A Reader's Book of Days
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Brontë, Anne, 167, 178, 216
Brontë, Branwell, 178
Brontë, Charlotte, 102, 117, 126, 127, 154, 178, 212, 216, 237, 331, 334
Brontë, Emily, 20, 91, 178, 216, 238, 398
Brooke, Rupert, 128
Brookner, Anita, 224, 277
Brooks, Geraldine, 70
Brooks, Gwendolyn, 171, 382
Brooks, Louise, 142
Brooks, Mel, 119
Brooks, Van Wyck, 141
Broom of the System, The (Wallace), 398
Brophy, Brigid, 250, 301
Brother, I’m Dying (Danticat), 340
brothers. See siblings
Brothers and Keepers (Wideman), 48
Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoyevsky), 328, 339
Brown, Charles Brockden, 61, 243, 268
Brown, Claude, 41
Brown, Dan, 195
Brown, Dee, 68, 169
Brown, Helen Gurley, 90, 256, 302
Brown, James, 335
Brown, Joy, 404
Brown, Larry, 217
Brown, Margaret Wise, 162, 280, 358
Brown, Michael, 404
Brown, Norman O., 313
Brown, William Wells, 355
Browne, Sir Thomas, 21, 212, 330
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. See Barrett, Elizabeth
Browning, Robert, 26, 138, 159, 217, 354, 391
Broyard, Anatole, 72, 224, 284
Brunhoff, Jean de, 388
Bryson, Bill, 387
Buber, Martin, 186
Buchanan, Edna, 65, 390
Buck, Pearl S., 199
Buckley, William F., 66, 146
Buford, Bill, 40
Building Stories (Ware), 300
Bujold, Lois McMaster, 347
Bukowski, Charles, 80
Bulgakov, Mikhail, 81
“Bull in the Afternoon” (Eastman), 254
Bundy, Ted, 313
Bunker, Edward, 227
Buntline, Ned, 149
Bunyan, John, 274
Burger’s Daughter (Gordimer), 262
Burgess, Anthony, 90, 153, 305, 367
Burgess, Gelett, 295
Burke, Edmund, 217
Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 340
Burnett, Whit, 286
Burney, Fanny, 186, 245
Burns, Charles, 304
Burns, Robert, 171, 229, 270
Burrough, Bryan, 330
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 75, 90, 122, 228, 380
Burroughs, William S., 9, 42, 44, 245, 264
Burroughs, William Seward, 264
Burton, Richard, 326
Burton, Richard Francis, 331
Burton, Robert, 30
Burton, Virginia Lee, 326
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown), 169
Bushnell, Candace, 380
Butler, Octavia, 63, 182
Butler, Samuel, 18, 186, 191
Byatt, A. S., 76, 194, 234, 332
Bynner, Witter, 389
Bynum, Sarah Shun-lien, 277
Byron, Lord, 27, 81, 124, 142, 156, 189, 200, 245, 319
Cade, Jared, 382
Caen, Herb, 108
Caesar (Goldsworthy), 71
Cahan, Abraham, 274
Cain, James M., 99, 176, 209, 299, 333, 338, 360
Cakes and Ale (Maugham), 302
Caldwell, Erskine, 360
Caldwell, Taylor, 284
Caleb Williams (Godwin), 164
Calendar of Wisdom, A (Tolstoy), 5
calendars, 3–4, 5, 42, 68, 104, 205–6, 258, 375
Calley, William, 357
Call Me by Your Name (Aciman), 208
Calvin, John, 166
Calvin and Hobbes (Watterson), 400
Calvino, Italo, 47, 145, 296, 326
Camera Lucida (Barthes), 97
Cameron, Angus, 200
Campbell, Bebe Moore, 372
Campbell, John W., 148
Campbell, Joseph, 147, 341
Campbell, Julie, 215
Camus, Albert, 90, 146, 245, 352, 360
Canada (Ford), 273
“Canal, The” (Yates), 65
Candide (Voltaire), 346
Cane (Toomer), 284
Canessa, Roberto, 393
Canetti, Elias, 15, 233
Caniff, Milton, 65
Cann, Kid, 388
Cannery Row (Steinbeck), 147
Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 103, 105, 123
Canto General (Neruda), 201
Cantor, Norman, 364
Cantwell, Robert, 155
Capa, Robert, 248
Čapek, Karel, 404
Capel-Dunn, Denis, 214
Capote, Truman, 21, 119, 231, 268, 307, 373, 404
“Captain, My Captain” (Whitman), 120
Carey, Peter, 49, 146, 150
Carle, Eric, 198
Carlos, Bun E., 143
Carlyle, Thomas, 383
