Snowed In
Page 3
“But what?” Nina pressed.
“I don’t want to be selfish.”
Selfish? Dex was likely the most unselfish person Nina had ever met. “Dex,” she said stroking his cheek, “You are not selfish.”
He snickered and his bottom lip twisted, “I know there are guys out there much younger and better suitors. I just don’t want to take you out of circulation.”
“Out of circulation?” Nina chuckled. “I’m not a library book, you know?”
“You know what I mean, Nina.” He answered, offering a weak smile. “I know the guys at the office swoon every time you stop by.” He shrugged, “They all think you’re hot.”
Nina never realized she had such an effect on Dex’s male employees. “Listen, I’m okay with being ‘out of circulation.’” She told him. “I’m also okay with giving us a try,”
Nina added the last part of her statement on a whim hoping that Dex would declare the same.
After a brief pause he replied, “What about Lynne?”
If Nina didn’t know any better she would think that Dex was intent on setting up roadblocks. “What about my grandma?”
“Well, what if she’s not okay with us?”
Sure Nina had thought about her grandmother. What would Grammie think of her having a relationship with a much older man? Would she be upset? Would she interfere? The very same questions flooded her mind weeks back and now as she stood there. Yet, when all was said and done, Nina reasoned that the most important, and perhaps the only important thing, was how they felt.
“I love Grammie and I would never want to do anything to hurt her. But this between us has nothing to do with her. If being together is what we want to do then we should be able to do it.”
He nodded, “I just want to make sure you’re okay…”
Nina placed a finger to his lips silencing him. A second later, the robe she was wearing landed on the carpet.
“I’m more than okay.” She declared.
Chapter 7
Nina stood there before him in camisole and panties her heart beating so fast she heard the drumming loud in her ears. His brown eyes bore into her and Nina sensed pent-up passion in their depths.
Dex reached for her placing his palms on her breasts over the fabric and her nipples stiffened. He held the weight of them and gently worked his thumbs over her rigid tips and the cottony material dampened. Dex pulled her to him and dropped his mouth to her chest and nibbled on the marbles through the camisole. He traced butterfly kisses up her cleavage to her nape, then onto her mouth until he met her eyes head on. With his hand securely at the base of her neck, he brought her to him then he parted her lips offering Nina a passionate kiss. Dex delved in right away making his tongue dance inside her mouth soft and slow as first then with added urgency. Breaking away Dex changed angles and continued to explore her mouth with intensity tasting her palate, the sides. His tongue pressed harder and delved deeper. A low growl emitted from deep in her throat, and she came up for air. Both were winded, their breaths labored, ragged. Nina was inflamed, aroused.
In a short minute, Dex brought her around the sofa guiding her to stand next to him by the fireplace. He turned to her and pulled her close. “The fireplace is the only lighting we have.”
“It’s perfect.” She said.
Nina reached for a shawl from the loveseat next to her and spread it across the carpet. Next, she turned to him and without asking she slipped his shirt off his shoulders, the fabric pooling by his feet. Dex was certainly every woman’s fantasy come to life –broad shoulders, muscled arms. Her fingers slid across the flat planes of his stomach and his muscles twitched in response, he hissed and whispered her name. Nina fanned light kisses on his chest, and brushed her lips across the small bud of his nipple. She flicked the tip of her tongue over its crest and Dex moaned.
He reached for the hem of her camisole and said, “Your turn.”
“Is it?’ She teased
“Yes,” he grinned, “Allow me.”
Nina stretched her arms in the air, letting Dex pull off the shirt over her head.
“Nina…” he whispered taking in the sight of her, “You’re so beautiful…”
“And you as well,” she replied, inching up to his height and kissing him. Their tongues flickered and teased playfully. Within seconds the remaining layers of clothing were shed until there was nothing between them at all.
“Um,” he hesitated, “I have to run to the bedroom. Stay put, I’ll be right back.”
