Champion of Zenina

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Champion of Zenina Page 15

by Giselle Marks

  “You want to have all three of us?”

  “If you’d like to, if you agree to my terms?”

  The lads conferred amongst themselves and agreed to take Marina home with them. Ondiella watched from the shadows and followed the four. She could not hear the conversation but had seen the knife fall. She was not sure if Marina was safe or not but the idea of them hurting Marina bothered her. She told herself not to be silly. “If they kill her it would save me a job.”

  The group reached one of the dwelling tunnels and stopped in front of a dwelling that was lit and furnished. They went in as Ondiella lurked outside. The main tunnel was two stories high there and dwellings had been built on either side with a balcony and another layer of dwellings above the lower level dwellings. A few of the dwellings were lit but on most the doors were missing or hung loose on emptiness where the contents had been removed.

  Marina expected their warren to be filthy and her expectations were fulfilled. She set about organising two of the lads to clean up whilst she blitzed the bathroom. She stood in the doorway of the room and cleaned it telekinetically. It did not take long and she hurled the rubbish to the other end of the flat where the two lads were cleaning.

  She thought there would be rats down here on any other planet. The bathroom clean, she instructed their leader to bath whilst she considered the sleeping alcoves. She selected the largest alcove and stripped the bed of its grimy bedding. This too flew to the kitchen and straight into a washing machine which Marina switched on without entering the kitchen. She loathed filth and untidiness, but she also disliked housework.

  She had solved the conundrum by developing her telekinetic skills to great effect. She cleared all the empty bottles, food containers and other junk from the ledges around the bed very swiftly. She searched the cupboards and finally found clean bedding and remade the bed. Then she extracted the clean lad from the bath and took him to bed with her.

  It was several hours later that Marina got dressed in a clean tidy flat accompanied by three quiet cleanly dressed young men. They were all tired but cheerful. Marina cooked a simple meal for them in the now clean kitchen and left them to eat. She headed out of the dwelling alone and walked off in the opposite direction she had come in. She intended to return to upper New Vendenor by another route. She had much to think about. It was a bit much when complete strangers told you it was your duty to fight to be queen. She had been trying to forget about that.

  Marina felt guilty all round. She felt guilty for not wanting to return to Zenina and fight Dalzina. Guilty for not reporting the lads for attacking her, because she thought they would try to rape again. Guilty that she had written them a letter of introduction to the Bellatrix Zeninan Embassy requesting free passage for the boys to Zenina. She felt even more in the wrong because she had lied to them about how they would be treated when they got there, if they chose to do so. For the letter of introduction to Kapalina she had also written had hinted at how she had met them and Kapalina would make sure they found owners.

  She tried justifying her actions by telling herself Bellatrix was self-governing and it wasn’t up to her to interfere in their policing. Nor had she any proof it would happen again, but she did not believe it. Men who wanted to rape usually became repeat offenders unless something major altered their way of thinking. She walked along on the tunnel floor and Ondiella followed her on the balcony above.

  In places the cement had perished and blocks had broken off or fallen into piles that Ondiella had to step around. Marina caught a thought quite clearly and turned around seeking its generator. Just them Ondiella stumbled over a pile of rubble and fell, knocking a few precariously lying slabs off the edge. One of the slabs hit Marina as she sought out her pursuer.

  The accident caught Marina off guard. She slumped to the ground, blue blood gushing from a deep cut in her head. She lay still, not seeming to breathe. Ondiella went to check. Marina appeared to be dead. So Ondiella sought an exit to the town above. Less than a hundred metres on was a lift, Ondiella went to it, but Marina stirred.

  “What do I do now? She’s not dead. I could hit her again,” but despite her earlier plans Ondiella’s stomach became queasy at the thought. It did not seem right to kill someone who was unconscious. She used the lift, finding that the exit on the level above it was near to the city bubble wall. A series of maintenance doors were close by. Ondiella went to the first door. It opened, as did the second. The third and outer door was locked. Ondiella used her blaster on the lock and went out into the endless night. Bellatrix was bitterly cold; she went back in at once.

