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Generals of the Army

Page 29

by James H. Willbanks

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.: Air Corps expansion proposed by; Arnold and; Churchill and; conscription authorized by; death of; Eisenhower and; MacArthur and; Marshall and; New Deal initiatives of; Philippines military adviser assigned by; at WWII Allied strategy conferences; WWII mobilization efforts of

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Root, Elihu

  Royal Air Force

  Royal Navy

  Ruhr region (Germany)

  Rundstedt, Gerd von

  Russo-Japanese War

  Ryder, Charles

  Ryukyus Campaign (1945)

  Saint-Mihiel offensive (1918)

  Sardinia, Allied proposal for invasion of

  school desegregation

  School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS)

  School of Application for Infantry and Cavalry (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.). See also United States Army Command and General Staff College (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.)

  School of the Line (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.). See also United States Army Command and General Staff College (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.)

  Schwarzkopf, H. Norman

  science education

  Sebald, William J.

  2nd Armored Division

  II Corps

  2nd Infantry Division


  Selective Service

  Seoul (S. Korea)

  7th Armored Division

  Seventh Army

  VII Corps

  Seventh Fleet

  Sheridan, Philip H.

  Sherman, William T.

  Sibert, William L.

  Sicily, Allied invasion of (1943); map

  Siegfried Line

  Simpson, William Hood

  Sixth Army

  Sixth Army Group

  VI Corps

  Small Solution

  Solomon Islands Campaign

  Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO)

  Soviet Union: atomic bomb use as preemptive strike against; North Korea occupied by; space race with; as threat to United States; during World War II. See also Cold War

  Spaatz, Carl A.

  space race

  Spanish-American War (1898)

  Special Command and General Staff Course

  Sputnik (Soviet satellite)

  Staff College

  Stalin, Joseph

  Stark, Harold R.

  Starry, Donn

  Stilwell, Joseph W.

  Stimson, Henry L.

  Stover, Ida Elizabeth. See Eisenhower, Ida Stover (mother)

  Strategic Air Command

  Strategic Air Forces

  Stratemeyer, George E.

  Sturdevant, Clarence L.

  St. Vith (France)

  Summerall, Charles P.

  Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF)

  Sutherland, Richard K.

  Suwon (S. Korea)

  Tank Corps


  Taylor, Maxwell

  10th Armored Division

  X Corps

  Third Army; Ardennes Counteroffensive (1944–1945); Eisenhower as chief of staff of; Normandy breakthrough (1944); Normandy invasion (1944); Patton as commander of; Rhine Campaign (1945)

  III Corps

  3rd Engineer Battalion

  Third Fleet

  3rd Infantry Division

  Thirteenth Air Force

  30th Infantry Division

  30th Infantry Regiment

  33rd Infantry Division, Illinois National Guard

  305th Tank Brigade

  304th Tank Brigade

  Tibbets, Paul

  Tientsin (China)

  Tiger I tanks

  Time magazine

  Tobruk (Libya)

  Tokyo (Japan), B-29 incendiary raids on (1945)

  Topeka, Kans.

  Tower, John

  Toyoda, Soemu

  Training and Doctrine Command

  trench warfare

  Trident Conference (Washington, D.C.; 1943)

  Trippe, Juan

  troop morale

  Truman, Harry S.: Arnold and; Bradley and; Eisenhower and; during Korean War; MacArthur and; Marshall and; military services unified by; post-WWII deficits and; War Department reorganization proposed by

  Truscott, Lucian

  Twelfth Army Group

  XII Corps

  Twentieth Air Force

  XX Bomber Command

  28th Infantry Division

  Twenty-first Army Group

  XXIV Corps

  24th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

  29th Infantry Division

  29th Infantry Regiment

  XXI Bomber Command

  XXII Corps

  27th Infantry Regiment

  26th Infantry Division

  23rd Infantry Brigade

  Ultra intercepts

  Uniontown, Pa.

  United Nations Command

  United States Air Force

  United States Army: African American troops in; Corps of Engineers; division structure in; five-star Generals of the Army in; General Staff; interwar difficulties; Operations Division; promotions in; reforms in; Regulation 600–35; retirement age in; Service Forces; training of; during World War I; WWII expansion/modernization of. See also Korean War; World War I; World War II; specific battles; campaigns; units

  United States Army Air Corps. See also United States Army Air Forces

  United States Army Air Forces: Army joint relationship with; B-29 bomber program; Combined Bomber Offensive; command changes; establishment of; expansion/modernization of; Japan home islands invasion and; Operation Overlord and; press coverage of; strategic bombing concept; WWII expansion/modernization of; WWII loss rates. See also Arnold, Henry H. (“Hap”), as Army Air Forces chief of staff

