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Betrayed (Elesian Dragon Mates Book 2)

Page 7

by Sammie Joyce

  Gavin took her hands in his. “Rose, it would be our great honor if you would be our date to the Autumn Festival.”

  For a moment, Rose didn’t speak, sure she’d misheard. “But… but I can’t go.”

  “Of course you can.” Asher put an arm around her, and Rose leaned into him, breathing in his calming scent. “Did you think we didn’t notice how upset you were that you couldn’t go? We’d do anything to make you happy.”

  “What about Hellith? In the past, you’ve always said stuff like this is too dangerous.”

  “We’re not going to trade potential danger on your happiness. We’re all agreed on this.” Jagger raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying you’re turning us down?”

  Rose shoved him against the wall of the pumpkin, kissing him. “Of course not,” she breathed as she pulled away. She met Gavin’s eyes, then Asher’s and Mace’s. “I’d love to be your date for the festival.”

  There was still a lump in her throat, but for a different reason.

  “What’s wrong?” Mace wiped a single tear from her cheek. “Aren’t you happy?”

  “I am. I just never thought I’d have this. Before I met you, I’d never even had one boyfriend, and now I have four wonderful mates. If you’d told me a year ago that I’d have four smoking hot guys asking me for a date to a festival, I would have said you were crazy.”

  “You may not have been wrong. I’ve always thought Asher was a bit touched in the head.”

  “Shut it, Jagger.” Asher was smiling, though. The brothers almost never took Jagger’s teasing to heart.

  “Are you sure it’ll be safe, though?” Rose asked hesitantly. “I want to go, but I also want to live. Hellith is still after me.”

  “We all talked about it last night and decided that we can’t let the threat of Hellith stop you from living. For all we know, it might be years before we defeat her. We’ll be careful, but we need to keep living our lives.” Gavin’s eyes were soft as he looked at her, and they just made Rose melt inside.

  “We will protect you,” Asher promised. “I’ve already spoken to Maria about some extra security measures we can add.”

  “We’ll watch you the entire time, like we have been doing.” Jagger was uncharacteristically serious for once. “If there’s any hint of trouble, we’ll have you out of there before the alarms even go off.”

  “We’ve looked at the ballroom, and we reckon that if things go wrong, I’m small enough in my shifted form to turn into a dragon right there without hurting anyone. That’ll give the others time to get you out.” Rose understood Mace’s excitement at the prospect. His brothers often teased him about being the smallest, and this was the first time it had actually turned out to be an advantage.

  Still, the idea worried her. “I don’t want you even thinking of trying to fight Hellith on your own, Mace, no matter what the danger to me might be.”

  Mace looked like he was about to protest, but Asher spoke over him. “He won’t. We all know that one of us has no chance against Hellith. If things go wrong, Mace’s job will simply be to be the biggest thing in the room and draw her attention, as well as block her line of sight to you, until everyone else can mobilize.”

  That made sense. there would be a lot of experienced witches at the festival, and likely a lot of dragons too. If they could get past the surprise stage of an attack, they had a good chance of at least sending Hellith into retreat, if not defeating her.

  Hellith had to know that they were preparing for battle with her. They got stronger by the day. Rose didn’t know where Hellith drew her power from, but in the end, it wouldn’t be a match for the entire coven.

  Right now, it probably was, but once they developed ways to fight her, Hellith was doomed.

  The lump in her throat was gone. Rose felt like jumping for joy, but she was worried about hitting her head on the top of the pumpkin.

  She kissed her dragons one by one. “Thank you. This is the best surprise you’ve ever given me.”

  “I don’t know. I think the time I impersonated Annabelle for a day was pretty funny.”

  “Shut up, Jagger, that was not funny at all!”

  “You were certainly surprised.”

  “That’s because you came to breakfast wearing one of Annabelle’s dresses! She was furious.”

  “Ah, I remember her face.” Jagger was lost in reminiscence, giving Rose the opportunity to scoop up a handful of pumpkin seeds and dump them on his head.

