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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 8

by Grayson, Alivia

  “I’ll deal with it,” I say no more. I take off up the stairs. I can hear the loud cheering before I’ve even opened the door. The second I do, I see Fallon dancing on a damn tabletop, with her shirt off. Nothing but her bra is covering her tits — men, at least five of them, yelling for her to take it all off. My blood is boiling in a way it never has before. I can feel it behind my eyes!

  Fallon’s eyes are rolling all over the damn place. She can hardly stand up. Her skin is glistening in sweat, and she’s beyond drunk and higher than a fucking kite.

  “Why don’t you come here, pretty lady?”

  Fat piece of shit only gets out of his seat and reaches for Fallon, and I’ve got him pinned to the floor and beating the shit out of him before he can blink. I sense the rest of those fucks run for it. I don’t give a shit about them. However, I know I can’t kill this cunt here, and I have Fallon to deal with.

  Shit, Fallon!

  I spin on the spot and get to my feet just in time to catch her. An inch to the left and Fallon would have gone right over the damn balcony! It’s a two-story drop, for fuck’s sake! “What the fuck have you taken?!”

  “None of your business. Let go of me!”

  I hold Fallon tighter as she struggles. There’s no way I’m letting go. “You stupid little bitch!” I grab her arms, checking for needle marks. There are none. Thank God. Which means she snorted or ingested something. “What the fuck have you taken?!” She laughs in my damn face! “Tell me!”

  “Pills. Nice little pills.” She laughs again, and I’m fighting the urge to slap her face for being so stupid.

  I manage to spot her shirt hanging over the balcony. I snag it and force it over her head, ignoring her protests that she’s too hot. Fallon mumbles something while I drag her arms into the sleeves. I’m not fucking interested in anything Fallon’s got to say right now. I’m so damn angry I could kill!

  I manage to get her down the stairs and out the backdoor without anyone noticing, but she can hardly stand up. How the hell am I supposed to get her on the back of my motorcycle?

  “You’re so handsome,” Her words are slurred, her hands grabby, pulling at my cut. “No one ever made me feel the way you do. I want you right now, Trace.” She tries kissing me, but I pull away, grabbing her wrists to prize her off me. There’s no way I want sex with her right now. It would be like rape. She has no idea what she’s doing. She’s not capable of really telling me yes or no, and I’m not into taking from a woman when she can’t even think for herself. It just doesn’t feel right.

  I grab Fallon’s upper arms and yank her away from me harshly. It’s the only way to get her off me. “Give it a rest, Fallon!”

  “You don’t want me anymore.” She wasn’t asking me; she was telling me. I just roll my eyes and grab my phone from my pocket. “Plenty of men want me.” I don’t doubt that for a second. “But I only want you.” I stare at her for a moment, wondering if she means what she’s just said.

  “I need you to bring your tuck to Stilletthoe.”

  “What’s up, can’t find your bike?”

  “Funny fucker.” I’ve called Ace. He has the truck I need right now. I’m taking Fallon back to my place, but I need to take her back to hers to collect an overnight bag and that damn dog of hers. He’s been alone all day. Hours, in fact. It wouldn’t surprise me if the dog crapped all over her house.

  After explaining the situation to Ace, he tells me that he’ll be right over. He’s here in five minutes. Fallon is going wild, out of hand, dancing, yelling, fucking typical. I have to stop her from twice trying to climb on top of the hood of some guys car.

  After finally getting her in the truck, Ace drives me over to Fallon’s trailer. Overnight bag in my hand, dog in the back of the back, Ace takes us over to the clubhouse. I’d rather just go the fuck home, but Ace thinks Fallon should see Taylor and get checked over.

  I don’t know, maybe he’s right. Fallon is a complete mess. She’s hyperactive, she’s sweating like crazy, her voice is breaking each time she speaks, and her eyes look so damn bloodshot, crazy looking even.

