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Cursed (The Complex Book 0)

Page 1

by Dylan Quinn

  Table of Contents


  Copyright © Dylan Quinn 2016.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read my novella from The Complex!

  About the Author

  Other Titles by Dylan Quinn

  Origin: Book II, Eternal Sacrifice Saga

  Welcome to Dylan’s Playground!




  Copyright © Dylan Quinn 2016.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

  621-Phoenix Publishing

  Duenweg, MO 64814

  Cover Design by Shoutlines Design

  Editing by Gwen Quinn

  Formatting by Heather Young-Nichols

  First Edition, Dec. 10 2016

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


  Jesse, Delanie, Ashlyne, and Rhette... I couldn’t have succeeded at this writing journey without your love, your laughter, your support, and your patience.

  Chayah loves you. For Eternity.


  For my Phoenix

  For breaking Cupid’s Curse and reminding me

  I deserve to be loved.

  Chapter 1

  “She won’t slip past me tonight,” Lennox mumbled beneath his breath as he trailed his charge down the dark alleyway in the Main City of the Complex.

  “There,” he yelled to Veccoli, his second in command. “She rounded the corner. Cut her off before she reaches the Uni Grocer. This ends now.”

  His footfalls tread heavy on the newly paved streets of the domed community filled with Humans and Metas of every variety.

  Lennox wasn’t meant for cardio workouts any longer—that’s why he was a watcher and not a catcher, but this girl insisted on defying all the rules, breaking one after the other, and for what?

  A boy?

  “Absurd.” He shook his head as he began walking to catch up with Veccoli.

  Young love confounded Lennox. He was once a foolish man in love, long ago, but the death of his wife left him scarred and useless for far too long.

  He had broken the rules, which cost him everything.

  Once Lennox put himself back together, he resolved to never let it happen again, to never let his feelings cloud his judgment. Far too many people were affected, and the costs weren’t justified.

  Love wasn’t worth the sacrifice.

  So he poured himself into his work.

  Lennox was a Watcher. The only known Meta of his kind, so archaic, even he quit keeping track of his true age. So formidable, no Meta or Human dared challenge him or his authority.

  Lennox saw everything. Past. Present. His gifts transcended every universe, making him the most powerful and feared Meta in existence.

  Time and circumstance, however, had made Lennox tired of the chase. Now following this teenager as she ran toward her lover just irritated him.

  Lennox only accepted the contract as head of Intra, the law enforcement agency within the Complex, to remain undercover, and once the experiment was over, he would return to accepting private security detail, protecting elite Metas and Humans of the newly formed Ama Seldova System.

  Lennox was tired of the game. His soul had survived much, and the power he held simply didn’t thrill him any longer.

  And after the death of his wife, a death he still blamed himself for, he had no time for nonsense like love or teen angst.

  Tonight, he had lost his patience for the girl he was charged with protecting.

  It had become a game for Reanna, the precocious teenager, each night finding new ways to hide from Lennox as darkness overtook the Complex. Once she realized her gifts as a Nephelium, she’d made it nearly impossible to keep complete tabs on her, eluding Lennox at every turn.

  Weeks after it was clear Reanna was not Human at all, but a hybrid, her implant protecting her from Meta powers malfunctioned, and Lennox was finally able to get a true read on her.

  He began analyzing her moves, and tonight, Lennox finally had her patterns figured out.

  She wouldn’t be getting away from him this time.

  “We’ve got her, sir. What would you like us to do?”

  Lennox’s earpiece buzzed, bringing a sense of relief. The first all night.

  He stopped in his tracks, bent over and rested on his knees, taking in a deep breath. Finally.

  “Take her to my office, Veccoli,” he said. “I’ll meet you there in five.”

  Lennox stood and briskly walked the two blocks back to Intra North, his primary office in the Complex. He had an office in all four within the dome, one in each sector, but spent most time in the northern dome.

  He made his way inside to see the young hybrid, flushed and irritated, sitting in a chair in his office.

  Lennox closed the transparent door and sat across from her, tilting out his chin and folding his arms across his broad chest. “What was it this time, Reanna? Late night walk in the park?”

  The hybrid glared with indignation, refusing to speak.

  Didn’t matter, he already knew the answer.

  “I’ve told you, child. It’s my duty to protect you. I know nothing about this boy you keep chasing. It’s going to be a very long year in this dome if you continue attempting to defy me.”

  “You can’t stop me from seeing him.” The girl huffed.

  Lennox leaned closer. “I can. And I will.”

  “But I love him.” Her eyes softened, attempting to lighten his mood, to no avail.

  Lennox let out a laugh. “You’re eighteen. You don’t know what love is.”

  “Oh really?” She widened her hazel eyes. “And I suppose you do?”

  Lennox leaned back in his chair, narrowing his gaze.

