Forbidden Arcana- Sensory Magic Arc
Page 9
Despite her early misgivings about him, Jericho had proven himself a capable master. While he wasn’t a very powerful mage the speed at which he was learning magic far exceeded her expectations, although she’d never tell him that. More importantly, her master had kept true to his word and cared for her needs.
He provided her a place to live, a nice cottage outside of the city of Dawn with a spacious yard. It wasn’t very spacious but Jericho never really slept so she got the entire master bedroom to herself. In fact, he only really seemed to use the house as storage and a workshop which she found strange.
Jericho also kept his promise and fed her his spirit energy daily which allowed her to maintain her human form virtually indefinitely. And he was masterful when it came to finding new and interesting ways to fulfill that obligation.
Finally, he provided her with everything she could ever want. He’d purchased her a fluffy bed, piles of jewelry, and closets full of clothing. While her master wasn’t nearly as wealthy as the elf whores Terra and Raven, he’d managed to purchase her plenty of extravagant things.
Jinx had a pretty fantastic life, or so she thought until recently. Her master had become infatuated with the idea of acquiring more familiars and Jinx knew what that meant. Her master would make her share the house, he’d have less time to refresh her, and he’d have less money to spend on her.
It was a concern but she had a plan that would make him forget all about the ridiculous notion of acquiring new familiars. That’s where her outfit came in.
She’d decided that if she was going to keep him from desiring a new familiar, she was going to need to keep him entirely focused on her. Her plan for that began with finding the perfect combination of garments.
She began with black stockings with a floral print around the thigh. She slid her hands up and down them finding their silkiness irresistible and knew Jericho would feel the same. She enjoyed how long her legs looked while wearing a short skirt and high heels.
Jinx smiled happily as she did a quick spin causing her skirt to rise up and flash her black lace panties. She noticed that the heels also shaped her petite ass nicely.
Her hands moved upwards as she ran her fingers along her skirt. The skirt she’d chosen was a short black pleated skirt that hung right on her hips. It hung almost uncomfortably low and half felt like it was going to fall completely off of her.
Her top also felt like it could fall off any second. It was a black loose fitted gypsy top with straps that hung off her shoulders. It felt like the only thing holding it up was her breasts.
She ran her fingers up and down her exposed midriff. She wondered if Jericho would like to see more or less. She’d found it wasn’t an exact science with her master. While he was certainly a lecher fawning after very elf slut who crossed his path, there seemed to be conditions.
Jericho was oddly more attentive when she wandered around the house in her underwear than he was when she walked around nude. But he seemed far less attentive when she wore tight-fitting adventurers clothing. There was definitely a code she had yet to crack.
She decided to model her new outfit after the elf sluts’ outfits. All black like Raven and only covering the absolute minimum like Terra.
“Mmm,” Jinx smiled while gazing at herself in the mirror. She started thinking about Terra and swayed back and forth. There was something about the way Terra danced which hypnotized not only Jericho but Jinx as well. She felt that’d also be a powerful tool.
Her heart beat faster as she remembered Terra’s sexy dancing at the tavern, the movements, the walking and crawling, the way she spread her legs in front of them. Jinx trembled as she found her hand moving downward.
“Focus! Idiot. Dope.” Jinx yelled and pinched her cheeks. She admired herself in the mirror and began swaying again. She took a step forward and twisted her body to showcase her ass like she’d seen Terra do.
She was satisfied with the movement and tried another. She tried several different moves, each time attempting to flash her underwear or some cleavage and soon found herself having fun. She’d discovered the joy of dancing.
Her moves became more and more salacious and aerobic as she did a spinning handstand showing off her black lace underwear followed by the splits before cartwheeling back to her feet. One of her breasts popped out of her top and she resisted the urge to fix it. Accidental nudity may elicit a response from Jericho.
Jinx blushed at the thought of dancing for him. She wasn’t nearly as good as Terra and worried Jericho would see her as a pale imitation. But she kept practicing and within a short period, she found herself completely entranced by her reflection and excited at the prospect of showing her master.
