Loving the Girl in the Tutu: Uncontrolled Heroes Book 3

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Loving the Girl in the Tutu: Uncontrolled Heroes Book 3 Page 7

by KL Donn

  As soon as he finishes talking, my entire body vibrates, eliciting an orgasm so intense, I go blind for a minute. I can feel him coming inside of me, his hands holding me down, making sure I suck up every drop of come he gives me.

  Before my body goes completely listless, and I lose all ability to think straight, I respond, “I want that.” Desperately.


  * * *

  Being faced with mortality makes it easier to confess secret desires you never thought you’d have, let alone voice. When I told Royal the dirtiest thing I’ve imagined doing to her, I thought she was going to run for the fucking hills. Because if I’m honest with myself, fucking her ass is high on my priority list, and I have no clue why. I’ve never been interested with any other woman I’ve been with, but Royal brings the baser instincts out in me. And when she reciprocated my fantasy and fucking came all over my dick as soon as I finished sharing with her, I nearly died from the volcanic rush of my own pleasure.

  This woman, this beautiful, starved for affection woman, who is soon to be legally mine, wants to give me my most depraved desire. I couldn’t be more grateful for her if I tried.

  As we lay in bed, the moonlight showcasing her nude body because I can’t bring myself to cover her up when all I want to do is lick, bite, and kiss every available inch of skin, I hear the front door open.

  Leia and Braxton are home.

  We’ve all been doing everything we can to provide Leia with as much life experience as possible before her body gives out. From the looks of her this afternoon, I get the feeling it’s going to be sooner than anticipated. Royal will be destroyed, and the only thing I can do is be here to catch her when she falls.

  Hearing laughter as the other pair quietly walk past the closed bedroom door, I roll over between Royal’s splayed thighs, and in one smooth thrust, I enter her to the hilt. Her back bows off the bed, and her neck strains in the silvery light as I begin thrusting into her body lovingly. She doesn’t wake up initially, and now it’s a game of how long I can make love to her before she does.

  Securing her legs over my shoulders, I lean forward, her body nearly folded in two, and suck a nipple into my mouth. Biting down, I feel her body relax further as her fingers brush through my hair, tugging on the thick strands as my hips move languidly against her.

  “Tell me, baby,” I groan as I move to her other nipple, sucking the peak into my mouth until I’ve captured the entire breast.

  “Tell you what?” Her hips lift to meet each thrust of my own.

  “Tell me you want it.”

  “I do.” She gasps as I push further into her body.

  Deeper, I need to be fucking deeper. “No, baby, tell me you want my baby inside of you. Beg me for it.” Kissing up her chest, along the column of her throat, I draw her heated flesh into my mouth until I know I’ve left a mark.

  “Please, Beckett,” she cries as my toes dig into the end of the bed, trying to get as far inside as I can. “Please, give me a baby.” I swear, I don’t know how, but my dick feels like it grows thicker, longer, and my orgasm races to the surface as I tap out at her apex before releasing the largest load of semen I’ve ever felt spurt free from my body.

  “I fucking love you, Royal. So goddamn fucking much.” She screams out her own climax, and I capture the sound with my mouth as I continue to pummel endlessly into her body. Never letting up, and it feels as though her orgasm lasts forever.

  “I love you too, Beckett Larrabee, and I can’t wait for you to call me yours forever.” Rolling over on top of me, my dick still inside her sensitive core, I kiss her head, and we fall asleep with this need between us.

  The need to love each other.

  The need to be one.

  Leia (Bonus scene)

  * * *

  I can feel it. Staring up at the ceiling, butterflies in my belly, and the lingering feel of Braxton’s kiss on my lips and his hand between my thighs.

  My life.

  I can feel it fading faster with every passing second.

  I thought I would be ready for it. I've been so tired of all the pain. I've wanted to be free. And if death was the way to achieve that, then I had been willing to accept my fate.

