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Hayden's Hellion

Page 7

by Maggie Casper

  When she was finished, she stood in front of him. “Can we do it this way, Hayden?” she asked.

  “However you want, darlin’. Just remember I’m not used to being this patient. Don’t tease me too much, or we might both end up regretting it.”

  “No teasin’, Hayden. I promise. I’m so ready for you I might come before your cock even touches my pussy if we keep this up. I need you to fuck me now.”

  His groan filled the room. She wasn’t sure if it was a groan of pleasure or one of disgust due to her language.

  “Scoot forward for me.” She felt the need to ride him and wanted to do it with him sitting so they could be close, as close as two bodies possibly could.

  “Sure thing, darlin’,” he said as he moved closer to the edge of the couch.

  Austin climbed onto Hayden’s lap, first one leg and then the other. Holding his shoulder with one hand, she guided him to her dripping center.

  The flared head of his shaft stretched her until there should have been pain, but there was none. Instead, she felt full, consumed, as if she could live every day as she was now.

  After a moment, she lowered herself until she was fully impaled. It felt wonderful and so right. Like there was no other place on the planet she belonged more.

  It also scared her witless. She was in love, always had been and always would be, but in that instant, she realized the magnitude of what that meant.

  Loving an O’Malley was hard enough. Loving an O’Malley who didn’t love you back would be torture.

  The feel of his thick and throbbing cock filling her left room for little thought. She cast aside leftover doubt, lifted her hips until he rested just inside her entrance then slowly lowered her hips until she felt his thighs beneath hers. It was mind-blowing to feel the enormity of her emotions as she rode him.

  Chapter Nine

  Her inner muscles gripped him so tightly he thought he would lose it instantly. Allowing Austin control over his body was not something he felt comfortable with.

  Being in control was in his blood, in every inch of the flesh covering his body, but he wanted to make amends for his callousness. His rough treatment of her was inexcusable and yet she seemed to have forgiven him. The extent of her love, although she had never spoken the words, was truly amazing.

  Grabbing her hips, he stopped her languid movement. “I know I said you were in control but if you don’t hurry up, I’ll be completely out of control,” he gritted out.

  Her eyes were bright, pupils dilated. A fine sheen of perspiration gathered on her upper lip. “And that’s a bad thing?” Her voice was husky, the question taunting in its naughtiness.

  “It is if I plan to keep my word, which I do. It’ll be different next time though. I can promise you that much,” he told her, squeezing her bottom tightly, causing her to squirm on his cock.

  It drove him crazy to think she might like a bit of pain with her pleasure. That there was a possibility she would be up for a good paddling. He could feel his cock throb and grow even larger just thinking about it.

  Leaning closer to her, he kissed her lips taking her full lower lip into his mouth and sucking. Drawing upon it as he planned to do with her erotically pierced nipples.

  She moaned and pulled slightly away from him as if to break his hold upon her—he nipped her in response, she stilled instantly and moaned into his mouth.

  Lifting her by the hips, he told her without words to continue or lose the control he’d given her.

  Looking him straight in the eye, she slammed her body down upon his then gasped.

  “Careful, baby.”

  Instead of words, she flung her head back, moaned loud and long and did it again. Before long, her pace increased and she was riding him as if there was no tomorrow.

  The feelings she forced from his body were overpowering. He licked and kissed at her neck, drew deeply on her nipples as he played the twin silver bars with his tongue and teeth.

  Her tempo increased until he could no longer think due to the intense pleasure he felt. Her inner muscles spasmed around him, alerting him she was getting close. He wanted nothing more than to make their first orgasm together an unforgettable one.

  Reaching around her, he grasped hold of her bottom, gently spreading her cheeks. Her head flew up, her eyes open wide but he didn’t stop, neither did she.

  Wetting a single finger with her own juices, he then circled the tight bud of her anus until he zeroed in on the virgin bundle of nerves. She was shaking her head “no” but made no movement to stop.

  Pressing slightly yet not entering her, he sent a whole new set of sensations coursing through her body. Her head stopped shaking side to side, instead resting in the crook of his shoulder as she came.

  Her cry of completion filled the air. Her orgasm so intense he couldn’t help but follow. Their shuddering bodies held and caressed each other until every last clenching muscle relaxed. Silent, replete, he sat there.

  Still deeply embedded in her sated body, he wondered what it would be like to live the rest of his life with a woman like Austin Calhoun.

  When he could find the strength, he lifted Austin from his lap. His semi-rigid length made him chuckle. It seemed there was no getting her out of his system. For once, he wasn’t entirely sure that was what he wanted.

  He wanted to love her but the past always seemed to flood back in, haunting him when he felt truly happy for the first time in years.

  What if he fell the rest of the way and found himself in love? Would Austin then realize she had made a horrible mistake? If so, would she leave? The thought of it angered him.

  It could very well happen. It had happened before when he was a young man, he didn’t want to go through it again. Something warned him that if he gave in and Austin left him or used him in the same way his ex-fiancée had, he would lose more than just a diamond ring. That wasn’t a chance he was willing to take.

  The muscles in his body had stiffened, his mood now black, but he couldn’t let her go. His arms tightened around her, protesting the mere thought of releasing her.