  Perhaps she was right. Not that it mattered. His job was to protect her. Keep her safe while Nathan Clifton, president of the Human planet Raxu, searched for the mercenaries hell bent on killing Reanna.

  The Nephelium was in the Complex under a protective order, unlike most other Metas.

  Although when Lennox brought her here, they all thought she was Human. It wasn’t until she turned eighteen three weeks after arriving that her Angel side was awakened.

  And so did the truth about Reanna.

  She wasn’t Clifton’s niece at all, but his daughter from an affair with an Angel. Sure as hell would have been nice if the president at least warned Lennox.

  And the president conveniently became unavailable for contact once Reanna’s true self was realized, leaving Lennox with a big mess on his hands, trying to figure it all out on his own.

  Damn Humans.

  How an Angel managed to breed with a Human between wars was unknown to Lennox. His inability to read the past was a mystery in itself.

  Regardless of how, Lennox knew everything.

  Saw everything, past and present.

  There was a time he was omniscient.

  Until Jenexa died.

  He’d tried
for years to be rid of his heartache after losing his wife. Then a friend told him about the Cupid. A woman who could take away his heartache.

  Only there was a catch.

  He had to give up one of his gifts.

  His future sight was the gift she demanded as terms of their agreement.

  Sacrificing any piece of his unique gifts had been a mistake, but the heartache of losing his wife had become too much to bear. He grew useless, in both his immortal life and his obligation to their people as the Watcher.

  So he gave his heartache away. For everyone’s sake.

  “Love is useless, child. The sooner you learn that, the better.”

  She glared, shaking her head. “Sad. Who was it?

  “What are you talking about?” He tilted his head.

  “Who broke your heart?”

  Lennox stood from his seat and walked to the door, calling out for Veccoli to take the girl back to her living quarters outside the desert dome of the Complex.

  “All right, young lady.” He gestured to the door. “Time to call it a night.”

  She stood and got close to him, not intimidated in the slightest, despite the fact that she was almost two feet shorter.

  “This isn’t over.”

  He chuckled. “You’re not going to stop, are you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I love him, Lennox. Too bad you don’t understand what that means. Maybe if you did, you’d realize that no. I will never stop for love.”

  Lennox nodded toward Veccoli.

  He was in over his head with this assignment, especially since it came to matters of the heart.

  Definitely not his department.

  He sat back down in his chair, folding his arms across his chest and stared up at the monitors that overlooked the Complex.

  What the hell am I going to do?

  Then he saw her.

  She sauntered confidently into Uni Scandals, her usual stomping grounds, with three Humans blindly trailing alongside her.

  “Geneva Jayne.” He said her name with near reverence.

  The alluring Cupid could bring a man to his knees with a simple toss of her fiery red hair.

  Matters of the heart were her department.

  Perhaps it was time to make another deal with the devil.

  Chapter 2

  “Mmm.” Geneva hummed beneath her breath.

  Rising to her feet, the Cupid sashayed across the room to the three naked bodies rubbing themselves up against each other in the private room of the club.

  She chewed on her thumb, grinning at the ravishing Human trio entwined within each other’s arms.

  “Now you.” She pointed to one of the woman. “Kiss her.” Grinning to the dark-haired man with the strong arms and firm abs, she turned to the vivacious brunette lady standing beside them. “Like this.”

  Geneva walked up to her third play toy, a blonde beauty, and sank her lips into the girl’s, tangling her fingers into the thick hair behind her neck and giving a gentle tug.

  “Yummy.” She licked her lips as she pulled away, then stepped back and watched as the three went at it. Touching, kissing and sucking on each other in the most delectable way.

  Geneva sauntered back to her plush chair in the corner to continue watching the stunning Humans in their steamy dance.

  This was fun. Once.

  Not so much anymore.

  These days, Geneva was on a single sighted mission.

  A sucker hunt, as she called it.

  Find some miserable Human who hated his or her life as much as Geneva did.

  Nobody understood.

  To anyone looking on, Geneva had it all.



  Craved by the most voracious lovers in every universe?

  Hell yes.

  But loved?


  Being Cupid was no gift. It was a curse.

  The Cupid Curse.

  Geneva could fall in love with any and every Human or Meta crossing her path but as long as she was immortal, she would never be loved in return.

  After over a thousand years stealing libidos and Meta’s gifts, Geneva was beyond bored.

  Cupid had a death wish.

  The novelty of her lovers games had little appeal now.

  Geneva yearned for her immortal existence to cease.

  She had about given up on the idea being isolated only with Metas for so long after their plant Vaimm was destroyed by natural disaster.

  Three hundred years later, their ship came upon the Seldova solar system, and she was once again, surrounded by Humans.

  Hope renewed.

  All she had to do was find a Human so lost in his or her life—like she was—willing to take the curse from her, and Geneva could finally become mortal again and be done with all this bullshit once and for all.

