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Double Bossed

Page 9

by K. L. Ramsey

  “I understand,” she whispered. “Please, Jarrod. Just tell me what to do—what you want,” Airiana’s pleading was nearly his undoing. Watching Justin work his way down her body was enough to make him want to come in his pants. He needed to have Airiana wrap her sassy mouth around his cock and get him off if he was going to remember his need for control.

  Jarrod quickly undressed loving the way Airiana watched him as he stroked his aching cock in his hands. She licked her lips, giving him all the invitation he needed to take what he wanted from her. She moaned as Justin lapped at her pussy, giving her what she needed, leaving Jarrod free to take his pleasure from her.

  “Open for me, baby,” Jarrod commanded. Airiana did as he asked without hesitation, beautifully submitting to him and he was sure he would never get enough of her. “So fucking beautiful,” he praised as she sucked him into her mouth, playfully swirling her tongue around his shaft. He just about lost it when she sucked him to the back of her throat, taking nearly all of him. She was giving him everything the he needed and he knew he wouldn’t last long.

  “I’m going to come.” His voice sounded horse with need. Airiana sucked him in and out of her mouth, setting a punishing rhythm and it was all he could take. He shot his seed down her throat in hot spurts and she took all of him and even protested when he pulled free from her greedy mouth.

  “I need to taste her,” Jarrod said. He quickly took Justin’s place between her thighs and licked his way into her drenched folds. Airiana came for him, shouting out his name as she writhed against his face, shamelessly taking her pleasure from him.

  Jarrod looked up to find Justin lapping at her nipples and he could tell his brother was ready to take Airiana. “Fuck our girl, Justin,” Jarrod commanded. He liked that his brother let him call the shots but he could also read Justin better than anyone else. He knew how badly Justin needed to take Airiana.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Justin said. He quickly released Airiana’s bindings and handcuffs and Jarrod wanted to laugh. His brother preferred women to be free to touch him and he could tell Justin wanted that from Airiana.

  “Feel me, Airi,” Justin ordered. She shyly smiled up at him and wrapped her hands around his cock, doing exactly as he ordered. Jarrod watched as his brother hissed out his breath and knew it wouldn’t take much for Justin to lose it. Jarrod sat on the edge of the bed, watching them together and he had to admit it was damn hot. Justin licked and kissed his way into Airiana’s mouth and Jarrod’s cock was already hard again just from her breathy moans and sighs.

  Justin pulled her legs around his cock and thrust deep inside of her, causing her to groan out her pleasure. He set a punishing pace and Jarrod couldn’t take it anymore, palming his own throbbing shaft. His need for Airiana was out of control; he’d never get enough of their sexy assistant. He wanted inside of her; needing to be where Justin was. The thought of them both being able to take her at the same time had him spilling his seed into his hand. He breathlessly watched as Justin lost himself in Airiana and they collapsed onto the bed together. Jarrod was pretty sure he had never felt more content with anyone else, outside of Justin. It was as if Airiana completed them both—she was made for them.


  Airiana woke to Milo’s chattering over the baby monitor the guys had installed, and she couldn’t help her giggle. She was surrounded by her two sexy men and wondered if last night had just been a beautiful dream. Waking up between the two of them brought home the realization she was not imagining her sexy bosses making her theirs all night long.

  She decided to try to slip from the bed and go to Milo before he became too insistent and woke the guys. It was no easy feat to pull herself free from their big bodies but she finally slipped from the bed just as Milo started to fuss. Airiana pulled one of the guy’s shirts on from the night before, finding her way down the hallway to Milo’s nursery and when she opened the door, he squealed.

  “Hi baby,” she whispered. “Did you sleep well?” Airiana scooped up her son and cuddled him, loving the way he snuggled into her. Her favorite time with him was always early mornings while they were both waking up. Milo was always so snuggly and like her, a happy morning person. Airi’s sister Ivy was always grumpy and she wondered which of her own parents she took after.

