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Crowned with Guilt (Remember the Reaper Book 1)

Page 25

by S. K. Rose

  “Okay, Tess, I believe you.” I hope she sees the truth in my eyes. I never thought she was a whore, yet something she said still plants a seed of rage deep in my psyche.

  “Not by choice, anyway.”


  I shove the vile thought away for now; something to deal with another day.

  “Once I moved in with your family, I stopped coming here all together. I always hated this place, but I needed food and clothes for school. I didn’t realize he was a fucking psycho until last week when he had his hands wrapped around my throat. Andrew, he will kill me if I leave him again. I-I saw it in his eyes. I’m some sort of fucking pet to him.” She spits the last words out as she paces back and forth in front of me.

  “Tessa, you’re making me nervous. Sit back down,” I demand. She complies, but not without a withering look. I run a hand through my hair, trying to process everything.

  She crawled back into her shell because she was being threatened all I could think about was my wounded ego?

  He put his hands on her?

  He hurt her?

  I feel it. Something inside me snaps—a seething anger threatens to devour me like never before.

  That’s not true though, is it? Once, a giant invoked a rage of this magnitude.

  I shake the strange thought away and focus on the present.

  This shit ends tonight. She’s not anyone’s goddamn pet. How fucking dare he touch her!

  How dare he try to rip her away from me!

  My body begins to quake with my rising temper. I close my eyes and try to force my mind and body to calm. It doesn’t work.

  My teeth grind together, my stomach clenches, and my breathing comes out ragged. I hear Tessa move, but I don’t look up.

  Everything is red.

  Everything I am is fire.

  A comforting weight shifts onto my lap. Snapping my eyes open, I find Tessa has crawled onto me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Her face hides in the crook of my neck as she repeats a soothing sound. The effect is immediate. My clenched muscles begin to relax and the shaking slows to a stop. My breath returns to normal and my arms slip naturally around her small frame.

  I turn toward her, my cheek rests against the top of her head.

  “Thank you, I’m okay now, but. . . this still ends tonight,” I growl into her ear. She flinches but her face remains in my neck.

  She doesn’t believe me.

  She’s light as a feather and I effortlessly shift her on my lap. With my hand, I firmly guide her chin so that she has no other option but to look at me.

  “Tessa Kinsley, if Ace so much touches a single hair on your beautiful head again, I will fucking kill him.”

  Her eyes blink with surprise, her lips slightly part.

  I half expect her to laugh in my face or brush me off. What I don’t expect is to see a hungry look blaze across her features. I’m suddenly all-too aware of how physically close we’ve become on this chair. All my senses heighten as I observe the rise and fall of her chest.

  I slip my hands around her head and untie the mask, letting it fall to the floor. The dark makeup framing her eyes and cherry-red lips gives an exotic look that sends a chill down my spine.

  Sliding my fingertips around her waist, I become painfully aware of how thin the material covering her is, and how little it does, in fact, cover. She bites her lip and a corner of her mouth turns up in a sly smile.

  This isn’t the time.

  This certainly isn’t the place.

  What the hell is this girl doing to me?

  Chapter 42



  He’s still inside, the prince of my past.

  Still with that irrational, brave drive to protect me from the evils of the world. He could be anywhere right now, but he’s here with me. I forgot what it was like to be cared for—worried over. The feeling had slipped through my fingers like fine sand.

  He forgot me, he forgot us. He forgot our stories and the laughter. He forgot our first kiss and the way he stood up to my father.

  He forgot that he was my world.

  Yet here he is, fighting to protect me all over again.

  The foolishly brave boy has become a foolishly brave man.

  I keep pushing him away, but don’t think I can fight it anymore.

  Maybe I deserve to be happy, too?

  A storm inside me gathers speed, not driven by the normal emotions of hate or despair. No, it’s driven by the heat in these emerald eyes. His hands slip around me and I begin to unravel like a renegade thread.

  I release my tight grip on the reins of fear and control.

