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Page 5

by Tracy St. John

  In answer, Joseph swung his hips to encourage their bodies to meet harder. The meaty smack was no competition for his excited cry as Almon’s shaft again moved against his hotspot. “Yes!”

  “That’s it. Show me. Fuck me.”

  They heaved together, ground against each other, moved and strained to climb the heights of arousal. When Joseph’s cock and Almon’s primary simultaneously spurted a few drops of pre-cum, Almon pulled free.

  His ass empty, Joseph cried out with loss. “Easy, boy,” Almon said, already lining up his larger shaft. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Almon had eased halfway in before the ache became profound. Under the sway of the Nobek’s venom, Joseph was eager to be claimed, but his body instinctively struggled against the invasion.

  “Don’t hold your breath, boy. Relax.” Almon inched in a bit at a time, warned by Joseph’s whimpers when the strain of acceptance grew overwhelming. “That’s it. Give yourself to me. All the way.”

  Joseph moaned, his head tossing as the implacable invasion continued. Though it hurt, there was pleasure as well, especially with the increased pressure against his hotspot. While he was sure Almon would stop should he insist on it, there was a heady excitement at the idea that maybe he wouldn’t. That perhaps he would demand Joseph give in no matter what, taking him by brute force.

  Leaving me blameless in the encounter. Joseph knew his paranoia of being punished for his sexual orientation was at hand. He’d never guessed his fears could be twisted into a fantasy that fed his ardor.

  It was exciting to pretend Almon would take him against his will. That he had no choice but to be overcome, to be forced into submitting to the Nobek’s lusts. The pain added to his arousal, and his manhood jerked, spraying more pre-cum over Almon’s pumping fist.

  “Easy, boy. Almost there. Wait for me, Joseph.”

  Yes, if he was being forced to do this, he should be resisting the tide of bliss fighting to escape. He mustn’t give anyone reason to think he’d encouraged such an encounter. That he’d give himself up willingly.

  As the scenario played out in his head, Joseph kept stroking the body looming over his. The Nobek’s hair slid through his reaching fingers, the only physical softness Almon possessed. He petted the clenched, stubbled jaw, the corded neck, the massive chest. Encouraging his downfall, even as he imagined himself resisting.

  I want to be tied up. More helpless. The idea brought a fresh surge of excitement, causing Joseph to cry out as Almon reached his end.

  “Good boy. Ancestors, I don’t know how long I can hold off.”

  I’ve been overwhelmed. He’s too strong for me. I have no choice, no way to stop him. Joseph whimpered, “Please, Nobek.”

  The other man half-growled, half-groaned. His hips eased back, dragging that thickness against the part that caused Joseph to shout with ecstasy. Rapture ignited, setting off searing heat in his balls. He yelled again.

  Almon rutted, his face working as he did his best to maintain some control. But Joseph could tell it was unraveling quickly, fed by jagged, bitten nails raking down his scarred chest, then fists thudding against that steel wall. Joseph pretended to fight while encouraging greater effort.

  The cock worked Joseph’s hotspot faster. It rammed in harder. The fist holding his shaft pumped, insisting on his complete debasement. The face over his snarled, feral with lust.

  Some force kicked low in Joseph’s gut. Fire billowed in his balls, then raced in a molten stream towards his shaft. His spine bowed, jaw stretching in a scream made silent because he couldn’t breathe.

  “Do it! Come with my cock in your ass, fucking you. Come for me, boy!”

  The inferno blasted from him, lava erupting in gut-clenching bursts. Spilling onto his belly, searing his flesh as it streamed in flooding rivers. Again. Again. And again.

  Almon howled, a bestial cry as he poured his own torrent into Joseph. Thrusting in deeper, as if to forge them together forever.

  Afterward, when they lazed on the mat, he turned gentle again. Almon pulled Joseph’s back to his hulking torso, curling around the smaller man. Though he knew no one would punish him for what he’d done with Almon, Joseph huddled in the security of the Nobek’s powerful arms, sure nobody could harm him with such a protector. He fell into an untroubled sleep in his unassailable Kalquorian sanctuary.