  They died when she was so young, she couldn’t really remember small character traits such as if they were morning people or night owls. It made her sad not knowing little things about her parents most kids knew and took for granted. Most days, she didn’t let not having them in her life bother her but since having Milo she thought about them more and more. Airi wondered what kind of grandparents they would be and if they would want to have big family gatherings for Sunday dinners or holidays. She never had any of those things—well, none she could remember. Airi wanted all of that for Milo and she just hoped like hell she’d be around to give him everything she always dreamed of having.

  After Cole kicked her to the curb, pregnant, with nowhere to go, she worried she would never be able to give her baby anything. Once Holden helped her get her job with Grayson Industries, she allowed herself to start hoping again. Airi wanted to be able to buy a house for Milo to grow up in. Something with a big back yard and maybe get a puppy. She wanted the fantasy that she never had, for her son and that was why she worked so hard. She spent every waking free minute with Milo but when she had to work, she loved knowing he was well cared for in the daycare at her office.

  That was what made being with her bosses so scary for her. If things went south and Justin and Jarrod decided they were tired of playing with her, where would she go? Up until this job, her work experience had been babysitting as a teen and waitressing. She never dreamed of being anyone’s personal assistant, let alone one to two of the most powerful businessmen in town. If she ended up unemployed, Airi didn’t know where she would land. Not many businesses wanted to hire a twenty-two year old single mother with little to no job skills.

  Airi changed Milo’s diaper and spent a few minutes playing with him. She loved this age; he was so inquisitive and the wonder on his little face made her happy. He was such a happy baby and she would often just sit and watch him, trying to figure out how she had gotten so lucky in the kid department.

  “Hey,” Justin whispered. He entered the nursery holding a bottle for Milo and Airi thought it was the sweetest gesture.

  “Sorry if we woke you,” Airi took the bottle and handed it to her eager son. He loved his morning bottle almost as much as she loved her coffee.

  “You didn’t,” Jarrod said. He walked into the nursery holding a mug of coffee and handed it to her. He reached for Milo and Airi was surprised her son went to him. She had forgotten that her son already knew both of her bosses due to their secret visits to the nursery at work.

  Airi sipped her coffee and moaned at just how good it tasted. “Is it the way you like it, baby?” Jarrod asked.

  “Yes,” she said. “Thank you.” Jarrod sat on the sofa with Milo while he drank his bottle and she and Justin joined them. The whole scene felt so domestic, so normal she almost let herself forget this wasn’t her life.

  “You seem a little out of sorts today,” Jarrod said, studying her. The last thing she wanted was for them to see her self-doubt creeping in. She would need to deal with that on her own, not wanting to weigh either of them down with her issues. Honestly, she was already starting to feel like a burden to them, with all her baggage and past demons rising to the surface. She wished she could say that wasn’t how her life usually went but she would be lying to them both. Her life had always been unpredictable and even a bit chaotic. Airi just hated how Justin and Jarrod were now caught up in her mess.

  “I guess I’m just tired,” she whispered.

  Justin pulled her onto his lap and banded his arms around her body. “Liar,” he accused. She hated that Justin could tell when she wasn’t being completely honest. They had spent so much time together since she was hired on; she sometimes forgot just how
well he seemed to know her.

  “Is he right, Airiana? Are you not telling us something?” Jarrod questioned. She couldn’t look either of them in the eyes and continue being less than truthful with them.

  “Yes,” she admitted. “I wasn’t lying though. I am tired,” she stalled taking another long drink of her coffee.

  “But you’re not being one hundred percent truthful with us,” Justin added. “You aren’t telling us something.”

  Airi sighed. “I was just thinking about what will happen if things don’t work out between us,” she admitted. Saying it out loud made her feel as foolish as she sounded. Here they had only just begun and she was already worried about their end. That was just how her brain worked though.

