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Double Bossed

Page 2

by K. L. Ramsey

  “If you’ll excuse me, Justin, I have a ton of work to get back to,” Airi said. Justin watched as she rearranged her desk, tossing out half her lunch. He wanted to tell her he was sorry. Hell, he wanted to pull her up from her fucking chair and crush her against his body but that wouldn’t help his case. He had messed up, big time. Justin worried he wouldn’t be able to fix things between them and that made him feel desperate to try.

  “Airi,” he paused when she shot him a look that told him she was in no mood to discuss anything further. “I’m sorry,” he whispered and retreated into his office. He had spent all these months trying to get close to his assistant and one fucked up conversation with Jarrod sent all his good intentions down the drain. Justin didn’t want to hurt his brother but he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to turn off wanting Airi. He just didn’t know what to do next but he’d have to come up with something fast, because losing either of them wasn’t an option.


  Jarrod spent the next fucking week running damage control with his sexy personal assistant. There was nothing he could do to make her forget he was an ass, blurting out that he didn’t want her when she was all he could think about, day and night. He had gone to Pandora’s Box, the BDSM club he and Justin were members at, trying to find a sub to help him forget the way Airiana looked at him. Each night, he left the club with a burning ache he was sure would never be satisfied. Airiana’s big blue eyes showed every emotion she was keeping bottled up, including the betrayal of him being an arrogant asshole and pushing her away. There was no way he’d go after her now, knowing his brother wanted her too.

  Jarrod knew Justin was hoping he would admit to having feelings for their pretty assistant but what good would it do either of them? He would never challenge his brother over a woman. It was their unwritten bro code and not even someone as desirable as Airiana would have him changing his stance on the matter. Jarrod found out that morning about an upcoming business trip that would take him away from the office for the next few days, and he was looking forward to the break. He needed some alone time and that especially meant from his twin brother. They were just not connecting anymore and he knew that had everything to do with their sexy personal assistant. When he agreed to hire her, Jarrod never imagined they would both end up wanting her. He missed the signs but looking back now, he should have noticed the way his brother looked at Airiana. Maybe he didn’t want to see them, because then he would have had to admit he wanted her just as much.

  Now, this whole problem between he and Justin was because he hired their new assistant based on his own desire for her and not to fill the damn job. Sure, Airiana had become a valuable member of their company and in truth, she was so much more capable than her job description but telling her so would mean that eventually she would move on and he wouldn’t be able to see her every day. Jarrod was sure he must be a masochist with the way he liked seeing her sitting outside of his office, day after day. Airiana had become the reason he got out of bed every morning, looking forward to going into work and the reason he was sad about having to go home every evening. Hell, he even liked her kid and that was something he never dreamed of happening. He was caught sneaking up to the daycare center on site just to check in on Milo on more than one occasion. He’d always brush it off as him just wanting to make sure his new assistant and her son were fitting into the company but it was so much more. Admitting that wouldn’t end well for the three of them and he just needed to remember that every time Airiana looked at him with those soulful blue eyes of hers.

  Jarrod had gotten into the office early, as he had everyday this past week and his twin seemed to be in a perpetual bad mood. Jarrod noticed Justin had stopped having lunches with Airiana and that pissed him off. He knew Justin was better suited for Airiana, even though the thought of having to watch the two of them together was excruciating. He would never begrudge his brother’s happiness, no matter what his personal feelings were for their assistant.

  The adjoining door, which separated their offices, swung open and Justin didn’t bother with pleasantries. “Did you hear about the issues at the Colorado office?” Justin questioned. Jarrod had unfortunately been woken by a very early morning phone call from their manager at that office, detailing all the problems he was going to have to fly out there to fix.

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “I got the call from Maria this morning and I’ve already told her I will be there some time tomorrow.”

  Justin nodded, “Well, I’ve told her the same thing, basically. I guess we are flying to Colorado then.”

  “There is no need for us both to go,” Jarrod said. He hated wasting resources and having them both fly to Colorado, when one of them could easily handle the issues was a waste.

  “Really, I think it might be good for us to get away for a few days. We’ve both been on edge and honestly, I miss you man.” Jarrod hated admitting he felt the same way but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t agree with his brother. They hadn’t been in sync for months now but Jarrod was hoping to fix everything by taking some time away from the office, and hopefully giving Justin some one-on-one time with Airiana. But, maybe Justin was right. A few days away, just the two of them, might be good for putting things right between them again.

  Jarrod nodded, “Fine, have the jet ready for noon and we can head out then, if that works for you,” he said. Justin’s smile was the first Jarrod had seen from him in over a week.

  “Will do, thanks, Jarrod.” Justin quickly made his way back to his own office and shut the door. Jarrod checked his watch, noting he had just a few hours to get packed and to the hanger. They were afforded many luxuries in life and private jets were just one of the perks of owning their own corporation. Jarrod shot off a few emails, letting everyone know he and Justin would be out of town for most of the week and decided to head back to his apartment to pack his bag.

