Loving the Girl in the Tutu: Uncontrolled Heroes Book 3

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Loving the Girl in the Tutu: Uncontrolled Heroes Book 3 Page 8

by KL Donn

  Mom and Leia walk out next, arms linked as Dad holds his out for me. I can’t see Beckett yet because there’s a curve in the path they created. Everything that Beck, Cade, and Jace did out here yesterday is more than what I would have dreamed of. Arches line the paths with potted rose plants in between each. A light pink carpet flows along the curves for us to walk on.

  “Are you ready?” Dad asks, and I stare up at him, really searching into his eyes, and for the first time in my life, I see his love for me. The pride he can’t hide.

  “I am.” I smile as we begin to walk down the aisle. Each bend reveals new flowers until finally, the water is revealed.

  I see Beckett.

  Standing at the ocean’s edge as waves lap at his bare feet. Dressed in dark slacks, he’s wearing a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The buttons are undone, and his tie is loose, the knot meeting where the shirt closes in the middle of his chest.

  Cade and Jace stand on one side of him, while Petal and Lily stand, waiting for me. Beckett’s parents sit on one side with Calla, Mac, and Wheeler playing in the sand. My mom is sitting with Leia, awaiting my father.

  Everything is perfect, and when my steps grow quicker, I hear my father lightly chuckle as he releases me when Beckett comes down to meet me.

  “Impatient much.” I hear Leia laugh.

  “You’re stunning,” Beckett growls, lust growing in his gaze as he circles my body, taking in every angle of me in this dress that he can. My hair curls in long waves down the center of my back, and I have a cuff on my upper right arm that has a chain reaching down to a bracelet on my wrist.

  “You’re pretty handsome yourself.” I grin up at him when he finally stops inspecting every inch of me.

  “Ahem.” Someone clears their throat, but I have no idea who.

  “Shall we get this show on the road?” My impending father-in-law asks as he stands to shake my dad's hand.

  Interlacing our fingers, Beckett guides me to the minister, where we can’t take our eyes off of each other. Reciting the words he says, promising to love each other forever.

  When it’s time to say I do, I’m ready to jump into Beckett’s arms and kiss him until we can’t breathe.

  “You may kiss the bride.” The words are barely out before I’m dragged into Beckett’s arms, and his lips are sealing the vows we just took.

  “I love you, husband of mine,” I murmur into his mouth as I feel his hands on my back, trying to meld me into his body, ensuring we’re never separated again.


  * * *

  I never imagined I could envision Royal any more perfect than I've already seen her. Still, she walked down the aisle towards me, her white dress blowing in the breeze and revealing more skin than I know she’s comfortable with, and it hit me just how lucky I am. Royal steps out of her comfort zone constantly because she wants to please me. She aspires to be the best version of herself, but what she doesn’t understand is that she’s perfect to me no matter what.

  She’s firmly on a pedestal that will never get knocked over, and I’m just fine with it. But I’ll never stop supporting every button she wants to push.

  As we drove here this morning to her parents' home, she was wracked with nerves. Uncertain of the reception she was going to receive, but because Leia convinced her she belonged here, she came. For her sister.

  Seeing the way her father looked at her as she walked down the aisle with him, I hope she knows the love that man has for her. It couldn’t be faked or masked today, and for that, I’m grateful. Royal deserves more than she will ever give herself credit for.

  “Wife,” I growl as I hold Royal in my arms now, dancing for the first time as husband and wife. “Fuck is that addicting to say.” I kiss along her delicate throat, inhaling her fresh scent.

  “It’s kind of perfect, isn’t it?” Her laughter is infectious.

  “Ready to get out of here?” I sure as hell am. The yearning to bury myself in Royal’s body is more potent than it’s ever been. I don’t know if it’s because she’s entirely mine now or because I’m terrified she’s going to hate me in the morning when she realizes Leia is gone.

  “Yes please.” Her silky voice purrs in my ear.

