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Hunter: The Auckland Kings Crime Family Trilogy Book Two: Social Rejects Syndicate

Page 7

by A. J. Macey

  “Alright, Short Stuff, I need you to tell me everything you remember from your mugging,” he instructed, moving around me and heading farther into the house.

  As he flicked on the lights, my gaze trailed over the dingy beige walls, worn hardwood flooring, and old furniture. This was my new home for the time being. I should have felt something standing in the small living room and kitchen area, but I didn’t. All I did was note there were only two other doors in the space—one to a bathroom and one to a bedroom, meaning we would either share the bed or one of us would sleep on the couch.

  “Chloe,” he tried again, his tone firm. When I processed he was talking to me, I looked at him. He seemed too tall, too big for such a small space, but that may have been because the ceiling was only a few inches from the top of his dark hair, his baseball cap long forgotten in the car.

  “What?” I murmured. The more I took in around me, the more the dull fog lifted from my brain. Hunter huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. The annoyed stance made me frown.

  “Tell me everything you remember about the mugging,” he commanded, his words clipped as he watched me move farther into the space.

  “I already told you everything,” I explained, opening my mouth to do a quick outline before he waved me off.

  “No, I want you to go through detail by minute detail. Try to remember anything. What specifically did they look like? Did they have any odd speech patterns? What about smell, did they—”

  “Hunter, I already explained everything,” I huffed in irritation. “Why would going over it again help us? Last I checked, they weren’t the ones who just tried to take me.”

  “Okay, see, now that’s something new,” he snapped. “I didn’t know if it was the same guys. All I saw was you running out of the airport like your ass was on fire. How did you know they were Phantoms?”

  “I just had… I don’t know… a feeling.”

  “A feeling?” he challenged.

  “Yes! A feeling. I was at the hotel bar, having a few drinks because I get super nervous on planes, and at first, I thought it was just me being paranoid, then they started coming over, and I just… reacted.”

  “What were they doing to make you think you were being paranoid? And reacted how?” He continued to fling one question after another, growing increasingly frustrated with each one.

  “They were just staring at me, but people people-watch all the time at airports and in public places, so when they stepped forward from where they were across the terminal, I paid quickly and left. When they changed their trajectory from the bar to where I was going back out into the walkway area, I ran. Besides, one had the same tattoo on his neck the guy in the alley did. Kind of hard to play off that they weren’t the Phantoms with that tattoo.”

  “Okay, good. So, now back to the alley,” he started again, making me groan. “What? Do you have a damned problem with me questioning you? I wasn’t there, ergo I need as much detail as possible!” he practically shouted, the loud noise pushing me further into my anger.

  “I already told you everything!” I countered just as loud. “If by some miracle I do remember more, I’ll tell you, but pushing and pushing the same questions over and over isn’t helping!”

  “I’m just trying to see if there’re any details you missed that could help us,” he stated coolly, no longer yelling. I tossed a hand up in frustration. It had been a stressful few hours, and my fuse was growing shorter by the passing minute.

  “I get that, but—”

  “Do you?” he cut me off. “Because you have two bandaged cuts, an injured shoulder that got dislocated, and God knows how many other injuries, and it’s only been one day! I’m just trying to figure out who the hell came after you so it doesn’t happen again. Or worse.” His words hit me like a sack of bricks, but instead of stopping to let me talk, he continued his rant. “And all you want to do is continue to evade my questions. Why won’t you just work with me here?”

  “Because I don’t want to remember!” I shouted, having reached my limit. “It was hard enough to go through it, let alone relive each piece so you can dissect it. I told you if I think of something, I’d tell you—”

  “How are you going to think of something if you’re not willing to try?” he yelled, his hands flaring out in challenge.

  Grinding my teeth, I turned on my heel and stormed past the dingy armchair to the bedroom, ignoring him calling out to me. With a loud slam, I was finally left alone in peace.


  It took everything in my power to not shout at the top of my lungs in my frustration, my eyes glued to the now-closed bedroom door.

  This entire thing could have been avoided if she’d just listened to me.

