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Trouble Comes in Threes

Page 10

by M. A. Church

  “You’re asking me to go on blind faith, Tal. To just take your word. To trust something I can’t see or touch.”

  “Isn’t that life, though? You opened your shop. No one gave you a guarantee that it would be successful. But you took a chance. Take a chance and trust us. Now that we’re mated, you do get a guarantee. That, of course, doesn’t mean you won’t have to work at this relationship. We might be ideal for one another, but that doesn’t mean someone sprinkled fairy dust on us either.”

  “Do I even want to know what fairy dust is?”

  “Probably not. What I’m saying is, we have faults. Mating doesn’t blind us to those faults. We get upset with one another. It’s not a perfect relationship. The thing is, we work it out because we love each other.”

  “I guess… guess I’ll just have to see.”

  “You will. You will see.” Tal nipped Kirk’s leg. “Come on, lie down.”

  “You know….” Kirk glanced at the clock next to the bed. “It’s just midmorning. It’s too early to go back to bed.”

  “So what do you want to do today?”

  Kirk looked around the room. “Well, how do you feel about packing?”

  DOLF WAS in the kitchen, cleaning up the remains from lunch. Tal and Kirk were supposed to be packing. Kirk had dressed, but Tal and Dolf were still in their borrowed clothes. The night pants, at least, had drawstrings. Tal wandered through the den, watching as Kirk sorted through some stuff he wanted to keep. Tal shook his head at the small pile in the middle of the room.

  “Hey, Kirk, are you taking those end tables and coffee table? They’re cool.”

  “Don’t you guys already have those things?”

  Oh, this just wasn’t going to do. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

  “Well, I don’t need mine if you already have—”

  Tal narrowed his eyes at Kirk. “If you want the tables and stuff, then bring them. You can use them in your private space. We might get your tables home and like them better than what’s in the room already.”


  Tal rested his hands on his hips. “No! No buts here, Kirk. Either take stuff with you, or I’ll start picking things to bring.” Tal grabbed a lamp, warming up to his threat. “I like this, so I think it should go. And, and—”

  “The base is broken.”

  “Hush! You had your chance.” Tal picked up a pillow off the couch, holding it as if it cost millions of dollars. “I like this too, and—”

  “Did you notice one of the seams is busted? There’s duct tape on it.”

  “I’m ignoring you.” Tal sniffed. Then he hustled across the room. “And, ohhhh, look at this! A coaster!”

  Kirk rolled his eyes. “And I have no idea where the rest are. But I get it, Tal. I’ll take things that are worth taking with me.”

  “You’d better, or I’m heading to the bathroom next.”

  Kirk shuddered. “God help us.”

  “Better do as he says.” Dolf walked into the den. He rubbed Kirk’s back. “Besides, if we need more room, it’s not like we don’t know a carpenter. I can vouch that he’s pretty good too. In and out of bed.”

  Tal laughed.

  Dolf winked at Tal. “Just curious, do you have any boxes for the little stuff?”

  Kirk thought for a moment, rubbing whiskers that desperately needed shaving. “Hmm, I might have a few, but not nearly enough.”

  “The snow’s melting. We’ll make a trip to town and see if we can find some boxes. Maybe run by the store and stock up for a few days while we finish getting you ready.”

  Kirk sighed. “I… I can’t afford to get a lot.”

  “That’s why I’m buying the groceries.”

  “Uh, Dolf, you need money for that. I thought you said you came here as cats.”

  “We did. I had a small pouch around my neck that held money inside. I buried it in the backyard once we arrived.”


  “Of course. Where else was I going to put money?” Dolf asked.

  “Just… just how much money are we talking?”

  “Several hundred dollars.”

  “Fuck,” Kirk gulped. “You mean to tell me there’s several hundred dollars out there buried in the dirt? I can’t…. Good grief, that’s just nuts. Do you keep money in a mattress too? Several hundred dollars in my yard. Maybe if I say it enough times, I’ll stop freaking out. Or grab a shovel.”

  “No need to freak out. But I do hope you’ll let me help with groceries. There’re three grown men eating here now, not just one. Besides, we’re shifters. We have an enhanced metabolism and eat more.”