  United States Army Air Services

  United States Army Command and General Staff College (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.): air officers as attendees at; Arnold as student at; Bradley as student at; Class of 1934; curriculum at; earlier schools consolidated into; early history of (see General Staff College; School of Application for Infantry and Cavalry [Fort Leavenworth, Kans.]; School of the Line; United States Infantry and Cavalry School [Fort Leavenworth, Kans.]); Eisenhower as student at; Eisenhower’s application to attend; faculty at; influence of; MacArthur Award at; Patton as student at; student body at; WWII mobilization and

  United States Army Forces Far East

  United States Army Signal Corps

  United States Congress: Arnold appearances before; Bradley lobbying efforts; commemorative coins authorized by; Filipino commonwealth status awarded by; Filipino defense and; General of the Army rank and; interwar underfunding of Army and; MacArthur and; MacArthur farewell address before; Manhattan Project funding and; Marshall appearances before; Marshall’s relationship with; military aviation funded by; National Guard federalization authorized by; Roosevelt appropriation request before; service terms extended by; veteran benefits and; War Policies Commission created by; WWII appropriations and

  United States Defense Department. See also United States War Department

  United States Infantry and Cavalry School (Fort Leavenworth, Kans.)

  United States Marines

  United States Military Academy (West Point, N.Y.); Arnold as cadet at; Black Hand cadet organization at; Bradley as cadet at; Bradley as instructor at; Class of 1915; curriculum at; Eisenhower as cadet at; hazing incidents at; MacArthur as cadet at; MacArthur as superintendent of; Officer Candidate Schools and

  United States Naval Academy

  United States Navy

  United States Olympic Team (1928)

  United States State Department

  United States Strategic Air Forces in Europe

  United States Supreme Court

  United States War Department: anti-British sentiments in, during World War II; Bureau of Information; Eisenhower assigned to; interwar budget difficulties; Marshall as assistant chief of staff, War Plans Division; military educa
tion and; Operations Division; Pershing-March controversy; reorganization of; Soviet threat and; Spanish-American War officer demand and

  Van Fleet, James A.

  Versailles (France)

  Veterans Administration (VA)

  Victory Program

  Viet Minh

  Vietnam War

  Villa, Pancho

  Virginia Military Institute (VMI)

  Vuono, Carl

  Wabash Railroad

  Wagner, Arthur L.

  Wainwright, Jonathan

  War Industries Board

  War Plan Orange

  War Policies Commission

  Warsaw Pact

  Washington, D.C.

  Washington, George

  Washington Barracks

  Wavell, Archibald

  Weigley, Russell

  Welsh, Art (“Owl”)

  Western Assault Force

  Western Task Force

  Westmoreland, William

  Westover, Oscar

  West Point. See United States Military Academy (West Point, N.Y.)

  West Side High School (Milwaukee, Wis.)

  West Texas Military Academy

  Wewak (New Guinea)

  Weygand, Maxime

  Why We Fight (film series)

  Wilkes, Gilbert

  Willett’s Point, N.Y.

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wolfe, Kenneth

  Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps

  Wonsan (S. Korea)

  Wood, Leonard

  Woodring, Harry

  World War I: Armistice (1918); Arnold’s career during; Bradley’s career during; Eisenhower as troop trainer during; Eisenhower’s battlefield tour; Gallipoli Campaign (1915–1916); MacArthur’s career during; Marshall’s career during; Meuse-Argonne offensive (1918); in military education; military education during; mobilization for; Saint-Mihiel offensive (1918); troop morale during; U.S. entry into; veteran dissatisfaction

  World War II: Allied conferences during; Allied supply line problems during; beginning of, in Europe; demobilization following; end of (VE Day); end of (VJ Day); five-star promotions during; Japanese occupation following; MacArthur’s career during; MacArthur’s strategy decisions during; Marshall’s strategy decisions during; mobilization for; press coverage of; U.S. entry into; veterans’ needs following. See also World War II European Theater battles/campaigns; World War II Pacific Theater battles/campaigns

  World War II European Theater battles/campaigns: Ardennes Counteroffensive (1944–1945); Kasserine Pass (1943); map; Normandy breakthrough (1944); Normandy invasion (1944),

  World War II European Theater 226n34; North African Campaign (1942); Rhine Campaign (1945); Sicily invasion (1943)

  World War II Pacific Theater battles/campaigns: Buna (1942); Coral Sea (1942); Guadalcanal Campaign (1942–1943); Iwo Jima (1945); Leyte Gulf (1944); Midway (1942); New Guinea Campaign (1942–1944); Pearl Harbor (1941); Philippines Campaign (1941–1942); Philippines Campaign (1944–1945); Ryukyus Campaign (1945); Solomon Islands Campaign; Tokyo bombing campaign (1945)

  Wright, Orville

  Wright, Wilbur

  Wright Company (Dayton, Ohio)

  Wright Model B Flyers

  Wright Model C Flyers

  Yalta Conference (1945)

  York, Alvin

  Zaibatsu (Japanese conglomerates)




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