  Feverishly, our lips find each other in a kiss that only serves to fuel the raging storm inside me. I slip a leg on each side of him, straddling his lap and press myself against the core of his body. His breath hitches and fingers dig into my side. I wiggle my ass, rewarded with a deep, guttural noise from his throat.

  Sitting back, I break the kiss to slide my hands underneath his shirt. Fanning my fingers out, I glide up against his abs in exploration. I delight in the way his bare skin feels against mine. Going back down, I rub the V-shaped grooves in his hips, licking my lips in excitement, I envision where those cuts will lead me.

  “Tess, I can’t think straight, when you. . . ugh.” He grunts with pleasure as my hands dip inside his jeans and find what they're looking for. His hips buck in response to each stroke and squeeze.

  My arms are suddenly wrenched up above my head, and with only one strong arm, he grips both my wrists together.

  “This is not the time, or the—” he begins scolding, but I shift my hips forward and press against his rock-solid dick. Like I need my hands to get what I want.

  The pained look that crosses his face says he wants to scold me, but also fuck me.

  I wonder if I could get him to do both.

  “Dammit. Why do you never listen?” he questions with gritted teeth just before becoming distracted by my tits that are eye-level and straining to be released from the thin material. He seems to lose all thoughts of reprimanding me as he takes his free hand to yank the material down, my breasts spilling out over the top, mere inches from his face. His mouth instantly finds a nipple, exploring every inch with his tongue.

  “Jesus. . . fuuuck.” I moan and writhe, but my wrists remain in his strong grip. Taking my jaw with his free hand, he turns my head to the side, and starting with my hardened nipple, he licks up along my exposed neck until reaching my earlobe, which he gives a quick love bite. Finally releasing my arms, I grab the back of his hair and force his face to meet mine. The kiss we share sets ablaze my soul, something that crackles and burns with intensity whenever we touch.

  “Chug, chug, chug!” The chants and obnoxious laughter nearby snaps us both to our senses. I stand up quickly and step back. As I fix my top, I attempt to steady my breathing. Andrew’s skin is flushed with heat, and he shakes his head as if trying to focus his thoughts.

  “Let’s go home,” his voice is ragged. He looks the way I feel, desperately trying to understand why we just lost all rationale.

  I take his outstretched hand, and after throwing back the curtain, he leads me down to the first floor. I keep my eyes forward and hone in on the exit. Ace probably has some floozy sucking him off in the back somewhere, and I’m nervous for no reason.

  No reason at all.

  Passing by the bar, a large hand falls on my shoulder and I’m whirled around to face none other than him. Jerked out of his hand, Andrew turns to see what’s stopped me.

  A smile plays on Ace’s lips, but a sinister darkness lurks just beneath his fixed gaze. “Leaving so soon?” His voice is smooth as silk and sets my teeth on edge.

  Insults and accusations rush to the tip of my tongue, but they go no further. My jaw locks shut and only my eyes scream in fury. I remember the way his hand felt wrapped around my throat, the way he groped me, and suddenly it’s not Ace in front of me, it’s Trent.

rent’s stale breath and cheap cologne assaulting my senses.

  His rough hands ripping off my underwear.

  A throbbing pain as he forces himself inside.

  Daddy’s hand gripping a mass of blond hair.

  The look on my mother’s face as I lay bleeding on the dirty mattress.

  The images spin and shuffle and violate my thoughts until I quake with terror, or anger, or some deadly combination of the two.

  The back of his hand strokes my cheek. “Sweet butterfly, let’s get you up to your room. I’ll take care of you tonight.” There’s a dangerous edge to his voice now.

  My eyes widen with horror. I can’t move, I can’t speak, I can’t look away from Trent’s beady eyes. He’s come back for me and this time I won’t survive long enough to see the sunrise.

  My eyes dart around, looking for an escape. I take a step back, but hit something solid.

  A touch on my side spreads warmth through my body, and a calm rolls through in waves. Andrew. Andrew is alive and Trent is long gone.