  When she arrived in Bellatrix she had been told it was impossible to exist on the surface of Bellatrix without the proper protective clothing for more than half an hour. So Ondiella looked around for a special suit. She found a small maintenance room where the suits were stored. A bunch of master keys were hanging on the wall. She clambered into one and took the keys, locking the door behind her. Useless security, she thought to herself.

  Then she went back down the lift to Marina. She was still unconscious but was clearly breathing. Ondiella struggled to pull the rubble off her and dragged her to the lift. The lift ascended, the doors opened but there was still no one around. She dragged Marina though the bubble wall doors and out onto the planet’s surface. Struggling she managed to drag Marina a couple of hundred yards from the city. She dumped her behind a small hillock, where she couldn’t be seen from inside the city. Then Ondiella returned the way she came locking the two internal doors behind her. She stripped off the suit and raced back to her hotel room.

  The next morning, no one missed Marina but a workman found the suit and stains of blue blood and found himself locked out from his place of work. So he went to report it to his superior. The superior was more concerned about the suit than the blood stains but the locked doors were opened and they found the blasted lock. They mended the door but didn’t go looking for a body.

  Chapter Thirty-five - First Lessons

  Marina’s body had shut down most functions, but she eventually woke. It was past breakfast and she was hungry, cold and her head and body were sore. She felt like she had been dragged over cactus. She looked around and realised where she was. The simplest way to get back inside would be to self-transport. She called Chilka who was still in bed with Riyal and asked for her coordinates. Chilka gave them without thinking. Shortly afterwards Marina transported herself there. She looked a mess. Her clothes were bloody, torn and dirty. It took an hour in a hot bath to get her blood re-circulating properly so she felt warm once more. She was pleased to see Riyal and explained what had happened. No she didn’t know who her attacker was, but she’d be more careful in future.

  Riyal wanted to know her plans.

  “I’ve nearly finished here. I’ll stay another week and go to Alpha. It’s as good a place as any to rest whilst I decide what to do next.”

  Chilka and Riyal were unanimous in thinking she should go straight home to Zenina and get the throne. But she said no, she wasn’t ready. She still did not want to be queen and felt the time was not ripe for her return. Chilka said she was just making excuses and Riyal told her Zenina needed her, but she remained stubborn. The three of them breakfasted together and then went together to the hospital. Marina’s head wound had healed before they got there. Marina set to work with Chilka assisting. Riyal sat and watched. They were working systematically through a children’s ward ignoring the simple fractures and minor complaints and concentrating on the more serious cases.

  One little girl lay separate close to the nurses’ station but most of the staff were watching Marina. The girl had been operated on the day before by Bellatrese doctors for a serious internal problem. Then blood spurted from the girl’s mouth and Riyal rushed over to her, placing his hands upon her without thinking. He had watched Vellina and been with her thoughts whilst she healed many times, that he knew without conscious thought what to do. The girl stopped haemorrhaging almost immediately and he set about repairing th
e rest of the damage. Marina came over and asked him if he had been studying medicine.

  “No, I watched Vellina a lot and just knew what to do.”

  “Knowing what to do and being able to, are very different. I’ve been able to help others regenerate since I was a small child but many Golds and Silvers don’t learn until they’re properly trained. Some never learn. Do you feel tired now?”

  “Not very, but I think I used more energy then I needed to.”

  “Very probably, well you might as well come and help, but I’d prefer you under my supervision. It is easy to make mistakes on children’s regeneration.”

  They worked together for the rest of the day and did far more than Marina would have managed alone. Riyal learned a lot more about healing because Marina taught as she healed. Ondiella waited in her hotel room for someone to discover the body. She had the newspapers sent in, now after Jang’s apology much more pro-Zeninan in tone. There was no mention of Marina being missing or dead. After two days she went to the hospital and asked for Marina herself.