Jinx jumped and screamed as she turned to see Terra standing in the bedroom doorway completely stunned by the scene she’d walked in on.
Terra was a tall elven whore who made the bulk of her money stripping. Admittedly she was also a talented ranger. Her large chest was practically popping out of her undersized top and her green skirt was too short given her extremely long legs. Her leather thigh high boots covered more of her body than anything else she was wearing. Terra smiled as she entered the room.
“What are you doing here? Slag! Whore!” Jinx yelled while rushing over to her bed completely humiliated. “Leave! Go away! This is my room! Slut! Bitch!”
“Okay,” laughed Terra. She held up her hands. “I didn’t see anything. I just came to pick up some potions Jericho made for me. I figured it’d be rude to stop by and not say hello. I’ve never really thought about how you spend your downtime.”
“What do you mean? Snoop. Scum.” Jinx was admittedly not very creative when it came to her downtime. Normally she’d just dress up, wander around, play with her jewelry collection, or sleep. She’d spent an eternity sitting in a room doing nothing before Jericho found her so anything was an improvement from that.
“I mean…” Terra shrugged, unsure of what to say. “I guess I just figured when Jericho wasn’t around, you’d be sitting around doing nothing. I didn’t really think you’d be dressing up and dancing. And you’re a surprisingly good dancer.”
“You said you didn’t see anything! Liar! Prostitute!” Jinx wondered if she needed to kill the elf slut to keep her from telling Jericho about what she’d seen.
“Come on,” Terra rolled her eyes. “It’s not a big deal. I dress up in different outfits all the time and dance for an audience. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s not like I walked in on you masturbating or anything.”
Jinx was confused by the statement. She knew what masturbation was, she’d done it for Jericho several times. He enjoyed watching her play with herself before they fucked. It’d never occurred to her that it was something she could do on her own.
“And it just occurred to me that you probably don’t play with yourself. Now I’m embarrassed.”
“Play with myself? Trash. Bimbo.”
“With your pussy,” Terra chuckled and lifted her skirt. She playfully slid her fingers up and down the front of her white panties. “Like that. You do it until you cum.”
“I see,” Jinx let the explanation sink in, “And I’ll cum just like I do with Jericho? Witch. Adulteress.”
“Kind of,” Terra paused for a second. “It’s not really as good as sex but it’s something to do.”
“Show me,” Jinx said authoritatively. She’d become curious about the act and the elf whore would be the perfect teacher. She understood the mechanics of it but the concept of doing it by herself without her master wasn’t something she’d considered.
“Umm,” Terra smiled nervously. “We haven’t really discussed it but I don’t think Jericho would like me messing around with you while he’s not here. I know at Raven’s we did a lot of stuff together but you’re kind of his…”
“I’m not telling you to do anything with me. I’m telling you to show me,” Jinx hopped off the bed and moved to her large lounge chair. She gestured for Terra to mo
ve to the bed. Jinx felt the situation was more educational and her master’s rule about involving him wasn’t applicable. “I’ll only watch. Fool. Stupid.”
“Still,” Terra cautiously made her way toward the bed. “You don’t think this is a little weird? I think it’s a little weird. And don’t get me wrong, I’m normally fine with weird but I can’t really afford to be making more enemies with all the bounties on my head. I don’t need Forbidden Arcana’s sorcerer supreme pissed at me as well.”
“It’s my idea!” Jinx snapped angrily. “Enough with the excuses. Show me. Hag. Skank.”
“Would it kill you to be nicer?” Terra sighed and gave in. She sat on the bed and leaned over until she was resting on her side. Jinx watched attentively while ignoring the obviously rhetorical question. “Never mind. Anyway, I guess I’m showing you.”
Terra’s hand slithered between her legs and began leisurely rubbing her white panties. She explored herself then started running her fingers along the edges of her panties as if she’d intended to slide them inside. She moved slowly with a gentle touch.
“I don’t get it,” Jinx interrupted. “What are you doing? Explain it to me. Numbskull. Nitwit.”
