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Champion of Zenina

Page 18

by Giselle Marks

  Marina handed the bowl to a server and asked him to dispose of it carefully, then requested a bottle of strong spirits, a large glass and another bowl. Whilst these were fetched she told Quesden.

  “I’ve been poisoned, Quesden. Don’t blame yourself. I know you’re not responsible for it. Could you have the kitchen staff summoned, so I can find the culprit, please?”

  The remains of the dishes made for her had been left on the sideboard, and Marina suggested they were not removed. The bottle of spirits came and she drank the whole bottle down.

  “I’m cleaning the poison from my blood stream,” she said.

  A few minutes later she cut her left wrist over the bowl and pale pink clear fluid surged out. Several pints of liquid flowed out before a drop of blue Zeninan blood appeared. Marina squeezed out a few more drops of blood before healing her wrist and having the clutter taken away and carefully disposed of.

  The kitchen staff appeared under armed guard and lined up. Marina walked down the line, feeling their emotions for guilt or fear. She reached the young chef and walked past him down the line. Then she returned to him and asked him to remain. The others she thanked for a delicious meal and dismissed them.

  When the doors had closed behind them, she handed the remains of the mushrooms and a fork to the cook and ordered him to eat them. His colour fled from his face. He turned to run but found two of Quesden’s guards stood sentinel in front of the doors.

  “There’s nowhere to run. I know you added poison to my food, who paid you?

  “I’m sorry, your royal highness, but I don’t know the lady’s name. I’m to meet her tomorrow to collect the rest of the money if you died.”

  “Picture the woman in your head.”

  The cook did as he was told and Marina recognised Ondiella. She knew Ondiella must have Zeninan financial backing as she did not have the funds to bribe the chef or follow her that far. Divak said Ondiella had departed just after Marina left Zenina. It had not seemed connected. She remembered back to Old Vendenor and the flash of thought following her, knowing with conviction it had been Ondiella. Ondiella had left her outside the city walls to die.

  Marina sent her mind searching for Ondiella throughout the city. It took some minutes to match up Ondiella’s thought patterns but she located her. She was in a hotel room down-town. She touched her mind but found a familiar jumble of thoughts and delirium. Ondiella was not well, she was in colour shock. Marina realised Ondiella’s chances of survival without help were low. Her death would solve the problem. A dead woman won’t try to kill again.

  Marina began to withdraw her thoughts when a small primal mind touched hers. Ondiella had another child within her. Marina thought of her brother. His last call had been so unhappy but he had not complained. He had mourned the loss of Ondiella, telling his sister of his deep love for her. He hated serving women he did not desire. Divak was genuinely in love with Ondiella. His heart might not break if she died, but he would not forgive Marina if she let her die knowingly. Whether Ondiella deserved to die or not, the child was innocent of all guilt. Marina had no choice but help Ondiella live.

  Around her in the presidential dining-room, the air was full of questions and chatter. Her sitting stock still, unresponsive with her eyes vacant filled them with concern. Had the poison gone too far into her system for even Marina’s drastic purging to be effective? Marina’s return to her body reassured them, even if they did not understand what had happened. “I’m sorry I was absent, I’ve located the person responsible for poisoning me. I regret I’ll have to leave to deal with the lady concerned. The lady is known to me; she is not Alphan. How Quesden wishes to deal with the cook is his decision. I will not lay charges, although he might be better employed where he can’t be bribed.”

  She turned to Cars, “I apologize but I must break our date, Cars. If you call me tomorrow we could reschedule.”

  He laughed at her bare face and promised to call.

  “The rule of law operates in Alpha. You are not to take the law into your hands. We will not tolerate corpses strewn around of those who offend you,” Quesden reminded Marina.

  “You needn’t worry Quesden. I’m not going to kill her. My brother is in love with the girl. I must hurry, she’s started colour change. I go to try and save her life.”

  So saying she transported from the room, thinking resentfully she was ravenously hungry and it would be several hours before she could eat and she had been looking forward to exercising Cars.

  “Well I’ll have to enjoy anticipating him a little longer.”

