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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 2

by Grayson, Alivia

  I turn my eyes back to Tammy as she addresses the whole room. “Tessa and I are now in charge here. The Snakes Henchmen have bought the club, and things are about to change. The MC, while they own the place, you will answer to us girls.”

  “Each one of you will submit your I.D.” It’s Tessa, the redhead who’s talking now. A few of the girls mutter in disagreement. I don’t see what the problem is. Unless these women know a forged I.D from a real one, there won’t be a problem. I’m the only underage girl here, so no one else has to worry. “You’ll also each undergo blood and urine testing.”

  “What the hell for?” Janelle, mouthy bitch, total hooker, complete whore yells.

  “Because we are fully aware of your extracurricular activities.”

  “This is a strip club, not a whorehouse!” Man, that Tammy is a scary one. “You wanna fuck the customers, you do it on your own time, but you will not be doing it in this club!”

  “You wanna work here you abide by our rules. Anyone found in compromising positions with customers will wish they’d never met any of us.” That guy, Red? He’s one scary bastard! Kind of looks like a lumberjack in leather.

  “From what your previous boss has told us,” Which one is this again? Roman? It’s going to take some getting used to figuring out which one is which. “This one,” He points to me. My eyes instantly narrow and widen at the same time. My heart is banging. What the fuck have I done wrong? “Is the only one who doesn’t fuck the customers.” Phew! He’s right; I don’t.

  My eyes lock with Trace again, he smirks at me. I don’t know why, but I smile at him. He’s somewhat cute if you can call one of these monsters cute.

  Tammy is talking again, but I don’t hear her, something about Trace has me captivated for a moment, and all the shit I’m going through right now disappears. My heart is banging again, but this time for a very different reason. I can’t feel like this over a biker! God, but when he winks at me.

  “Fallon?” Shit. I look at Tammy. “You first.” Me first? Oh hell, I didn’t hear a word she just said!

  Chapter Three


  Put on security of a fucking titty bar like some goddamn street cop. This shit is fucked up. Is this what I’ve been reduced to? Watching whores, to make sure they aren’t fucking around with the dirty old geezer’s paying them to take their clothes off?


  It isn’t all bad, though, that little girl, Fallon, is worth the few hours I need to be here tonight. She’s a pretty little thing, dark hair, green eyes, long legs, big ass, she doesn’t have massive tits, but they’re big enough to fit in the palms of my big hands. Not sure I like the idea of her stripping for this mob of bastards though.

  From what I know of the girl from the bitch who used to pimp these whores out, Fallon is the only girl here who refused to whore that perfect body of hers out. She strips like the others, but never full-on nudity, just down to her panties.

  Can’t deny that I’m looking forward to seeing Fallon’s little show. She’s next on. The slut dancing on stage right now is doing fuck all for my dick. Damn whores, I’ve fucked a hundred bitches like her, they’re nothing but a hole to sink my cock in. I need fresh meat to catch my attention. I’m getting bored with the same old sluts, not one of them is original. Anybody would think I have a type. I don’t.

  Turning back to the bar I’m sitting at; I snag a beer. “Baby girl’s up next,” I nod at the bartender while taking a drink of my beer. “She’s a hot little thing.”

  “You tapped it?” If he says yes I’m going to rip his throat out!

  Why the fuck would I even contemplate that?

  Because from the moment I laid eyes on Fallon, I wanted her, and what I want, I get. I don’t give a shit if she’s got some jackass at home. He’s irrelevant right now. I’ll fuck her and send her home to him completely ruined.

  “You’re kiddin’, right? Baby girl don’t put out for no one. Wouldn’t be surprised if she was still a virgin.” Interesting. “Not sayin’ she’s all that innocent. From the way she shakes it up there, it’s obvious she’s a kinky little thing.” He wants her. I can see it in his eyes.

  Dream on, fucker.

  Lights dim, music starts up, the beat drops, and spotlight blinds the stage and the vixen standing with her head down has my full attention. She’s dressed like a little cowgirl, red checked shirt tied in a knot under her breasts, tiny cut off jean shorts barely covering her ass or her pussy, cowgirl boots on her feet, and a pink stetson on her head. Fallon’s legs are so smooth I can see the oil shining off them. Fuck.