Carnegie, Dale, 369
Caro, Robert, 272
Carpenter, Don, 236
Carr, Caleb, 74
Carr, Emily, 392
Carrie (King), 166
Carroll, Jim, 288
Carroll, Lewis, 19, 32, 124, 139, 143, 212, 340, 384, 395
Carson, Anne, 37
Carson, Johnny, 197, 231
Carson, Rachel, 119, 187, 230
Carter, Angela, 55, 247
Carter, Howard, 371
Cartland, Barbara, 160
Carver, Raymond, 27, 29, 89, 93, 164, 175, 178, 216, 245, 286, 328
Cary, Joyce, 100
Casanova, Giacomo, 107, 125
Casares, Adolfo Bioy, 79
Cash, W. J., 141
Cassady, Neal, 66, 127, 266, 406
Cassandra at the Wedding (Baker), 172
Castaneda, Carlos, 404
Castle of Otranto, The (Walpole), 96
Catcher in the Rye, The (Salinger), 224, 226, 379
Catch-22 (Heller), 72, 333
Cather, Willa, 167, 210, 386, 392
Catherine of Siena, St., 96
Cat in the Hat, The (Seuss), 151, 163
Catton, Bruce, 320
Cavafy, Constantine, 134
Cavett, Dick, 161
Cecilia (Burney), 245
Cela, Camilo José, 150
Celan, Paul, 368
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 166, 304
Cellini, Benvenuto, 52
Century of November, A (Wetherell), 345
Cercas, Javier, 62
Cerf, Bennett, 270
Cervantes, Miguel de, 21, 128, 217, 306, 307, 342
Cézanne, Paul, 109
Chabon, Michael, 3, 96, 140, 163, 306, 410
Chaix, Marie, 283
Chambers, Jessie, 176, 404
Chambers, Robert, 88
Chamoiseau, Patrick, 220, 382
Championship No-Limit and Pot-Limit Hold’em (Cloutier), 157
Chance (Conrad), 45, 90
Chandler, Raymond, 23, 97, 102, 231, 303, 333
Chaneysville Incident, The (Bradley), 250
Chang, Eileen, 285
Chang Chong Chen, 140
Chaplin, Charlie, 20, 110, 278, 329
Chapman, John Jay, 349
Chapsal, Madeleine, 168
Chariots of the Gods? (von Däniken), 162
Charles II, 249, 397
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Dahl), 39, 40
Charlie Chan (Huang), 221
Charlotte’s Web (White), 133
Charques, R. D., 89
Charterhouse of Parma, The (Stendhal), 160, 278
Chase, Rev. Frank, 101
Châtelet, Marquise de, 160
Chatterton (Ackroyd), 267
Chatterton, Thomas, 96, 267, 355
Chatwin, Bruce, 23, 53
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 37–38, 103, 105, 123, 128, 336
Cheese and the Worms, The (Ginzburg), 46
Cheever (Bailey), 83
Cheever, John, xiii, 73, 116, 122, 166, 174, 189, 191, 193
Chekhov, Anton, 22, 53, 93, 99,
210, 219, 288
Chemical History of a Candle, The (Faraday), 379
Chéri (Colette), 65, 214, 390
Cherry-Garrard, Apsley, 121, 151, 208
Cherryh, C. J., 278
Cherry Orchard, The (Chekhov), 22
Chesnut, Mary, 102
Chesnutt, Charles W., 151, 360
Chesterton, G. K., 187, 268, 363
Cheyenne Autumn (Sandoz), 188
Chick, Jack T., 118
Child, Harold Hannyngton, 246
Child, Julia, 108, 116, 256, 313
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron), 81
Childers, Erskine, 290, 369
Child of the Century, A (Hecht), 186, 211
Children of Gebelaawi (Mahfouz), 325
Children of Men, The (James), 3, 5
“Child’s Christmas in Wales, A” (Thomas), 378
Chilly Scenes of Winter (Beattie), 379
Chimes, The (Dickens), 348
“Chipmunk Song, The,” 179
Chomsky, Noam, 386
Chopin, Kate, 47, 167
Chopping, Richard, 244
Christabel (Coleridge), 175
Christie, Agatha, 17, 225, 251, 292, 382
Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 348, 377–78, 403
Christmas Story, A, 378
Christopher, Nicholas, 395
Chronic City (Lethem), 349
Churchill, Winston, 158, 178
Cibber, Colley, 390
Cimino, Michael, 199
Cinnamon Shops (Schulz), 121
Cioran, E. M., 193
Cisneros, Sandra, 249, 375, 399
Cities of the Plain (Proust), 80, 118
Citizen Kane, 140
City of Night (Rechy), 58
Clampitt, Amy, 287