  “Where are you taking me? I don’t live here. Take me home right now.” There’s absolutely no conviction in her voice whatsoever. She’s even laughing while she speaks. Anything could’ve happened to her if I hadn’t found her tonight when I did. Those fuckers on that balcony could have taken turns in fucking her, and she wouldn’t have even said no. She wouldn’t have even remembered it.


  “You’re coming home with me, Fallon.”

  “Oh, really?” She leans into me, running her hand over my chest. “Are you taking me there to ravage my body? Are you going to punish me like the other night?”

  Ace raises his eyebrow and shoots me a look that tells me I’m in trouble for touching her. I don’t give a shit about that right now. “Why can you never keep your dick in your pants, Trace? You were told to stay away from her.”

  “It’s not easy to stay away from a woman who’s your own personal heroine, Ace.”

  “What business it is of yours?” Fallon yells in Ace’s direction. “If Trace wants to fuck me stupid, and he does,” She giggles. “Then it’s nothing to do with you or anyone else!”

  Jesus Christ!

  “That’s enough, Fallon.” She stares at me, body swaying slightly, and I can see in her eyes just how much pain she’s in right now. She shouldn’t have taken drugs to numb that pain. She should have let me help her. I don’t know how she’s feeling, but I imagine she feels lost and alone in the world. Fallon will never be alone as long as I’m around.

  “Take her inside. I’ll find Taylor.”

  “She even here?” Taylor is not typically here this late at night. If she is here, then Dana is more than likely having a sleepover with Kaleb at Wrench and Elie’s.

  “I called her while you were getting the girls stuff.” I nod at Ace. It was good of him to call Taylor, but there’s something odd about the way he’s acting right now. He won’t make eye contact, and he’s stiff in his seat, which isn’t like him. He usually drives looking cool and comfortable. I’ve noticed every now and again that he’ll look at Fallon through the corner of his eye. I haven’t got a clue what the hell Ace is looking for, but I know it isn’t anything sexual. Tessa is Ace’s life. No, it’s something else.

  * * *

  Fallon, can you tell me what you’ve taken?” Fallon sways in her seat, eyes rolling as Taylor flashes a light in her eyes. “Sweetheart, I need you to tell me what you’ve taken.”

  “I dunno,” Fallon mumbles.

  This is getting us nowhere! She’s not going to tell us what she took because I don’t think the silly bitch even knows what she took!

  “She took some pills. She told me that much when I found her.”

  “She didn’t tell you what they were?” I shake my head at Taylor. “Fallon, do you know what pills you took?”



  Taylor looks at me with wide eyes and shakes her head. She can see that I’m about to flip my fucking lid, but I’m angry, dammit!

  “Who gave you the stuff?!”

  “Fuck off, Trace!” Fallon hits out at me, and I want nothing more than to slap her stupid, drugged up face, but I don’t hit women. Lucky for her. “If you cared about me, you wouldn’t’ve let him do that to ME!” She screams it at me, and every person around us turns to look in our direction. Fallon is now crying, an ugly cry, loud and heartbreaking.

  I crouch down in front of her and try to take her hands in mine. I say try because she’s slapping me away from her. “Fallon,” I grab at her, trying to stop her from falling from the chair she’s sitting on. “Tell me what you mean. Let who?”

  “That man. He tried to touch me. I wanted you to save me.” She sobs, and I’m confused.

  “What man, Fallon?”

  “At the club.”

  I close my eyes and shake my head. She means the fat fuck at the strip club. “Baby, I didn’t let him touc
h you. I stopped him. Don’t you remember?”

  She stares at me long and hard, trying to focus her mind on what I’m telling her. I touch knuckles to her cheek, but she flips out. “Get off me!”

  “Fallon, calm down.”

  “Leave me alone. I want Red!”

  I let go of her and scrub my hands over my face as she calls for Red over and over. I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m supposed to have done to make her hate me like this, but something isn’t right here.

  “Everything’s okay, Fallon,” Taylor tells her.

  “Please, Taylor, I need Red.”