  Yeah, but it also could have been avoided if you’d just kept her under your wing, to begin with, my traitorous mind whispered, but I shoved it away.

  I knew I shouldn’t have pushed so hard, but after everything that had happened at the airport, I was too geared up, too worried it might happen again before we could determine who it was. Grumbling, I dug out my cell and dialed my brother.

  “Yeah?” Theo greeted gruffly.

  “Any updates on the note Chloe found?” I questioned.

  “Not yet. We’re trying to locate Christian and Mila to see if we can follow them or potentially… question them,” he hedged. “But it seems they’ve gone dark, along with everyone else of the Phantoms.”

  I cringed. “Not everyone,” I started, quickly outlining everything that had happened at the airport. By the time Theo and Sam finished shouting at me, I felt the beginnings of a headache forming.

  “Alright, alright, yes, I was a dumbass. I got that the first twelve times you shouted it,” I snapped.

  “Well, are you at least being smart now?” I heard Sam ask in the background, Theo having placed me on speakerphone.

  “Yeah, we’re at one of the safehouses. Didn’t want to risk what happened to Harper happening to Chloe,” I explained. “Let me know if you have anything as soon as you know, okay?”

  “We will,” Theo agreed.

  “Don’t be a dipshit again, got it?” Sam commanded.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I muttered, hanging up and tossing my phone onto the couch. I knew my father would eventually call me to scold my carelessness, but at that moment, I didn’t want to hear it.

  My mind was too focused on something else—Chloe—and I was determined to show her just how much she’d worried me.



  Completely insufferable! I silently fumed, sitting on the bed in the only bedroom in the safehouse. It wasn’t as if I asked to be here, stuck in this tiny place, and I certainly didn’t ask for him to be here with me.

  Why did I think it was a good idea at the airport to be sad about leaving his asshole self?

  Groaning, I folded over and rested my face in my hands. Now that the shock had worn off, not only did everything hurt again, it was almost unbearable. My shoulder was the worst, throbbing in wave after wave of sharp pangs, but I pushed the pain away as best I could. I was tired and too drained mentally to focus on each individual injury and how I got it.

  Besides, Hunter reminded me of that just fine, all on his damn own.

  As if he knew I was thinking about him, the door squeaked open, and his tall form filled the frame. Sighing, I looked over at him, not bothering to hide my irritation. Despite my scathing look, Hunter’s expression was closed-off, no hint of how he was truly feeling.

  “Come to argue some more?” I muttered, shifting until I sat up fully. As much I tried to be careful, I couldn’t stop the wince at the sharp pang radiating through my arm and collarbone.

  “I just wanted to see if you were done being a brat,” he ground out, making me glare.

  “I’m not being a brat!” I practically shouted, shooting up from the comforter. “You’re just being an… an insufferable bastard!”

  “Me? You’re the one who’s fighting me at every turn of trying to help you,” he murmu
red, stalking forward.

  “Last I checked, you wanted nothing to do with me, the babysitting job—”

  “That was before you got hurt!” he cut me off, finally showing a spark of emotion. His stoic expression cracked, and in its wake was a pained fire in his gaze. “God damn it, Short Stuff, you nearly got taken. All because of me and my decisions. Watching you being dragged away from… the fear in your eyes… that’s going to haunt me for years,” he expressed, finally reaching me. And just like when we first went at it at the Auckland Kings’ mansion, his chest brushed against mine as he towered over me.

  Except, instead of digging out his cell to find me a flight home, he cupped my face fiercely yet gently and leaned down until his lips pressed against mine. The turnabout made me dizzy, going from at odds to having a tender truce to fighting…

  To making out.

  I didn’t allow myself to question it as he pulled away, not wanting it to end. Chasing his lips, I kissed back just as intensely, molding myself to his lean frame. He may have been almost a foot and a half taller, but somehow, he made it seem easy to kiss me. His hands shifted sinfully slow down my jaw to my neck and around my body to hold me captive against him.

  A soft moan left me as he hardened against me, his cock pressing into my belly from behind the tight denim of his jeans. Fisting his shirt, I held tight to him, too worried this would end if I let him slip from my fingers, but Hunter didn’t let that happen, walking us the short distance to the bed and gently lowering me.