  Mace backed away a few paces, as much as he was able to in the confined space. “Be careful what you start, Rose.”

  Rose saw the danger in what she’d just done as Jagger started collecting handfuls of pumpkin seeds.

  She squealed and dashed out of the pumpkin, Jagger hot on her heels. Gavin tackled his brother, stuffing a handful of seeds down the back of his shirt.

  Asher came out of the pumpkin next. Instead of stopping them, the traitor threw his own handful of seeds at Rose. She just managed to duck.

  Annabelle and Dane came running toward the source of the noise. It didn’t take them long to figure out that the only threat at present was getting a handful of pumpkin seeds in their underwear.

  They quickly became drawn into the battle.

  Later that night, Rose was sourly picking pumpkin seeds out of her pussy. Jagger was waiting impatiently for her to help him get a couple of them out of his ass, a task which his brothers had declined. Rose was taking her time. Maybe she’d have a nap before she helped him. She was tired out, after all.

  Maria wasn’t particularly happy. A number of pumpkins had ended up squashed, and some of the other vegetables had been trampled.

  Rose didn’t care. There were so few opportunities for lighthearted fun nowadays, they had to take what they could get.

  “Hurry up, Rose,” Jagger moaned.

  “I don’t know, Jagger, my fingers are getting awfully tired, picking these things out. Maybe I’ll take a break.”

  “If I ever see a pumpkin seed again after this, someone is going to die,” Jagger muttered.

  Rose chuckled as she wiped herself with a damp cloth, finally free of the seeds.

  “Alright, I’m all yours. Let’s see that beautiful ass.”

  Chapter Nine

  “I wish I could go,” Rose moaned enviously as she watched Jade and Wendy leave the mansion. They were going shopping for dresses for the Autumn Festival.

  Annabelle didn’t seem bothered. “We’ll have more choice shopping online anyway.”

  Rose was infinitely grateful for her friend’s decision to order online too, so that Rose wouldn’t have to be alone in finding her dress without leaving the mansion. The dragons had consented to wait outside, even allowing Rose to use a silencing spell so that she and Annabelle could chat in private.

  She loved her dragons, but it got wearying having them dog her every step. Asher had added the stern condition that if a fly so much as landed on a windowsill suspiciously, she was to shout out mentally to them.

  “Yes, but we won’t be able to try them on first.”

  “You do remember Asher offering to fly you in a tailor from Paris, right? Trust me, if the dress doesn’t fit, your guys will have someone modify it before you can finish telling them.”

  That got a smile out of her. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Would he really have flown in a tailor from Paris if you agreed?”

  “Probably. The clan has built up a lot of wealth over the years. Of course, they couldn’t use it when they were being held captive by witches, but that didn’t stop their investments from making interest. I bet if Dane asked, Asher would fly in a tailor for you too.”

  “I bet Dane could convince him.” Annabelle’s dreamy smile no longer caused Rose any pain, now that Gavin was back.

  Still, all wasn’t completely well. Rose was becoming increasingly worried about Gavin.

  “You okay?”

  “Just thinking…”

  “Unlike your dragons, I can’t read your mind, so
spit it out.”

  Rose hesitated, wondering if she should say anything. She hadn’t spoken to her other dragons about her worries, mainly because she was afraid of how Asher would react when he found out—which he would if she talked to his brothers. She’d been doing her best to keep that portion of her thoughts to herself.

  She was sure they must have noticed, but they were giving her space, perhaps because she was their mate, or perhaps because they knew she was still new to the whole mind reading thing and realized that the complete loss of privacy was still sometimes difficult for her. After all, she’d had only a year to get used to it—they’d had their entire lives.

  Maybe telling Annabelle would be a good thing. Rose would be able to talk to someone without risking Gavin’s place in the clan.

  “I’m worried about Gavin. He’s keeping something from us. There’s a part of his mind that’s completely closed off.”

