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Champion of Zenina

Page 8

by Giselle Marks

  The banquet dragged on but the time for the oath swearing ceremony had come. The coronation and procession to and from the cathedral had been recorded and simultaneously visualised for those wishing to watch. The banquet at the Golden Palace was strictly an invitation only affair. The oath swearing would not be seen by the people of Zenina This had not always been so, but more Zeninan noblewomen were prepared to swear loyalty to a new queen without the eyes of the people on them, than would do so at a public ceremony. If saving the face of her courtiers made her rule safer, it was generally agreed that it was worth displeasing the rest of Zeninan Society.

  Plavina headed the procession into the throne room with Zadina and Marina walking side by side behind her. Plavina seated herself, waiting for the room to fill. Vellina stepped out of the crowd.

  “I’m terribly sorry to keep you waiting, Zadina, but I believe it has been forgotten I am the oldest surviving daughter of a queen and take precedence over you.”

  Marina and Zadina laughed aloud and the tension was briefly broken. Vellina stepped forward and in a clear voice swore allegiance to the new queen.She returned to her place and Marina stepped forward. Turning to Zadina she spoke aloud.

  “Do you mind if I swear allegiance to my sister before we fight? It makes my position as Champion more correct, unless you intend to swear allegiance to Plavina yourself? I will gladly give you precedence on this occasion, but it will be the last time I will ever do so, Aunt.”

  “Swear away, I await your convenience. Do you want the formal insults and all that?”

  “It is an important occasion Zadina, we should do it properly!”

  “If you insist, get on with your oath.”

  Marina knelt before her sister and in an echoing voice said the words of her oath.

  “I, Marina, by the grace of God, Princess of Zenina, second daughter of the late much-lamented Queen Kerina the Seventh, do solemnly swear I shall serve my sister Queen Plavina the Third as liege-woman; I submit myself to her will and will protect her with my life even unto death. I offer her my services as Champion and vassal. I defer to her in all things and honour her right to be queen before me.”

  Plavina accepted her vassal-ship and raised her to her feet, embracing her and kissing her formally on both cheeks of her face. Marina stepped back, bowed to Plavina and then to Zadina, giving her the floor.

  “I, Zadina, Princess of Zenina, and High Priestess of Demina do deny thy right, false Queen Plavina to be queen of this our fair realm of Zenina. I would wreck upon thy body the proof of my wrath and of thy unsuitability to rule the people of Zenina. I defy thee and refuse thee all claims to precedence over me or to any of those I herewith claim as my subjects. I demand in accordance with the traditions of Zenina that you or thy appointed Champion shall meet me in battle to decide by contest of arms the right to the crown of Zenina. If thou art too craven to meet me thyself I demand thou send thy Champion that this heavy matter be decided so my coronation is not long delayed. The people of Zenina have the right to expect only the strongest of women shall control their destiny.”

  Marina turned to Plavina and bowed.

  “I, Marina, Princess of Zenina do accept the challenge of Princess Zadina, sister and murderer of my dearly missed mother, Queen Kerina the Seventh on behalf of my beloved sister, the rightful Queen Plavina the Third. I deny utterly and completely, that the said Zadina has any right or claim whatsoever, to the throne of Zenina. I name her villain, ingrate, traitor and murderer. I despise her and her challenge and will prove the righteousness of my queen to rule over her foul body.”

  “You loathed your mother as much as I did, laying it on a bit thick, Marina.”

  “Should I include that bit in the official commentary?” asked Jazina who had as Herald been memorizing their words for the official history of Zenina.

  “Of course not, Jazina,” Marina and Zadina said in unison.

  “The main courtyard has been made ready.” They said again together, but Marina said it as a statement of fact and Zadina asked it as a question.

  “Yes, all is ready, shall we go?”

  They continued to talk as they walked together to the courtyard. The new queen followed and the rest of the guests fell in behind her.

  “You’ve forgotten you have choice of weapons?”

  “I prefer to fight unarmed. Although I realise it is not traditional, do you object?”

  “No, but if I were you I’d have chosen swords, you’ve beaten me at fencing at five Zeninan Games.”