  It was going to be a hard battle. How was it possible to hold Austin and not fall completely in love with her? And how, knowing her body inside and out as he did, could he ever let her go? He couldn’t, and before all was said and done that alone would cause a firestorm of gigantic proportions.

  Holding a woman without loving her wasn’t right, but there was nothing on Earth that could persuade him to let her go. Austin belonged to him now and it would remain that way.

  Arrogant and determined he may very well be but it wasn’t something he was willing to change.

  Warm and fuzzy feelings moved languidly about her body. Heaviness weighed her limbs down, too tired to fight it she didn’t protest when Hayden moved as if to lift her from his lap.

  In her mind, she thought he’d set her on the couch but she’d been wrong. Opening one eye a crack, she peeked up at his face. He was thinking and from the look of him, the thoughts weren’t pleasant. His arms tightened almost painfully around her. She’d just opened her mouth to say something when his hold once again loosened and became the caressing hold she would dream of each night.

  “Time to get dressed, Austin,” he said. His voice a whisper against her ear, warm and reassuring when she knew damned well something was bothering him.

  It was irritating to be kept in the dark and fed bullshit like a mushroom. She wanted to say as much but decided to hold off.

  Instead she climbed from his lap, stretching lazily like a cat basking in the sun. Purposefully arching her back, thrusting her ass toward him.

  “Ouch,” she squeaked and jumped when he swatted the fleshy globe of her bottom. Heat spread, thrilling her. It was amazing what a little love tap could accomplish, she thought as her vagina flooded.

  “That was just a warning not to tease me, Hellion. You deserve a whole lot more after your fit earlier,” he said in a stern voice. “Next time I won’t be so tolerant.”

  She had no ide
a what to think, but was extremely intrigued by the thought of being spanked. Idly she wondered if all it would take was another fit to test the waters.

  Remembering the scowl he wore only moments ago, she decided to wait before trying his patience. Instead, she used her charms and taunted him with the possibility.

  “Promises, promises,” she purred, rubbing her large breasts against him as she passed. Once she retrieved her clothes from the hardwood floor of the office, she turned back to him.

  His face was expressionless but his eyes told all. Heavy-lidded and sexy as all get out, they bespoke of how hard he was holding himself back.

  He’d just removed the condom from his length, the purple tinge of his bulbous cock head teased her with possibility. He was once again hard and ready.

  “You’d better believe it, blue eyes. Now get those clothes on and stop provoking me. If I whip that luscious ass of yours right now, I’ll end up taking you again.”

  When she opened her mouth to speak, he held a hand up. “If I take you it’ll be hard and fast and that wouldn’t be good since you’ll have trouble sitting as it is.”

  She wanted to argue but the tenderness between her thighs let her know he was right. When he came toward her, the scent of man and sex followed. She was so hungry for him she dropped to her knees without thinking.

  “Darlin’, you’re trying my patience.”

  “Just a taste, Hayden. Then I’ll get dressed, I promise.”

  Instead of telling her to go ahead, he clutched the back of her head with his large palm guiding her mouth to him. She licked him from base to tip sinking her tongue into the slitted hole. His hand tightened on her head, but he made no move to withdraw himself from her mouth.

  She closed her lips tightly around his length working up and down like a woman out of control. Of its own accord, one of her hands roamed low, caressing his balls. The other hand held tightly to his hip.

  Remembering how it had felt when he’d had his head buried between her thighs, she moaned low in her throat. She hoped the vibrations it sent along his flesh would be as exciting as it had been for her.

  If the way his hips bucked against her face, forcing his cock to the back of her throat, was any indication then it had worked.

  “Damn, darlin’. Don’t stop.” Funny, considering she wouldn’t have been able to stop had her life depended on it.

  Shaking her head slightly, without releasing him from her greedy mouth, she let him know that stopping was not an option.

  Both of his hands were on her, rubbing her face, tickling her lips as they stretched to accommodate his cock. The feel of his work-roughened hands on her face as she sucked him off was arousing almost to the point of orgasm.

  She wanted to finger herself but knew he wouldn’t allow it. That thought made her hackles rise just a bit, but she obeyed the silent command. Later she’d give it some thought but for right now, she wanted nothing more than to taste him.

  Leaving the tight sac of his testicles, she held his hips. Once again remembering the height of pleasure he had brought her, she decided to give it a shot.

  Walking her fingers along his skin, across his narrow hips to the small to his back, she slowly ran one down the length of the crevice separating his ass. His hand stilled on her face, the one in her hair reached back and caught the wrist of the offending hand.

  “I don’t think so, baby,” he chuckled.

  She’d read that men could be funny about such things, but it had felt so overwhelmingly good when he had done it to her.

  “But why?” she asked, backing off of his erect shaft enough to speak, then added, her cheeks hot. “You…uh… I mean…when you…”

  “Yeah, blue eyes, I know, it felt good, and I’m glad because now that I’ve had you, I intend to have all of you.”

  Austin felt her eyes widen at the thought of his length and width, which was still bobbing in her face, fitting in that tiny hole.