  But now, as I experience what life has to offer, I don’t want to die. I want to share a love so boundless I can feel it in my bones. Like Royal and Beckett.

  My baby sister has everything I never considered wanting, and I’m so happy for her. I've always worried about what would happen to her when I died. When she outlived her usefulness in our parents’ eyes. I was terrified of letting her go.

  Now that it's inevitable, I don’t want to. I want to watch Royal grow into a beautiful young woman, become the mother we were never given. I want to watch as she enjoys life. For once. Instead of being knocked down at every turn.

  I want to be able to do all those things too.

  Tears stream down my cheeks as I roll over to stare out the window, watching the moon and silently screaming on the inside.

  Dinner with Braxton was everything I dreamed of for a first date. We ate on the rooftop of a beautiful hotel restaurant and watched the sun set as we laughed. Made promises to each other for the future.

  As we walked along the beach, he held my sandals in one hand and my hand in the other. We kissed long past the darkness of night. He took a million pictures of me for Royal, at my request. I want her to remember me as joyous, and there was no time like that moment where I felt any happier.

  And when we laid in the sand, Braxton showed me what true pleasure felt like with his calloused fingers between my folds. I’ve never felt anything like it before.

  Which prompted me to force a promise out of him.

  Royal doesn’t know it yet, but our parents have the entire wedding ceremony and reception planned out for them. After speaking to them this evening, they confessed their failings as parents and wanted to give this to their daughter. Beckett agreed to everything they offered because he knows that once I’m gone, they’re all Royal has left, and the three of them will need each other.

  After the reception, though, when my sister and new brother-in-law head off to their wedding night at one of the swankiest hotels in the city, Braxton is whisking me off to Paris. The very last thing I've wished for is my family not having to watch me die.

  When I go, I want to take in the sunset with the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop. I want absolute beauty to be the last thing I see.

  As I drift off to sleep, there’s always the question of whether I’ll wake up again, and now is no different.

  Chapter 8


  “Effortlessly" by Madison Beer

  I stare out across the vast expanse of the ocean, and it hits me just how much of the world there is to see. To show Royal. She said she doesn’t want a honeymoon until after Leia…

  But I think it’s the perfect time to take her. She won’t have the opportunity to sit and mourn; she’ll get to live. Like Leia wants for her. Keeping secrets from my soon-to-be bride isn’t something I want to do, but after speaking to Braxton and Royal's parents this morning, I’m being forced to. Not because they want her kept in the dark but because they need Royal and Leia to enjoy the time together they have left without further distractions.

  After dinner last night, Braxton took Leia home for her final goodbye to her parents. From what he's explained, it was emotional and gave Leia the peace she needed to move on with her final plan.

  To live her last days in Paris.

  The loss will be gut-wrenching for Royal. She’ll be angry, sad, in denial, and I’m going to be her rock. I’ll be her smooth sailing in the emotional storm I can see churning up the horizon. The sisters did not get the relationship or time together that they deserved, and for that, I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive her parents, but I’ll help Royal find that forgiveness because as Leia believes, the three of them will need each other.

  “You alright, little brother?” Cade’s gruff voice announces his presence as
he and Jace stand on either side of me, watching the lulling waves of water hit the arid sand.

  “Is it weird to be excited about but dreading tomorrow equally?” I get what I want while Royal loses someone she loves. It doesn’t seem fair.

  “Nah, man. You get the girl of your dreams, Beck. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.” Cade drops a heavy hand on my shoulder in support. “You’re going to give her everything she’s wanted since she was a little girl, and when the time comes for her reality to crash in, you’ll be there for it too. You’ll be her strength.”

  “Is she going to hate me? For keeping this secret?” Us. I should be asking if she’ll hate us because everyone knows but her. We’re supposed to be blending families at a time like this, and yet, everyone is holding the biggest secret of her life away from my girl. And I’m the worst of them because I've become the person she's chosen to place her trust with. She's going to be devastated.