  We make quick work of saying goodbye to everyone. Royal and Leia spend a few minutes giggling before Leia pushes her little sister my way, a faraway look in her eyes that my new wife thankfully doesn’t see.

  Getting to the Hotel Bel-Air doesn’t take long, and the engine's rumble between our legs only pushes my desire for Royal to the point of pain. Petal and Cade got us checked in and ready for the room earlier in the day, so all we have to do is get into the elevator and ride up to the fourth floor, where our honeymoon suite is waiting.

  As soon as the doors close behind us, I’ve pressed Royal to the wall of the moving elevator. Kissing along her neck, I drag her leg up to my hip, spreading her wide for me. Unzipping my pants, I tear her delicate lace thong off and shove it in my pocket before slamming into her pussy in one swift move.

  “Fuck,” I groan, biting along her neck, “You’re always so fucking wet for me.”

  “Because I always want you. I’ve been waiting for this all day long.” Her hands smooth up my chest after dragging my shirt up. “Fuck me, Beckett.”

  Her demand could start a damn riot. “With pleasure.” I hear the ding of our floor and lift up her other leg, carrying her to our room with my cock still pulsing inside her tight cunt. Once the door is open, I’m pinning her to the wall before it’s closed and rutting into her like a beast. Uncontrolled and looking for relief.

  “Tonight,” she gasps on a rough thrust, “you’ll do what you promised?” Her question is timid. Royal won’t hesitate to express her feelings to me, but she has a hard time with things that might be construed as wrong by the world.

  “You mean, fuck your ass? Cum in that tight little hole and watch as it drips out and down to this pretty little pussy of yours?” Her eyes turn obsidian, and she swallows roughly before nodding her head. “Yeah, baby, I’ll fuck you until you’ve gone blind with lust.”

  Capturing her lips in a manic kiss, I lick at her tongue until she gives it to me. Devouring every breath, each moan, as my hips buck wildly into her body, and she accepts it. The pleasure, the pain, Royal takes everything I give her and greedily pleads for more.

  I thought that once I owned her, once she was wholly mine, I’d be able to make love to her, take our time, but it turns out I only want to make her scream my name louder.

  “Come for me, Royal,” I grunt with each new, more arduous thrust. I can feel her orgasm right around the edges of my frayed nerves. “Take me with you, baby.”

  Her head thrashes, and she bites her lip as her body locks up and her nails dig into my shoulders. Feeling her pussy ripple and pulse around my cock, I let go. My knees grow weak, and I have to count each breath to make it through the pleasure ripping through my body.

  Soft brushes of Royal’s fingers threading through my hair bring me back from the edge of insanity as I try to catch my breath. “If you don’t have a baby in there already, something is seriously wrong with my swimmers,” I grunt, pushing us off the wall and striding towards the bed in the middle of the room.

  “Ohhh,” Royal gasps as she sees the room and the view. “That’s beautiful.” Placing her on her feet, I open up the balcony door and slide the curtains all the way open. The city is lit up in the late-night as the moon peeks in and out of the clouds.

  Stripping off the rest of my clothes as Royal stares out, I walk up behind her and tease, “No screaming”—she turns to look at me—“people will hear you now.” Her giggle is carefree. Nothing like the girl I met a week ago.

  Christ, has it only been a week? It feels like a lifetime.

  Guiding Royal back to the bed, I instruct her to kneel over the rose petals scattered around. Pushing her down by the back of her neck, I maneuver her exactly how I want her. Arms spread above her head, reaching for the wall. Her chest
as flat as I can make her on the mattress, knees spread wide, and when I push the fabric of her skirt to reveal her firm ass, my mouth waters, and my cock grows to painful lengths.

  “Don’t move,” I instruct. Walking to the bathroom, I grab the bottle of lube I had Cade put in there for me.

  Re-entering the room, the only sounds are that of the city and Royal’s panting. Excitement rushes through my veins.

  Popping the lid of the bottle, I squeeze some of the liquid into my palm. Standing behind Royal now, I stroke the length of my dick with a rough hand, imagining entering her back entrance and hearing her cry out with pleasure.