  Annabelle shrugged. “The guy deserves his privacy—you all do. Personally, I think the mind reading would drive me mad.”

  “No, you don’t understand. Their whole lives, the dragons have been completely open with each other, even with things that are difficult or embarrassing. For Gavin to shut himself off like this—it’s not just strange, it’s alarming. Something is going on with him.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, but he’s been acting oddly. For the most part, he’s his usual self, but sometimes I’ll catch him looking at me or his brothers. I don’t know what it is about those looks, but they make me uncomfortable.”

  “What kind of looks?”

  “That’s just it, I can’t describe it—there’s something shifty about it, though. I wish he’d talk to me. If he doesn’t soon, I’m going to have to bring it up with him. This is not a time we can afford to have secrets.”

  Annabelle nodded. “It is odd. Maybe he’s just having trouble adjusting to being back?”

  “It’s more than that. I know something is going on, just not what it is.”

  Annabelle tried to console her. “Whatever else is going on, I know he loves you. When you love someone, you always find your way back to them.”

  Rose hoped that was true, but she also knew that just loving someone wasn’t always enough. Sometimes, things still went wrong. Sometimes people did terrible things in the name of love.

  For a while, they were quiet, flicking through online catalogues. Annabelle already had a number of dresses saved, but Rose was struggling.

  “I don’t know how to choose! I want to get something that all of my guys love, but they’re all so different. How can I find one thing they all like?”

  Annabelle laughed. “Oh, what a tough life, having four hot guys adore you and worship the ground you walk on.”

  “Shut up, Annabelle, it’s not funny! A dress Mace would love is one Asher would find boring. The style Gavin prefers would be too over-the-top for Jagger. There isn’t a way to please all of them, but I don’t want to favor one over the other in my choice.”

  “You’re overthinking this. You please them just by being yourself.”

  That much was true, but Rose still worried. The dragons were all really excited about the festival. Rose wanted to show them all just how much this meant to her, that they were willing to take the security risk just to make her happy. She wanted her dress to be perfect for all of them.

  “Ugh, maybe we should try again later.”

  “Help me choose between these two.”

  Rose had an easier time helping Annabelle pick her dress. She was beginning to reconsider the tailor option for herself. Flying someone in from Paris was too much, but there had to be plenty of local tailors. She could use some expert advice on how to coordinate the different styles she wanted.

  Annabelle was just placing her order when Rose heard Gavin in her head.

  Rose, I need to speak to you.

  It was a private connection, but that wasn’t unusual. Rose was just glad he was talking to her in this way. Gavin had been using their mental connection to speak to her much less often recently, preferring to whisper in her ear if he wanted to speak privately.

  It worried Rose, but she hadn’t brought it up yet. Relieved by the contact, Rose replied at once.

  Of course. What’s up?

  Not here. I need to see you alone.

  Gavin, you know that can’t happen. It’s not safe.

  It’s safe for us. Trust me.

  I don’t understand. Hellith wants me, and one dragon alone isn’t going to stop her.

  Please, Rose, just trust me? You do trust me, don’t you?

  That wasn’t a hard question to answer. Despite his recent strange behavior, Rose did trust Gavin. Of course I do.

  Then come with me. It’ll only take a few minutes.

  How do you propose I get away from Asher?

  Climb out of the window. I’ll tell Asher I’m going to relieve myself, then I’ll come around and catch you.

  We’re on the third story!

  Don’t worry, I won’t let you get hurt.

  Alright, Gavin, but when Asher wants someone’s blood for this, I’m offering you up as a sacrifice.

  Rose was joking, but Gavin didn’t seem amused.

  Just get away from him. I’ll call you when I’m ready.

  Rose checked that the silencing spell was still working, then turned to Annabelle. “So… how do you feel about a little subterfuge?”

  “You kidding? Count me in!”

