning down, I maintain eye contact as I flick my tongue out over her sensitive nub, moving the fingers of one hand further down to play at her tight hole. I slip a finger inside and gently move so as not to hurt or scare her. When her hips start rolling in time to my ministrations, I know I can add another digit. Massaging her core, I use my thumb to spread her lips and push her little pearl out.

  “That feels wonderful,” she sighs as her eyes shut and her back arches. Pleasure is visibly undulating through her body as I manipulate her to my desire.

  Enclosing my lips around her clit, I slowly lick up and down the tiny bundle of nerves as my fingers swirl inside her body. Stretching her, readying her for my cock before I seize her fully.

  “So fucking wet. So tight, Royal,” I groan as I feel her walls constricting and shivering around me. “Come for me, Royal. Give me your pleasure.” She mewls on the bed as her fingers delve into my hair, holding me captive while trying to simultaneously pull me away.

  I can feel her orgasm building, getting ready to ripple through her body as I play with her again. Kissing, sucking, licking my way along her pussy until I envelop her nub between my teeth. Administering just a pinch of pain sends her rocketing over the edge of bliss, screaming her pleasure into the room. My fingers continue to massage her through the orgasm as I nuzzle along her sex, keeping her on the edge of euphoria before I claim her soul.

  “Oh, Beckett,” she croons, “that was amazing.” I grin as I watch the clouds dissipate from her eyes.

  “Ready for the real deal now, baby?” Her grin is purely sexual as I give her one last lick. Pulling my fingers from her core, I draw circles around each nipple, sucking, first, one peak into my mouth, then the other. “You’re delicious,” I mumble, smearing the rest of her essence across her lips and capturing them with my own.

  My cock knows exactly where it’s going as I feel Royal's heat sliding across my length, slowly pumping along her silky lips, her fingers digging into my arms as she awaits what I do next.

  As gently as I can, I begin pushing through her tightness, stretching her more with each tender stroke until finally, I reach her barrier. “I’m sorry,” I whisper against her lips just as I push past, forcing a pain-filled scream from her lips. Guilt nearly makes me pull out, but instead, I slip a hand between us and massage her clit.


  * * *

  Agony blinded me until Beckett's fingers started playing with me again. He is a man who knows me all too well already. The orgasm that tore my body apart from his tongue and fingers alone was nearly enough to strike me blind. I’ve never experienced such pleasure in my life.

  Now, the excruciating pain is nearly overwhelming until I relax my muscles and allow my body to feel the reverential way he’s touching me. “I’m going to move now, Royal,” he softly warns before I feel him pull back slowly, nearly all the way out. I almost panic until he pushes forward, a tingle deep in my belly making me hiss with an unknown pleasure.

  “Yeah, you’re liking it now, aren’t you?” he groans into my ear, but I can’t answer as I attempt to hold on for the ride.

  With each stroke, my body stretches a little more to accommodate his shaft, and in no time, the pain dissipates, replaced by a sense of ecstasy that should be illegal. My body hums with pleasure as Beck strokes rhythmically within my heat.

  “You’re addicting, Royal.” He kisses the curve of my neck and shoulder before lowering his head to suckle at my breast. With each pull of his lips, I feel an answering twitch drag down to my core. The dual sensation nearly too much to hold me together.

  A spark ignites between my thighs, and I know it won’t be long before he sets me off again. My stomach tingles as my thighs shiver and my clitoris pulses with this burning need he sets off inside of me.

  “Beckett, please, more,” I beg, but I have no idea what for. I can only hope he does.

  Sitting up, he drags my legs over his shoulders, and somehow, he feels deeper, thicker, more rigid. Gripping the sheets in my fists, I hold on for the ride this faster pace has induced. Each thrust of his hips sends a mirroring throb in my sex, begging for something I don’t understand. His turgid length stretches and fills every inch of me as he surges in and out, faster, more insistent. I feel blind with lust.

  “Fuck, Royal. Fuck,” he growls like a beast, making my stomach quiver. “I’m going to come; tell me you need this.” Hooking my legs in the bend of his elbows, Beckett drops down over me, driving his member deeper. So far that I can’t breathe. “I’m going to fucking let loose everything I have right into this sexy little pussy of yours, Royal. I need to know you want it too.”

  I can’t find the words to tell him that I want all of him, so I grasp his face in my hands and nod, imploring him with my eyes that I want precisely what he does.

  Capturing my mouth in a possessive kiss, he slams into me a few more times before I feel him release inside my channel, his body shaking with the force of his climax, blissfully setting off my own. Tearing away from his mouth, I scream silently into the room as I nearly pass out from pleasure. My body becomes weightless as Beck continues to pump, ringing out every ounce of pleasure either of us has left.

  “That was fucking beautiful,” he mutters but doesn’t move. Still holding my legs up, my hips are angled as he finally slides free of my heat. I can feel him jerking from the sensitivity of the cool air hitting him. “I’m famished.” He grins down at me, looking immensely satisfied with himself.

  “Me too,” I mumble, enjoying the relaxed state he’s put me in.

  Chapter 5


  “Cover Me in Sunshine" by P!nk & Willow Sage Hart

  Lying on the lounge chair on the porch with Royal in my arms, relaxed and happy, a fire burning in the pit a few feet away as the sun drops down in the sky, and I
feel true happiness. I've always thought of myself as a pretty cheerful guy. I didn’t really experience any hardships in my life, and I have a great family, but I had no idea what it felt like to hold the woman I would love for the rest of my life in my arms either.

  Making love to her was life-changing, or it felt like it should be. I’ve been with women before, but none had ever made me as mindless as Royal did. They never made me see stars when I orgasmed.

  My phone beeping interrupts our quiet evening. Seeing what I assume is Braxton’s number flash on the screen, I answer. “Yeah?” Royal stirs in my arms but otherwise doesn't move.

  “Her father's pissed. He’s already called the cops, but because everyone, and I do mean everyone, told them she left willingly with you, they aren’t busting down your door yet. It won’t be long, though; her dad is a powerful man.” The bodyguard sounds amused.

  “So?” He doesn’t scare me.

  “Just warning you, man. She okay?” I’m surprised by the concern in his voice.

  “Fucking perfect.” I groan when she sits up over my lap, nestling her heat against my aching cock. She’s so innocent, though; she doesn’t even realize it.

  “Can I speak to her?”

  Handing the phone to Royal, she puts it on speaker. “Hello?”

  “He treating you alright?” The man doesn’t waste time.

  “Perfectly.” She grins with a contented sigh.

  “Fucking hell. Your father is going to kill me,” he snaps.

  “Watch the tone, man.” I won’t tolerate anyone talking down to her. She’s had enough of it her entire life, and it’s time she’s treated like the queen she is.


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