  The sight is almost too much to bear.


  * * *

  Every hair on my body is standing on end as I listen to Beckett shuffling behind me, feeling the heat of his body just inches away from my skin. I can sense every move he makes. Keeping my eyes closed, I stretch my back out more, moving my rump closer to where he’s standing.

  A devious smile creeps across my face as I hear him cursing. When I feel his calloused fingers grab each ass cheek, a shiver streams up my spine in slow motion, forcing a moan to slip past my lips. Cool air blows across my pucker when he spreads me open for his perusal.

  “Beckett,” I whisper his name like a prayer. Pleading for something more but not knowing how to express it.

  “Soon, baby, real damn soon.” I feel the wisp of his words across my backside just before he lays featherlight kisses across my flesh.

  Beckett plays my body like an instrument explicitly forged for him. Tuned for his tempo, invented for his pleasure. And I sense it. The longing in my soul that only ever sought to be loved. Beckett infuses his adoration into me from the tips of his fingers, through the moisture of his lips and each kiss.

  As he readies my body for this new intrusion, a sharp pain tries to infiltrate the desire melting my bones. His fingers scissor in and out of my rosebud, and before long, I feel like I’m transported to a whole new plane of existence. The pleasure mixed with pain is the most exciting feeling. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever known.

  The heat of Beckett’s body against me, covering my back as he gently pushes through the tight ring of muscles, leaves me completely breathless and crazed for more.

  “Feels every bit as good as I imagined. So tight, you just eat me right up. Do you feel it, Royal? Do you feel me?” His words are tortured as our bodies lay flush, and his hips begin to rock. “Answer me, baby. Tell me you love this as much as I do. I need to know I can do this again and again 'cuz I’m fucking addicted.”

  My head nods up and down as I turn to peer back at him over my shoulder. His face is contorted into a mask of primal hedonistic desire. “Give me more, Beck.” His eyes pop open, and a masculine growl erupts from his chest—the vibration, sexy.

  As he drops his head onto my back, his hips increase speed, and I can feel my orgasm rising to the surface as my body begins to erupt with ecstasy. His finger slips to the front of my body, tickling along my hip to my pelvis and straight onto my clit. Strumming his fingers across the sensitive flesh, Beckett bites and kisses along my shoulder until my body explodes, and even knowing someone outside might hear us, I scream his name into the night.

  “Hold still for me, baby. Nice and still.” His groan of pleasure makes me quiver on the bed, a hint of the rose petal scent hitting my nostrils.

  I feel Beckett withdrawing from my body, only stopping when it’s just the head of his member kissing my tiny hole. I close my eyes, and his hand leisurely strokes along his length, his knuckles hitting my cheeks with each stroke until finally, I feel it. The heat of release as he pumps himself.

  “Fuck, look at that.” Pushing up onto my hands, I gaze backwards, seeing the stream of his cum as it coats my body. The sight so erotic, I lose all strength and drop onto the bed.

  “We can definitely do that again,” I hiss as he collapses beside me, dragging my body into his arms.

  “Good, because I plan to.” He grins down at me before sliding off the bed and picking me up, carrying me into the shower so we can clean up and start all over again until the sun begins its ascent and my world undoubtedly shatters.

  Chapter 10


  “Stronger" by Sam Feldt feat. Kesha

  Drawing circles on Royal’s spine, I kiss along her shoulder as she sleeps, her face turned toward me. The night was spent fucking then making love. I’d wake her up; she’d wake me up. It went back and forth all night long. Exactly how I wanted to spend our evening.

  Now, as I wait on the room service to be delivered with as many selections as I could find, I dread waking Royal up and telling her that Leia is gone and she isn’t coming back.

  Standing from the bed, I slip on my shorts just as there’s a soft knock on the door. Answering with a smile, I slip the server a twenty and roll the cart into the room. Setting everything up on the table, I pour a cup of coffee for Royal before taking it over to the bed and sitting beside her.