  “You saw the way Calla kept her past from Petal, man, to protect them. This is the same,” Jace speaks. “Leia understands that if Royal learns she is leaving on the most magical day of her life, she'll never look back on it with any kind of happiness. This is a selfless gift that Royal likely will be angry about for a long-ass time, but eventually, she’ll understand and be thankful for it.”

  “Maybe.” I can’t help but think I’m making the wrong choice in keeping my silence, nonetheless. Royal deserves all of my loyalty all the time.

  Despite my misgivings, I spend the rest of the morning and afternoon ensuring everything Leia described matches Royal's preferences. From the flowers to the cake, to the dinner reception. Everything is going to be intimate. Her parents and Leia, my brother and his family, Jace and Calla. My parents are even on the way down so they can meet the newest members of our family.

  I wasn’t lying when I said I’m excited but also dreading tomorrow. I can’t wait to make Royal mine, tie her to me for life. But I’m dreading when it’s time for us to leave because she believes that she’s coming back to Leia at our place with Braxton.

  I dread the torment my wife will experience, knowing she won’t be there for her sister's last moments on this earth.


  * * *

  Today has been a dream come true. Beck and I were able to get our marriage license this morning, and he promised he’s got everything organized; all I need to do is pick a wedding dress. I’ve tried on nearly a dozen already, but none were quite right. As I stare at myself in the mirror on the back of the door of the changing room, I think I have it.

  “Come on already!” Petal, definitely the most vocal of our group, calls out.

  Inhaling a cleansing breath, I step out and immediately seek out Leia’s face. Her eyes water and she clasps her hands together as a beautiful smile lights up her face.

  “Oh, Royal. This is the one. Beckett is going to love you in this.” Leia’s words of praise warm my heart.

  Stepping up onto the podium in the middle of the dressing room, mirrors showing every angle, I have to agree. The top has two thick straps that start on the back, climb over my shoulders, covering my breasts, and attaching at the lowered waist. The tulle of the skirt is sheer but spreads out in many layers to give it a Cinderella silhouette. Landing at the tops of my feet, I love the way the material feels against my skin.

  “He’s going to eat you up,” Calla murmurs as she runs her fingers across the skirt. “It fits you beautifully. Have you thought about going barefoot?”

  “Oh, flowers in her hair,” Petal chimes in.

  “A mother earth feel.” Leia slips her fingers into mine. “I really like that idea. Do you think Beckett would forgo shoes as well? Maybe an open collar?”

  I can’t stop the tears springing to my eyes because with the way they’re talking, I can imagine it already. Beck and I are both so ingrained with the beach and sand that being as natural and relaxed as possible just feels right.

  “She’s down for it,” Petal whispers. “One last touch, though.” I feel her step up behind me and place something on my head. “You are so brave, Royal. Marrying Beckett so soon, with this stunning dress, is well deserved, and for once, I don’t think you can deny it, little sister.”

  Opening my eyes to Petal straightening a rose gold tiara on my head, for once, doesn't have me feeling insulted by the insinuation of my name. “It’s perfect,” I respond.

  Petal’s arms wrap around me from behind as she leans her chin on my shoulder. “So are you. Welcome to the family.”

  Regret slams into my chest as I stare down at the flowing water below us. Tied to Beckett, I can’t wuss out now. Especially as I see Leia smiling up at Braxton. Calla and Jace are being strapped in as Cade and Petal make out like a couple of rowdy teenagers. The two of them are so adorable and carefree. I envy them.

  “Breathe, baby. Just breathe for me. I’ve got you.” Beck kisses along my jaw. “After this, I promise to make you melt all night long.”

  His words definitely have the effect he was going for. “How?” I plead as I listen to his steady heartbeat.

  “I’m going to remove each piece of clothing, slowly and with deliberate intent. Lay you down on our bed and kiss along the arch of each foot while running my hands up and down your legs. From the first quiver, I’ll blow cool air along your sweet pussy lips before licking along your slit.” My breath catches, and my core pulses. “I’ll fuck you with my tongue as my fingers play with your pretty little clit, keeping you on the edge of release until I can slowly slide my aching cock into your cunt.”