Nina was fairly certain that Dex’s ill-timed trip to the bedroom meant he was fetching protection. “Don’t…” she said holding his arm in place.
“Don’t?” He eyed her speculatively,
“We’re safe.” She was quick to reply.
“Nina, Honey.” He said taking her face in his hands, “We can’t take any chances.”
“I know.” She replied chewing on her bottom lip.
He narrowed his eyes at her.
“I’m on birth control, Dex.”
“Oh.” His eyes widened in surprise. He stared at her for a long moment, and his gaze turned thoughtful.
“What’s wrong?” Nina asked, trying to read into his sudden concern.
His eyes darkened, but he didn’t speak.
“Dex?” Nina insisted.
“Guess I didn’t realize you were sexually active.” He said finally.
He was jealous. She smiled inwardly. Nina would have thought his reaction to be quite endearing had it not almost killed the mood. “I’m not sexually active, Dex.” Nina said, “I haven’t had sex since I became pregnant with Callie.” She gave him a peck on the lips and added, “I’m just exercising precaution.”
Dex enlaced his fingers with hers. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, “I’m relieved to hear you say that.”
A heartbeat later, the two were sprawled on the carpet laying side by side. Dex touched a single fingertip to her bare shoulder then dragged it slowly down her arm.
“You know?” He said brushing a strand of hair away from her eyes, “I’ve fantasized about this.” He smiled, “About this moment. You. Me. Us. Making love.”
“Me, too,” she confessed, “A lot actually.” Soft laughter followed.
“I guess we have to fantasize no longer.”
Nina glanced into his deep-set brown eyes noting how the light from the fireplace behind made the yellow speckles in his irises gleam. He closed in and nibbled on her bottom lip. In a flash, the two were caressing, and groping, and soon that wasn’t enough. She needed more, much more.
“Yes…” He mumbled against her mouth.
“I need you”
He peeled away slightly and smiled.
“Please,” she whispered, “I need you inside me.”
Nina looked into his eyes and saw a dark hungry gaze. A second later, Dex’s fingers reached down to her crux and separated her folds, and as he stroked her swollen flesh, she gasped. Nina opened her legs to his persistent pressure and Dex slipped a finger, then a second. “You’re so wet.” He murmured.
Her intimate muscles contracted and she sobbed. Nina couldn’t stand it any longer. “Now” she pleaded.
Dex moved in on her right away and in a split second his body was half on top of hers. His thighs parted hers and as he positioned himself at her opening he eased in filling her slowly. A soft whimper escaped her lips and she arched her hips rocking against him. Dex drove deeper and a purr of sheer pleasure rumbled in her throat. Nails clawed at his shoulders and her body trembled. Dex pumped his hips forward and back thrusting harder with each stroke. He slipped his hands under her bottom and lifted her so he could go deeper, and he did. Nina groaned louder. Soon space and time went away, it all seemed to be one big vacuum, he watched her face and she watched his. Dex spoke sweet nothings in her ear and his voice was low and husky and he told her just how good she felt to him. All the while he was sliding into her with long, gentle strokes that gradually increa
sed in tempo and speed. Nina grabbed onto his shoulders as she neared her peak.
“Oh!” Her insides tightened and Nina’s body convulsed. She milked his shaft. “Dex, I’m coming…” she mumbled breathlessly savoring her blissful release.
Dex was quick to muffle her frenzied sobs with his mouth. “Me too,” He groaned his voice thick with need. His thrusts were hard and fast, and went deep, much deeper until he too climaxed stifling the sound of his feral release against the crook of her neck.
Chapter 8
Moments after their extraordinary lovemaking Nina clung to Dex, their damp skin pressed together. She was utterly spent and utterly giddy. Had anything ever felt this good? Or this right? Nina couldn’t remember.
Dex wriggled from her a moment later and lay besides Nina as his breathing returned to normal. He propped himself on his elbow and watched her, she pressed her mouth against his neck and he held her close. Dex kissed her forehead and several minutes later her lids drift shut.