  “We don’t even get a chance?” Jarrod asked. She could tell he was teasing from his tone but she saw the hurt in his eyes. Justin’s expression was identical to his brother’s and she knew that she was going to have to do some explaining.

  “I’ve spent my entire life waiting for the other shoe to drop,” she said. “When I was a kid, my parents died. I don’t really remember them. Ivy and I were moved from foster home to foster home whenever things didn’t work out or they ran out of room or time for us. It was inevitable, the changes in my life. I guess expecting the worst to happen is just my way of protecting myself. I plan for the absolute worst case scenario and then when bad thigs happen, I adapt and adjust accordingly.”

  Justin and Jarrod watched her as if they were dumfounded about what to say next. She knew her doom and gloom stance was unhealthy. Really it must have sounded downright dark as she explained everything to them but it was honestly how she was feeling, and they asked for her honesty.

  “Well, that’s a shitty way to have to live, honey,” Justin grumbled. “How about you let Jarrod and I worry about what happens next and you just concentrate on being happy?”

  She almost wanted to laugh at the idea of just being happy. Sure, she had people and things in her life that made her everyday life happy. But, it didn’t change the fact she was always holding her breath, waiting for the bad stuff in life to catch up to her.

  “Sure,” she offered. Jarrod laughed, causing Milo to jump. Her son smiled up at him and he laughed even harder.

  “You need to be more like Milo, baby,” Jarrod offered. Her son looked between the three of them, grinning like a loon at all the attention they were giving him and she couldn’t help her giggle.

  “If only life was that easy,” she said. “I’m just glad Milo is happy and doesn’t have to worry about all of the bad stuff yet.”

  “How about you let Jarrod and I show you just how easy it can be to have some fun? We have one short meeting this morning and then the whole day is yours,” Justin said. “Let us plan a fun day for the four of us?” He waited her out but Airi could tell he wanted her to agree. Truthfully, a day of fun, just the four of them sounded like a dream.

  “Alright,” she agreed. The guys all but cheered at her agreement, causing her to giggle again. She just hoped she didn’t disappoint them. Days of fun weren’t exactly her strong suit but she was willing to give it a shot if it would mean making her guys happy.

  Airiana stayed back at the cabin with Milo while the guys headed into town to attend their meeting. They assured her Holden could hold down the fort while they took the rest of the day off but she worried she was costing them precious time at the office. Them wanting to show her a good time was great but not at the cost of the company. She needed to remember they were business owners and their trip to Colorado was purely work related, although they had slipped in a good deal of pleasure.

  When the guys got home around noon, she had lunch waiting for them. Their housekeeper had left menus from the guys favorite places to eat and she ordered them some food and had it ready for them after they changed. She had to admit she liked seeing them in their gym clothes. Airi usually saw the two of them in their business attire but even dressed down, they took her breath away.

  “So, what’s on the docket for our day of fun?” she asked. The guys looked at each other and their mischievous grins should have told her whatever they had planned, she wasn’t going to be a fan.

  “First, we thought we could go for a little hike,” Jarrod offered. Airi opened her mouth to protest she couldn’t go hiking with a baby but Justin squashed her argument, telling her he’d purchased a toddler backpack and would carry Milo on his back. Airi really wanted to make an “Aww” sound but decided against it. Her guys weren’t fans of her finding them cute. Sexy as sin, sure—cute, not so much.

  “So, hiking and then what?” Airi asked. She knew they weren’t going to let her off so easily, with just a little hike. They had to have more planned and she was right.

  “Well, after we go hiking, we thought we’d teach you and Milo how to fish,” Jarrod said. She rolled her eyes. Airi was beginning to think their ideas of what a fun day was didn’t really match up.

  “Fine,” she groaned. “I accept your challenge but just so you know, I see what you’re up to.” She knew her tone sounded accusatory but she didn’t care. The guys were showing her their idea of fun, hoping it might rub off on her. She never really was an outdoor kind of girl and this little test would prove just that. She was being weighed and measured and she loved a good challenge.