  “Six with a guarded sword, it’s rather messy with naked blades and there’ll be children watching. It might upset them.”

  “Has anyone informed Kabaneev, I didn’t see him at lunch?”

  “Yes I told him last night, he decided he’d rather eat alone. He thought it might be better for his digestion. He insists on watching though.”

  “Is he still residing with Vlama?”

  “I have no idea of his private arrangements.”

  “That handsome Markaban of yours, Major Bromarsh isn’t around? I hope he hasn’t left Zenina already. I was looking forward to furthering his acquaintance.”

  “Colonel Bromarsh is still on Zenina, but I didn’t realise you were still interested otherwise I would have invited him to the party. Is Ga’Mikkal your slave or lover now? I noticed you haven’t put your mark upon him.”

  “I’ll get round to it eventually, I’ve been training him as a slave, but I thought I’d leave him with the illusion of freedom.”

  “Have you finished his training?”

  “Only half, he’s doing well, but I don’t want to take it too quickly. Why the interest?”

  “I might take him off your hands. I was tempted to have him before the Games, but then he was completely untrained. Now, he might be more worth my effort.”

  “You have to beat me first. Are you ready?”

  “We had better let the audience get settled first.”

  Chapter Twenty - A Messy Fight

  They had arrived at the main courtyard of the Golden Palace. This was a large beaten earth square, surrounded on four sides by a covered walk over a tiled path. The sides of the walk were open to the square and a force shield barrier was set there but not in action. Seating had been set around the walk including a small Golden throne which had been raised by a stone slab underneath it above the other seating. These seats were already filling up.

  Kabaneev was already there and he was joined by Charles, Baraneev and Riyal who had accompanied Vellina. Vellina hadn’t wanted him to come and had only agreed to allow him when Marina’s intervention forced her agreement. At last everyone settled down. Servants bustled round and served drinks to all those who wanted them. The whole thing took on the air of a fete, but for the tension between Zadina and Marina.

  They had undressed and were waiting, Marina bowed to Plavina and then to Zadina who bowed to her in return. This time Marina did not wait for Zadina to strike first and slapped Zadina hard across the face. Zadina stepped back and spat blood from her mouth.

  “Not feet today, then Marina? I thought you’d changed styles.”

  “Only temporarily, I didn’t want to break my fingernails last time. I’m not intending to dance tonight. Are you going to chat or fight?”

  “Oh, fight I should think,” said Zadina grabbing the hand that was coming forward for a second blow. Zadina twisted and lifted Marina off her feet throwing her to the ground and jumping on top of her. Marina was pinned down.

  “Just like old times, Auntie,” said Marina and switched her shimmer on full. Zadina leapt off and backed away fast.

  “You little bitch!” She swore at Marina who laughed hollowly and switched off the shimmer.

  “Nice to know you still love me, Auntie” she said hitting Zadina with her forearm into her solar plexus, but Zadina had predicted the blow and twisted banging her fist into the pit of Marina’s stomach. They stood close together trading blows. Their training forgotten as they simply hit out at each other. />
  Vlama was sitting swearing internally and Vellina was standing up and urging Marina to get on with it and kill her.

  “So much for her pacifist principles,” said Zadina to Marina and they both laughed.

  As Marina laughed, Zadina’s foot kicked out at her groin hitting the pressure point at the top of the thigh and numbing the leg. Marina fell and Zadina threw herself down to her, but Marina rolled away just in time. Zadina landed heavily on the hard earth, not on Marina. Zadina’s braid snaked towards Marina as Zadina landed. Marina grabbed the plait yanking back hard pulling Zadina up to her knees. Zadina reached her arms up behind her trying to loosen Marina’s grip but Marina quickly bound her arms behind her with the braid. Then Marina released her and they sprang apart.

  “Neither of us remembered a knife, Zadina. I’m sorry I had a lot of other things to organise and expected you to bring one. Klivina was wearing a knife, can we borrow it Klivina?”