When Nina awoke much later, her legs and his were intertwined and her cheek rested comfortably against his chest. The fire had dwindled and the heat that had been present there before was gone. She shivered. She half sat up and squinted at the battery operated clock on the wall.
“It’s 4:15 am.” Dex spoke quietly.
“You’re awake…” She whispered and snuggled closer when he brought the shawl to cover them both.
“I couldn’t sleep.” He said as he kissed the top of her head.
“Oh.” She replied and became quiet. Now that the frenzied lovemaking was behind them was Dex regretting what happened?
“Did you sleep well?” He asked as he laid a protective hand on her backside.
“Yes,” Nina replied, her throat tight.
An awkward silence followed and several minutes passed. Then when Nina couldn’t take the stillness any longer, she spoke, “You look awfully serious.” Was Dex thinking up ways of letting her down easy?
“I was thinking about you and me.”
Her heart sank, ached. Oh God, here it comes…
Dex turned on his side and looked down at her. “I have something to say.”
“Okay.” Was all she said, all she could say at that moment.
“I’ve been thinking.” He went on, “About our situation…I wanted to…”
Her throat constricted and Nina wasn’t sure how much longer she’d be able to keep her tears at bay. Nina shifted her gaze away from Dex, unable to look him in the eye. Why had she expected more out of this? Why on earth had she ever thought that Dexter McIver would ever want anything more than just a one night stand with her? Maybe the other nannies were right she was too young and too immature for him. Maybe Dex needed someone different, more worldly more sophisticated. Hot tears pushed at the back of Nina’s eyelids. She choked.
“You know? Your silence isn’t doing much for my ego.” Dex said distinctly.
“What?” She replied with a puzzled look in her face.
“Nina, I just asked how you would feel about being Mrs. Dexter McIver?”
“Mrs. Dexter McIver?” She repeated. Had she heard correctly?
“Yes,” he reiterated, “I’m asking you to be my wife…”
Her mouth went dry and her heart stammered against her chest. The tears that had been welling in her eyes began to flow freely, and she actually sobbed.
Dex reached over and dabbed her cheek with the afghan, “Please tell me these are tears from joy.”
Of course they were! “Yes, Dex I’m so very happy!” Nina was ecstatic beyond words. She shook her head almost in disbelief, “But, how?” She was rambling, “When did you think about this, us?” She reached over and stroked his handsome face, “The last few weeks you’d been acting funny, secretive” she commented her eyes fixed on his, “I was convinced you had gotten yourself a girlfriend.”
“Is that what you thought?” He laughed and bent down to give her a soft peck on the lips, “Actually I’ve purposely been working late at the office, so I wouldn’t have to be around you so much.”
Nina blinked in confusion.
He laughed again, “You have no idea, do you? He parted her lips and gave her a sweet openmouthed kiss, she obliged. Seconds later he peeled away and said, “I’m so in love and in lust with you I could hardly control my urges.” His thumb stroked her bottom lip and cupped her neck, “Believe me when I tell you the past few weeks have been pure torture.”
Now it was her turn to laugh.
Dex’s looked down at her and searched her eyes, “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever known. You may be just twenty-one, but you are far beyond your years Nina. And you are so good to Ian…” Dex paused for a moment and said, “I love you.” His voice cracked, “I want us to be a family Nina, you, me, Ian and Callie.”
New tears strolled down her cheeks. “I love you too.” She choked with emotion, “I’ve loved you for so long…”
His earnest eyes sought hers and the beginning of a smile tipped the corners of his mouth. “So what do you say Nina Bates?” Dex pressed. “Is it a yes?”
A split second later she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him down to her, “I say yes, yes! I would be honored to be Mrs. Dexter McIver.”
The End
Author’s note:
Thank you for purchasing my eBook! If you enjoyed reading it I invite you to visit my website to keep up with upcoming events/projects.
Take care,
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8