  “It’s just… I want to pay my part of the—wait a minute. You have higher metabolisms than me? You eat more? Shit, have the two of you been getting enough here?”

  “We’re fine, but we are used to eating more than three times a day.”

  “Fuck. I had no idea. You should have told me. I want to pay my part, but I damn sure won’t let my pride do anything to hurt you guys, so buy what you need.”

  “Why don’t you add what you can, but I’ll pay the majority of it. You can contribute as soon as we get you set up and you’re earning a paycheck. Just keep in mind—you’re not paying rent, Kirk. You’re our partner, not a tenant. I fully intend to put your name on everything. Or do I need to take you back to the bedroom and remind you of that?”

  Tal moaned.

  Kirk moaned too.

  Dolf nodded his head. “Tonight. First, we have things to do.”

  Chapter 12


  AS IT turned out, one of the first things we did… was end up taking care of me. Again. Dolf and Tal didn’t tell me there were physical side effects to being changed. But, to be fair, maybe they missed Mating 101.

  One minute I was fine, and then the next, I would have sworn someone was holding a blowtorch on me. I was burning up, shaking, my blood boiling, and sweat dripping off me. The heat came out of nowhere and set my ass on fire. Odd thing was, I didn’t feel sick. I wasn’t going to throw up, and I wasn’t dizzy. There was no funky stuff like bleeding from the eyes or talking in another language. Outside of being incredibly hot, I was okay.

  It did get so bad I threw the door open and went outside. No coat, shoes, or anything. I seriously thought about stripping. Needless to say, I wasn’t out there long before I had some very unhappy company. After a quick discussion of who was unhappier—Dolf or me—I joined them back in the house… and on the bed. In the space of two minutes after coming inside, I went from blazing hot to freezing cold… and Dolf was on my cell making calls, his knuckles white. He hid it, but I could tell he was worried.

  And that worried me.

  Tal sat on the bed, absently petting me and shooting looks at Dolf. Even with the one-sided conversation, it didn’t take long to figure out he was speaking to his dad. While the tone wasn’t submissive, it was definitely more… dutiful than I was used to hearing from him.

  The conversation was short, and finally Dolf joined us on the bed. “So, it appears what you’re feeling is normal for a human. From what my dad said, your body is, well…. This is going to sound all sci-fi horror movieish, but your DNA is mutating. The hot-and-cold flashes signal the changes in your body. Mom got on the phone and said it’s like menopause, just a much shorter time frame.”

  “Seriously? Well, damn good thing I have experience with menopause, huh?” I shivered as another chill chased over my body. “Shit, guys.”

  Tal snickered. “You’re basically having hot flashes. And, well, cold flashes too. Are there such things as cold flashes?”

  “You better fucking believe it,” I huffed, teeth chattering.

  “According to Dad, the change shouldn’t last more than an hour. At least, that’s what he’s heard. Keep in mind we don’t have human mates in our clowder.”


  “No. You’re the first.”

  Great, somehow that got past me. I’ll be the only nonshifter there. “Oh.
Well… I, ah, damn. The only one? Feeling a little outnumbered here, guys.”

  “It won’t matter.”

  Not believing that one either. Especially when I’ve heard both of you say humans aren’t well liked. “Guess we’ll see, won’t we?”

  “No one would dare say anything to you,” Tal added. “You’re the mate to the next Alpha.”

  Maybe not to my face. “Hopefully you’re right. So….” I glanced at Dolf, another chill shaking me. “An hour, huh?”

  “So I’ve been told.”

  I spent the next ninety minutes—not sixty, wouldn’t you know it?—alternating between burning my ass up and freezing my balls off. But sure enough, at the end of ninety minutes, my body leveled out. No more sweating or chills. The slight headache was finally gone, and my eyesight had improved.

  Lord, apparently I’d been half-blind and didn’t know it. Everything was crisp, vibrant, and so damn clear now. My hearing was unbelievable. I was in the bedroom but could hear the wood burning in the fireplace. But the most amazing change was I felt better now than I had in high school. The energy coursing through me was incredible.