  He knew he was being a coward but working the rest of the morning from home would give him some much needed time away from Airiana and hopefully some perspective. Jarrod saw she wasn’t at her desk, so he sent her an email telling her he’d be out the rest of the morning and to forward his calls. A part of him was happy he was going to be able to sneak out of the office without having to face her knowing stare and the other part of him—the part that lacked self-preservation—wished he’d get a chance to say goodbye to her before leaving on his trip.


  Justin called Airi into his office to go over his itinerary for his impromptu business trip to Colorado. She hated admitting that having the office to herself for the next few days wasn’t an upsetting prospect. Ever since Jarrod blurted out he wasn’t interested in her, the two of them were walking on eggshells around her and Airi was beginning to tire of their behavior.

  Airi grabbed her tablet and her way into Justin’s office, noticing he was wearing her favorite suit. She loved when he wore his charcoal gray pin striped suit. He always looked sexy but when he wore that suit, his blue eyes stood out—almost as if calling to her. She sat on the sofa in front of his desk ready to take notes, to make sure she was prepared for the week ahead.

  “First, let me say that I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, for our lunches, Airi.” She wasn’t sure what to say to his admission. Airi had spent most of last week worried she had done something wrong to piss Justin off. Sure, telling him he seemed sad every time he was around his brother probably wasn’t the best thing to say during their last lunch together. She overstepped and she hated how he seemed so angry with her. She knew there was something going on between Jarrod and Justin and she was also smart enough to know it involved her. Airi would hate to think she had done something to come between the twins. They were almost inseparable and seeing them barely on speaking terms really hurt.

  “It’s fine, Justin. I know you are a busy man. Besides, our lunches were to get me acquainted with the company and I think I have a handle on my duties,” she said. Justin smiled at her from behind his big desk. It was the type of smile that
usually melted her panties and she tried to keep her dirty thoughts in check. Lately, her vibrator had been getting a workout to the fantasy of both Justin and Jarrod doing wicked things to her body. She knew she was walking a fine line, wanting them both but she couldn’t help it. She guessed Ivy and her two husbands were really starting to influence her. Although, she would have never dreamt she would meet two men she would want to be with.

  “Yes, you seem to be finding your way around here,” Justin agreed. He cleared his throat, “Airi, I need to ask you for a favor,” he almost whispered. Airi found herself sitting on the edge of her seat, as if leaning in to hear what he was going to ask.

  “Sure,” she offered. “Anything.” God, she meant anything too. If Justin asked her to fly to the moon with him, she would.

  He smiled again and she could feel her breath hitch. She wasn’t sure but she might have swooned and Airi wanted to kick herself for being such a teenager every time she was around either of the Grayson men. Lord help her if they were actually in the same room together with her. It felt as though her girl parts might just burst into flames when they were both telling her what to do in unison.

  “Jarrod and I will need an assistant this week while we are in Colorado.” He looked her up and down and she wanted to jump up from her seat and volunteer as tribute but then she remembered she had a one year old son. Being a mom was a lot like having a bucket of cold water thrown on you while you were peacefully dreaming; now being no exception.

  “Will you go with us?” She wanted to tell him yes, she really did but she couldn’t.

  “I would love to,” she admitted. Justin’s smile nearly lit up the room. “But, I can’t” she said, hating the way his smile faded as he nodded.

  “I get it,” he said. “It’s last minute.”

  “Not so much that, as I have no one to take care of Milo,” she said.

  “Do you think your sister might keep him, if it’s just for a few days?” he asked. Honestly, Ivy would jump at the chance to take care of Milo. She was always saying she wished Airi would take her and the guys up on their offer to babysit more often. Airi knew her sister would take good care of him and she hadn’t had a day or night off in months. The last time she left Milo with Ivy, she had no choice. She had the flu and it wasn’t safe for the baby to be around her. Her sister, Slade and Holden took him for the better part of a week so she could get better and she was so grateful to them.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered. “I can ask her.”

  “Only if you want to, Airi. It would be a great help to Jarrod and me,” Justin admitted.

  Airi nodded, “Let me call Ivy and I’ll let you know,” she said. “Anything else?” she asked, standing to leave his office.

  “Yes,” he said. “Please don’t tell Jarrod I’ve invited you on our trip. He’s been stressed out lately and having you along might help ease some of his workload and lessen his stress, although he’d never admit it. Let this just be our little surprise.”

  Airi wasn’t sure if surprising Jarrod was such a good idea. The last time she came back from the ladies room and “surprised” him, he confirmed he wasn’t interested in her, spelling it out for her in no uncertain terms. Awkward was putting the whole situation kindly but she had done her part to work her way through. She and Jarrod had found a working rhythm that seemed to fit for them and Airi was coming to accept that no matter how hot she thought Jarrod was, he just wasn’t into her and she would have to learn to accept that.

  “I don’t know, Justin.” Airi stopped, on her way out of his office, and looked back to where he sat behind his big desk. “Jarrod doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who likes surprises,” she said. Justin threw back his head and laughed and Airi was sure he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.