  I steel my nerves and glower back at Ace, who’s been carefully observing my fear with a delighted expression. My sudden change in demeanor causes worry to flash through his eyes, but his casual grin is quick to return.

  My vision of Ace is blocked as Andrew steps in front of me. I can’t see his face, but when he speaks, his voice is low and even.

  “Tessa is leaving, and won’t be returning. Ever.”

  Ace lets loose a booming laugh. “Do you think you can handle this little spitfire? You are a boy; she needs a real man. Run along now.” He gives a smile that’s all teeth.

  “Since you’re a creepy-ass stalker, I’m sure you already know this, but let me remind you. My name is Andrew Blackwell. My father is Clyde Blackwell. Maybe you’ve heard of him?” One of Ace’s eyebrows twitches, but that’s the only sign that he’s listening. “So we are both going to leave, and you are going to let us.”

  Ace looks at me now, a cold expression that threatens me of punishments to come. His icy tone sends a shiver down my spine. “Forgotten our conversation from before, have you? Just remember you had a choice, and that you’re choosing to be a foolish little cunt of a—”


  All I see is a blur as something connects hard with Ace’s jaw. I watch as his eyes light up with confusion, and spittle and blood fly from his mouth. Andrew stands in front of me flexing his fingers and shaking out his hand. I can’t figure out if I’m more surprised that he punched someone, or by how deadly accurate he was.

  Fuck! I’m a little turned on again.


  I’m suddenly very aware of movement coming toward us from all directions, like cockroaches coming out of the woodwork. With one hand massaging his jaw, Ace raises the other and motions for the bodyguards to stop in their tracks. With a wave of his hand, Ace dismisses them, and then he does something that fucks me up to my very core.

  He begins to smile again.

  This time, there’s a glint of madness in his eyes as blood crawls down the side of his now oversized mouth. He doesn’t say a word, but his gaze holds me frozen in my tracks.

  Andrew’s hands find mine. “Time to go, Tess.” The comfort of his warmth snaps me aware. He guides me through the throng of people, and out the door to freedom.

  He’s quiet as he drives, only glancing over occasionally as if to make sure I’m still there. “I can’t believe I never asked before, but what exactly does your father do?” I ask out of the blue, curiosity eating away at me.

  “He’s a district attorney, and a pretty famous one at that. He had a huge part in putting away some pretty big criminals,” he states proudly.

  I nod as hope surges through me. Ace isn’t gonna risk going to jail over someone like me. He really will back off.

  Exhilaration buzzes through my veins, reminding me of the day I left my childhood home and my mother for good. Each step I had taken toward freedom was another chain breaking away and crashing to the floor. Like I did then, I feel weightless, like if I were to step out of the car, I might just float off into the sky.

  I roll the window down needing to feel the night breeze on my face. I’m startled by a strange noise from above, and whipping my face up, I watch the sunroof slide open. I grin over at Andrew and he shoots me a wink in return. He clicks the radio on and hear the new Imagine Dragons song, Thunder that’s been airing constantly the past few weeks. Out of the corner of my eye, I give him a sly look, and when I’m sure he’s completely focused on the road, I blast the song up, crawl onto the center console of the car, and pop up through the sunroof.

  “Tess, Tess! What the—” I hear Andrew yell from below, but I’ve checked out. A laugh bursts forth right before I belt out the chorus of the song at the top of my lungs.

  ‘Cause I am the fucking thunder.

  Wind whips my hair every which way, and I spread my arms to embrace the chilled rush of air. When the song is over and I’m out of breath from singing and laughing, I finally plop back down and crawl into my seat. Instead of looking irritated, Andrew appears to be holding back his own laughter.

  “Get that out of your system?” His eyes shine with amusement.

  “For now,” I return with a mischievous smile. Now he does laugh as he shakes his head at me.

  Once we’re inside the front door, his hand finds mine once again. He leads me up the stairs, past my room, and turns right into his. He tosses me one of his shirts, nodding to the bathroom, and tells me to, “come right back.”