Clancy, Tom, 117
Clark, Tom, 386
Clarke, Arthur C., 17, 90, 228
Clarke, Susanna, 191, 282, 346
Clavell, James, 283
Cleary, Beverly, 117
Clemenceau, Georges, 18
Clemens, Samuel. See Twain, Mark
Clifton, Lucille, 200
“Clink” (Orwell), 398
Clockers (Price), 173
Clockwork Orange, A (Burgess), 90, 153
Clotel (Brown), 355
Cloud Atlas (Mitchell), 67, 76, 222
Clough, Brian, 229
Cloutier, T. J., 157
Clowes, Daniel, 63, 119
Coates, Robert M., 118
Coben, Harlan, 9
Cocteau, Jean, 224, 322
Codman, Ogden, 382
Coe, Jonathan, 44, 215
Coetzee, J. M., 48, 149
Cole, Teju, 297
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 62, 116, 175, 212, 221, 233, 281, 332, 358, 381, 406
Colet, Louise, 131, 319
Colette, 33, 65, 173, 174, 214, 389, 390
Colfer, Eoin, 153
Collected Poems (Brodsky), 294
Collected Stories (Dahl), 382
Collier, John Payne, 36
Collier’s, 338
Collins, Jackie, 315
Collins, Suzanne, 147, 253
Collins, Wilkie, 234, 300, 366
Colonel’s Dream, The (Chesnutt), 151
Color of Money, The (Tevis), 252
Colwin, Laurie, 335
Combat, 146
Combe, George, 360
Comédie humaine (Balzac), 317
“Come On-a My House,” 179
Comfort, Alex, 174
Comforters, The (Spark), 402
Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead), 17
Common Sense (Paine), 15
Compton-Burnett, Ivy, 193, 270, 317
Concrete Island (Ballard), 127
Condon, Richard, 220
Confederacy of Dunces, A (Toole), 76, 386
Confessions (Augustine), 130, 131
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (de Quincey), 318
Confidence-Man, The (Melville), 105, 106
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A (Twain), 194
Connell, Evan S., 260
Connelly, Michael, 159
Connolly, Cyril, 371
Connors, Philip, 238
Conover, Ted, 410
Conquest, Robert, 86
Conrad, Joseph, 20, 36, 45, 53, 57, 74, 90, 93, 121, 246, 270, 382
Conroy, Frank, 111, 195
Conroy, Pat, 337
Conspiracy of Pontiac, The (Parkman), 168
Conversations with Children on the Gospels (Alcott), 250
Conway, Jill Ker, 320
Cookson, Catherine, 184
Cooper, Dennis, 15
Cooper, James Fenimore, 292, 357
Cooper, Merian C., 222
Coover, Robert, 21, 173
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 163
Cop Hater (McBain), 232
Coppola, Eleanor, 233, 326
Cornwell, Patricia, 180, 182
Corpse Had a Familiar Face, The (Buchanan), 65
Corrections, The (Franzen), 301, 375, 392
Corsair, 15
Cortázar, Julio, 51, 403
Corvo, Baron, 337
Cosmicomics (Calvino), 47
Cosmopolitan, 90
Cottin, Letty, 90
Cotton-Pickers, The (Traven), 248
Count of Monte Cristo, The (Dumas), 67, 75
Country Driving (Hessler), 372
Coupland, Douglas, 409
Courlander, Harold, 328
Cousteau, Jacques, 198
Coward, Noel, 124, 395
Cowen, Tyler, 26
Cowley, Malcolm, 98, 142, 180, 252, 265, 293
Coxe, Harold, 244
Crais, Robert, 125
Crane, Hart, 112, 132, 150, 229
Crane, Stephen, 70, 178, 293, 298, 393
crashes: bicycle, 289; car, 127, 157, 193, 256, 346; motorcycle, 135, 248, 256; plane, 131, 409; train, 182
Crawdaddy!, 42
Crazy Horse (Sandoz), 188
Creeley, Robert, 160
Crichton, Michael, 334
Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), 208, 315
Criterion, The, 72
Critical Essays (Orwell), 55
Cromwell, Thomas, 30
Cronin, Anthony, 190
Cronkhite’s Clocks (Wilson), 20
Crosby, Richard, 113
Cross, John, 201
Crouse, Timothy, 177
Croves, Hal, 97
Crowley, Aleister, 300, 380
Crowther, Bosley, 332
Crumb, Robert, 273
Crumley, James, 323
Crying of Lot 49, The (Pynchon), 80
Culture of Cities, The (Mumford), 9
Cummings, E. E., 325
Cunningham, Michael, 199, 351, 367
Cunningham, Valerie, 154