  After a quick check on the road conditions and a quicker check in the attic for a plastic tub of smaller-sized clothes I remembered, Tal and Dolf dressed and we drove to town. We made a few stops at some local stores, looking for boxes. We actually got lucky and found several. After that, we went grocery shopping. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen so much food. God, the meat alone had to cost a fortune. But the amount of seafood they threw in the cart was astounding. They breezed right past all the sweets but loaded up on salty or sour snacks. They didn’t eat many fruits or vegetables, but they added some for me.

  The amount the cashier quoted to Dolf actually left me faint.

  This was supposed to be for a few days? Good God, I didn’t eat that much in a month.

  We crammed it all in the backseat of my truck and drove to my house. We spent the rest of the evening packing, and later, Dolf cooked dinner. Now we were all in the den. The nights were still damn cold, so I had the fire going.

  Since I was soon to be living with shifters, Dolf thought it would be a good idea for me to spend time with them in their cat form.

  “Okay, just one quick question before you guys… ah, do whatever. You can really understand me in your animal form, right?” I sat on the couch. “You’ll know what I’m saying to you?”

  “We can understand you,” Dolf said. “We can’t speak to you, but we can understand you.”

  “You can understand me. Got it.” I blew out a breath, silently repeating that they could indeed understand me. “Let’s do this. I’m as ready as I’m going to be.”

  I’d barely finished speaking before a black cat and a white cat sat near me. I made a mental note to be in the other room next time when they shifted. While I enjoyed watching them strip, hearing what followed sucked. God, the sounds of breaking bones made me crazy. “Just… ugh. That so looks painful, guys. Can I say how thankful I am I won’t have to do that?”


  Dolf paced back and forth in front of me, rubbing against my legs. I couldn’t help myself; I had to pet him. His fur was so soft. He arched into my hand, those loud purrs filling the room. Tal jumped on the couch, head-butting me. Dolf joined him, and the two of them soon settled down. I liked having them beside me; their body heat was relaxing. I took turns petting them, listening to the noise they made. It was nice. It was… just like before. But at least this time I knew what they were.

  I was close to dozing off when Tal yawned, stretched, and stood. Then the shit leaped across me and landed on Dolf.

  “Hey now!”

  Dolf growled, Tal made a strange purring chirp, and off they went. Both tore across the floor, nails clicking on the hardwood as they ran toward the kitchen. Tal tried to stop, his backend sliding around. Dolf swiped at Tal’s hind legs. Tal made an odd chuffing sound, almost like a laugh. Or maybe a taunt.

  “You missed, Dolf.”

  Another growl, and this one was aimed at me.

  Dolf narrowed those bright blue eyes of his. He might not be able to speak, but I sure understood that look. I stood and wandered into the kitchen. Hell, I had to see what they were doing, now didn’t I? Tal jumped up and hauled ass across the kitchen table, Dolf right behind him. Tal dropped to the floor, weaving his way in and out of the chairs as he led Dolf away from the table.

  I found myself laughing.

  Another swat, and another strange chuffing sound. I never thought to ask if they could understand each other, but I was willing to bet they could. I watched as they raced through the den, into the bedroom, and back out to the den. They were coming at me full speed, so I leaned over slightly and threw my arms out. Tal yowled, tripped over his feet, and slid past me, turning as he went past. Dolf, that evil fucker, leaped at me. Straight up leaped in the air and flew at me.

  “Oh shit!” I ducked and landed on my knees, facing Tal. Dolf sailed over me.

  “Meow, meeeeow, meooow!”

  “Well, meow right back to you, Tal.” Could a cat smirk? Because I’d swear this one was. I leaned a little closer to Tal, really looking in his eyes. There was human intelligence in the eyes looking back at me. “How… how in the world did I miss this before?”

  “Meer.” Dolf came up beside me, purring softly.

  I scratched Dolf under the chin, looking in his eyes. I could see it plainly now. “Wow, guys. I guess we really do see only what we expect to see. A damn good thing for your species, I’d say.”