  “She’s in ward three at the moment,” said the receptionist.

  From then on Ondiella followed Marina at a distance but there were always too many people. New Vendenor was a horribly safe place. There was nothing dangerous to push her under or into. It was not a place easy for an assassin. The epidemic over, the other Gold and Silver Doctors returned with the nurses to Zenina, taking a Zeninan passenger ship. Ivla had joined up with Marina’s group and they stayed together with Dinka who refused to go home and leave them. Marina said she would pack up and set off for Alpha and Riyal said he would follow in his own ship.

  So Marina said goodbye to Jang and the Lady Mayor and set off. She would see Riyal in a few weeks’ time in Alpha. Ondiella had no problem discovering their destination and followed. The headaches had been getting worse, but she didn’t know they indicated colour change was close. The hair on her body was slightly fairer but she decided she must have some dietary deficiency and picked up some mineral and vitamin supplements that the pharmacist recommended for early pregnancy, which she took religiously. She took a fast Zeninan passenger ship to Alpha. Let Dalzina complain about the cost, she thought.

  Chapter Thirty-six - Going Back

  Jessina and Floren had rejoined her parents in Alpha some months earlier. They had been ecstatic to get Floren and her back alive. Father Debenden who had travelled with them, reported to the Roman Catholic Mission in Gandora, the capitol city. News from Zenina was slow coming but at last the news of Plavina’s coronation reached Father Debenden. A Zeninan sailor came to the Mission to attend mass during her on-shore leave. Father Debenden interrogated her.

  “Is Princess Marina still alive?”

  “Yes, she survived the bomb blast that took out her mother. She was alive when I left Zenina but I’ve been all the way around the Empire since I left Zenina. Anything could have happened in that time. The situation in Zenina is always unsettled for a few years after a new queen is crowned.”

  Father Debenden sought Jessina after school, returning home with her. Jessina wished to go back to Zenina. She wanted to be with Marina. They went into the house and Jessina told her mother what she intended to do. Belaza Callabam had been expecting and dreading it. She tried briefly to dissuade her, but knew Jessina was determined, so she kissed her and gave her blessing.

  Ceckil Callabam was early coming home that day, so Father Debenden had not left when he arrived. Belaza tried to break the idea to him gently, but it was no good. He was absolutely furious any child of his should prefer to live anywhere but with him. He forbad her utterly to go and told Father Debenden to get out. Father Debenden pleaded with him to reconsider but Callabam was unmovable. No daughter of his was going to live on that debauched planet.

  Father Debenden returned to the mission and prayed for Jessina. He did not know what to do but he waited for God to give him an answer. He did not have to wait long. Two days later a veiled lady came to give her confession. The words that came out were not what he expected.

  “Will you accompany Jessina back to Zenina?”


  “Be packed and wait at Gandora space-port tonight at eight.”

  Belaza left the confessional and walked straight to her waiting hover-car. That evening as he waited for Jessina he was bustled onto a private space craft. Jessina was already on board. The crew had been instructed and took off for Hemithea without a moment’s delay. Jessina and Father Debenden were the only passengers, but as they left Alpha, Marina was only a few thousands of miles away.

  Chapter Thirty-seven – Alpha

  The doors of the National Alphan Bank, Gandora branch opened for a new days’ business. Half an hour later a slim young woman with dark gold hair entered and walked over to the Enquiries desk. She drew off a ring and handed it over to the bemused clerk.

  “Show this to Mrs Cordeman and ask her if I can see her please.”

  “Your name, Miss?”


  “Just Marina?”

  “That’s correct.

  Marilyn Cordeman was deeply engrossed in an interview with a prospective mortgagee. When her secretary entered with the ring, she was irked to be interrupted. She looked at the ring and smiled.

  “Ask the lady to wait one minute, very politely.”

  She turned to the man seated across the desk from her and apologized to him.