  Chapter Five

  Joseph’s awakening at dawn was unexpected in that he discovered he was having sex again. Almon spooned him from behind, stroking the Earther’s cock as he pushed inside his ass with his primary.

  “Good morning. And a very good morning it is to fill my boy’s lovely hole first thing,” the Nobek rumbled. His thick voice suggested he must have started making love before he’d gotten his eyes properly open.

  As for Joseph, he was already moaning from the twin sensations of being rubbed to full erection and taking in the determined invader. Despite the venom having long worn off, his fantasy of being compelled into a noncompliant fucking returned in full force.

  He clenched the linens in his fists, shuddering with excitement as Almon commanded his surrender. The Nobek took him with utter confidence, as if access to Joseph’s body was his right. The idea that Almon would take him at a whim, without asking, left him moaning as much as the hand on his shaft and the cock thrusting deep.

  “That’s my boy. Nice and hard and ready for me, like I’m ready for you. The way I wanted us to be.”

  He fucked Joseph slowly, so that they both felt every twinge, every sweet thrill. Then he fucked him hard and steady, letting Joseph sense his strength. Then he fucked him quickly, roughly, the two men racing for that delicious moment of cataclysm. Joseph came, screaming into his pillow, while Almon grunted and strained, his shafts jerking as he shot into his ass.

  Afterward, once the Nobek caught his breath, he carried Joseph into the shower. He tenderly bathed him, as gentle as an Imdiko nurse. Joseph reveled in the attention even as he doubted this could be his reality.

  Fucked hard and then conscientiously cared for—the incredible combination boggled his mind. Was this paradise truly his life now?

  * * * *

  Joseph huddled in his new coat and munched on the Kalquorian version of a breakfast burrito—swala eggs and crisp ronka strips wrapped in a paleri leaf and baked in hosila sauce—as he stared out over the world.

  He did feel as if he sat on top of the planet. Almon had brought him to a public park, a stretch of cultivated greenery on the peak of one of the smaller mountains that had shed the last of its white winter mantle. The sun had just cleared the tallest of the range, tinging the few scattered clouds with orange and gold. That mountain was snow-topped. In the reflected light of a new day, it appeared to have been coated with glitter.

  Deep, mysterious shadows prevailed over most of the valley below. They’d begun a grudging retreat before the brightening day, revealing its treasure of an emerald swath of spring grass. From Joseph’s perspective, the rocks and crags so far down looked like pebbles scattered to and fro. He couldn’t make out the psychiatric center from his vantage point. The valley seemed unspoiled by civilization, a land forever hidden from men.

  The park was nearly his and Almon’s alone, most Kalquorians getting ready or having already gone to work. Only a couple of other men strolled within sight, an older couple with gray hair. They walked slowly, their closeness denoting a longstanding friendship or clanship. Joseph peeked at them surreptitiously, thinking of all they might have seen and done in each other’s company.

  Next to him, Almon sat cross-legged, a portable easel on his lap. He had brought a small tray of paints, which he used to block in the colors and basic shapes of the mountains before him. Though Joseph had no doubt the Nobek was well aware of his surroundings, he acted wholly engrossed in his project, a relaxed smile playing about his attractively rough features.

  Joseph finished his breakfast burrito and picked up the insulated cup of coffee for a sip. The weather was cool enough that the coffee and n
ew coat were more than a little welcome, but not so cold that he was anywhere close to uncomfortable, despite the crisp-scented breeze ruffling his hair. Hardy Almon was content in a long-sleeved shirt.

  Joseph set down the coffee and regarded the new handheld Almon had given him. He’d already opened the notes program, intent on working on the writing that his post-release treatment included. He’d thought he’d start with an account of all that had happened since leaving the psych center, but the events crowded in on him, jabbering in a strange language he couldn’t identify. The angst and fears of the day before felt foreign now, ages from the light and aliveness filling him.

  After struggling for a few minutes, he at last wrote, I think I’m happy. That must be what this sensation is, but I’ve never felt this way before. How can I be sure? How can I name an emotion I’m unfamiliar with? But I think maybe this could be joy that I’m experiencing.