  “You seem to know my brother well,” Justin said. “He doesn’t like surprises at all—fucking hates them. But, this is a good one and I’m sure he’ll be able to relax a little, having you around to pick up some of the slack.” Justin sent her a pleading look and it was all she could do not to melt into a puddle.

  “Not many women say no to you, do they Justin?” she asked. Airi wasn’t sure if she asked her question out loud until he shot her his wolfish grin and shook his head.

  “No, Airi. Not many women tell me no,” he agreed. She shook her head and giggled, leaving his office to make her call to Ivy. A part of her wanted to tell Justin no, just to watch him squirm but she knew given the chance, she would tell him yes. Hell, she would tell Justin and Jarrod both yes to just about anything but admitting that might just land her on the unemployment line and she had to take care of Milo.


  Justin paced his small office, waiting for Airi to come back in with her answer. He felt like a fucking teenager, waiting for a girl to agree to go to the school dance with him. She made him feel so alive and completely unsure of himself all at once and he had to admit it was intoxicating just being around Airi. He knew Jarrod was going to kick his ass when he found out he was the one to invite Airi to tag along. But, this might be his only chance to prove to them both that the three of them belonged together.

  He and Jarrod had shared women before. Hell, Justin preferred sharing women with Jarrod but he would never tell his brother that. Most women liked the idea of having the two of them in bed, once they got past their initial shock. It just felt natural to him and Jarrod never seemed to mind. But, when he brought up the subject of them sharing Airi, Jarrod bulked. He told Justin some bullshit story about not wanting to chance sleeping with an employee and possibly pissing off HR but Justin knew better. His brother was afraid of sharing a woman they both had feelings for.

  Most of the women they picked up were subs who like the idea of having twin Doms playing with them. But that was where things ended, at the BDSM club. They never took women home with them and they didn’t really date. It was too messy and they didn’t do messy. Jarrod and he had spent most of their late twenties and early thirties building their company and they didn’t have time for relationships. It was easier to pick up women at various sex clubs and play, knowing when they were all finished, everyone would have gotten exactly what they had signed up for.

  Airi was the first woman either of them had wanted to share outside of the BDSM club and that scared the shit out of Jarrod. Hell, that scared the fuck out of him too but he was willing to take a chance with Airi. The more time Justin spent with the single mother, the more he saw she was worth his time and effort. He just wished there was a way to convince Jarrod he was right because him pushing Airi away was hurting them all. If Justin could convince Jarrod to take a chance on her, they might both find the happiness that was missing from their lives.

  Justin heard Airi’s soft knock at his door and it felt as though his damn heart skipped a beat. “Come in,” he said. Airi gently pushed his office door open and the way she looked at him, so unsure and nervous, nearly did him in. Justin was sure she was about to give him bad news when she smiled at him and nodded.

  “Ivy said she and the guys would love to watch Milo for a few days,” she almost whispered. He knew he was a little overzealous but he dramatically pumped his fist in the air and cheered, causing her to giggle.

  “That’s great,” he said, willing himself to calm down. “I’m sure having you along will be good for all of us,” he said. Airi nodded and smiled. He loved the way she looked up at him through her thick lashes and he wondered what she would look like kneeling in front of him, offering to suck his cock. Justin needed to get a handle on his lust if he was going to get his shit together and meet Jarrod at the hanger on time.

  “Can you be packed in the next hour?” he asked. Airi nodded. “Great,” he said, pulling out his phone to text her the address where to meet. “Be at that address by noon,” he said as her phone chimed.

  “See you soon,” she said. The breathy hitch in her voice had Justin hoping for more than he should have but he wasn’t willing to give up on his sexy assistant yet. If everyt
hing worked out, Airi would be trapped between him and Jarrod, thousands of feet in the air and there would be nothing his grumpy brother could do about it. Justin was ready to give them all a push because he was ready and willing to fall for Airiana Scott.

  Justin worried Jarrod would get to the plane before Airi did and that might ruin the whole plan. If he could sneak their assistant on board and not have to tell Jarrod about her being a part of their quick trip until they were at least a few thousand feet in the air, things would go a lot smoother.

  He felt almost giddy when she appeared at the hanger before Jarrod and he ushered her onto the plane, under the pretense of wanting to get her settled for takeoff as soon as possible.

  “I’m sorry I’m a few minutes late. I had to get Milo settled at Ivy’s house and then packing took a little longer than I expected. I’m not sure I brought the right things,” she admitted. Justin didn’t really care what Airi wore on their trip. In fact, if he had his way, she would spend most of it naked between the two of them but he thought better than to blurt that out.

  “I’m sure whatever you brought will be perfectly fine. It’s business casual, really,” he said.

  “Could I get a water? I need to take some medicine for this headache I feel coming on. I’d like to stop it before it starts.” Airi looked around the plane and all Justin could do was smile and nod at her like a complete loon. She rubbed her forehead with her hand, driving home the point she was suffering and Justin quickly found her a bottle of water.

  “How about you take your medicine and then lay down for a bit? The plane has a private master bedroom,” he offered. He took her bag from her and showed her back to the bedroom. Airi suspiciously eyed the big bed that took up most of the room.


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