  Chapter Forty-three - The Colour of My Mind

  Marina reappeared in Ondiella’s bedroom. Ondiella shook and rolled in the bed. Her colour was already Blue with faint Green spotting. Marina stripped off the bedcovers and removed the nightdress Ondiella wore. She switched the air-conditioning to its highest setting. Then she sat at her side and held her arms down onto the bed to restrain her.

  Marina pushed her mind into the screaming chaos of Ondiella’s mind. Ondiella’s colour changed continuously, the Green fading and Silver crazing over the Blue before it had completely disappeared. The change was late coming and was rushing in too fast. Marina comforted the symbiotes trying to slow the change down, so Ondiella’s mind and body had a chance to adapt. The speed of change slowed slightly.

  Marina was worried, Ondiella was resisting change. If she did not accept the symbiotes, she would die. Marina called Chilka, Ivla and Dinka to the hotel. If she could not save Ondiella she would have to remove the child, it would need a new host mother. Chilka or Dinka might agree to carry the child.

  Ondiella was now Silver and Marina within her mind tried to wake her. She dragged Ondiella’s id from its hiding place and forced it to admit to its own existence. She told her who she was and what she was doing. Her id understood her and tried to flee but Marina had a firm grasp, detaining her. She explained to Ondiella what she required of her. Ondiella didn’t want to obey her instructions. She refused to fight to live but Marina was merciless.

  “You haven’t got the right to die, as you will destroy Divak’s daughter. You must obey me and take control of your mind.”

  The death of her child motivated Ondiella’s subconscious to act. As darker spots formed on Ondiella’s Silver skin, she breathed more naturally and her body quietened. Marina guided her mind, reducing the pain, sharing it. The darker pewter coloured spots spread over her body; a few golden threads engraved themselves like spider’s lace upon her skin.

  Tiny golden spots scattered over her, but after a few seconds they faded with the golden threads leaving a whole colour once more. Ondiella’s breathing eased and deepened. Her eyes fluttered opened and looked at Marina. They flashed with fear but Marina reassured her everything was all right. She should sleep, Chilka would be here soon.

  Marina laughed to herself. “Divak thinks he’s fallen in love with a quiet gentle woman, Ondiella will be the first Ebony to be described so. If she’s been quiet so far, it must be the result of considerable childhood trauma and brain washing.”

  Marina wondered what Ondiella would become this fecund much loved poisoner. “Divak will have an interesting life with Ondiella; he’ll have no chance to get bored. He’ll be too busy ducking the crockery.”

  Marina was exhausted and hungry. She rang room service ordering food generously for four. A shame Dalzina would not be picking up the tab. Chilka, Ivla and Dinka arrived just before the food and they ate whilst Ondiella slept. Chilka remained with Ondiella. Marina travelled back to their hotel with Ivla and Dinka. The three of them stopped off to have a beer in the hotel bar.

  Marina left Ivla and Dinka discussing the state of the universe with a couple of local lads, who seemed to be of the opinion all its problems could be solved by everyone getting enough. The girls were prepared to agree with them. After a few more drinks and some jocular conversation they decided to improve their own area of the universe by paired physical exercise.

  Marina reached her hotel ro
om, but was almost immediately contacted by Jazina, the Zeninan Royal herald. Jazina precariously maintained her position because Dalzina could not think of a suitable replacement. If the announcements were fairly uncontroversial, Jazina was prepared to announce them, but she had not sworn fealty to Dalzina by missing the banquet after the coronation. She had pleaded tiredness because of her advanced old age. As she was not yet 200, no one believed her but Dalzina did not press the matter.

  To Jazina had come deputations from the Rubies, the army and police bypassing their senior officers, the merchants, guilds, university students and professors. Individual people of merit had given her their messages for Princess Marina. Jazina proceeded to read each message verbatim. As far as Jazina was concerned Marina was still a member of the Imperial Council and the rightful queen.

  After the first hour of messages Marina tried to terminate the call.

  “I promised each one to make their views known to you, I’m determined you will hear your peoples’ views.”

