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Healing Hope

Page 11

by C. A. Harms

  I was just about to comment on her visit and express my need for it to recur daily when I heard the office door open. I look past Hope, fully expecting it to be Carol entering, only to find Kenna Harland instead.

  I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going, and hadn’t noticed Hope had stopped walking until I bumped into her . My hands instantly went out to steady her as she stumbled forward from the impact.

  I watch as they each size up one another up. Leaning forward just a little, I see a curious look in Hope’s eyes. It only triggered a reaction in me that made me want to throw her over my shoulder and carry her back to my office so I could do what we had just done all over again. She still wore that freshly fucked look, and her ponytail was no longer positioned in the center, but more toward the left side. A mess of strands had fallen loose and were hanging loosely. She looked gorgeous.

  “Travis, we were still going to lunch,” Kenna smiles up at me, “weren't we?”

  Hope looks back over her shoulder and my stomach hits rock bottom. Fuck, I’d forgotten.

  “Was that today?” I tried to play this off the best I could. Only it backfired.

  “That was what we agreed to when I left here late last night.”

  The look on Hope’s face only made me feel worse about not fully disclosing what held me up the night before.

  “I’d forgotten,” I admit, my mind racing. I hadn't mentioned that I canceled last night due to an overrun meeting with Kenna. I just said I was stuck at the office. I could sense the confusion, maybe even a little bit of hurt in Hope’s eyes. “We’ll need to reschedule, I’ve already planned to spend lunch with my girlfriend.”

  “Oh,” Kenna again shifts her attention to Hope. “I’m Kenna Harland,” she introduces herself with a forced smile. “Travis and I will be working with one another on the Harland Enterprise projects. Lots of long hours and late nights.”

  Now I knew she was pulling shit, considering my part in these projects weren’t nearly as intense as the contractors’.

  I was worried how Hope would take her though, thoughts of her jealousy hitting me hard. But the moment she opened her mouth, her words made me grin happily.

  “You’ll have to get used to me stealing him away on occasion, because a girl has to keep her man happy.” She turns her body around to face mine and places her hand on my chest. “Isn’t that right?”

  Without a second thought, I kiss her, and though it was quick, I think I made my point.

  “You keep me very happy.” I whisper the words meant for her, but I know Kenna had to have heard them clearly.

  “Tonight, seven.” I nod in agreement. “If you think about canceling on me this time, I will show up here and drag you out.”

  “Yes ma’am,” I offer her a wink just before she kisses my jaw and spins away from me. I find I instantly miss her against me.

  “It was nice to meet you, Kara.”

  “It’s Kenna,” she sputters, sounding offended, and again I fall a little more for my spitfire.

  “Sorry, Kenna.”

  As Hope walks past, Carol comes in the front door whistling. “Well, you look like you enjoyed your lunch.”

  Carol steps inside, and Hope leans back against the door, her eyes focused solely on mine. “I did very much. It was the absolute best lunch I’ve ever had.”

  Carol giggles knowingly as Hope offers a wave and pushes the door open, disappearing around the corner. I could feel Kenna’s eyes on me, but in all honesty I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face.

  “Meet me at my place at six.”

  “Six, wow,” she imitates shock, “you mean she’s actually gonna remove her claws and allow you to sneak out earlier.

  “The only one with their claws in me is you.”

  A moment of silence passes between us before I speak again. “I want you to spend the night with me, and then tomorrow we have breakfast at my Ma’s with the family.”

  “We have what?” The sarcastic attitude from only moments ago faded.

  “Breakfast with my family.”

  “But I--” She was so cute when she was nervous.

  “You aren't getting out of this one.” I could almost picture her pacing the floor. “My Ma adores you, and you met Tripp. Missy and the boys are nothing compared to those two, so you are golden already. They’ll love you, too.”

  “Travis, I just don't know if--”

  There is no way I’m letting her out of this one. “You remember earlier when you told me that if I didn't show up you would come and get me?”

  “Yes, but--”

  “But nothing,” I interrupt her. “If you aren't at my place tonight with a bag containing something for you to wear to my mother’s for breakfast in the morning, I will show up and carry you out of your place myself.”

  “Impossible.” Her mumbling rants always make me chuckle. “Fine, then you have to have dinner at my parents’.”

  “Okay.” She grows silent by my quick response. “Just name the day and time.”

  “You are so…” She pauses as if searching for the word. When she practically growls in irritation, I laugh.

  “See ya soon.”

  I don't wait for her to respond before I end the call, feeling completely satisfied once again by my ability to affect her. Hope thought she could outwit me, but I had news for her, I was one step ahead. I wanted this to happen between her and I, and I didn't fear meeting her parents. What she neglected to remember is I knew her father. I’ve worked for him, on more than one occasion. I wasn’t about to take the joy out of the situation though. I knew eventually she would remember that, and she would lose the hype she’d gain from paying me back.

  I spent the remaining part of my afternoon clearing payroll, and when I left the office, I felt anxious to get home and wait for my girl.

  Chapter 20


  I take in a deep breath before lifting my hand and pressing the doorbell. I arrived at six fifteen just to make him question my arrival. When he called me at five after six I let the call go to voicemail, simply to make him sweat a little. Then when he texts me at ten after I couldn’t keep myself from laughing as I read the message.