  He tried to take it all in, but he was most aware of Almon next to him, the Nobek’s thick paintbrush making a scratching sound on the canvas as he worked. Even through his coat, Joseph believed he could feel his companion’s warmth radiating. He inhaled the masculine, rather wild scent of his lover, noted the solid, reassuring bulk. Bliss—that strange sensation that must be happiness—soared higher.

  Everything wondrous felt within the realm of possibility for the first time in Joseph’s life. It was all because of the man at his side.

  * * * *

  After a wonderful day with his lover, Almon ushered Joseph into the dinner club. He didn’t miss how Joseph shrank as loud laughter rang out from the crowd or his darting stare at the numerous Kalquorian men, most of whom were Nobeks. Noise from the various sports vids that ringed the walls and bar added to the din, as did the clink of dishes and mugs. A busy night, especially since the crew of the destroyer DS-86753 was shipping out the next day for an eight-month patrol on the Bi’is border.

  The club was a bad venue to start out with, especially since Almon suspected it was early yet to bring Joseph into such public forums. The Earther should have had more opportunity to adjust to being on the outside. Unfortunately, tonight was Almon’s last chance to see old friends from the fleet before they shipped out again.

  He wouldn’t have attempted it, except accommodations had been made beforehand, accommodations Almon hoped would calm Joseph’s nerves. He leaned close to his lover. “Dors said they’d be in the back room. More privacy and not so much noise.”

  Joseph nodded, though he looked reluctant as hell. Reluctant? He glanced at the exit, as if he contemplated bolting.

  Almon fought off a frown and took Joseph’s arm, tugging him through the crowd. “Come on.”

  “I don’t need you holding onto me.”

  The Nobek ignored his complaint. Joseph was among the taller of his kind, but he looked far too vulnerable and small compared to the sea of Kalquorians Almon parted a path through. He noted too many men who gave the handsome Earther a second, evaluating glance as he hurried in Almon’s wake. Fortunately, Joseph’s unhappiness with being physically led didn’t stop him from squeezing close to Almon, obviously unwilling to be separated.

  The door at the back had a reserved sign on it. Almon pushed through, tugging Joseph in with him.

  Almon had been right about one thing, Joseph thought as he took in the private area the warrior had brought him into. This room was quieter. Less crowded.

  He’d seen no sign of recognition from the faces in the main club area, only gazes of warm curiosity to find an Earther in their midst. He’d been accorded slight smiles and nods. That hadn’t been a problem, at least.

  Most of them hadn’t been members of the Imperial Fleet. This room, however, was full of Nobeks in Imperial Fleet uniforms. Fighters who might recognize Joseph a hell of a lot faster than the teeming throng in the larger area. Especially if they’d been among those he’d taken prisoner on his battlecruiser—and given Almon’s terse explanation that they were spending the evening with old friends of his, Joseph was pretty sure that was exactly who he was looking at right now.

  He watched for black stares of hate. Despite Joseph’s numerous warnings, Almon remained oblivious to how universally loathed the former captain was. In the psych center, it hadn’t been such a big deal. The facility was geared for troubled Imdikos, who numbered few among former fleet crews. Not only that, but Nesof had stayed on the lookout for anyone who might trouble Joseph. The Nobek had told him over and over to not to mix with the other patients and to treat the other orderlies and admins with caution due to his nefarious past. “No one will forget your face or forgive the crimes they believe you committed. You have to be careful and keep to yourself,” Nesof had warned.

  And now Almon had led Joseph straight into the lion’s den.

  Unaware of Joseph’s terror, Almon called out in a glad voice. “Dors! You ugly bastard!”

  A face vaguely familiar to Joseph headed in their direction. He thought he also recognized the two men who followed Dors to greet Almon. A round of fists thumped chests and shoulders. Laughing insults were exchanged. One of the as yet unnamed Nobeks turned from his fellows to acknowledge Joseph with a ferocious grin.

  “And here’s Captain Walker. Welcome to the other side, you clever little bastard.”

  That generated renewed laughter, including from Almon. His hand curled around the nape of Joseph’s neck in an affectionate, and perhaps proprietary, grip. “Joseph, you remember this worthless shithead, don’t you? Nobek Sarinto. And of course, Dors and Mahul.”