  “Good morning, my gorgeous wife,” I whisper in her ear while holding the steaming brew close to her nose.

  Her stunning eyes open unhurriedly as a sweet smile spreads across her face with all the grace that Royal has to offer. “Mmm.” She licks her lips as she sits up, and as she takes a sip of the rich coffee, I’m reminded of our first date and feeding her ice cream between a gate meant to keep us apart.

  “Delicious.” Another mouthful down, then she's turning it into a gulp. I kiss her shoulder, holding out my hand to help her up. Seeing her stand nude in front of me with so much confidence is a massive turn-on. She no longer tries to hide from me.

  “Sit.” I pull out the chair for her and place the throw blanket across her lap, tucking it behind her back. When I pull the lids off the food, her eyes light up like a kid in a candy store. She has no idea where to start first.

  Breakfast is eaten in companionable silence, and as she finishes her second mug of coffee, I’m surprised when she says, “Leia left, didn’t she?”

  Nearly choking on a bite of bacon, I nod my head. “She asked me not to tell you. She didn’t want to ruin our day.”

  Her smile turns watery as tears pool in her eyes. Picking Royal up, I carry her out to the balcony, and we sit quietly for a few minutes before I speak. “I hated not telling you. I wanted to, but I understood Leia's intent.” I nuzzle Royal's temple, and she turns in my lap.

  Cupping my cheek in her hands, she kisses me lightly on the lips. “For so many reasons, I love you, Beckett Larrabee. Your concern for my well-being is one of the best. But I knew from the minute we went bungee jumping…I knew, she was planning on leaving. I was unsure when, but I figured it would be soon.”

  Reclining on my chest, Royal cuddles into me and sorrowfully cries for the impending loss of her sister. There’s nothing I can do but hold her and reassure her of my support.

  Till death do us part.

  Two weeks later, we get the news. Leia left this earth secure in the knowledge that her family was reunited through the sacrifices they spent a lifetime making. Royal’s only solace is the letter and video left just for her.


  * * *

  The tears are constant; the happiness unmatched. I’m a wicked mess of emotions that can’t be fixed. As I stare down at the letter in my hands, reading it for the hundredth time, I’m reminded of how precious life is.

  The tiny blue stick on my lap with a pink plus sign is another hint. Beckett and I have been married for almost a month now. My sister has been gone for two weeks, and while my heart has been shattered, I’ve never been happier.

  Leia’s death was an entity that lived inside of me every minute of every day until I realized that I was doing exactly what she didn’t want. I was grieving her loss instead of celebrating her peace.

  I will miss my sister every day for the rest of my life, but I can be sure that she would be proud of me if I live a good enough life. Starting with this new, welcome surprise.

Standing up, I wipe the tears off my face and search out my husband. Rushing down the stairs, I land with a muffled thud in the living room, nearly slipping because of my socks.

  Startled, Petal and Calla stare at me from their spots in the kitchen, whipping up appetizers for a family dinner. It’s the first that Beckett and I are hosting, and after the last thirty minutes, I suddenly want this wonderful family of ours to leave.

  “Someone’s on fire.” Petal winks at me.

  Calla’s eyes drop to my hand where I’m holding the stick. “Nope, but she’s got some news.” A blush creeps up my cheek.

  As I stare around at the kids in the living room, the girls in the kitchen, and the guys out on the deck, I’ve never been more grateful to my parents for gifting us the Malibu house. We move next month, once they’re finished packing up Leia’s stuff. While they find it difficult to live there, they’re excited for us to fill it up with babies and making it a happy place again.

  “You’re not…” Petal tears up, and I nod. She squeals like Lily does when she’s dancing, and everyone turns to look at us.

  Beckett walks inside, his eyes burning with lust. The exact same way he’s been looking at me since the day we met.

  “What’s all the excitement?” Jace wonders as he walks to Calla, wrapping her in his big arms.

  “Baby,” Beckett growls like a wild animal as he slips an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest, “what’s going on?” His eyes narrow when he sees the tear tracks on my face. “You know I hate it when you cry.”


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