  She works that stage like she owns it. Hooking those long legs over the chair, she’s using as a prop like she’s straddling a guy. If I closed my eyes right now, I could imagine her straddling my lap, that little pussy of hers slide over my cock... Damn.

  I can’t close my eyes, though, because I can’t tear them away from Fallon and the fact she’s now shirtless and sliding those tiny shorts down her legs. Once they’re off and I see her in those fucking tiny panties – a thong no less, showing off that amazing ass – my dick stiffens in my jeans.

  A dirty old bastard yells for her to take it all off. Fallon just smirks, reaches behind her and drops that damn bra. Fuck, those tits are perfect. Full, pert, and those pretty pink nipples all erect because of the thrill of people seeing her like this... Well, I’m going to have to fuck something to relieve the pressure in my damn jeans!

  The lights dim again, and Fallon is gone. Yet my eyes are stuck on the stage, her image still there in my mind’s eye, dancing and working the crowd with her incredible body. She was perfect, and she must have made a good couple grand with the number of men throwing money at her.

  This was Fallon’s test. Shepard wanted all the girls tested in every way tonight. Any of them have STI’s from the whoring they’ve been doing, and they’re fired. Any, who are underage – doubtful – fired. Any on drugs, fired. Any that don’t bring in good money get fired.

  These girls are a dime a dozen. Sure we’re going to have a few pissed off customers tonight when the girls turn them down, but if they want to keep working, then they don’t have a choice. Drugs and prostitution aren’t our MC’s thing. The old boy has a big fucking problem with it. Shepard has daughters and granddaughters, and he wouldn’t want anything like that to happen to them. He’s a good man.

  I look back sometimes and wonder where I’d be now had I gone through with my wedding to Willow, Prez’s eldest daughter. Would her kids be mine? We were together for a couple of years before she caught me cheating with a whore just like these here.

  Hammer, Sergeant-At-Arms, almost knocked my fucking teeth out. I deserved much worse. Willow had barely survived virtually being killed, and there I was screwing around.

  Why? Because I was a cunt. Still, am. No woman deserves an asshole like me.

  Guess that’s why I’m still single.

  Don’t get me wrong, I loved Will, in my own way, I honestly did. However, I knew the whole time we were together that she was in love with Hammer. Willow tried to hide if, but when you live with someone, when you hear them talking in their sleep and calling another man’s name, well, it’s not the best feeling in the world. That’s what pushed me away from Willow again and again. I pulled her up on it a few times, but she always laughed and told me I was being stupid. I wasn’t stupid; the woman who was supposed to be in love with me was in love with someone else. It isn’t an excuse for cheating, but I felt second best to a man that didn’t want her.

  Hammer’s girl, Will’s best friend, was murdered, and it hurt them both in a way I can’t imagine. The two of them got even closer, and, well, they’re now married, have been for the past few years. They’ve got three little boys, and they’re happy. Good for them.

  I couldn’t give Willow what she needed. I may have asked her to marry me, but that was never what I wanted. I guess I just wanted to keep her with me because I was damn selfish. I’m the kind of bastard who tried to have his cake and ea
t it. So, I let Willow go, and now she’s happy.

  Marriage and kids aren’t for me. No, Sir.

  “You’re needed out back!” One of the whores yells down my ear. The music is too loud for me to hear her otherwise. She’s pretty, tanned skin, tight curls, rocking body. I’d usually tap it, but I’ve got one girl on my mind right now. I want her, and no one else is going to be good enough. After I’ve fucked Fallon is another story.

  “Tammy asked if you could hurry!” Every member of the MC knows that when Tammy calls, you run.

  A couple of years ago, Tammy, along with Elie, Wrench’s wife, was raped by a prospect with the club. One who was just days away from being patched in. Red shot the motherfucker in the head, but Tammy had a nervous breakdown after the fact. It almost destroyed Red to see her like that.