  I have my shoes on and keys in hand, I meant what I said, I will come and get you.

  I’ll admit, I love when he got all caveman and demanding. The rush of desire I felt when he did so, was euphoric.

  The front door opened, and before I had the chance to brace myself for it, I was wrapped in his arms and his lips were on mine. Nothing about his kiss was sweeten and gentle, it was demanding. “You are always testing me.”

  He sounded irritated yet excited.

  Pulling me inside, he pushes the door shut behind me, and then suddenly my back is pressed firmly to the wooden door. Travis held me in place with his body, and I grew limp in his arms as he pushed his pelvis forward and his hardness pressed against me.

  “I like challenging you. It’s actually quite fun to see you all hyped up and ready to pounce” It kept things thrilling. “I like getting you all worked up.”

  “And why’s that?” he asked, as he nibbled on my neck and palmed my breast.

  “Keeps things interesting.”

  I can feel him smile against the side of my neck, yet he doesn't respond. I think he agrees, though admitting that wasn’t something he would willingly do.

  I wore a dress to tease him, I wore no panties beneath to torture him. Never had I expected to only making things easier for him to conquer me. When he reaches beneath my skirt and begins lifting it up, trailing his palm over my thigh along the way, a deep moan leaves his lips when he finds me bare. His hand cups my ass he lifts my leg and hooks it over his hip.

  “Was this for me?”

  I attempt to answer just as his finger skims over my inner thigh and he finds his mark. A deep intake of breath assures him that I wanted this as badly as he.

  “Is this what you wanted?”

  Travis dips his fingertip inside me, and my back arches as I th
rust my hips forward seeking more. “Yes,” I pant, pumping my hips, desperate for him to give me more, only he doesn’t.

  When he steps back, slowly releasing my leg to the floor, my body sags against the door behind me.

  A deep chuckle leaves him as he lifts the finger he just had inside me to his lips and sucks on the tip. I whimper, I know I do, because his smirk widens.

  “Dinner is almost ready.”

  He says this as he turns around and walks toward his kitchen, leaving me a horny mess.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” I push off the door and follow behind him, dragging my bag along the floor. My entire body felt like jelly, so picking it up would have been too much.

  “No, see,” he points toward the oven just as he opens the door.

  “I’m not talking about dinner.” I let go of the strap to my bag and walk around the island to get closer to him. “I’m talking about what just took place in the living room, just before you walked off and left me hanging.”

  “Oh that,” he says nonchalantly as he places an oven mitt on his hand and reaches inside to pull out the baking dish.

  “Yeah that.”

  When he sets the dish on the counter and removes the mitt from his hand, he finally looks at me. “That was more showing you that you, sweetheart, do not have the upper hand.” I narrow my eyes at him. “You thought you could make me wait, then show up here looking all sexy without any panties and I’d melt at your feet.” I wouldn't deny that was my intention. “So that,” he points toward the living room, “is me showing you that you’ll now be the one waiting.”

  I wanted to argue and demand he finish what he started but suddenly a different idea hit me. I spin around and begin moving toward the bathroom.

  “Hurry up, babe, I wasn’t joking when I said it was ready.”

  “It won’t take me long,” I smirk as I reach the bathroom door. “You already worked me up so a few strokes and I’ll be good as new.” I stepped inside and slowly closed the door, laughing when I heard him moving down the hallway toward me. Turning the lock just as the door handle jiggled, followed by a smack.

  “Open the door, Hope,” he says in what I assume was his demanding tone, which only made me giggle. “I’m serious, woman. I will remove the door from its hinges.”

  “By the time you do that, I’ll be finished,” I tell him as I lean back against the counter. “I’m already so close.”

  “Hope.” I press my lips together tightly to keep from laughing. “You better not be touching yourself.” I don’t reply, but instead moan softly. “Hope.” He pounds on the door.

  “Oh my god, so good,” I say a little louder and breathier than I would had I truly been doing what he thought I was. “Mm.”

  “Damn it woman, I swear to you. I’ll forego the doors and just knock it down.”

  Silence on both sides of the door, and I could almost imagine him with his ear pressed against the wood. I move across the bathroom and reach out, twisting the lock, before moving back quickly.

  The door comes open, and he steps inside. I observe him as he looks me over from head to toe. “You are evil.”

  I say nothing, only shrug.

  “Did you?”

  Again I shrug and then notice how red his ears are, and how he is breathing heavy.

  “Maybe you should come over here and find out.”

  For a moment we each only stand in the same place staring at one another. Both breathing a little heavier than normal, then he moves.

  He grabs my waist, lifts me to the sink, and firmly plants me upon the counter. My dress is up, his shorts are pulled down in the front, and his cock is fisted in his hand.

  “I’m the only one that gets to make you finish.” He growls the words as he steps forward, and with one stroke he is seated deep inside me. Never mind the fact that he didn't even put on a condom, it felt too good to stop. I was on the pill. This was good, so good.

  I loved waking up in Travis’ arms. He always held me so tight and secure, like he was protecting me even in his sleep.