  Klivina drew her gold hilted knife from its sheath and threw it from her seat. It hit the small wooden peg which was set into the centre of the ground in the courtyard and stuck in place. The two protagonists bowed their thanks to Klivina and set to once more. Zadina hadn’t expected Marina to be as strong as ever. Her slighter figure was deceptive. Marina broke a couple of Zadina’s ribs with an elbow blow. Zadina backed off and kicked out at Marina’s left ankle but she was quick enough and the blow only bruised it slightly.

  It was a scrappy, messy fight, not satisfying to either of its participants or to the audience. Some of the audience were hoping for Marina to despatch Zadina swiftly. Many of them just wanted to watch a good scrap. Both the fighters were half-hearted, responding blow for blow with little overall plan. Neither of them was tired yet, merely bored. They were both fairly equally matched and apart from the healing ribs had no handicaps to speed up the fight. Both were sober and had neither over exercised nor over eaten.

  The general feeling of ennui was so pronounced the darkening of the sky was scarcely noticed. The flash of lightning that cracked directly overhead woke everyone up and a few seconds later the heavens opened and dumped their contents on the two fighting women. The rain fell in huge droplets soaking their hair and skin and turning the earth to mud. The courtyard had been covered during the previous downpour, but within minutes puddles stood on the earth several inches deep and sinking deep into the soil softening the ground.

  Those of the audience who hoped for the spectacle of a good fight cheered up. Precision fighting was all very well but mud wrestling was a good laugh. Even Plavina was amused to see her fastidious sister sink ankle deep into the morass. The mud slowed them both down further but after both of them had been knocked into the mud it was hard to tell them apart. The rain washed the mud off in streams but looking through the deluge it was hard to see who if anyone was winning. Was that muddy figure Marina or was it Zadina?

  The rain and mud made them slippery and it was hard for their blows to tell or to catch hold of each other. Zadina heavier than Marina found it harder to move in the mud than she did, it sucked at her feet and when she fell she found it harder to rise. As the rain continued the earth sucked the water up. The mud deepened until there was almost a quarter of a metre depth of liquid and semi liquid mud in the courtyard.

  Zadina lunged at Marina knocking her to the squelching mud once more and falling with her. Marina dragged herself to one side accumulating more mud as she moved and the rain was lessening so it did not wash away so quickly. Marina had mud in places she didn’t want to think about and her greatest desire was for a nice hot bath.

  She reached for Zadina and got her around the throat, squeezing the mud off her hands and Zadina’s neck in an attempt to get a good grip. This time she would cut her hair and finish this. Zadina’s hands pounded at Marina’s right arm as she wedged Zadina’s neck into the crook of her elbow and brought her forearm hard back pressing hard on her jugular in a vice-like grip.

  Marina called to Klivina’s pretty golden knife. It flew to her left hand with great ease but Marina’s hand was sticky with mud and she dropped it into the mud between them. Zadina realising the delay, called to the knife herself and grasping it with both hands stabbed at Marina’s right wrist with it. The slash was deep and blue blood joined the mud but it did not break Marina’s hold. Marina clung tighter to Zadina’s neck tightening so Zadina was struggling for breath.

  Zadina stabbed again with the knife but Marina reached with her mind and tore it from her grasp. This time Marina had mentally pulled the mud from the fingers of her left hand and when it connected with the knife, she held it tight. Marina swiftly located the barely recognisable filthy plait that was attached to Zadina and severed it from her head leaving her with only a few inches of hair. To emphasize her victory she pushed Zadina’s face down into the mud and walked away still holding Klivina’s knife. She reached the edge of the mud as the sun came out through the last few drops of rain.

  A thoughtful servant had fetched a hose and sprayed the mud from her body. Marina stood dripping wet but now relatively clean and it could be seen that her right hand was almost severed from her arm. Vellina came forward and bound it up for her. Klivina congratulated her and sheathed her knife. Zadina had managed to get to a sitting position and sat in the middle of the mud looking like a cat that had fallen into a slurry lagoon. She got up and walked to the other side of the courtyard. She accepted being hosed down silently whilst everyone clustered round to hail the victor.