  “I need you to cover for me. Gavin needs a private chat. I don’t know what he wants, but it seems important. I’m going to jump out of the window, and he’ll catch me. If Asher or one of the others tries to come in, stop them. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Stop them? How do you propose I do that? They’re, like, a million times stronger than I am. They could bash the door in without even trying.”

  “Just—tell them I don’t want them to see the dress I choose before the day of the festival.”

  “Okay.” Annabelle looked doubtful. “Are you sure this is a good idea, though?”

  “I trust Gavin. It’ll be fine. He’ll have me back soon enough.”

  I’m ready.

  “I’ve got to go. See you soon.”

  Rose went over to the window, gulping as she opened it. It was a long way down. She worked to suppress her thoughts and her fear. If one of the other dragons picked them up, they would come bursting into the room regardless of what Annabelle said.


  Gavin was there, waiting for her. Rose knew they may not have a lot of time. She closed her eyes and jumped.

  The fall was terrifying, but it only lasted a few seconds. Gavin caught her securely in his arms, bending almost to the ground to help absorb the force of her fall.

  Here, put this on.

  He took her wrist, putting a leather band around it. It was a bit plain to be a bracelet, and once it was on, Rose couldn’t seem to find a seam, though it had undoubtedly been open at either end a moment ago.

  What’s this?

  I’ll explain later. Come on.

  Gavin took her hand and set off at a jog, heading for the forest. It was a good private place to talk, but it would take them longer to get back than if they just had their chat where they were. Still, Rose followed his lead.

  They hurried along the path until the mansion was blocked from sight by the trees.

  Finally, Gavin turned to her. He was paler than usual, and appeared to be sweating. “Rose, I want you to come away with me.”

  “What do you think we’re doing here, Gavin? We are away from the others. Now what’s up?”

  “No, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is, I want you to be with me only. We can leave here, go somewhere they’ll never find us. It can just be the two of us, together forever.”

  Rose didn’t know whether to be angry or sad. “Gavin, we’ve talked about this. I love your brothers too, just as much as you. I could never leave them, any more than I could leave you.”

  “Please, Rose! You know I’m right for you. I love you more than any of them do. I can take you away and keep you safe from Hellith; they can’t. You won’t have to deal with Jagger making jokes of everything, or try to include Mace, or face Asher’s protectiveness. Please, come with me.”

  It broke Rose’s heart to say what she had to say, but what Gavin was asking was impossible. “I love you, Gavin. So much. I would give you anything you asked of me, anything within my power to give. But I can’t give you this.”

  Gavin’s face hardened. “I am right for you, Rose. You will see that in time.”

  “I already know you’re right for me, Gavin. That doesn’t change the fact that I love your brothers too.”

  “You will forget about them, eventually. You’re coming with me, now.”

  To Rose’s horror, Gavin grabbed her arm and started pulling her along, further away from the mansion with every step. “Gavin, let go of me!”


  For a few moments, Rose was shocked into silence. She’d never thought that Gavin would drag her away against her will. If someone had told her that, she would have laughed at them. The idea was ludicrous. None of her dragons would touch her without her permission.

  Except he was.

  Rose’s brain finally kicked in. She started to struggle. “Let me go, Gavin!”

  “You’re coming with me, and we’re going to be together.”

  “Like hell we are! You think I’ll take you back after this?”

  That gave Gavin pause, but only for a moment. Evidently, he decided that Rose would forgive him. She didn’t yet know if she would.

  She’d had quite enough of this. Asher! Mace, Jagger! I’m in the forest, Gavin is trying to kidnap me. Please come quickly.

  “Don’t bother.” The expression on Gavin’s face was ugly as Rose tried to call for his brothers. “The bracelet you’re wearing? It blocks all mental communication. They can’t hear you.”

  Rose at once tried to tear the bracelet off, but it wouldn’t budge. She tried to burn it off with magic, but her magic wasn’t working on it.

  Giving up on the magic, she reluctantly turned her attentions to Gavin. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she had to get away. She couldn’t let him kidnap her. He was serious about this. If he got her away, she would probably never see her other mates again.


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