  Sometimes I wondered if I was being reckless, allowing myself to grow attached too fast. Was I setting myself up for heartbreak?

  But then Travis would say or do something that reminded me how amazing the falling in love part of a relationship felt, and I’d forget all about those fears in the back of my mind.

  But it was times like these, times of silence, when I’d find those fears resurfacing. When it was just him and I, yet he was quiet, I had nothing to stop me from getting lost in those thoughts.

  My mind would wander back to the time when I was so fearful of getting close to anyone again. Remembering how I felt when I lost Walker always made me worry if I’d survive another loss. Even if it was only a break up, would I be able to keep my head above water?

  “Good morning, beautiful.” And there he was, pulling me out of the darkness once again. That deep raspy whisper, his sweet words, they always managed to uplift me when I needed it most.

  He hugged me tighter, pulling my body closer to his and I hear him breathe in. It was a gesture I, too, did often whenever I lay my head on his chest. Travis just had that manly distinct scent that both intrigued me and calmed me. I loved knowing that he did the same in regard to me.

  “We could just stay in bed like this all day.” I hide my smile when I say the words, already knowing he’d catch on.

  “We’re not skipping breakfast.” He rolls his body over mine, and suddenly I am pinned beneath him. “But we do have about an hour before we need to get up, so I could do my very best to relax you.”

  “That sounds so nice.” I arch my body upward pressing my bare breasts to his chest. It was another thing I know I could grow quite fond of, sleeping in the buff was Travis’ favorite way to sleep, and who am I to take the fun out of things. “I think you should try over and over until I am completely spent.”

  I see a smirk spread out over his lips. “I only need once, babe.”

  Cocky, arrogant, and so very true.

  Chapter 21


  “No more story time.” I say the words with conviction, and each person sitting around the table looks in my direction. Well, with the exception of the three boys that were entirely too busy feeding their faces with Grandma’s biscuits and gravy.

  Four sets of adult eyes all lock with my own, and I dare the three devils in hiding to go against my demand.

  I expect it to be Tripp, or hell, even Ma to be the one to challenge me, but to my surprise, it is the cute little blonde at my side.

  “But Trav, story time is my absolute favorite.”

  I look toward Hope and narrow my eyes just before every other adult at the table breaks out in laughter.

  “You’re in trouble later.”

  “Promises, promises.” She winks. At that very moment I wanted to scoop her up and carry her off some place quiet to teach her a lesson but instead I smile. Leaning in, I surprise her by placing a kiss against her lips. Not a quiet one either, this kiss was loud and over exaggerated. One that triggered a surprise grunt from her, and an unnecessary pop of our lips as they parted. It added to the effect though so I couldn’t resist.

  Her cheeks were red and I look around the table to see each adult smiling brightly.

  It was great to see everyone accept Hope the way they had. Never once had they made her feel like an outsider, or as if she was being observed in any way. They each went about their normal activities and never once shielded anything they’d say just because there was a newbie around.

  That could be a good thing, and a very bad thing, too.

  After breakfast Tripp and I moved the boys to the living room, and even though my mother insisted Hope join us, she refused. She followed Missy and my mother to the kitchen, and the three of them, cleaned and chit-chatted as if they’d known one another for more than just a few hours.

  I could see them from my place on the couch, and every once in a while, I could hear their laughter carrying out thro
ugh the arched doorway. Hope looked happy. She looked at ease.

  When I had reached the point where I had missed her long enough, I stood from the couch and began moving toward the kitchen.

  “Where you going?”

  Looking back over my shoulder, I grinned as I pointed toward my girl standing near the sink. He just shook his head as if I was nuts, but I knew he understood what I was feeling. It didn't matter that he and Missy had been married for years and had three boys that occupied all their time, he was addicted to her, too.

  Hope saw me coming through the doorway and her smile made my chest tighten. I remember first meeting her when a smile was a rarity. Now I got them often. I cherished each one.

  Moving around her I stepped in behind her and braced one hand against the counter on each side of her. “Missed you.” I pressed a kiss to the side of her neck and she arched her neck to the side, giving me just a little more room to move. “They love you.” I feel my heart race as I rest my chin on her shoulders. “I knew they would.”

  “Oh yeah?” She continues to wash the dish she held out before her slightly emerged in the dishwater. From the looks of it, it was clean, but I suspected she was now distracted and needed something to do with her hands.

  “Yeah.” Pressing another kiss to her neck, I move my body closer, molding my chest to her back. I could see her chest rising and falling with each breath she took, and for a moment I just focus on those movements alone. I wanted to tell her that I love her, too, but instead I held back.

  The things I was feeling for her, the pure addiction I have when it comes to simply being near her was consuming. It was so intense that I feared if I shared those feelings now, they may frighten her. Hell, at times it frightened me. I wanted this type of love in my life. My fear was wanting something so badly, having it in my grasp, only to lose it in the end.

  “My father would like to present the proposal for each property to the board on Thursday morning.” Kenna sat in the chair across from my desk. I was well aware of her continuous shifting, as if to bring my attention to her legs. Which were on full display in the oversized shirt she wore, that I guess was meant to be a dress.


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