  An eternity unloved just wasn’t worth immortality anymore.

  Looking back, it probably never was.

  The door to the private room flung open then, and the beautiful Watcher walked in.

  “Mmm. Lexie, love. To what do I owe this honor?” Geneva smiled and rose to her feet.

  The sexy Watcher growled beneath his breath as he approached her. “Playtime’s over, Miss Jayne.”

  “Playtime is never over, Lexie darling.” She narrowed her eyes as he neared her.

  She hated when he called her that.

  But the man was like cotton candy on her fingers. Too tasty to resist licking.

  The most beautiful Meta in all the universe, as far as she was concerned.

  Tall as hell, he had to be close to seven feet.

  Tan. Built. Dark hair and stunning blue eyes, almost clear.

  A work of art, for sure.

  And the only man to ever refuse Geneva’s advances.

  “Oh, come now, Lexie. Wouldn’t you like to join us?”

  Geneva gave her most seductive Cupid eyes and sauntered to her trio of companions, approaching the naked man, standing in a daze.

  Grinning at Lennox, never taking her gaze from his, Geneva ran her hand over the naked man’s ass. She lightly flicked his spectacular erection with her fingertips then dipped her fingers into her mouth, sucking, making a popping noise as she pulled them out.

  “Loosen up, your hotness.” She winked. “We’re just trying to have a little fun.”

  Lennox straightened his shoulders, jutting out his chin, clearly making every attempt to ignore her behavior.

  “This is against the rules, Miss Jayne. How are you even compelling these Humans?”

  “Oh, Lexie.” She giggled. “You just don’t understand how my gifts work. I’m not compelling anyone. They’re here of their own free will. Aren’t you, my darlings?”

  Lennox shook his head.

  “Party’s over. Now. All of you, get dressed and go before I take you to Intra.”

  The three scampered off to retrieve their Uni-approved clothing and quickly dressed, leaving the room.

  Lennox pointed toward Geneva.

  “And you. Unless you want to be cited for inappropriate clothing or gods knows what else illegal you’ve been doing in here, I suggest you get back into your regulation clothes before you return to your living quarters.”

  “Oh gods Lexie, loosen up.” She flicked his chin with her fingertips.

  “For the hundredth time, stop calling me that. Or I’ll cite you for insubordination as well.”

  “Oh, you want me to be your sub?” Geneva giggled. “So adorable. Sorry, though. I’m the Domme in my fantasies.” She winked.

  “I can take you in now, or you can come see me tomorrow at ten a.m.”

  “You want me to come?” Geneva grinned, leaning closer. “You’re going to have to work a little harder than that.”

  “Enough.” Lennox barked, stepping up to Geneva, staring at her with his soul-searching eyes.

  They were the lightest blue she’d ever seen. Almost clear. Alluring. Like he could see right through her.

Truth be told, he could.

  Lennox was the elusive Watcher. The urban legend every Meta feared, but had never knew they’d met.

  Few knew this man’s secret.

  Except Geneva.

  She’d learned his identity a few hundred years ago when he sought her out to take away his heartache, which she gladly accepted.

  But every gift came with a price.

  And in Lennox’s case, a stiff price for them both.

  When Geneva took on someone’s heartache, she didn’t just remove it from them, she took it on, deep into her soul.

  It often rocked her to her very core.

  Pain so excruciating, oftentimes, unbearable.

  It made her wonder why she would want to be loved at all.

  Though as fun as it was loving without rules, Geneva wasn’t impressed any longer. Eternal life without being loved in return just wasn’t fun anymore.

  But playing with Lennox? That could be fun.

  “I’m not playing games here. You can spend the night in a cell or you can return to your chambers and see me tomorrow at ten. What’s it going to be, Miss Jayne?”

  “Fine.” Geneva scoffed. “You know, you really need to relax. Eternity is a long time to be such a stiff.” Geneva stepped closer, standing just an inch from him, inhaling his intoxicating scent of musk and man. “Except where it matters.”

  She could feel his heat radiating into her. Hear his pulse, feel the blood rushing through his veins, even into his cock, forcing his heart to pound in his sexy as hell chest.

  Reading emotions was one of Geneva’s gifts. It was the way she could sense his emotions. Manipulate them if she wanted to, but for some reason, with Lennox, she didn’t need to.

  She got a rise out of him—literally—every time they were near, but he always stood his ground, ignoring his impulses to engage.

  Perhaps going to see him tomorrow could be fun.

  The Watcher was the only Meta she’d yet to have that she craved.

  There was just something so alluring about the only man to ever tell her no.

  Perhaps before she finally managed to find a sucker for her curse, she’d be able to lure Lennox into her bed.

  One more game, she told herself.

  “All right Lexie, love.”


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