  A very good thing, but I felt foolish. Now that I knew, I couldn’t understand how I could be so blind. But then, there’d been something about Dolf that had stirred my most primitive instincts. I’d even joked about being careful or the black cat would end up bossing me around too. Little did I know how right I would be. Well, at least he was going to try. I’d already warned him that I didn’t boss well.

  “And the next time you jump at me like that, Dolf, I’m going to catch you, not duck. Just so you know.”

  Dolf licked my finger, and I jerked. Wow, scratchy tongue. Thank goodness that hadn’t transferred to his human self. Dolf licked me a few more times, then nipped my finger.

  “Meeeer.” Dolf whacked me with his tail, then took off after Tal again.

  For just a second—just one long, drawn-out second—I wondered what it would be like, but shook the feeling off. I’d never know since I wasn’t a shifter. And… I was okay with that. I sat in the middle of the floor and watched them play. There was something so… freeing about them. Playful, yes, but there was more to it. There was a joy to their play that I envied.

  Tal flew through the room, looped around me, and jumped into my lap, that funny chuffing sound coming from him. I jumped because his claw sank into my jeans and pierced my leg. “Ow, cutie, watch the claws.”

  Dolf peeked around me, his whiskers twitching as he aimed a paw at Tal. He swatted Tal, and Tal hissed.

  “How’d I get in the middle of this?”

  Tal whined. Oh man, that was such a sad little sound. “It’s okay, pretty kitty. Just be careful.”

  Dolf purred at me. And just like that, the envious feeling was gone. Cat or human, it didn’t matter. I was part of them.

  “Mmmrreee.” Tal sniffed where he nicked me, then rubbed his face against the spot.

  “Scent marking me or apology?” I asked.

  “Meoooow,” Dolf meowed at me.

  “Both, maybe?”

  Dolf placed his paws on my leg, boosted himself up, and… licked my cheek.

  “No tasting the human, Dolf.”

  Tal rolled on to his back, leg kicking.

  “Good grief, are you a dog?” I got a tail in the face and a mouthful of fur for that one.

  The kitties and I played and romped for another hour. When I started yawning, they changed back. We took turns showering, then having a rather large snack before settling on the couch to watch TV. Since I was running the hea
t now, it wasn’t as cold in the den. They had borrowed my night pants again, but both were shirtless. I had a T-shirt on, but Tal was slowly working it off, Dolf helping him.

  I knew they wanted me in the middle for a reason.

  Tal pulled my shirt off. He tossed it to Dolf when shyness got the better of me, and I grabbed for it. Tal clasped my chin and turned me to face him, slowly licking at my lips in a silent plea to open. Dolf eased the top of my night pants down just enough that the head of my cock was free. He blew across the top, making me shiver, before sucking the crown in his mouth.

  Pinned against the couch, I let them do what they wanted. Tal kept kissing me… fucking my mouth with his soft lips and agile tongue. Dolf teased me with long licks across the head of my shaft. That was, if he wasn’t trying to dip his tongue in the slit to drive me insane. No one spoke as they finished stripping me, then undressed each other. Dolf was at one end of the couch, Tal at the other. Dolf held his hand out to me, and I went to him.

  “Suck me,” he whispered.

  I heard the command… and found it damn hot. I wanted to obey him. I dropped down on the couch and reached for Dolf’s cock.

  Dolf grinned and grabbed my hand. “Hands and knees.”

  Ahh, I got it now.

  Hands and knees it was, then. I had Dolf’s shaft down my throat in nothing flat and was waiting impatiently for Tal to ease a finger in me. Instead, what I got was Dolf reaching behind me and lightly slapping my hole.

  Holy fuck, I’d just thought I’d gotten it. I was wrong.

  “Go get the lube, Tal.”

  The couch moved under me as Tal stood.

  “Going to slap this tight hole a little harder. Can you take it?”

  I nodded my head—no way was I releasing Dolf’s cock—and flexed my ass as I opened my legs as much as possible. Dolf must have understood because the hits landed harder. How had he known I’d like this? My shaft was dripping precome.

  Tal returned and sat on the couch. “Mmm, that’s hot. I can see his hole flexing every time you hit it.”


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