  “I’m sorry Mr Sandang, something important has come up. I’ll keep the papers for a day or two and think about your proposal. I’ll come back to you. Thank you.”

  The surprised Mr Sandang was ushered out and the papers were briskly put away. Mrs Cordeman went out to welcome the princess. She didn’t gush publically, Marina preferred relative anonymity, but she personally showed her into her office, returning the ring.

  “Good morning, your royal highness.”

  “Good of you to see me so soon, Marilyn.”

  “My pleasure. May I offer you a drink or some coffee, ma’am?”

  “It’s a bit early for me, thanks.”

  Marilyn Cordeman had dozens of questions she would have liked to ask. For example; what was Marina doing in Alpha? Was it true she was in exile? Was there going to be a war in Zenina? But she restricted herself to asking politely, “How can I assist you, ma’am?”

  “I presume my Zeninan Account is frozen?”

  “Three weeks ago. Stopped and I believe confiscated.”

  “Do I still have an account with your bank?”

  “Of course, ma’am.”

  “Was no attempt made to confiscate it?”

  “There was an attempt made by the new Zeninan queen but it was turned down. Your money is perfectly safe with us.”

  “Do you have any idea how the Zigan banks are treating the matter?”

  “With contempt, I believe. The new Queen Dalzina appears to have made a lot of enemies.”

  “Quite probably. I’d like to close my account, draw out the cash and put most of it back under a new name. Just in case.”

  “”What name did you have in mind?”

  “Millenza Mayna will do.”

  “I’ll see to it personally.”

  “Thank you. How’s your new husband? Wasn’t his name Bram?”

  “Bramsen’s beginning to pall a little.”

  “Shame you can’t trade him in for a younger model.”

  “Will you stay in Alpha long?”

  “I don’t know yet. I’m temporarily in voluntary exile. I thought a month’s holiday before I make a decision.”

  Marina’s next stop was the Zeninan Embassy. She walked straight in and asked for Yanzala, the Ambassador. Yanzala appeared before she finished asking for her.

  “Marina, I’m sorry about Plavina.”

  “It was to be expected. Do you stay with Dalzina?”

  “I’m a diplomat. My loyalty is to whoever is in power. I heard you were in Alpha. I’ve been told to give you no assistance. Dalzina has had your passport r
evoked and insists I deny you Embassy facilities. I’d prefer you were queen but I can’t change how things are. There’s a pile of messages for you. I shouldn’t hand them over, but I don’t see the point of being petty. Privately, I hope we remain friends.”

  “Of course, you’re just doing your job. Pity I can’t help at the Embassy clinic either.”

  “Better not, Dalzina would find out and I’ll be recalled.”

  “I’ll take my mail and go.”

  The Zigan Embassy was a huge beige marble structure in the most respectable quarter of town. An expensively dressed receptionist ignored Marina’s entrance. Marina rapped on the desk loudly. The receptionist reluctantly raised her head from the study of her fingernails and arrogantly stared at Marina. Her eyes took in the quiet elegance of Marina’s cream designer suit and neat figure and decided to acknowledge her existence.

  “Yes?” The receptionist enunciated.

  “I wish to see the Ambassador, please,” said Marina.

  “He’s busy. If you go through to the main office through that door over there, one of the clerks will be able to assist you.”

  “Tell the Ambassador; Princess Marina wants to see him. Now please.”

  The receptionist looked at Marina once more and a faint smile lifted the corners of her crimson painted mouth. She wondered where Marina was a princess of, the accent was not Markaban. Markaban Union Princesses were numerous and of no importance. There was a touch of steel within this woman; it was possible she was actually important. Better not to offend her if she was, she decided. The receptionist touched a switch in front of her and spoke to the Ambassador’s secretary.

  “Would you tell the Ambassador that a “Princess Marina” wants to see him and ask if he’s available?”

  A few seconds later, a large blond man carrying a few pounds too many, swept through a pair of carved wooden doors. He bounded up to Marina, hugged her and dragged her off to his office.


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