  Marina settled down for a long session without hoping Jazina would run out of breath; because telepathic communication required no muscle use. After three hours more Marina attempted to disconnect her mind but Jazina was tenacious and would not be shaken off. On and on the messages went, although all of them said approximately the same thing.

  “Return to Zenina, take the throne. Release us from the bondage of the Fertility Cult and Dalzina and clear up the mess they’re making.”

  When Jazina finally finished the night in Alpha was over. Marina’s head screamed with the press of opinions in her memory tearing at her conscience. She wouldn’t manage another month on Alpha; she would have to move further away from the Zeninan Empire, if she was to postpone taking the crown much longer.

  Prince Ga’Mazadeh had left most of his force in Alpha, they had enjoyed the pleasures of the city life; but they were longing to return home. Their mission was secret so most of the crew knew nothing but some officers were aware why they had left Kochab and read Princess Marina was in Alpha. They decided to try to kidnap Marina in Prince Ga’Mazadeh’s absence. So they sought Marina’s whereabouts.

  Ondiella awoke rested but with a severe headache. Chilka went over to the bed.

  “How are you feeling now, Ondiella?” she enquired.

  “Where’s Marina? She was here, she shouted at me in my mind.”

  “She was here; I’ll call her in a minute. You do know she saved your life, don’t you?”

  “Not for the first time. She came and helped me change colour. I didn’t want to change and fought it, but she reminded me I carried Divak’s daughter and if I died she’d die too. How did she know I’m carrying a girl?”

  “She probably talked to her too, and reassured her about the mental changes you were going through. You’ll be able to talk to your daughter yourself in a week or so.”

  “Why would Marina save my life? She knows I tried to poison her. Why was she so nice to me? It’s not as if it was my first attempt, I failed on Bellatrix too. What can I say to her? I deserve to die,” Ondiella sobbed and burst into tears.

  Chilka did not know how to help. Befriending someone who attempted to kill Marina was strange to her. Marina had pointed out that Ondiella was more a victim of her own mind than herself. Ondiella was to be forgiven but kept where Marina could keep an eye on her.

  Marina transported over not long after. She went to the crying woman and checked her over. Apart from the headache, her Ebony colour and she was over three months pregnant there was nothing physically wrong with her. She was distressed; her wailing was unsettling the baby. If she did not pull herself together she would trigger a miscarriage.

  “Sit up, please Ondiella,” ordered Marina.

  When she didn’t respond Marina repeated the order, reinforcing it with a mental command. Ondiella struggled to sit up and dabbed at her face with a series of soggy pieces of paper.

  “I want to talk to you, Ondiella could you desist from soaking the sheets for a minute?”

  Marina took a clean huge handkerchief from her pocket which she had brought with her for the purpose and wiped Ondiella’s face gently. Ondiella sat there heaving while trying to suppress her sobs.

  “I’d prefer if you looked at me whilst I talk. I know you tried to kill me, I haven’t told the authorities your identity but I can’t guarantee your accomplice won’t give a good description of you. Your crying disturbs your baby. If you continue to howl you risk losing her. You may have changed colour but obstetrically and genetically you’re still of Markaban type. Zeninan genes automatically dominate so your daughter is unlikely to have the same problems.”

  “Normally I’d give a new changer an extract of Kurgian treacle but it isn’t safe in early pregnancy. All I can do to alleviate the pain is to give you a less effective herbal medicine which will make you drowsy and lend you a helmet to shut out the thoughts around you.”

  “I’m sorry I tried to kill you. I don’t know how you can forgive me; all I’ve done is repaid your kindness with wickedness.”

  “I happen to love Divak too. You carry his child; I had no choice but to help you. I’m human. I get angry too but I usually do my duty eventually.”

  “You love Divak? Does he love you too?” asked Ondiella coming to the wrong conclusion and becoming distressed once more.