  He ended up sending their kids to stay with his sister for a while, while he took care of the woman he loves. Red is ten years older than Tammy, but everyone swears they’re soulmates. Wherever he is, she’ll be there, and the same goes for him. Never do they argue, and they seem to be able to read each other’s minds. I guess that’s true love.

  It took Tammy a good few months to recover from her breakdown. It was hard for her, but I could understand how she might have been feeling when I was heading that way myself a few months back. Watching Wrench pumped full of lead, thinking he’d been killed, his body left to rot, and not being able to do a damn thing about it drove me crazy. I felt like a failure because I couldn’t save him. That scene played over in my mind repeatedly for months, and I felt like I was losing my mind. In the end, Roman forced me to get help. He swore to keep it to himself, and to this day he has.

  I’m doing fine now. However, Tammy still struggles now and again. Each brother swore an oath to protect the women of this club with his life. Too many old ladies have been lost in the past to cunts who find hurting women the easiest way to get to a man. Of course, it’s damn true, that’s why I’m running like a mad man to get to Tammy. Anything happens to her on my watch, and Red will literally kill me.

  I see Tammy standing in the doorway of the office with her back to me. I grab her shoulders and swing her around to face me. I take her face in my hands in a panic. “You okay, sweetheart? What’s wrong? Somebody touch you? Tell me who and I’ll fuckin’ kill them!” My words come out, rushed, and too close together. I’d be surprised if Tammy understood half of what I just said.

  She laughs while holding my wrists. “I’m fine, Trace, nobody touched me.” I let go of a massive breath in relief and kiss her forehead, before letting her go. “I asked Ayesha to get you because Red’s about ten seconds away from putting a bullet in this guys head.”

  I look to where she’s pointing. Red, whom I didn’t know was here, has a short, fat, balding guy pinned to the wall, blood pouring from his nose, his eyes swollen. Typical Red.

  “First night on the job and you’ve already roughed someone up, Red.” He growls at me. He does that when he’s pissed. Forty-nine years old and he’s still the rabid animal Shepard warned me about when I joined the club.

  “Son of a bitch went for my wife!” Great, there’s fuck all I can do to save fat man now. “Or I thought he did. Heard her scream just as I walked through the back entrance. Came fuckin’ runnin’ as fast as I could. Ready to kill whichever motherfucker thought he could put his hands on my wife. Found her tryin’ to pull this one of that little ‘Un we got working here.”

  Tammy mouths, “Fallon,” and my stomach muscles tighten. This fat sack of shit attacked Fallon? Fuck.

  “Where is she?”

  “I sent her home, Trace. She was badly shaken up.”

  “What you wanna do about him?” Red asks while pressing his arm harder against fuckers throat.

  “Let me go! I wasn’t doin’ nothin’ to her!”

  “You lying sack of shit!” I hit fat fuck so hard I hear his nose crunch. Bastard! He’s lucky I don’t blow his fucking head off right here and right fucking now.

  “Do what you want with him, Red. I’m going to find Fallon. How longs she been gone, Tammy?”

  “About a minute before you got here,” Good, she couldn’t have got far. “I told her to wait for you to get here, but she was adamant that she didn’t want any fuss.”

  I kiss Tammy’s head and tell her that it’s okay, and then rush from the room in search of Fallon. I don’t know why I feel this need inside of me to protect this girl, but it’s so fucking strong that it’s eating away at me. Also, it’s not just that; it’s the need to be inside of her, the need to taste her, touch her, consume her. I don’t even know anything about Fallon, but I know I need to have her, even if it’s just once. That’s all I ever need, just once.

  Chapter Four


  Mother fucking son of a bitch! Why men feel it their right to try and force you into sex acts against your will is beyond me.

  Piece of shit!

  I refused a guy a private dance because I don’t do that. I pointed him the direction of the girls who do. On my way out of the bathroom, he grabbed me and dragged me into one of the rooms where he then tried to touch me in places he had no business touching me.

  If that wasn’t bad enough, the fat, sweaty bastard tried to force me to suck his cock. I would’ve bit the fucking thing off if he had managed to get that tiny dick near my mouth. When that didn’t work, he called me all the vile names under the sun while pinning me against the wall and trying to rip what little clothes I had on, off.