“Explain it?” Terra’s face turned pink. “You mean everything? As I’m doing it?”
Jinx nodded while watching eagerly as her heart pounded.
“I’m teasing myself,” Terra answered and resumed her previously movements. “I need to get myself in the right frame of mind. So, I move slow, touching my thighs, my stomach, my hips, my pelvis. Anywhere I like to be touched but isn’t too intense.”
Jinx nodded along as Terra explained. She found herself feeling warmer and breathing harder.
“Then,” Terra let out a sigh as she moved her fingers lower, “when I’m ready. I start to stroke my pussy. Full, long strokes. At first, I’m gentle like this,” she ran her index and middle finger along the center of her panties and swirled her fingers around, “and occasionally rub my clit.”
Jinx bit her lip. She found herself overly eager while watching the tall blond elf rub her pussy. She wanted to join in and rub her own but she felt that would count as involving herself. She wasn’t sure how her master would respond to that, so she continued to watch.
“With my other hand,” Terra released her massive breasts from her top, “I like to play with my tits. It feels good when I massage them while stroking my clit. It makes everything more intense.”
Terra panted as she squeezed and massaged her large breasts. Occasionally she grabbed a nipple and pinch and pulled before releasing it and returning to the massage. Gradually she was moving both hands with more aggression.
“Finally,” Terra slid her hand inside of her panties and began playing with her pussy directly. “I go inside and stroke more. I dip my fingers inside to keep them wet and…”
“I want to see it,” Jinx interrupted. Her heart was pounding a mile a minute and she wasn’t thinking straight. All she could think of was how she wanted to see Terra’s pussy. “I can’t see what you’re doing with your panties in the way. Take them off. Cow. Hooker.”
“Right,” Terra didn’t bother objecting as she eagerly pulled down her panties and kicked them onto the floor. Her glistening pussy was exposed. She adjusted so she was facing Jinx with her legs spread and propped up some pillows behind her. She resumed inserting her fingers into her pussy. “I put my fingers inside and it feels good. But I also like to pull them out and rub my clit. The lubrication makes it feel a lot better.”
Jinx watched as the hand previously toying with Terra’s breasts moved upward toward her mouth. Terra touched her mouth and hooked a finger inside. Jinx understood that look, it was the same one she got when she desperately wanted to taste her master’s cock.
“Put them in your mouth,” Jinx commanded. Terra inserted her fingers again into her pussy. “You want to taste yourself. Right? Bitch. Harlot.”
“Yeah,” Terra panted while moving the hand she drenched in her juices toward her mouth. She began slowly licking her fluids off of her fingertips before returning it to her pussy. “Sometimes,” Terra paused unsure of herself, “you can do things to speed up the process. Like, think of things.”
“What are you thinking about? Filth. Tramp.” Jinx asked while eagerly watching the scene. She wanted to join. At the very least she wanted to touch herself. She desperately wished her master were there so she could ask his permission.
“I…” Terra tensed up. “I’m thinking of Raven’s. The way you made me…” Terra spasmed mildly, “all the things you did to me.”
“Describe them,” Jinx said while licking her lips. The memories of that night were burned into her mind. She remembered everything she’d done to Terra but the thought of hearing them excited her. “Describe them to me you filthy elf whore. Wench. Slag.”
“Fuck,” Terra had moved her hands so both were teasing her pussy. Terra rapidly inserted her fingers with one hand while she harshly massaged her clit with the other. “When you made me lick your pussy. When you sat on my face, fucking it while I couldn’t breathe. When you shoved your entire hand into my…” Terra’s entire body spasmed. She held her fingers deep inside of herself while continuing to rub her clit. “Oh my god, oh my god, I’m cumming! Fuck!”
Jinx gasped in delight as Terra twisted in pleasure on her bed.
“Uh, what?” Jericho said from the doorway.
Chapter 10
Plans and Punishment
Jericho swatted out the tiny flames that’d flared up on his shoulders. The side effects of increasing the size of his elemental pathways were getting harder to control. It seemed that while he instinctively sent anger and frustration into his water pathways creating frost magic, happiness and excitement went directly to his fire pathways.