  The instructor yells out something, interrupting Beckett, but I have no idea what. I’m entranced by his words, and nothing else matters in this moment.

  “Just when you’re about to come for me, I’ll pull out, flipping you over to your belly. And baby, you remember that fantasy the other night?” He waits to continue until I nod. “I’m going to fuck your tight little ass until you scream for mercy.”

  White spots dot my vision from the intense desire flowing through my body.

  “But, Royal”—I gaze up at him—“it’s not happening until our wedding night.” I open my mouth to continue on, but I’m stopped short as his arms tighten around my back, and he’s falling backwards, taking me with him.

  I slam my eyes shut, my blood rushing to my head as we fall until the cord reaches its length and we’re bounced back up. I unclench my eyes, and I look over to see Leia with her arms outstretched and her eyes wide open. She looks so alive.

  The fear hasn’t left me, but as I watch her enjoy this insane jump as we all bounce around like ping pongs, I’d do it a thousand more times just to see her so alive.

  Chapter 9


  “Wonder" by Shawn Mendes

  Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I feel nothing but elation. No nerves, no last-minute jitters. I’m excited. I feel joy because soon, I’m going to be bound to the man who owns my entire heart and soul.

  “You look so beautiful,” my mother says as she and Dad enter my old room, where I’m dressing. “I know we’ve never said it, never expressed it, but we love you so much, Royal.” Peering down at my hands, I’m not sure what to say.

  “For years, we were so lost in grief, and we knew we would one day lose Leia. We never dreamed that we had already lost you. At our own doing no less.” My father's tortured words have me looking up at the man. “We owe you a debt, Royal. One we’ll never be able to pay.”

  “A debt?” I don’t understand how.

  “Even though it was never your choice, it’s because of you that we had more years with Leia than we probably should have,” my mother explains.

  “Saving Leia was an honor. Even when I was selfish enough to hate doing it. I love her, and I wouldn't change a thing about what’s happened other than the way our family suffered.” I would save my sister for the rest of my life if it meant she could exist.

  “Oh, sweetheart.” Mom pulls me into her arms. “You are too good for this world. Beckett is such a l
ucky young man.”

  Smiling as she lets me go, I hadn’t realized how long it had been since I felt so loved by my parents. “You are the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.” Tears pinch the corner of my father’s eyes as he smiles down at me.

  “Do you think you would like to walk me down the aisle?” Shock appears on his face before he nods vigorously.

  “It would be a true honor.” For the first time in my life, I see a light at the end of the tunnel where my parents are concerned. I was terrified that Leia’s death would push them further away from me. I see now that she’s done some serious work to ensure that we have each other when we need it the most.

  “Knock knock.” Petal walks in with her daughter Lily, who is dressed in a beautiful pink flower dress. “Just wanted to let you know that everyone is ready and waiting. It’s your time to shine, girl.”

  “You look just like a princess,” Lily marvels as she circles around me. “This is for you.” She hands me a bouquet of wildflowers.

  Crouching down to her level, I kiss her cheek. “Thank you, Lily. These are gorgeous.” Her smile beams as Petal clasps the girl's hand and leads her out of the room.

  “We’ll be outside,” my father says as they leave me alone. Like Calla suggested, I have daisies in my hair, giving me a glow I didn’t know they would. Everything is minimalist yet gives off the most elegant vibe.

  Stepping out into the hallway, I feel a sense of peace wash over me like a caress, and it gives me the strength to move forward. To give myself whole-heartedly to my soulmate.

  Leia and my parents meet me at the back patio door, where I can see Petal and Lily waiting outside for their cue to walk down the aisle. Lily was so excited to be asked to be flower girl, and she takes pride with every petal she throws in the air, watching as it floats in the light breeze before landing in the sand.


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