  Sweeping his tongue against my lower lip, he silently begged for entrance, and I didn’t hesitate to open. He brushed against and tangled with my tongue, tasting me as if he was starving, and I was the only thing he wanted to devor. Reaching up with my good arm, I curled it around his shoulders, trailing my fingers over the back of his neck. The shiver that worked through him made his cock roll over my sensitive clit in a perfect way, my head pressing back into the comforter at the sensation.

  “If anything hurts, tell me, okay?” he murmured, warm breath washing over my neck as he peppered lingering kisses across my jaw and neck. Nodding, I let myself get lost in his gentle yet intense movements as he worked down my chest to the hem of my shirt. Every touch was careful, making sure it didn’t hurt, but as soon as he had the okay, he gripped my hips forcefully. The slight ache from his hold sent a wave of pleasure through me, my hips rolling up against his torso as he kissed my stomach, careful not to hit my bandages.

  “Help me get this off,” I whispered hoarsely, my voice thick with desire. I tried to pull the shirt off the uninjured arm but knew I wouldn’t be able to take it off without help, not with a damaged shoulder. Hunter sat back to give me room.

  “You sure? You can keep it on if it’ll—”

  I pressed my fingers against his lips, closing the distance between us and kissing him quickly. “Yes, I’m sure,” I told him softly. “I just can’t with one arm.”

  “Alright, if you say it won’t be too bad,” he agreed with a nod. Flashing him a tiny smile, I silently let him know I’d rather have it and my bra off instead of being half-clothed. “Okay, ready?” he questioned once he had the shirt in position.

  “Do it,” I commanded, grinding my teeth as he maneuvered the soft material over my head. The movement jostled my injured shoulder, but I was determined not to cry out at the pain. I didn’t want him to stop.

  “You okay, Short Stuff?” He held my arm steady once the shirt was out of the way.

  “I will be if you go back to kissing me,” I murmured, chuckling as he lunged forward to oblige.

  This time, there was no hesitation, too focused on drinking each other in. Our hands didn’t wander for a long moment, our attention on our locked lips, battling tongues, and nipping bites, but before long, I was burning from the inside out, craving more. I unbuttoned his plaid shirt, kissing the hollow of his neck and his tanned skin as I worked the small buttons.

  Hunter didn’t give me the chance to push the shirt off his shoulders, choosing to yank it off, and he was left in a white tank and jeans. Even though he was still fully clothed, I could see the defined muscles bulging in his arms and the shadow of a cut abdomen as he lowered himself back over me. My body buzzed with anticipation as I slipped my fingers under the thin material of his undershirt, the mix of his kisses and heated skin sending a shiver down my spine.

  I wanted more… so much more, so instead of waiting for him to make the next move, I sat up, pushing him back as I did. His brows knitted at the surprising move, but when I shoved his shirt up his toned torso, he understood what I wanted.

  “If you wanted my clothes off, you could have just said so, Short Stuff,” he murmured with a sexy smirk that made my core pulse. He shucked his shirt, tossing it into a heap with his button-up and my shirt.

  “Well then, I want your clothes off,” I countered, nibbling on my swollen lower lip as I took him in. He was even better than I imagined, with more muscle than I expected of his tall and lean frame.

  “First,” he whispered, leaning forward again. “I think it’s time we take something off you. Keep it even and all that shit.”

  I laughed, but the sound was cut off when he kissed me passionately, reaching around with one hand and unhooking my bra with ease. The cool air of the room made my nipples pebble, but the delicious contrast of his warm chest against my skin had goosebumps forming across my now bare body.

  A loud, wanton moan escaped when he sucked the curve of my neck, calloused fingertips rolling the hard, sensitive peaks between them. My eyes rolled back at the flood of need pooling between my thighs, my back arching into him, wanting—needing—more of his teasing.

  One hand shifted from my chest to the waistband of my jeans, his swirling tongue following in its wake. The gentle lapping had me clawing his short hair to keep him there. When he finally got my pants undone, he yanked them down far enough, so he could slip his long, nimble fingers over my soaked panties.