Of course, if he was happy enough or angry enough all sorts of weird stuff would happen. Recently he was the target of several ill-conceived ganks and the response to the initial panic seemed to range from ice spikes to sandstorms.
His current emotional state had nothing to do with that. Jericho desired to master all of the magic in Forbidden Arcana and recently he’d discovered there were thirteen schools. Fire, earth, water, wind, mind, body, spirit, time, space, light, dark, life, and death. All players had access to elemental magic since it was powered by emotions and people could understand emotions, the other types required familiars to unlock.
Jinx was his first and only familiar and unlocked spirit magic. Without her, he would have never really understood that every entity in the game had a spirit that could be sensed and attacked directly. He certainly would have never figured out how to manipulate his own to do the attacking. It didn’t do much damage but it ignored armor. It also happened to feel like getting punched in the gut.
The limited usefulness of spirit magic didn’t stop Jinx from demanding he work on his spirit to the point of exhaustion. Much like elemental pathways needed to be stretched and compacted to allow for better magical flow, the spirit needed to be worked similarly.
Jericho spent days stretching and compressing his spirit to the point of exhaustion and it was gradually increasing in size. In fact, his spirit had grown large enough to sense any other spirits that were within a few yards of him. That’s how he knew both Jinx and Terra were upstairs.
He didn’t really question why they were upstairs. He was just excited to tell them both about the information he’d found regarding fairies, the next type of familiar he’d planned to acquire and the key to unlocking mind magic.
Naturally, he didn’t expect to find Terra mid orgasm on his bed. It was certainly a welcome surprise to see the tall voluptuous elf rubbing her clit while shoving her fingers inside of herself, but it was also extremely confusing.
He was equally surprised to see Jinx jump from a nearby chair. He caught her golden stare for an instant before she shamefully looked down at the floor.
“Jericho,” Terra pointed at him while covering herself with the blanket. He looked do
wn and saw almost his entire body on fire. His expensive black robes burnt to a cinder. “Are you angry?”
“No,” Jericho sighed while dusting off the now ashen robes. He concentrated on tightening his magical pathways shutting off the free flow of magic. He then accessed his inventory and replaced his robe with a black and gold formal mages coat and some pants. He’d recently taken to carrying spare clothing for such occasions. He looked at Terra and made some nonsensical gestures, “Ice is anger. What is going on?”
“It was her idea!” Terra said pointing to Jinx who tensed up like a terrified cat. “She insisted I show her how to masturbate and she wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“Really?” Jericho tried not to laugh. Ever since Raven’s, Terra and Jinx had developed an awkward relationship. Terra seemed to do almost anything Jinx asked of her, although this was the first time Jinx asked for anything sexual. He wasn’t really sure how he should react to it either.
Jericho would be lying if he said he wasn’t somewhat jealous. He desperately wanted to fuck Terra but because of her rule about sleeping with players, she was off limits. Yet, Jinx, his familiar could do whatever she wanted with Terra. On top of that, he missed all of it but the ending. He glared at Terra judgmentally, “She has you wrapped around her little finger.”
“I know,” Terra looked down shamefully. She knew how ridiculous it was. She tightly gripped the luxurious pillow covering her and paused. She looked up grinning. “Oh, I’m wrapped around her little finger? This bed probably cost ten thousand gold, not to mention the other furniture in this room is probably thirty thousand, not to mention the piles of clothing and the boxes full of jewelry. And you’re going to judge me?”
“I,” Jericho paused realizing she’d got him. Jinx pretty much had him wrapped around her little finger as well. “Fair point.”
“Are you angry with me? Thug. Villain.” Jinx shuffled her feet. He looked at the petite familiar and immediately noticed her heels and thigh high stockings. As his gaze moved upward, he noted the extremely short skirt that hung far too low on her waist. Naturally, he noticed her bare midriff and her perky breasts in a top ready to fall off any moment. He resisted the urge to cast a wind spell. Finally, he met her golden eyes.