  Her eyes must have been bugging out of her head. “Don’t worry. I’m not talking about now. That’s something you’ve got to take slow, something we’ll get to another day but it’s not something we’ll do to each other. Ever. So you might as well just forget it.”

  As he finished, his hand was leading her back to his engorged length.

  “Spoilsport,” she muttered just before descending upon him.

  Working at a furious pace, she brought him to a knee-buckling orgasm. At least it would have been knee-buckling for her had she not already been on her knees.

  Just the feel of his warm length in her mouth was enough to set her off. Combine that with all the excitingly frightening talk of anal sex and the taste of his seed, and she was lost.

  She heard his shout of completion as she swallowed all he had to give but the rest was lost. The explosion taking place in her own body closed her mind to all but the insurmountable pleasure she was feeling.

  With both hands at her cheeks, he leaned down and kissed her. He was slow in the exploration of her mouth, not at all turned off by the fact she’d just given him oral pleasures.

  When he was finished and she was once again breathless, he stood then helped her from her kneeling position on the floor.

  “Now, it’s time to dress. No sass or you’ll be sitting sore for a week and not only from a sore pussy.”

  It was funny how she had no trouble saying the words but hearing them come from Hayden made her blush every time.

  Chapter Ten

  It was Friday night, time to visit Sean at O’Malley’s. It never ceased to amaze him just how happy Sean looked these days. Hayden was happy for him. His brother was a big man with a big heart who deserved a classy lady like Honor at his side.

  Tonight would be even better because Zane was back in town. Hayden felt relieved that the three of them would once again be together.

  He thought over the conversation he’d had with his father just the week before. Sean and Zane would be just as happy as he’d been to speak with their father. Soon, they would once again resemble a happy family.

  It took his eyes a minute to adjust to the lack of light. When he could see clearly, he scanned the tables and booths looking for Austin.

  It irked him to automatically do so, but it was almost as if he was being internally pulled to possess her and if she was in the pub sitting on some pretty boy’s lap there was definitely going to be problems.

  “There’s the old man now,” he heard from the direction of the bar.

  A thrill went through him at the voice. “Goddamned, baby brother. Look at how pretty you are.” He couldn’t help pulling Zane’s chain. It was easy to tease him when every other soul in the place was dressed like your typical Texan except Zane who had on slacks and a collared shirt.

  The woman next to him complemented his attire with her similar style of dress. Her beige slacks hugged an average frame, the scoop neck of her shirt showed just a hint of cleavage. It was the gold choker at her neck that gathered attention but the feature to hold his attention was the emerald green of her eyes.

  “Serena,” Zane spoke to her, his voice low, soothing. “Don’t play him with your eyes, little one. He’s a pro at the game.”

  Zane leaned in close to his woman, nipped her lower lip in what Hayden thought to be a bit of a rough love bite then in a whisper loud enough to be heard, he said, “He taught me all I know.”

  Hayden was intrigued by their relationship from that moment on. Serena gave a slight shiver at Zane’s words and actions then lowered her lashes in what Hayden could have sworn to be a submissive manner before she held her hand out to him.

  “Nice to meet you, Hayden. Zane has told me a lot about you and Sean, too,” she said nodding to Sean where he stood behind the bar.

  “You too, Serena. I’m glad you agreed to come home with Zane.”

  After embracing Zane in a bear hug, Hayden climbed up on the stool next to him. Needing to know but not wanting to ask outright, Hayden casually asked, “So, any excitement tonight?”

bsp; His ploy didn’t work. Sean’s eyes twinkled with mirth, his mouth split in a wide grin. “You mean has The Hellion been in? No not tonight, at least not yet.”

  Hayden knew he was being baited and decided to let the opportunity pass.

  “Zane, did the two of you just get into town?” asked Hayden. “I would have waited out at the ranch had I known.”

  He watched his brother and Serena pass glances to each other. He could guess what the looks were about but decided to wait and see what they had to say. It didn’t take long.

  “We weren’t really sure about staying at the ranch, Hayden. Didn’t want to intrude. We have no idea how long it’ll take us to find or build our own place.”

  Bingo! He’d guessed correctly. With the stern look of the oldest brother plastered on his face he said, “I’d like it if you stayed for a while at least.” He meant every word. It would be nice having Zane around, and maybe Serena could keep Austin company and hopefully, out of trouble in the process.

  Serena looked from Hayden then back to Zane. He nodded to her and gave a gentle squeeze where his hand rested on her upper thigh. Hayden thought it amazing how they communicated without saying a word.

  “Thank you, Hayden. We’d love to stay with you.”

  “My pleasure, Serena. My pleasure.” And it would be just to watch the two of them interact. Maybe he and The Hellion could take some lessons. That thought brought a smile to his lips.

  About the time he was ready to leave, Honor came strolling by. Her smile was radiant as was the blush upon her cheeks. She looked like a woman who was thoroughly loved. Hayden remembered catching them in the throes of passion. The look on Honor’s face as Sean brought her to orgasm standing right there behind the bar.

  Never before had he considered himself a voyeur but watching them had excited him. Thinking about holding Austin that way brought his cock instantly to life. Maybe he’d just stop by her trailer and pay her a visit.


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