  Jarrod and Justin both laughed and finished their lunches while she packed a day pack for Milo. She wasn’t sure either of the guys realized just what went into leaving the house with a baby in tow but they were about to get a crash course.


  Justin loved the feel of Milo’s tiny body pressed up against his and the way the toddler chattered on in baby gibberish in his ear as he hiked up the mountain with him on his back. “If he gets to be too much, I can carry him for a bit,” Airi offered.

  “Nope,” Justin said. “He’s just fine. Besides, he and I are in the middle of a very important conversation.”

  Airi giggled, “Oh, I see. And, what are the two of you discussing?” she asked.

  “Well, Milo would like to know if he could have some ice cream after dinner and I told him I would discuss it with you,” Justin offered, causing Airi to giggle again.

  “I’m all for ice cream, if we are taking a vote,” Jarrod chimed in. Airi looked between the two of them, understanding just how things usually worked out when he and his brother agreed on things.

  “I’m going to always be out voted, aren’t I?” she asked.

  “Yep,” they said in unison. Airi’s giggle floated on the breeze around him and Justin was sure he had never heard anything so magical. He could get used to more days like this and listening to their girl giggle because of something one of them said.

  “Especially when it comes to ice cream,” Justin added.

  “I guess we are having ice cream,” she mumbled, causing both Jarrod and him to laugh. Justin like the way it felt like they were a family unit when it was just the four of them. He hoped he wasn’t the only one feeling that way, although he was sure Jarrod was getting those same vibes.

  They hiked most of the afternoon and tried to teach Airi to fish, although their girl drew the line at baiting her own hook. She quickly caught her first fish and when they told her she had to clean and cook it for dinner, she threw it back into the river. Justin was sure Airi wasn’t cut out for the country life but he really didn’t care. Spending the day with her, Jarrod and Milo felt right.

  They got cleaned up and headed into town for dinner and ice cream. Dining with a toddler was a whole new experience. Justin was sure he was wearing most of Milo’s dinner and at least half of his own. They called it a night early enough to get Milo home for a bath and then bed.

  Airi looked about ready to collapse and he convinced Jarrod to help him with Milo, so Airi could soak in a bubble bath. The look of horror on Jarrod’s face was almost comical. Neither of them knew anything about giving a toddler a bath but it was time they learned. Milo and Airi were both moving in with them and this was going to b
e their new normal.

  Milo splashed in the tub, trying to catch the bubbles that floated around him, while Justin and Jarrod leaned over the ledge to watch him. “Do you think Airiana had fun today?” Jarrod quietly asked.

  Justin didn’t have to even think about his answer. “Yes,” he said. “I think even though our girl is only twenty-two, she has done a lot more living than either of us, man.”

  “I agree. But she’s one of the strongest damn women I know and a hell of a mom,” Jarrod said. “So, what do we do about her ex?”

  Jarrod’s question was one Justin had spent the better part of the day thinking about. And honestly, he really didn’t have any answers. “We make sure he doesn’t get anywhere near Milo or Airi,” Justin offered.

  “Agreed,” Jarrod said.

  They got Milo into his pajamas and gave him a bottle. The two sat on the sofa reading him bedtime stories and snuggling until the toddler fell asleep on Jarrod’s chest. Justin was surprised how it all felt so normal—the way Milo fit with them. He never thought about having kids before but Milo made him want things that once seemed impossible.

  “Well, there my three guys are,” Airi whispered from the doorway. Justin’s heart did a little flip flop at her calling them her guys. She was wearing a little nighty that barely covered her sexy curves and all he could think about was touching and licking his way up her body. Judging from Jarrod’s predatory look, he felt the same way. Jarrod stood and gently laid Milo in his crib. The three of them stood over him, watching and holding their breath, praying he didn’t wake up. The toddler stirred and then snuggled into his blanket, sucking his thumb to lull himself back to sleep. Justin was sure it was the single cutest thing he’d ever seen.


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