  I must have yelled loudly because Tammy was there in seconds trying to pull him off me. She tried so hard to drag him away while screaming at him. I fought him off, of course, I did, but I only managed to get one good slap in before he was dragged away from me by Tammy’s husband and beaten the hell out of.

  Tammy grabbed me and pulled me away. She asked me to wait for Trace, whom she’d sent one of the girls watching from the doorway to get. I didn’t want to see Trace, so I told Tammy I’d just go home and that she could settle tonights pay with me tomorrow.

  All I need right now is to get home and use Scott’s weights and punch bag. I need to get this frustration out of me before I explode!

  I hear the rumble of a bike behind me, and I flinch as it gets closer, it could be anybody in this damn town. So many MC’s around this town and the surrounding town, riding in and out, that it’s a scary place to be sometimes.

  The bike pulls up right next to me. I should run and not look back. Not that I could ever outrun a motorcycle. However, I don’t, I freeze and turn to look at the biker beside me. My heart is racing, but I think I’m okay. It’s Trace. I can see him clearly in the streetlight.

  Why the hell has he followed me?

  I watch him remove that stupid fucking helmet – what the fuck is it called again? Brain bucket. Yes. I inwardly laugh hysterically. Not only do they have silly nicknames, but their helmets do too.

  He hangs it from his handlebars and gets off his motorcycle. “Why the hell are you walking home alone this late at night, gorgeous?”

  I shrug. I don’t want to tell Trace anything. I just want to forget about what’s going on in my life right now. I want to forget that my brother will soon be gone from the world, and I’ll be here all alone with no family to care about me at all. Okay, someone, but I can’t think about them right now. I just want to forget everything for one night. Is that so wrong?

  “You okay?” Trace’s tone is softer than I’ve ever heard from a man like him. He comes closer, standing right in front of me with his big arms crossed over his even bigger chest. “Tammy told me about the asshole back at the club.”

  “It was nothing. Happens sometimes.” I shrug like it’s nothing because it is, to me, anyway.

  “Not on my watch, it doesn’t.” I smile slightly. I have nothing to say on the subject. There’s no point to it. “Come on. I’ll take you home.”

  “I don’t want to go home right now, Trace. I just want to forget.”

  He tilts his head to the s
ide slightly, watching me, trying to read me. He knows I mean more than what happened. However, he doesn’t ask about it. Thankfully.

  Trace startles me when he lays his hand on my face. His thumb strokes just under my eye, and I’m curious as to why he’s touching me. My stomach is turning over. I told myself I wouldn’t feel anything for a man like him, and my head is telling me, no, but my body is screaming, hell yes!

  Right now, I’m going to listen to my body. I need a distraction, why shouldn’t I let this hotter than hell biker be that distraction?

  “Wanna go for a ride?”

  “On your bike or your...?”

  I chuckle as Trace laughs loudly, then he leans into me, his lips next to my ear, his breath sending shivers down my spine. I might not like him, but my body certainly does. I’ve never had such a reaction to a man before. “Anything you want, little mouse.”

  I can feel his shirt in my hand. When did I grab his shirt? I can feel myself breathing harsh and fast. My heart is beating hard in my chest. What the hell is happening? I’m not supposed to feel this way about someone like him. I’m supposed to feel this way about the man I’m going to marry one day... HA! Not going to happen. Marriage is for idiots. But still.

  Trace lifts and looks down at me, our eyes locked, and I’m begging him with my eyes to kiss me. I want him to kiss me so badly right now.

  He runs his thumb over my lower lip and smiles. Bastard!

  “Come on, little mouse, climb on.” I climb on the back of his bike, the leather seat pressing hard against my aching pussy. Aching because Trace has lit a fire inside of me, one I need him to kiss the flame of.

  I watch Trace closely as he puts his helmet on my head and fastens it. “Don’t you need to wear this? What if you crash?”

  “Your life is more important than mine, Fallon.” I’m gobsmacked. He climbs on in front of me. “Ever been on the back of a motorcycle before?”


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