  “Divak is my brother; of course we love each other. He didn’t want you to know because he wanted you. He knew you hated me and thought if you found out I’m his sister you’d refuse him. The trouble with not telling the truth is there never is a right time to tell. I’m telling you now, because you could learn it by reading our thoughts. Zeninans tend to assume their secrets are known to other telepaths, which is not always the case, but is more practical than thinking you can keep many secrets in Zenina.”

  “I suppose the business appointment at the time of the queen’s funeral was a lie?”

  “Divak has never worked for a living; I pay his bills and give him an allowance. I also paid your bills when you came to Zenina. He still watches over Opak but has been forced to participate in a breeding program by Dalzina. He is not very happy and misses you. Doesn’t Dalzina know Divak is your man?”

  “Of course she knows,” replied Ondiella indignantly.

  “I only wondered, because I thought she’d treat your property with more respect as you work for her. When you arrive back in Zenina you’ll find your daughter has lots of unborn half-sisters and brothers fathered by Divak on women he doesn’t even like. He has no choice but to agree.”

  “But I don’t understand why she should behave like that?”

  “Neither do I, but power is a terrible thing. In the wrong hands it can turn its wielder into a monster. I expect she intends to marry Divak to one of her cronies when her child is born. There is a legacy left for Divak by our mother. It will be paid out to his wife on the birth of their first child. If you want to keep Divak you should return to Zenina at least a month before the child is due and marry him.”

  “Can’t you stop Divak being used in that way? He’s a very sensitive individual; it must be devastating for him.”

  “I’m waiting for the right time to return to Zenina. I’m not going to mess it up by dashing back. Even emotional ties to my brother and my fourteen year old nephew who is also being abused will not make me return too soon to Zenina. If I can hold out another month, I’ll be able to return and start rebuilding Zenina.”

  “The most important thing is for you to rest and learn how to use your expanded mind. You’ve changed colour to Ebony which is a rare colour. The child will be Gold, like her father. You’d best stay with us. You can’t return to Zenina whilst Dalzina is queen and admit failure; you’re as much at risk as we are.”

  Marina paid Ondiella’s bill and moved her into a room next to her own. Chilka and Ivla were going to find the next few weeks troublesome with Ondiella around. Dinka was a very low level telepath and would probably be unaffected by Ondiella’s unsettled brain patterns. Mari
na went back to bed, sleeping for a couple of uninterrupted hours before waking to exercise and lunch.

  The reception rang to inform her Cars Bindal had left a message whilst she was out. There were flowers delivered and several other messages including one from Quesden for her. Marina used the local mechanical means to call Cars and got though easily. She could see his image smiling at her.

  “When can I see you?” he asked.

  “When are you free?” she replied. “I’m on holiday and have no unbreakable arrangements.”

  They agreed to meet up in two hours’ time as he had a meeting he could not easily cancel first. Then they could spend the afternoon together.

  Chapter Forty-four - Neither Earth nor Ocean

  It took Folada a considerable effort to persuade Vellina to her flag ship in the middle of the Tumuldic Sea. Vellina had wanted some explanation but Folada had not been prepared to give one. In the end Vellina gave in leaving her bed in Hemithea, transporting to the co-ordinates Folada provided.

  Vellina recognised Count Nadan and acknowledged him.

  “Is this your doing, half-son?” she enquired.

  “I act upon Neman’s order, half-mother,” he replied bowing, before seating himself on a cargo hatch. Navy boat or not, nothing about the boat looked military and the most dangerous weapons on board were a few harpoons, which were occasionally used to kill off a circling large predator fish when a human was in the sea close by. The sailors did not even wear uniform except in harbour.

  “What are you talking about? Vellina you can’t be half-mother and son to each other, half-brothers and sisters are possible relationships but you’re either mother and son or not.”

  “Nadan’s birth required a complicated process I’ll explain. The female of the sea-people is half fish, half woman, a very strange anthropological combination of cold blood with mammalian attributes. They mate externally; the female produces a huge mass of roe, which the male fertilises, selecting a few healthy specimens to nurture to adulthood. Despite this they have the same number of chromosomes as air breathers and the male of the species can mate with air breathing women. The children of such a union are almost always female, any males usually being infertile.”


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