  Chapter Twenty-one - To the Victor the Spoils

  Zadina walked to Ga’Mikkal who was on the edge of the crowd and said to him.

  “We might as well go back to the Temple, now come along.”

  “Wait a moment, Zadina, the victor’s spoils. I’ll take your slave Mikkal as well as your plait.”

  “I thought you were joking, Marina. If you want him then take him.”

  “Come here Prince Ga’Mikkal,” Marina said somewhat sarcastically.

  The crowd parted to let him through. He reached the centre of the group and Zadina followed to observe. She would not have it said that she slunk away like a coward.

  “Strip,” Marina said to Mikkal and he obeyed, but forgot to remove Zadina’s badge.

  “Take Zadina’s badge off, it is still her property. Return it to her.”

  He did as he was told. The new Zigan Ambassador who had remained to watch the fight protested, this man wasn’t Zigan but he was a free man, he was unmarked.

  “Ambassador Candakeev seems to be in some doubt Mikkal as to your status, are you a slave or a free man?”

  “What am I supposed to say?” Mikkal asked.

  “The truth, Mikkal, to make it simpler for you if you are free; I shall ask my sister to authorise your deportation back to Kochab. Now will you be my slave or not?”

  “I have no choice do I? I’m a slave, Marina. I accept you as my mistress.”

  “Does that satisfy you Ambassador Candakeev?” Marina asked.

  “It seems very irregular to me, what will happen to him in Kochab?”

  “King Ga’Mishrin will kill him, I’d guess slowly and imaginatively.”

  “Then he probably made a wise decision.”

  “He has a lot to learn. Colonel Letinza take this insolent slave away and have him flogged, remind him how to address a Princess of the Blood Royal. Zadina you’re still behind on your blood donations, please bring it up to date or maybe I’ll have to come and let a little of your blood myself.”

  “Ma’am please I beg you, don’t have me beaten. I promise to behave.”

  “Thirty strokes, Letinza, double if he makes a noise. I’ll see you later Mikkal; if I get a good report from Letinza.”

  Ga’Mikkal was led away with his head hung low, perhaps he hadn’t made a good deal after all. Zadina had at least always beaten him herself; she hadn’t ordered servants to do it. He realised for the first time that he really had no choice but to accept Marina’s orders. He was now a slave nothing more. He’d never understood
before why a slave would rather be beaten by his mistress than another.

  Marina was not being particularly cruel. The beating would serve two purposes. The first was to impress upon Mikkal the fact that her orders must always be obeyed and properly. The second was as a protection from Zadina. Zadina had not realised Marina was taking him at his request, if she ever did so and got her hands on him, what she would do to him would be far worse than a flogging given by some weakling of a servant.

  By publicly ordering him to be flogged, Zadina would believe Mikkal was a reluctant trophy requested by Marina out of spite. Zadina actually felt sorry for Mikkal and determined to retrieve him as soon as she could. “I will make it up to him, everything he suffers at Marina’s hands on my behalf. He was a tower of strength during the Temple siege, his advice not to disrupt the funeral was correct. I didn’t treat him well. I vow if I ever get to be queen, I’ll let Prince Ga’Mikkal share the throne with me as equal partners.”

  Some of the crowd thinned out. Vellina bore Riyal off after he gave Marina a somewhat over demonstrative kiss, back to the hospital. Klivina took Cucat off to bed and Stenlina retired for an afternoon’s nap. Zadina still had not left and Marina turned and asked if there remained any unsettled business.

  “Am I to return to the Temple?”

  “You may do as you wish, that was my promise. It still stands.”

  “My followers are hungry, if I am to be imprisoned in the Temple, please may they leave and go about their business?”

  “It is not the policy of this planet to imprison anyone. You have been held by the people of Hemithea in the Temple. I can ask them to leave you alone, perhaps your humiliation will satisfy them. I’ll order a battalion to allow those who wish to leave to do so, and will guarantee you are supplied with sufficient food to feed those that remain. I do not order you to remain in the Temple. You have other houses, should you wish to visit your estates you may do so, if you give General Vlama two days’ notice she will arrange an escort for you.”


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