Curious George (Rey), 229
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, The (Haddon), 266
Custer, George Armstrong, 257, 260
Czyżewska, Elżbieta, 186
Dahl, Roald, 39, 40, 131, 290, 312, 368, 382
Dahlberg, Edward, 66
Daisy Miller (James), 385
d’Alembert, Jean le Rond, 293
Damascus (Beard), 346
Damned Utd, The (Peace), 229
Dana, Richard Henry, 78, 244
Dance to the Music of Time, A (Powell), 214
Dance with Dragons, A (Martin), 151
Dangerous Liaisons, The (Laclos), 383
Dangling Man (Bellow), 94
Daniel Deronda (Eliot), 286
Danielewski, Mark Z., 97
d’Annunzio, Gabriele, 305
Danny the Champion of the World (Dahl), 312
Dante Alighieri, 81, 139, 181, 291
Danticat, Edwidge, 340
Dark Legend (Wertham), 385
Darnton, Robert, 149
Darwin, Charles, 16, 38, 51, 88, 99, 124, 186, 209, 263, 294, 312, 368, 369
“Darwin Among the Machines” (Butler), 186
Darwin Among the Machine
s (Dyson), 186
Darwish, Mahmoud, 252
Daudet, Alphonse, 108, 395
Daughter of Time, The (Tey), 214
Davenport, Guy, 9, 305
David Boring (Clowes), 63
David Copperfield (Dickens), 59, 71, 410
Davie, Donald, 77
Davies, Robertson, 381, 406
Davies, Russell, 28
Davis, Amanda, 85
Davis, H. L., 342
Davis, Natalie Zemon, 289
Davis, Stephen, 236
Dawkins, Richard, 97
Day, Dorothy, 374
day jobs: advertising, 19, 112; airline ticket agent, 404; architectural assistant, 144; bank secretary, 369; cargo shipping, 340; cruise staff, 54; custom house, 14, 256; detective, 374; factory manager, 14; fire lookout, 238; gentleman’s companion, 352; handicrafts teacher, 114; insurance, 128; label-pasting, 59; lawyer, 18, 44; legal stenography, 151; lens grinder, 325; librarian, 13, 149, 168, 169, 391; medicine, 53, 60, 288, 297; mine supervisor, 372; perfume extraction, 340; postal inspector, 234; prep chef, 40; prison guard, 410; public relations, 338, 373; real estate clerk, 68; screenwriter, 146, 229, 270, 303, 319, 333, 347, 384, 401; spy, 249, 306; steamboat pilot, 75; stenographic manager, 122; teacher, 166, 237, 253, 291, 295; treasure recovery, 340; wholesale hosiery, 340; window trimmer, 156
“Day Lady Died, The” (O’Hara), 190
Day of the Locust, The (West), 401
“Dead, The” (Joyce), 105
Dead Cert (Francis), 95
Dead Souls (Gogol), 235
Dean, John, 192
Dear Abby. See Phillips, Pauline
de Assis, Machado, 340
Death and Life of Great American Cities, The (Jacobs), 9
Death Comes for the Archbishop (Cather), 210
Death in the Afternoon (Hemingway), 254
Death in the Family, A (Agee), 157
Death in Venice (Mann), 139, 165
Death of Ivan Ilyich, The (Tolstoy), 43, 345
Death of Jim Loney, The (Welch), 345
“Death of the Author, The” (Barthes), 97
Death Ship, The (Traven), 248
de Beauvoir, Simone. See Beauvoir, Simone de
Debo, Angie, 35, 60
debt, 45, 49, 59, 82, 91, 115, 161, 249, 271, 286, 311, 315, 340, 381, 388
Debussy, Claude, 60, 187
December (Kluge and Richter), 379
“Declaration of the Rights of Women” (de Gouges), 348
Decoration of Houses, The (Wharton and Codman), 382
Deepness in the Sky, A (Vinge), 6
Defense, The (Nabokov), 303
Defoe, Daniel, 120, 129, 155, 340
d’Églantine, Fabre, 205–6
de Gouges, Olympe, 348
Deighton, Len, 57
de Jaucourt, Chevalier, 293
Delany, Samuel R., 106
Deleuze, Gilles, 23
DeLillo, Don, 277, 304, 314, 324, 365
de Lint, Charles, 401
Deliverance (Dickey), 277, 291
de Man, Paul, 297
Democracy (Adams), 385
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 150
Demolished Man, The (Bester), 54
Dennis, E. S., 328
de Quincey, Thomas, 318, 387