  “Move outta my way, Trace,” Like he gave me a fucking choice. Bastard almost knocked me on my ass! “Come here, sweetheart,”

  Fallon gasps and reaches for Red. “Red,” She sobs into his shoulder. I’m looking in on the scene in front of me like a fucking outsider. This girl is mine. Every damn person here knows it, yet it’s not me she wants, and I have to ask myself why? Why is Fallon pushing me away when she needs me the most?

  “Fallon. Tell me why you took drugs.”

  “They were just pills, pills to forget. I want to forget. Don’t leave me by myself, please!” Watching her clutching at Red like he’s her father, like, he’s the only person she needs to make this all better is crushing me. It should be me that she clings to, me that she wants to hold her through this.

  Is that selfish right now?

  I really don’t care if it is.

  I watch Red as he holds Fallon tight, stroking her hair, hushing her, calming her, and all I can think is, that should be me!

  “Taylor, is she okay to go? I wanna take her home.”

  “I can’t be sure how many pills she took, Red, but it’s been a couple hours since she took them. Just keep an eye on her tonight. If she doesn’t calm down in the next few hours, take her to the hospital. In the meantime, keep her hydrated as much as possible, and hopefully, she’ll be fine.”


  Red says, fuck all to me before turning and walking away without a word. Fuck it. I don’t need this fucking shit!

  Chapter Twelve


  I’m sorry,” Fallon mumbles as my wife puts her to bed. The silly girl went and took drugs to try and forget what happened earlier today.

  My beautiful boy is finally at peace, but it kills me to know that he’s been so close all this time and I had no clue. Scott had been in that place for the past couple of years. All the while, I’d been led to believe he’d taken off for a life somewhere else.

  I never believed it. No way would I believe it. My boy wanted to join me and my club. He wanted out of his own and to be with his family. Scott wanted to bring his sister here. He wanted her to be a part of it all. Christ knows they’d had no sort of life with that mother of theirs.

  Jade always was a waste of space and a selfish bitch. Went and took too many damn drugs and ended up dead because of it. Looking at Fallon right now, I have to wonder if she’ll end up the same way.

  No. I won’t let that happen; she’s better than all of this. Scott would have wanted more for Fallon, and I’ll make sure she gets it.

  I’ve got to wonder what the hell is going on between her and Trace. I’ve never seen him like that with any woman before. He was worried, angry, had that look in his eye that said she was his woman.

  Stupid fucker. No one’s ever going to believe that prick will fall for anyone, let alone this little girl. The man can’t keep his dick in his pants, never could. Who in their right mind is going to believe he’s suddenly changed and isn’t sleeping with every female on two legs?

  “It’s okay, Fallon. Just go to sleep, sweetheart.” My beautiful Tammy, so sweet, so like a mother to want to comfort a child. Fallon is a child in my eyes. Tammy is old enough to be her mother, nineteen seems to be a good age around here for women to have kids.

  I met Tammy through Scott’s mother. Jade was dating Tammy’s father. George was getting on in years, and I know psycho bitch believed he’d leave all his damn money to her when he died. Let’s face it; old George was loaded. He used to run a car dealership, which Trace’s Dad now owns. Harvey was George’s apprentice, and he loved Harvey like a son, so he left him the business when he died. Geroge was never going to leave anything to Jade. The business may have gone to Harvey, but everything else he owned and his money went to Tammy. He made sure his baby girl would never want for anything.

  The very first time I set eyes on Tammy, I wanted her. I won’t lie; it took me a lot to stay away from her. Tammy was seventeen, and I was twenty-seven, and I knew I couldn’t touch her until she was eighteen. Trust me when I tell you that she didn’t make it easy for me. Tammy knew what she wanted and what she wanted was me.

  Whenever I picked Scotty up there, she’d be, a smile on her face as she watched me lift my boy in my arms. My whole world was my son. I couldn’t stand his mother, and I only fucked her a couple of times when I was drunk, but I got Scott out of it. That’s the only reason I’ll never regret falling into bed with her. The bitch even gave Scott my name when she didn’t have to. I have to admit that it filled me with pride when she did. She also didn’t deny me access when he was born. Not that she would have gotten away with it had she tried.