  Everything within me was ignited, ready to explode. There was no pain from my injuries, no worry or fear, just Hunter and me. Before I could succumb to the quickly building release, Hunter moved his hands and pulled away from my glistening skin. Whimpering at his absence, I forced my eyes open and looked at him.

  The heated gaze he wore as he took me in sent another wash of goosebumps over my skin. I’d never felt so craved, never been truly looked at the way he was staring at me right now. It only made me want more, but before I could hook my legs around his trim waist, Hunter moved. As he peeled off my jeans and panties, he groaned, his hands tightening on my bare thighs.

  “Oh God,” I exclaimed in a pleasured cry when he forced my thighs apart and fused his lips to my clit. A fresh bolt of lightning shot through me, my body tensing at the sharp sucking and leisurely licking around my entrance.

  Clawing at the bedding, I tried not to buck, but it was hard as my release slammed into me. A needy moan echoed around the room, urging Hunter on, and without warning, a finger pumped into me, joining his sinful tongue.

  “Fuck,” I whimpered, my body searing with pleasure as I crept up to that ledge once more, but Hunter pulled away, leaving me panting. “Hunter! What the f—”

  His lips slammed down on mine, my flavor coating his tongue, but I didn’t care. The sound of his belt unbuckling was a distant focus, but I quickly became more aware when I heard a condom wrapper opening. Yes, I thought in triumph, knowing I was more than ready. I wanted this, wanted him.

  He didn’t disappoint as he lined up, pressing inside inch by inch until I was trembling under him, stretching me in the most delicious way. I reached out when he finally bottomed out, clawing his chest in a silent plea for more.

  If I didn’t get it, I might have melted right there on that safehouse bed.


  Chloe was gorgeous, her head thrown back, swaths of black hair sprawled out around her in a gorgeous dark halo. Being completely thrust into her made it difficult to be gentle, but I wanted to fuck her hard and fast, to
see her reach that peak beneath me. I didn’t want to hurt her, so I pulled out almost completely before rocking forward slowly. Her whimpering moans and pleasured gasps were music to my ears and mixed with the sharp pain of her nails digging into my chest, made my cock twitch inside her. I was impossibly hard to the point it almost hurt, but feeling her wet pussy slide over me made the ache worth it.

  “Hunter,” she whimpered, opening her eyes to look at me. “More.”

  I forced myself to stay in control, despite wanting to slam home.

  “I don’t want—”

  “I won’t break,” she challenged. “Please.”

  With that single-word plea, all my reservations dissipated. Thrusting into her roughly, I groaned, the movement ripping a purring moan from her. She wrapped her legs around my hips, her arm snaking back around my shoulders until she tangled her fingers in my hair. The tug of her grip hurt, but the pain only fueled me on, wanting more, wanting to feel her come all over me.

  Bracing myself against the bed, I captured her lips, nipping as I thrust without care. She felt better than I imagined, her soft curves fitting perfectly beneath me, and at that moment, I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to keep her tucked away from the Phantoms, to have her whenever I wanted, to drown in her signature vanilla scent.

  It felt like perfection. As she tightened around me, I hitched her legs up until her thighs were braced against my chest. The position sent me deeper, bringing Chloe closer to release until she finally shattered. She was beautiful when she came. She milked me, and I almost let myself get lost in my release, but I slowed my pace, wanting to have her come many more times that night.

  Before I could pump into her when I finally got myself under control, she nudged me. Following her silent instructions, I laid back against the bed. The smirk she wore was pure sin, and as she hitched her leg over my hips, I wondered just how long I would be able to hold back from coming.

  Gripping her hips, I steadied her as she popped up, lining up her slick pussy before sinking down torturously slow. I tensed, my fingers digging into her thighs and hips as she rolled and circled, teasing me with her leisurely pace. Karma, no doubt, for trying to fight her on what she wanted, but I wouldn’t beg her for more. I was going to savor every second of her riding me, even if I wanted to watch her bounce on my cock, see her breasts shift, and her head tossed back. It was coming, and I would wait as patiently as I could until she finally did.


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