  Dors according him a slight bow. “It’s a delight to see you in these far different circumstances, Captain. By the way, I’ve been meaning to file a complaint over the accommodations you afforded us on your pleasure cruiser a few years ago. I’m afraid it was a most substandard vacation.”

  Joseph managed a weak smile at the bellows of hilarity. Were they really joking about the hellish circumstances he’d inflicted on them? Not one man glared at him or behaved with any sentiment but pleasure to see him.

  With doom and death apparently not about to descend, he grew overly aware of Almon’s touch. Sure, this was Kalquor, but did he have to display their connection so overtly in front of everyone else?

  Joseph swallowed and broadened his fake smile, hoping to hide the stab of terror going through him. “It’s wonderful to see you all looking so well. And not ready to snap my neck.”

  Whether at his bravado or out of sincere appreciation of his salvo, the Nobeks guffawed. Mahul held up a mug of whatever he was drinking, as if to toast Joseph. “Tough experiences make for stronger warriors. In fact, let me buy your first drink, my former captor, in thanks for honing my survival skills.”

  Gratitude? It couldn’t be, but his former prisoners acted as if they were his old friends. As the minutes passed and memories of a black history were rendered with the relish of recalling good times, Joseph realized Mahul hadn’t misspoke. These tough warriors indeed saw harsh fortune as a testament to their endurance abilities, much as Almon had insisted he did.

  He might have relaxed, had Almon been less inclined to hang onto him. The blatant exhibition of his physical affection for Joseph couldn’t be missed. The Nobek wrapped his arm around him, dragging him close in a manner that couldn’t be mistaken for mere friendship. He was putting their relationship out there for everyone to see.

  The night went on. Conversation dwindled when a greatly anticipated fight was broadcast on the sports vid in the room, and most gathered close to the far wall to watch. Instead of joining them, Almon pulled Joseph to the side.

  He turned his back to his former coworkers and blocked Joseph’s view of them. His easygoing attitude vanished, replaced by concern—and frustration, Joseph was sure.

  “Relax, already. Stop acting like you want to run and hide. Everyone here is fine with you,” the Nobek said in a low voice.

  “What if someone outside our group recognizes me? What if they decide on revenge for what I did to you and the rest?”

  “Do y
ou believe my friends would let anyone hurt you? Do you think I would let anyone hurt you?” Almon was visibly affronted at the suggestion.

  “I trust you. You understand what happened. Others don’t.” Joseph debated, then went all in. Tell him the whole truth. “Maybe your friends are being nice to me for your sake.”

  Almon appeared ready to strangle him. “They didn’t file testimony with the fleet on your behalf for my sake.”

  “They did that?”

  Almon appeared just as surprised, but only that Joseph wasn’t aware of the men’s actions. “Of course they did. Everyone was required to file reports on what happened. Most of the men you held captive affirmed you tried to treat them with fairness and compassion. It wasn’t part of the formal testimony, but their depositions were taken into account.”

  “I didn’t realize that.”

  “Now you do. So you can relax about that, as well as about us being open lovers.” He scowled, letting Joseph witness his frustration. “This is Kalquor, not Earth. I can fuck you until my dicks fall off, and no one will care. Stop trying to pull away from me.”

  Joseph’s conscience stabbed at him. He was ruining the outing for Almon, who was more than happy for people to understand they were together. Joseph’s shame was hurting the Nobek. “I’m sorry.”

  “I shouldn’t have brought you out. It’s too much, too soon.” Almon sighed, his irritation fleeing.

  “No, I’m fine. I’ll do better. Come on, let’s have fun, okay? We’ll bet on the fight. My wager is half a dozen Tragoom loincloths. Don’t ask how I got them.”

  When Almon cracked up, bellowing laughter, Joseph was relieved. Almon deserved to hang out with his chums. No doubt he missed them and the fleet, and it was Joseph’s fault he wasn’t with them any longer.

  “That’s my boy,” Almon said when he recovered, and he pulled Joseph close. The Earthling felt that every eye in the place must have been on them as the Nobek kissed him passionately.


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