  When I’d drop my boy off, Tammy would be waiting to greet me. I don’t know what it was about me that attracted her, but Tammy wouldn’t give up until the day she told me, ‘It’s my birthday, Red. You don’t have to pretend you don’t want me anymore.’ I couldn’t stop myself from making her mine right then and there. Jesus, there was nothing I had ever wanted more than Tammy. I was her first, her last, her everything.

  Twenty-one years Tammy been mine, and she’ll be mine until the day I die. I don’t even know who I am without her. Tammy gave me three sons, sons that have never taken Scott’s place, sons that have just added to the anchor in my heart that surrounds them. My kids are my world, and that included Scott.

  Scott loved his little brothers, and they loved him. The day I brought Scott home to meet my wife and kids, they instantly pulled him right on in, and it was like he’d always been with them. Tammy couldn’t believe the size of Scott, and she was shocked when he told her that he remembered her.

  Scott told us all about Fallon and how she’d be coming by to see us very soon. He asked me not to tell her that I wasn’t her father, and I agreed to pretend that I was because I saw how much it meant to him. Scott didn’t want Fallon to be forever wondering whom her dad was, always feeling like an outsider with us.

  It was wrong; I know that. However, no one has a damn clue who Fallon’s father is. I know Roman went and opened his big mouth and told Fallon that she and Scott didn’t have the same father. Now the poor girl feels abandoned all over again.

  If Scott were still here, Fallon wouldn’t be in this mess. However, my son is gone, and nothing anyone says or does will ever change that. I’m not going to lie, and I’m man enough to admit it, my fucking heart is broken right now. Yeah, I’ve cried like a damn baby over losing my son. We didn’t have enough time to get to know each other.

  Jesus, there are so many things we didn’t get to do. So many times, I have wished I’d have done things differently. If only I’d listened to my young son’s pleas when he begged me not to leave him with his mother. He was a small child, and he literally sobbed and begged me not to go. It was as if he knew it would be the last time we saw each other for many years to come.

  I died inside, the day I realized Jade had taken my boy. There was nowhere I looked that I found even a trace of them. Shepard knew how I felt, and he even sat with me a few nights through the years so we could talk about our lost kids.

  His daughter came back to him, and then my son came back not too long after. It was like fate. Everything was right in the world because they were home. However, where Nova stayed, Scott did not, and I was broken, all over again.

  Nothing I do or say now will change the fact Scotty is gone. My boy. I will never hear his voice, see his smil
e, tell him that I love him so he can hear me ever again, and it kills me. If I didn’t have Tammy, I don’t know what I would do right now.

  Probably be out there fighting and killing some fuck just for looking at me.

  However, I’m worried about her. I’m not saying my wife is weak because she’s not, but she was raped a couple of years back along with Wrench’s wife. Where Elie got on with her life, my wife cracked and had a breakdown. It took me months to bring her back to me. She was going through so much due to the fact she’d tried to hide it all from me, because she didn’t want to hurt me, and she crumbled.

  Tammy was in therapy for months, trying to find a way to put behind her what happened. I don’t think a woman ever gets over something like that. I don’t think Tammy would have told me what happened to her if Stryker hadn’t found out about Elie’s rape by the same man. A fucking man who was supposed to be a brother of ours!

  I shot that cunt right between the eyes in front of half the MC and my wife. Which I think contributed to her breakdown. Not everyone is cut out to witness something like that, trust me. Tammy had never seen that side of me before. She knew about it but had never seen it. I was meant to be her hero, but I fucked her head more than it already was in doing what I did.

  Tammy has been doing so well of late, however. We had another kid not too long ago. Though I never thought it would happen. Tammy struggled with being touched, even by me for a while. It took weeks for her to let me so much as kiss her lips. Tammy was so ashamed of herself and didn’t feel worthy of me, and I hated that. Tammy had done nothing wrong but keep it to herself. She tried to fight that motherfucker off, but he was too strong.


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