  Turning to look at him before I go, I stare as he turns away and slowly strips off his clothes. His bare back has defined muscles that make my mouth go dry. He unbuttons his pants and pulls his boxers down with them, giving me my first glimpse at his perfect heart-shaped ass. He shuffles through his dresser and slides on a pair of pajama pants. Turning around, he notices me lingering and gives me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

  Those cliché butterflies tear through my stomach and my face cracks into my own grin. He slides into bed and I hurry to the bathroom to shower.

  It takes a while to wash off all the paint and makeup. When my skin is finally clean, and a little raw from all the scrubbing, I change into the shirt he gave me. I bundle the rest of my clothes into a ball and throw it in the hamper. Stepping softly through the hall, I peek into his bedroom. It’s dark now, and I don’t see any movement.

  He’s probably asleep already. Get your ass to your own room.

  Turning to leave, I hear his sleepy voice call out, “C’mere, Kinsley.” My eyes start to adjust as I make my way to his bed. Standing next to it, his strong arms wrap around me and pull me into a sea of sheets and blankets. A giggle tumbles out as I’m squished into his hold. After a light kiss on my shoulder, he releases me and fixes the covers over us. I turn onto my side to face him. He turns his head on the pillow to look over at me, and I’m rewarded with one of his adorable crooked smiles that melts my dark heart into a black puddle.

  I reach out and touch his face. Starting from his forehead, I trace my finger all the way down his nose. When I reach his lips, he grabs my hand and plants a sweet kiss on my fingertips, eyes never leaving mine. I’m not used to this type of happiness, but I’m smart enough to soak it in, knowing all good things come to an end. I hadn’t even realized I had escaped one prison to walk willingly into another. The way he stood up to Ace overwhelmed me with feelings of déjà vu.

  As if time has turned back to right itself, it’s allowing the hero his rightful win, and the villain to finally pay his dues.

  I’ve tried so hard to accept that his memories are gone, but in this moment, I wish more than ever that he could just remember. He changed my life, and I was erased from his, and I can't deny that it fucking hurts.

  Raising an eyebrow, I know he’s trying to decipher what’s going through my head, but I can’t tell him. I don’t want to ruin whatever it is we have by something that will just frustrate and confuse him. He doesn’t remember me, but he still choose
s me, and for that I am lucky. I didn’t think I had any want or need to be close with someone like this, but now that I have it, I can’t imagine giving it up.

  Releasing my hand, he pats his chest and gives me a look, one that I read with ease. I slide over and place my head on his chest. His hand instantly moves to rest on the side of my neck, and his thumb gently caresses my cheek. I wrap my arm around his torso and close my eyes.

  All the stress, fear, and anger can release knowing that I’m finally safe. With his free hand, I feel his fingertips caress up and down the arm I’ve wrapped around him. His lips brush against my forehead in a kiss.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as I listen to the sound of his beating heart.

  I begin to slip out of consciousness, but a small part of me hears his drowsy response.

  “Anything for you, princess.”

  Chapter 43



  Before I even open my eyes, I know she’s gone. There’s nothing in this world I want more than for her warm body to be back in my arms. I suppose it is good that my parents didn’t catch her in bed with me. That’s not a conversation I want to have with them—or my nosy twin for that matter.

  After I shower and dress, I head downstairs to find Mom humming and pushing around some eggs in a frying pan. Looking at me over her shoulder, she brightens. “Hungry? I’m making scrambled eggs and bacon!” She’s unusually chipper.

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” I yawn and take a seat at the small kitchen bar across from her.

  “You ready for the big night?” She raises her eyebrows when all I give her is a quizzical look in response. “Spring Fling? A room of dancing hormones? Ringing any bells?” She laughs and returns to the stove.

  The dance is tonight! How did I forget that?

  “Funny, Tessa didn’t seem to remember, either. Your sister got her up this morning, they’re out getting all pampered. She practically dragged that poor girl out of bed by her hair.” She chuckles, shaking her head as she brings me a plate piled full of eggs and bacon.


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